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Hi. My name's Ella. I'm 16 years old and i was born with absolutely no color in my eyes. My parents hated me for this, and I was picked on at school for it. People would call me "demon" and "devil girl". But the name i was mostly called was Hellbound. My own parents called me this.
I hated my life and I constantly would beg for it to just end. But something in the back of my head, a voice maybe. Just something told me that it had to continue. That I couldn't just give up. That's the only thing that kept me going. 
One night I heard my parents fighting. This wasn't unusual because they fought a lot. I heard crashing and bangs, glass breaking. It was horrible. That's when i got the courage to leave my room. That...was a big mistake.
     Once I had left my room I made my way downstairs. I watched in horror as my father threw my mother onto the floor. She quickly got up and punched him. He punched her back harder to the point where her nose was bleeding. I gasped and they both looked at me. There was hate in their eyes.
My father stomped over to me, and in his raspy, drunken voice he said,
"what do you want Hellbound." There was nothing but fear all over my pale face. "N-Nothing" I said nervously. He then quickly grabbed my by my long black hair and dragged me across the glass covered floor. Glass shards went into my arms and legs and I screamed.     
     The glass made small and large cuts up my arms and down my legs.
After this he yanked me up and made me walk to my room. I hated when he'd torture me, and I hated my father. I just hated everything about him. From his raspy voice to his personality. Just everything about this man made my blood boil.
     My mother sat there laughing her ass off. She was no better! Instead of helping me all she'd do is laugh. Just laugh and laugh. I wished they would just die. Thats when it hit me. I could kill them.
     I looked out of the window. I was weak from blood loss. This is when i saw him. A very tall man with a suit on. He had no face. No nose, no mouth, no eyes or ears. It was like a blank canvas. I wasn't scared, but calm. My ears started to ring. Next to the man was three boys and a girl. They looked to be around my age.
My father was screaming at me. But I could barely hear it over the ringing. He threw me back on to the floor and my mother's laughing slowed down. My father went into the kitchen, grabbed a beer, put on his jacket, and left.
My mother looked at me. She said in her voice that sounded almost dead, "Go to your room Hellbound." The ringing in my ears was gone as I limped towards the stairs. I made my way to my bedroom and started getting the glass out of my skin. After i was done I patched myself up with bandages and walked outside.
    I was looking for the tall man and the 4 kids. They were gone. It was like they had just, disappeared. The small voice in my head said something. "KILL THEM" it said, "KILL THEM."
I ran to the shed to find any possible weapon. Thats when i saw it. A scythe. It intrigued me. I grabbed it and slowly made my way back into the house. I was looking for my mother. I heard movement upstairs, so I made my way up there. I turned off the hallway light and i could hear my mother's gasp.
I smirked and slowly made my way down the hallway, dragging my scythe behind me. My white eyes almost glowed in the darkness. My mother walked out of the bathroom and looked dead into my eyes. She saw the scythe. She saw my anger. She knew her fate.
"E-Ella?!" I kept walking. She was trying to get me to stop and listen. But I was going to be doing none of that. "Ella please. Dont hurt me." I slowly made my way to her. She backed up into the wall. I grabbed a peice of glass from the floor. It still had my blood on it. I slowly cut the side of her face, she screamed in pain as her face began to bleed. "OH DO YOU EVER SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" I said in rage as i raised my scythe above my head. I plunged it straight into her heart without hesitation.
She went silent as blood started pouring out of her mouth. I heard my father open the door and say, "Em, I'm home!" My mother started trying to speak, "E-Ethan" she said weakly. He didn't hear her.
     "Emily?! Come get me a beer." He kept trying to get her to come to him but to no avail. "Whats my name?" I whispered to her. "Ella..." She said as she coughed up blood. "No." I said as I plunged my scythe into her stomach. I pulled it out of her belly and she fell to the floor.
     My father started walking up the stairs. I waited as he slowly did this. "Emily?" He said in a worried voice. He kept walking up the stairs. When he was finally upstairs I locked eyes with him. He gasped when he saw my mother on the floor in a pool of her own blood. I slowly and creepily made my way to my father. He started to run down the stairs but he tripped and fell.
     He hit the bottom stair so hard that it knocked him out. I slowly creeped my way down the stairs and to my father's side. I looked at him and then looked out the back door. The tall man was standing near the woods just watching me. My ears rang and I heard the voice in my head chant, "KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" I raised my scythe above my head and plunged it into his side.
     He woke up and screamed in agony.   I loved the sound of his pain. "Whats my name?!" I yelled to him as I pulled my scythe to me, gutting my father. He gagged as blood filled his throat and dripped out of his mouth. Just then, i heard it. Police sirens. One of my neighbors called the police. I ran out of my house and to the woods. There he was. Waiting for me was the tall man. He reached his hand out to me and the 4 kids came up from behind him. "Come my child" he said. They all reached out their hands to me. I reached my hand out to him slowly and blacked out just before my hand touched his. What's my name? My name is Hellbound.

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