19|| A Simple Confession

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Hiding your feelings from someone you love is like dying alive.


Nora's heart pounded so fast, it was the only thing she heard. She felt like she was running a marathon. She couldn't believe her ears.

“Y-You…” Nora gaped unable to form a coherent sentence. “what on earth do you think you are doing?!”

“It's simple really. Nora, you are the one I like,” Andrew confessed. “I just started feeling this way and I can’t control it.” He took in a deep breath. “Nora, if I am making you uncomfortable, you don’t have to respond, you…”

“A-Andrew, how…why do you like me?” Nora asked genuinely confused. It was crazy to her to find out Andrew liked her. “Don't you want someone your age? Someone more mature than me?”

Andrew smiled a bit amused. “You give yourself less credit than you deserve. I really don’t know how to answer that question but you are the one in my mind and heart.”

Nora just gaped unable to respond. Andrew held her hands softly and dropped it just as quickly. “I am not asking you to reply urgently, I want you to think it through and give me an answer.” He stared at her. “that will be enough for me.”

Nora stared back at Andrew speechless and they stayed like that for a while before a phone call interrupted them.

“Excuse me,” Andrew turned away answering the call and Nora turned in the opposite direction in disbelief and giddiness. “What?!”

Nora turned around to see a worried Andrew.


“Why do you suspect Becca? What has she done to make you suspicious?” Stella asked immediately unwilling to believe Brandon.

“There is a man that is always around Becca recently. I just found out that the man uses a false identity,” Brandon explained. “I have no idea why but it won’t hurt to be cautious. That man was at your coming back party Stella, we can’t take any chances.”

Stella looked down trying to understand what this meant. “Do you suspect she is behind everything?”

“Nothing is impossible. She might not be the one but she might be related to the situation,” Brandon honestly answered, sad to see Stella so conflicted. “I just want you to be wary of her.”

Stella pursed her lips worriedly. “But Becca is my friend…there is no way...why would she…?”

Brandon held her hands on the table and she looked at him. “Stella, please don’t worry. I know how it feels to look at everyone around you and worry about whether they are genuine or not.”

“Just trust me, I will make sure everything is right. You and your family will never live in fear again,” Brandon promised holding Stella’s gaze and she nodded hesitantly.

Stella glanced at their clasped hands and wondered why she always felt so reassured with Brandon. She looked at him again.

“Brandon!” Andrew burst in startling them and they let go. Brandon glared but noted Andrew's distress. “there is an emergency!”

“What is it?” Brandon asked as he and Stella got up. Andrew glanced at Stella and Brandon got the message. “Stella, sorry I have to leave like this.”

“It's fine, go” Stella urged and Brandon nodded, rushing out with Andrew. Nora and Stella looked at each other. “Do you know why they left?”

“No, Andrew didn’t tell me.” Nora answered timidly and Stella pursed her lips worried. She stepped out and Nora followed her.


At the police station, Brandon, Diyemi and Andrew stood in a line facing their superior, the head of the detective department. The mood was grim.

“So the only perpetrator we have was killed in our custody,” the head detective said slowly. “Where were you all when it happened?!”

“After so long, we finally got a confirmed suspect and now it is gone. Why wasn’t he protected properly?! Now we are back at square one!” the head detective yelled. “What do we do now?”

Brandon, Diyemi and Andrew stood quietly not knowing how to answer. “how long has this case been going on? Four years? Five years? And not one single progress?!” the head detective growled. “I am dismissing you from this case!”

“Sir!” Brandon exclaimed panicked.

“Don’t Sir me. You all have failed in your duties far too many times–” the head detective said sternly, getting interrupted by a knock on the door. “Yes?”

A woman opened the door and walked in. “Sir, the forensic report for the suspect in the Esoro case, Adamu Muktar is here.”

“What does it say?”

“It was arsenic poisoning Sir, from the food he ate. The officers said he was visited by his mother and the food she gave him was filled with arsenic poison.” The woman reported.

Diyemi and Andrew looked shocked to hear a mother would kill their child like that. Brandon looked more serious to hear this.

“Have you gone to bring in his mother?”

“Officer Bankole has gone there already, he should be back soon.” The woman answered and the head of detective nodded satisfied.

Another knock sounded at the door and everyone exchanged looks. “Come in,” the head detective said and Officer Bankole stepped in.

“Sir, there is a problem.”

“Why do you smell like smoke?” Brandon couldn’t help but ask. Everyone realised that was true and stared expectantly.

Officer Bankole pressed his lips together hesitantly. “The house of Adamu Muktar's house was burnt down. His mother is dead.”

Brandon’s blood turned cold and everyone stared in shock. “Are you sure?!” The head detective exclaimed.

“Yes sir. When I got there, the firefighters were just putting it out. There were some other casualties but Adamu Muktar's mother is dead for sure.”

The head detective sat down slowly deep in thought at the major turn of events.


Stella and Nora arrived at the Esoro mansion in silence. “Are you alright Stella? You looked upset?” Nora finally asked. She had observed Stella’s mood.

“I’m fine,” Stella smiled at Nora’s concern.

“Did you and Brandon make up?”

Stella smiled genuinely this time. “Yeah. I think we did.”

They stepped inside the house and met Marlene and Roxy seated on the couch, talking about a card in their hand. Chinaza was at the balcony painting.

“Hey you!” Marlene referred to Chinaza. “don’t you have a studio to do this rubbish?! Why must you turn our balcony to one?”

Chinaza glanced at her, then pointedly put on her headphones and looked away. Marlene snarled, “rude brat.”

“Mom, let Chinaza be” Stella said with a soft sigh, making her presence known.

Marlene beamed to see Stella. “Stella, you came hone early,” she got up to hug Stella while Roxy smiled at Stella and Stella acknowledged her.

They sat down and Nora greeted Marlene and Roxy before going to her room.

“Something came up,“ Stella answered, her mind drifting to her discussion with Brandon. She shook the thoughts off, “what is that about?”

Marlene smiled again, “I am glad you asked. One of your course mates in university sent me this.” She held up a wedding invitation. “a wedding invitation, she is getting married.”

“That’s…great,” Stella said awkwardly considering she didn’t remember the person. She took a look at the card.

“She is quite younger than you, 26 years old and she is getting married,” Marlene sighed wistfully. “her mother will have grandkids soon.”

“There was a time in my life when I didn’t know who I was, my age, my tribe...” Stella thoughtfully said at the mention of age.

“You are here now, and you know who you are,” Roxy spoke up in encouragement. “you made no mistake coming back.”

Stella smiled at Roxy's sweetness. Marlene nodded, “Roxy is right but what I am trying to say is, when are you getting married?”

Stella was dumbfounded. “Marriage? At this critical time in my life?” she shook her head. “I have way too many things right now before I consider marriage.”

“Does that mean you aren’t going to marry your boyfriend?” Marlene gaped.

“I didn’t say that,” Stella pressed her forehead, feeling an headache. “Gosh, I’m not discussing this. I'm going to bed.”

“Stella!” Marlene called appalled as Stella walked away feigning tiredness. She pursed her lips, “if she won't marry her boyfriend, it won’t be bad to set her up with Tayo.”

Roxy looked at Marlene in disbelief but swallowed her opinions and looked away.

In her room, Stella laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. She thought over and over again about the life she was living and genuinely wondered something.

“Stella of the past, were you really happy?” she muttered.


That night at the hospital, Deji walked to his office after being informed that someone came to see him. He desperately hoped it wasn’t Megan.

“Good evening,” Deji greeted as soon as he stepped in and he paused to see Tayo seated like he owned the place.

He frowned. “What are you doing here?”

If Deji were asked who he disliked the most after knowing about Stella’s life, it was Tayo. He hates the way he stares at Stella, he had mischief written all over him.

“I came to see you.” Tayo answered getting up.

“Why? You don't seem to need a check up and I doubt you would come to me for one,” Deji said bluntly, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Ah, yes,”  Tayo smirked wickedly. He whipped out a cheque book. “I am here for one thing, we have a similar interest and I really don't like to share so name your price?”

Deji stared at him confused. “what?”

“How much will it take you to leave Stella?” Tayo asked again shocking Deji.

The two men stared at each other; one full of confidence and the other in disbelief.


Tayo doesn’t seem to know what no means and is now offering to pay Deji to leave Stella? Will Deji take the offer?
Read more to find out. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE.

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