Chapter 4: Freak Show

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"I never thought this day would come," Cindy whispered. She grabbed my hand and pushed me back behind the clothes. "When I attack, you run. Got it?"

"What?" I said out of fear. Run? Without her!?

Whatever was behind the door started to slowly knock, taunting us. "I can smell you in there. Just give me the ring, and everything will be okay." It TRIED to mimic a soft voice.

The doorknob slowly turned. Aunt Cindy stood in front of the door, ready to face whatever was behind it. Without warning, the door flew off of its hinges and fell to the ground. Aunt Cindy stood still, making it hard to see what was in front of her. In the blink of an eye, something not human grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air. Whatever it was, now looked at me. I was not sure if it was a man or not, but it was shaped like one.

It wore a hoodie, but this time I could see its face. It was painted white with dark black circles around the eyes. The eyelids were also painted black. He had a septum on his nose and two-dot sized piercings near his eye. On his eyebrows were a series of small rings hanging. Lastly, he wore messy red lipstick on and around his lips and three black dots formed a small circle on his cheeks.

Was he a circus freak? I couldn't quite say. Anything with a voice like that and that strength didn't deserve to be called human. I saw Cindy's neck begin to turn blue while weird black veins started forming on her arms and neck.

"Finally," he said in his voice of two. "She's ours!"

My heart stopped when his yellow eyes met mines. I could no longer feel my body. It was as if his own gaze made me lose control of my body. With Cindy still in his hand, he walked towards the closet.

I finally overcame my trance, grabbed a shoe and threw it at his face. He dropped Aunt Cindy when I ran out of the closest. I ran straight for the stairs. On my way down, I tripped on something, nearly hurting myself when I fell off the end of the stairs. I didn't look until I opened up the front door.

Peter laid sprawled out on the stairs with his head smooshed like a grape. His blood and brains decorated the staircase, the wall, and not to mention my clothes. The rest of his body was bloody with his bones sticking out of his arms and legs. I walked out into the outside, ready to get on my bike and leave. However, someone grabbed me from behind.

I quickly turned around and saw Joe. "What are you doing here?" I said, grabbing my bike.

"You left without your mother's permis-"

The hooded man ran out of the house and grabbed Joe's neck.

"," Joe said, choking from the man's tight grip. "Help!" He managed to yell.

There was a broken liquor bottle on the ground. I reached for it and aimed at the hooded man's face. It broke into large pieces. He released Joe then attended to his eyes. Joe quickly grabbed my hand and started running with me.

"Wait, my aunt!" I yelled.

"She's long gone kid," he said. "Long gone."

Joe stopped when the hooded man started huffing really hard. I turned around and saw fog-like smoke forming around his body. "Good thinking kid," Joe said and took my hand. When I looked back at the hooded man, he was gone...


Joe locked the front door behind me. Sweat poured down his head like a mini shower. I was completely out of breath. "We need to call 911, my aunt is back there!" I snapped. The tears started flowing as I remembered my poor aunt and uncle.

"They won't do crap," he said but looked around. "Where's there phone?"

My mother walked out of her room and into the living room. "What's happening? Why are you with my daughter? Are you okay, Helena?" She asked.

I walked up to her and grabbed her arm. "Peter and Cindy are dead! They're gone," I said, choking on each word. "We have to call the cops, now!" I ran towards the wireless phone myself and attempted to call 911. However, my mother quickly took it out of my hands and slammed it to the floor causing it to break into pieces.

"Why the hell was he you with her?" My mother demanded.

Joe pointed to me. "Your daughter snuck out, I just wanted to see where she was going. Hell, if it weren't for me she'd be dead."

My mother grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her. "Since when did you care about her? Is there something you want from her?" she asked.

Joe looked at me then back at my mother and crossed his arms. "I know who she is and I know what she has. Joe took out a silver pocket knife and quickly laid in on Samantha's throat. "Where is it?" He demanded. "Is she wearing it?"

I took a step back. "Mom!" I screamed.

"You haven't changed a bit," my mother asked.

"Oh, now you remember me?" Joe smiled. "Let's just say I want the ring as much as they do. Don't worry, I won't kill her for it. You on the other hand-"

"How did you know it's with her?" My mother asked. "What if I have it?"

"Because you're a drunk fuck," he said pressing the knife more against her throat. A few drops of blood rolled down her neck.

"The ring is in my room, Joe." She choked. "In my jewelry box."

While they talked, I inched towards the kitchen.

Joe looked at my mother and frowned. "How stupid do you think I am?"

"Where is she?!" Joe yelled when he noticed I was gone. I peeked from behind the kitchen counter. He let go of my mother then looked around.

I ran towards Joe with a kitchen knife in my hand, aiming for his stomach, but he stopped me by grabbing my forearm. "Nice try," he whispered angrily. His eyes were now focused on the ring on my finger. A sinister smile crossed his face. "It's over for you-"

Joe fell to the ground. I looked up and saw my mother holding a handgun. I didn't even know we owned one. Shaking, I wiped the blood off of my face. There was a loud ringing noise in my ear, and my hands wouldn't stop trembling. She had killed him. My lips trembled as my mom reached for my hand. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't feel safe with her and the gun.

I ran out the front door, ready to wave down the next car I saw. I needed to tell the police. My aunt could have still been alive for all I knew. Finally, I saw a car coming towards me. To my surprise, it was a police car. I waved my hands rapidly and watched as the female cop rolled down her window.

"Hey! Please help me!" I yelled.

The police car stopped in front of me. "What happened to you?" the cop asked, horrified from seeing the blood on my face.

"Three people are dead."

The officer talked into her walkie-talkie. "We got a 309. Come with backup. Over."

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