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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. Neon pink and blue, dancing in front of her eyes in tantalizing swirls, pockets of bright white piercing through, able to be seen long after she closed her eyes and looked away. They engulfed the darkness of the starless sky clouded by the smoke of the city, keeping the entire world awake and alive, the light reaching up towards the heavens in a sea of color so bright that no eyes could look at them straight on.

A figure squinted as she turned away from the bright lights of Times Square, looking out towards the swarm of people all with places to go and things to see, so unaware of the darkness just past the safety of the glow they basked underneath, holding miniature shields in the palms of their hands, dim lights bringing the illusion of the same safety, their screams falling upon covered ears should their lights not be enough to ward off the darkness they desperately hid from.

If one were to look on, they would see a lost seeming woman. None ever looked on, however, not in this city. Too busy for the triflings of their fellow mortal being. Not callous, just committed. Not heartless, just habitual. Too used to the lack of concern to find concern within themselves, yet filled with an awareness to know better than to be unconcerned for the safety of life in general. They weren't soulless, they just weren't surprised.

This woman—in some form of a sense—was not lost, but rather gathering herself. Adjusting to a form previously never given to her, adjusting to a new sense of terms—she, her, woman, human—adjusting to a new kind of living that she previously never possessed. She was a woman who would have fit right in if not for her unfortunate paradoxical nature; she had too much to worry to trifle with the dealings of others as she was on a mission to greatly trifle with the dealings of others.

Taking a deep breath, she proceeded to test out her new appendages, rolling her shoulders and shaking out her arms and legs, shifting her eyebrows and making shapes with her mouth. Any and all information this form once had was given to her all at once, becoming like her own, yet not, and she took a moment to speak to the soul she shared the form with.

"You are safe. Do you feel safe?" she asked, for while she was aware of far more than any other figure puttering about around her, the same could not be said for the other soul within the form.

"Yes, I feel safe. Do I have to watch everything? What you've described, I don't know if I want to see it all," the individual replied, and she inwardly nodded in a complete understanding.

"Of course not. Just go to sleep, I will wake you should I need to talk to you. Just rest. We will keep you safe," she promised, because she would not be the only one to keep the soul and the body out of harm's way, and the soul believed that as well.

She felt the other individual within the body drift from consciousness, and she took a deep breath, the form coughing immediately after, but she gained her bearings, starting to walk towards the side streets where the lights began to dim and the shadows began to shift amongst the darkness.

From what the soul knew, Hell's Kitchen wasn't far at all from Times Square. It was always interesting to her, the being controlling the form, that one of her targets was so protective of such a small area. Yet it made sense; in a vast world, there weren't many to care for the least watched.

Taking a deep breath, she began her journey, walking with purpose and no fear, a kind of walk not found in individuals parallel to the form she inhabited. She looked down at the clothes the form wore, wondering exactly where the other clothes were as, from her knowledge, the individual no longer had a place to go.

She debated waking up the individual to ask, only to stop herself; she should let her sleep, she could find the answers for herself, and it wouldn't do any good to upset her. She was free and safe, and that was all that mattered.

As she made her way towards the general vicinity to her target area, she thought back to how she found herself in this situation in the first place, trying to remember and sift through all the thoughts and memories given to her, swirling right upon the surface.

○ ○ ○

"Are you certain?" Selaphiel asked, as this mission was intended for only one being to embark on, important yet not so much as problems in more needing territories, thus demanding great care.

"Yes," Sariel replied, focused more on making contact with the vessel that had been chosen and confirmed, "Alexandria identifies as female and uses the feminine pronouns. It is clear children trust women more, and with no female presence amongst their captors, it will be easier to gain trust. Alexandria as an individual is devout yet is in need of support, this support can beget more support for other individuals placed in the same situation."

Selaphiel didn't respond at first, as the choice was Sariel's yet there was always room for concern. There was always room for concern when it came to the dealings of humans. Yet while Selaphiel mused over Sariel's choice, the point of a chain reaction of support was something that could not be passed over.

"Is Alexandria aware of what this entails?" Selaphiel asked, the same question posed to the others, all of whom were required to give as much information as allowed to the vessels that were to be inhabited.

"Yes. However, there has been a request to wait until everything is ready. Alexandria's current situation is tumultuous, though once ready, there is no issue with the intercession," Sariel explained, knowing that while it was not exactly to schedule, Selaphiel would have no issue.

True to understanding, Selaphiel did not have any issue, only stating that Alexandria shouldn't wait too long or else Sariel would need to find another vessel. Sariel assured that there would be no trouble, and there was nothing to worry about.

With no other questions, Sariel began to go over all that there was to remember once on Earth. Language would be no issue, both colloquial and formal, though there were issues concerning currency and lodging, though if all went according to plan, there would be no real worry.

The main source of concern derived from the mission itself. Other angels were being sent out to intercede in areas needing more aid, so it was Sariel alone going out and stopping the entire operation, an operation that had too many workings to keep track of all at once.

It would need more human connections and while an angel, Sariel knew exactly who to call.

○ ○ ○

She took a deep breath once more, getting used to the act as it would be crucial for the survival of the individual and the form on the mortal earth, as well as she herself, given that she and the form were not connected.

Nevertheless, she allowed her mind to continue to wander, pausing only to look towards the street signs, searching for any indication of whether she was going the right way, finding that she most certainly was.

Her mind wandered towards whom she would have to find first.

But before she could continue along with her train of thought, pouring over all she knew of her target, as he would be crucial in her completing her mission, she heard a cry for help.

It wasn't nearby by any means, but she could feel a strange sensation overtaking her, her mind immediately supplying the rest. She could feel the fear pounding in the form's chest, squeezing the heart, the breathing stifled.

Turning on her heel, she raced towards the nearest train station, trying to understand exactly what she was feeling, only knowing that she was meant to help and she was going to do exactly that. This wasn't her main mission, but there was nothing against others.

Nearly slipping on the stairs, she made her way down into the train station, walking along the concrete towards one of the stops, the room nearly empty, what with it being so late. According to the clock and the time cards, there would be a train approaching soon.

It was a strange feeling, living among humans. She hadn't interacted with a single one, yet there was so much different from what could be seen from just watching and listening. Observing humanity was much different than being with humanity. She still had so much more humanity to see.

She squinted as she looked down the subway tunnel, her eyes being filled with the bright lights of the incoming train, the roar deafening, rendering her unable to so much as think, the only thing louder than the roar being the cry for help that was nearing just as fast, the desperation choking, and she struggled to keep the form upright and calm, distancing herself; she needed to be in as much control as she was given in order to help.

She took a step back as the train slowed to a stop, a door halting right in front of her, and she tilted her head as she watched the doors slide open, revealing a terrified looking woman scurrying out, pure horror overtaking her when she caught sight of the empty room, only to falter when she saw the one figure who was right there.

"Hi," she said, stepping towards the woman, catching sight of the man who was slinking out just behind her, "I'm glad I caught you, we need to run quick if we watch to make it in time."

The woman looked confused, but she gave her a look, hoping that she had enough control of the form already to be able to send it effectively, and it seemed to have worked as the woman nearly collapsed with relief, leaning into her when she reached out towards her arm, tugging her towards the exit.

She had seen women do this with women throughout the world over the years, and she hoped she was doing everything right. She could feel the man still following them, but all she had to do was look at him over her shoulder and catch his eye, deterring him entirely, the man grumbling and muttering to himself.

"Thank you so much," the woman sighed once they made it back to the surface, breathing as if the smog was the freshest air she had ever breathed in her life.

"Do you know how to get home?" she asked, hoping that she sounded as much like a human as possible; it was very different to watch humanity interact and having to interact with humanity.

She watched as the woman swallowed, her eyes darting towards the writhing shadows of the darkness around them before turning towards the bright lights in the distance, taking a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair, reaching into her purse to grab her phone.

"Yeah, I had to get off early, but I'll be fine," she said, swallowing thickly, trying to type fast if not for her hands shaking so severely.

While she did have a mission, she was not about to let a woman walk in the darkness alone, especially not while deathly afraid. She was walking in the opposite direction of her target, but that was secondary to the current issue at hand.

Taking her arm, she motioned for the woman to start walking, and the two made their way in silence back towards Times Square, the bright lights beckoning them as the woman searched for the cheapest mode of transportation, as well as calling her girlfriend to let her know she was getting home safe.

"Thank you," she breathed, swallowing thickly once they reached the busy area, and she had started crying at some point, but no one around them cared; not because they were cruel, but because they were conditioned, "Thank you so much, I can take it from here, I promise."

"I will wait with you," she said, only realizing too late that she should have used a contraction; working with humanity wasn't going to be as easy as she had initially anticipated.

Nevertheless, she waited with the woman until her Uber arrived, the two some distance away from the heavy traffic of Times Square, but still underneath the glow of the everlasting lights. She took the time to look around, taking in the various announcements and advertisements, raising the form's eyebrows at the sight of J. Jonah Jameson in one billboard.

She had taken an interest in him as he was growing up. He had been through more than most children in similar situations to him, and she had rejoiced at his success and hoped that he sought guidance during more trying times later on. A reporter, he was prevalent, and many angels told her to stop paying so much attention to him, but she reasoned that if she didn't, there wouldn't be many who truly did.

"Take care," the woman said, squeezing the form's arm, catching her attention, "Thank you, again. It means a lot."

"Stay safe," she responded immediately, trying to get used to the form's smile, as she would need to develop her own in case of necessity later on in her mission, waiting until the car was out of sight before moving.

Speaking of mission, she immediately headed back towards the darkness, away from the lights and the sounds, spots still dancing behind her eyes and her ears still adjusting to the lack of noise, the shadows once again hissing from the corners, putting all except her on edge, her head still raised and fear nonexistent.

She had nowhere to stay and regroup with a mission to work as fast as possible, and while that was just as important as anything, before she could think of resting during her mission, she had to at least reach the vicinity of it.

Yet not so much as fifteen minutes later, as she crossed into the few city blocks into the territory of her sought-out ally, she heard yet another cry, one that she knew would lead her directly where she needed to be.

She had already interacted with some of the vulnerable in humanity. It was time to interact with another kind.


( 01.10.19 )

So here's the first chapter! I apologize for the expository nature of it, there will be more stuff happening starting next chapter, I promise. I know the language was weird, and that was intentional, it's gonna get more and more human, but there are gonna be some important diction choices here it's all symbolic, let's hope I stick with it.

I also will not be using pronouns when I refer to the other angels when they're not in their vessels. I didn't refer to Sariel as she/her or they/them or anything during the flashback to solidify the understanding that gender is a human construct and does not affect those beings, but she uses she/her because Alexandria does.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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