22|| Evil Among Us

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Some people may decide to hate you for no reason simply because your confidence reminds them of their insecurities.


Becca walked into her house and jumped at the sight of a stranger on her couch. “Lord Jesus,” she breathed, clutching her chest.

“Sky, I have told you to stop staying here. Don’t you have any sense of awareness?” She glared.

“Why are you being so mean? I have a chance to see Stella now and you are chasing me away?” Sky tsked making room for her to sit.

“Need I remind you that you are living with a borrowed identity. You can’t afford to be seen by the police,” Becca gritted.

“I’m being careful, although I feel like I am being followed.” Sky added as an afterthought as Becca sat next to him.

“Then leave,” Becca urged with pleading eyes. “stop making things difficult and go somewhere safe.”

“I…just can’t imagine leaving Stella again. I want to protect her.” Sky revealed.

“Against what Sky? You don’t even know the true enemy. Don’t put me and you in danger and just leave.” Becca stressed.

Sky sat up. “I get it I get it. Relax, I’m leaving next tomorrow.”

Becca breathed in relief. “that’s good.”

Sky rolled his eyes and pinched her cheeks. “You are more beautiful when you don’t worry Reby. Stop worrying too much.”

Becca huffed as Sky walked past her. “You are the cause of my anxiety. Just leave.” She retorted and looked much better after knowing at Sky's plan to leave.


“How dare you?!” Stella yelled, glaring murderously at the woman called her sister in front of her. “I warned you, I told you that you would regret it if you went close to Deji but you did not listen.”

“What is wrong with you? Why are you after Deji? Isn't Brandon good enough for you?!” Stella yelled furiously and Megan narrowed her eyes.

She screamed lunging at Stella with her sharp nails startling Stella but Deji held her back swiftly. Megan turned sharply to him.

“Don't you dare try it,” Deji said stiffly. “You went looking for trouble and you got it. Why are you defensive now.”

“You son of a–” Megan pulled her arm forcefully. She looked at Stella who was shedding angry tears and she scoffed bitterly as Deji went to console her. “You haven’t stopped acting like the victim.”

“You think I'm acting like the victim,” Stella looked at her wryly. “you don’t know anything. What I want to know is why? Why are you doing this? I thought we were getting along last night, like real sisters–”

“Sisters? I hate you Stella, just because I laugh with you doesn’t mean I don’t hate you.” Megan spat spitefully. “You took everything I deserved; my family, my wealth,  everyone I loved, you stole everything.”

Stella stared speechless as Megan ranted.

“Your life just had to be so perfect when you are not that different from the rest of us.” Megan began to cry. “your mom only married our dad, if it wasn’t for that, you would be like me!”

“I have stolen nothing from you,” Stella said firmly, interrupting her self-pity. “I am my own person, I have never needed to take anything that isn't mine. Stop making me the cause of your misfortune!”

Megan glared hatefully at Stella’s denial. “I don’t care what you think. The respect you have was supposed to be mine and now that it has come to this, I will do everything and anything to make you miserable.”

Megan walked away and Stella looked distraught at her declaration. She stumbled slightly and Deji supported her.

“Stella? Stella, are you alright?” he asked concerned.

“I-I'm fine. Let's go, take me from this house.” Stella said dazed and Deji nodded. He led her out of the house gently.


“Stella you look so pale. I feel bad.” Deji touched her hand looking incredibly worried. They were seated in a restaurant.

“I just…I feel overwhelmed, I never realised Megan hated me that badly.” Stella admitted, sipping a cup of tea. “Is what happened any of my fault? Why does she blame me so much?!”

“Don’t think too much Stella, Megan is a woman with a lot of anger and unhealed trauma inside.” Deji said softly and thoughtfully. “she just wants to vent.”

Stella groaned, massaging her forehead. “I’m tired of all this.”

Deji smiled slightly and leaned closer to her side. He pulled her closer and patted her shoulder. “It’s fine, just lean on me. It will all be okay.”

Stella didn’t look convinced but she let herself lean into his embrace. Her thoughts wandered and all she could think about was how empty she felt.


At the Brandon’s house, he sat in his living in a singlet and a trouser with a towel over his neck. He was looking at some documents on his table.

A knock on his door interrupted him and he groaned slightly getting up. “Even on my day off I’m working. I should have just refused it.”

“Who is it?”


Brandon paused and blinked, not quite believing it. “Who is it?” He asked again.


Brandon opened the door and stared surprised to really see Stella. “Stella, you’re here. How did you find my house?”

“I went to see you at the office but I heard it was your day off and I just had to talk to you so I came here,” Stella hurriedly explained. “Diyemi told me.”

“Oh, Diyemi.” Brandon repeated with a slight narrow of his eyes. “come in,” he stepped to the side and Stella walked in. “I wonder what caused you to visit me like this.”

Stella looked around the entire room soaking up the details; the dull fading paint, aging couch in the living room, the humble wooden dining table in the corner, the documents scattered all over.

“Interesting.” She smiled teasingly at him and Brandon huffed. “even on your day off you work. I'm disappointed.”

“Why are you here Stella?” Brandon simply asked, returning to his seat and Stella sat at the couch by his left.

“Ouch, I thought we were friends.” Stella put a hand over her chest dramatically. Brandon rolled his eyes but smiled.

“Friends call each other before visiting.” He glanced at the window and saw the darkening weather. “Did you come driving in that weather? It looks bad.”

“Yeah, it was urgent.” Stella sighed.

“Okay, so what was so important that you had to see me” Brandon smiled humouring her. He put his documents aside.

Stella smiled. “After I got the restraining order against Tayo, I told my sisters and for the first time ever, we bonded ever since my return. They laughed, they found it funny.”

Stella chuckled. “They hate him as much as I do.”

Brandon smiled. “So, what happened?”

“Today, I decided to go on a date with Deji. To reassure him that our relationship is fine, that I love him,” Stella sounded sadder as she spoke not noticing Brandon’s hurt at her words. “but when I went to meet Deji, Megan was flirting with him.”

Brandon pressed his lips in understanding and Stella looked at him so upset. “she laughed with me yesterday Brandon, I thought we were fine. Then today…”

“She kept blaming me for everything. She kept screaming that I stole her life. She hates me so much…is it weird that it hurts?”

“Stella,” Brandon gazed at her softly. “It’s normal to feel hurt after that. It doesn’t make you silly. You just want peace but, no one is going to see that.”

“To them, you are just a reminder of what they could have had.”

Stella looked down sadly at that and Brandon felt bad. “Come here,” he said and Stella got up unsure and went to him.

He pulled her down next to him and hugged her. “It’s alright Stella, that’s all I can say. It’s the only thing I can say to you.”

Stella froze for a moment before sniffing and hugging Brandon back. “thank you,” she whispered. “I knew I would feel better after talking to you.”

Brandon smiled softly. “I’m honoured.”


At the Esoro mansion, Becca walked in lightly drenched as the wind howled and thunder echoed all over the house. The rain beat the windows sounding like stones.

“Becca, what are you doing here?” Roxy said surprised. She looked outside at the roaring wind and relentless rain. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I just came to see Stella, I had something urgent to tell her.” Becca explained, shuddering at a slight chill.

“Oh, Stella left a while ago.” Roxy said apologetically. “I don’t know where she went. Have you tried calling her?”

“The storm is interfering. I thought she would be here.” Becca said disappointed.

“She is probably at her boyfriend’s place, the bitch.” Megan grumbled from a couch in the living room.

“Megan!” Roxy gasped in horror while Becca glared.

“Ignore her Roxy, she doesn’t seem to learn a lesson,” Marlene said, shooting Megan a side eye. Megan scoffed.

Cassandra appeared and she and Marlene glared at each other. “Stella shouldn’t abuse the power she has, she shouldn’t bully my daughter just because she is the heiress.” She said.

“HA!” Marlene barked out laughing. “I have never seen such a shameless woman in my life. You living in the house is enough mercy.”

“We all know you can’t chase us out. Us living together was part of Raphael’s conditions of the will wasn’t it?” Cassandra defended smugly. “why you are here is what I don’t understand. After all, you divorced him.”

A frightening smile appeared on Marlene’s lips. “So you can stay here and try and kill my daughter. Not a chance.”


“It’s enough,” Becca gently stepped in fearing the worst. She looked at Marlene, “It’s fine. I will go back now.”

“Wait, the weather is very bad and I’m hearing that there is a flood.” Roxy suddenly said looking up from her phone.

“Why don’t you stay the night? It is safer.” Marlene suggested and though Becca looked uncomfortable, she couldn’t decline.



Stella walked around the living and dining room observing every single item and detail.

“The weather is only getting worse. Are you fine staying here till the rain stops?” Brandon asked, looking out the window. He turned to Stella.

“Sure,” she answered perfunctorily and picked up a framed picture. “Who is this? She is beautiful.”

Brandon walked over to her and took the picture. His eyes dimmed slightly at the sight of the girl and he spoke with a heavy voice.

“My twin.”

“Your twin? Right, you told me you…had one.” Stella’s voice softened in realisation and she held his shoulder comfortingly. “How long has she been gone?”

“Hmm, nine years or so.” He answered gently dropping the frame and returning to his seat on the couch.

“Can you tell me about her?” Stella softly requested, sitting next to him and Brandon paused considering it.

“I…” Brandon couldn’t help himself and took her hand in his. “her name was Alicia, she was funny, loud and she always loved arguing with me. We rarely agreed on anything.”

Stella smiled.

“For some uncanny reason, I don’t know if it was because we were twins, we were always together. We went to the same school, had the same friends, we even went on dates together, it was crazy.”

“Then the one night I should have been with her, I wasn’t.” Brandon clenched Stella’s hand unable to speak. “she was kidnapped, gang raped and shot to death by some drug drunk psychos.”

“My parents were so heartbroken, Alicia deserved nothing of what happened and I should have been with her,” Brandon began to cry. “I was so close. I could have helped her.”

Stella’s eyes filled with tears at Brandon's pain and she hugged him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“I tried so hard after that day to find out the bastard responsible for it. The detectives in charge of the case were so useless and obviously bought off.” Brandon continued and Stella pulled away to look at him.

“It took me four years, I joined the police force against my parents wishes but it was worth it.” Brandon smiled slightly, “I didn’t do it alone though. I had some help from Tristan.”

“The white guy?”

“You remembered him so quickly.” Brandon couldn’t help but tease.

“He made an impression, that was a memorable day was it not?” Stella teased back and Brandon chuckled.

Stella noticed she had leaned closer to Brandon and she flushed and adjusted herself. She panicked in her inner thoughts. ‘Why did you sit so close to him? Why are you feeling so hot? Stop feeling nervous Stella.’


randon didn’t seem to notice her discomfort and suddenly asked. “Do you want to watch a movie?”


Brandon waved a CD cassette and Stella understood. She nodded with a smile, “yes, let's do that.”


In the dead of the night at the Esoro mansion, the storm had finally come to an end but another storm was brewing in the mansion.

A dark figure roamed the halls silently before stopping in front of a room. The doors quietly creaked open and a knife gleamed in the moonlight as the figure stepped in.

It walked to the sleeping figure on the bed, Cassandra and hovered over her. The figure suddenly covered Cassandra's mouth, waking her up.

Cassandra woke up wide-eyed in shock as she struggled to scream. She stared at her assaulter in fear just as the blade slashed through the air.

A trail of blood flowed down Cassandra’s arm as it dropped to the side limp. The weapon and a familiar piece of jewelry fell to the floor with a clank.

On the drawer, the murderer dropped a red book and opened it to a page. A single sentence was written:

The immoral women must die.

With that, the murderer quietly walked out, leaving devastation in its wake.


Oh my God! Writing the end of this chapter gave me chills. Will the murderer really be found? Stick around to find out. Also,now you know Brandon is a twin,isn't it cute how Stella and Brandon are both twins.

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