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Yes, here is another harem at school. Now some of you may think I'm obsessed. And well I am, these stories are just so easy for me to write so here we go another harem. By Zenith.

The following races will be featured:

-Fallen angels.
-Human devil/Human angel hybrids.

Name- Victoria
Age- 166
Race- Fallen Angel
Likes- Talking about anything. Books.
Dislikes- Being alone.
Personality- She loves to talk and it may in fact be the thing she is best at. Her convincing skills are beyond compare and some believe she uses magic to assist in such things. She is also an avid reader.
Magic Type- Influence
Quote- "Do you like books?"

Name- Marion (Mary) Incinder
Age- 179
Race- Devil
Likes- Bathing, showering and movies.
Dislikes- Muck.
Personality- She's kind of a clean freak who loves to stay in her room watching movies, tv series or anime. Generally she doesn't leave the confines of her room except to go to class.
Magic Type- Incarceration (She can create and control chains)
Quote- "C-can we see t-that new movie?"

Name- Angela Inquisitor (Younger sister to my OC Karl. So yes daughter of Lucifer himself.)
Age- 150
Race- Demon
Likes- The countryside.
Dislikes- Hell.
Personality- After her brother left Hell to travel across dimensions she's felt lonely, after the revolt of Lucifer's children she has been forgotten as daughter of the Great Devil. And one day she hopes to see her brother again.
Magic Type- Summoning (She can summon lowly beasts of Hell to fight for her.)
Quote- "Y-you remind me of m-my brother."

Name- Maya Necro
Age- 160
Race- Succubus
Likes- Submissive men.
Dislikes- Being dominated.
Personality- Forever entranced by male humans and demons she hopes one day to have her own harem. Or at least to be part of one. She is flirtatious and not afraid to show her adoration for someone.
Magic Type- Mind Control (Allows her to enter peoples dreams and force them to obey her orders.)
Quote- "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Name- Grace Vampiris (daughter of Desmond Vampiris another OC of mine.)
Age- 267
Race- Vampire
Likes- Swords (some may even call it an obsession)
Dislikes- Her father and the company he keeps.
Personality- After her father left to join some insane creature on an interdimensional adventure she became depressed for many years. But has since shut herself off from emotions and the complications that come with them.
Magic Type- Power Drain
Quote- "I haven't felt like this in a long time"

Name- Elisabeth Inquisitor (Older sister of Karl)
Age- 671
Race- Demon
Likes- Annoying her brother.
Dislikes- Her brother or sister being harmed.
Personality- She is very much like Karl, she is lazy and sarcastic. Finds herself very funny and has a sense of humour so dark that Hitler didn't even laugh.
Magic Type- Hellfire
Quote- "Come near my family again and I'll show you a Demon's true power."

I'm leaving the OC for Karl here because he's important to this story.

Name- Karl Inquisitor
Gender- Male
Age- 503
Sexuality- Heterosexual
Description- Short red hair down to his ears, a pair of goat horns sprouting from his skull. Pink eyes and no facial hair. He's 6ft 8 and quite skinny yet tough.
Skills- Trained with a whole array of demonic weapons.
Personality- Lazy and Sarcastic.
Usual Clothes- A relaxed pair of red trousers and a t-shirt with cthulu on it.
Other- Spends his free time asleep or getting laid.
Weapon of choice- Creates all manner of weapons from hell fire with no preference.
Quote- "Wow, you must think yourself really powerful to defeat a demon."

So let me know what you think, afterall what you say matters. But not enough for me to cancel the story. Let me know what kind of ability you would like. Don't worry about the ages. In Demon years they're teens. Trust me, I've been there. And dissected them. But enough if my social life. Zenith Out...

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