Chapter 1

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'What is it that makes a man a man? Is it his origins, the way things start? Or is it something else, something harder to describe?' That's what a scientist would tell a young girl and her brother. They're...unusual beings to say the least. They literally came from hell, they're demon siblings but thanks to their upbringing, they aren't set on destruction like the rest of their kind may be. This is the girl's only known origin story.

It started in 1944, on a classified mission off the coast of Scotland. The Nazis were becoming desperate, So they started combining science and black magic. They intended to upset the balance of the war. Trevor Bruttenholm (pronounced broom) was 28 and was a paranormal adviser to President Roosevelt. They could never have suspected that what would occur that night, would not only affect the course of history but would also change his life forever.

October 9th, 1944, Scotland

"Your men," Professor Broom shouted over the rain, whilst pulling a rosary necklace out of a box. "they'll need these." The soldier he was talking to, called sergeant Whitman, chuckled before replying.

"Are you a Catholic?" He gripped a rosary. His cigar loosely hanging out of his mouth, surprisingly staying lit through the rain.

"Yes. Among other Things," The sergeant threw the rosary back in the box. "But that's hardly the point."

"Well, you're gonna need one of these." Whitman said holding out a pistol, after cocking it, to Professor Broom.

"I abhor the use of violence." Broom said shaking his head swiftly, clearly unhappy with the pistol in the other man's hand, yet reluctantly accepting it nonetheless. "Thank you. I wouldn't want you to think me mad, Sergeant Whitman." He said sincerely.

"No, there days too late for that, Professor broom." Sergeant Whitman chuckled again before turning on his heel and walking away.

A few minutes later sergeant Whitman and professor Broom were talking about wasting time. "You're wasting our time. There's nothing here but sheep and rocks." Whitman exclaimed whilst the rain battered their helmets.

"Ruins, not rocks!" Broom replied, exasperated at the sergeant's lack of historical knowledge. "The remains of Trondham Abbey built on an intersection of ley lines, the boundaries between our world and the others." They all quickly ducked behind a slight hill.

" What a load of crap! "The sergeant cursed, "Hell, a week ago, I never even heard the word 'parabnormal'."

"Paranormal!' Broom exclaimed, annoyed at the man's mispronunciation. The group then surged forward before stopping by some 'ruins' a bit in front of the Abbey. Sergeant Whitman saw what was in front of them and raised his helmet slightly above his eyes to get a better look.

" sweet Jesus " In front of them just so happened to be a load of Nazis swarming around the Abbey, shouting orders at each other.

"They must be here for the sheep." Broom joked referring back to Whitman 's earlier statement. Whitman and the soldier next to him with the round glasses, Corporal Matlin, looked at Broom, still shocked whereas Broom kept his eyes trained forward.

After moving positions, Whitman saw a strange man, through his binoculars, with a gas mask covering his head, wearing leather and the uniforms cap.

"The freak in the gas mask!" The sergeant told the professor, handing over the binoculars.

"Karl Ruprecht Kroenen. Hitler's top assassin and head of the Thule Occult Society," before replying, the men ducked down and Broom turned to Whitman. "If he's here, this is worse than I thought."

The Nazis had started up a machine and it started spinning. Lights were turned on and made to face the machine. They brought out strange devices and strapped it to a shirtless man's arm, later revealed as Rasputin, It powered up and flashed blue toward the machine like lightning, before opening a large portal.

Corporal Matlin took a picture of the portal, the camera making a loud click before harshly being pulled back and Whitman sharply telling him to get down. A scientist noticed the movement before a grenade flew at him, flinging him into the portal and he disintegrated.

The soldiers threw several grenades, gunfire was everywhere. Kroenen lifted his pistol and shot down several men before shooting Broom in the leg.

The ambush was not going too great until Kroenen ran out of bullets. Unfortunately, he had a backup weapon, two long, sharp and shiny blades slid from inside his sleeves. He swiftly and efficiently took down the soldiers charging at him. He spotted Broom crawling towards a belt of hand grenades and got ready to stop him. Luckily Whitman shot him several times, only to find out that the bullets had no effect on him but it did cause Kroenen to be distracted. Broom wasted no time in throwing the grenade to the bottom of the portal. Kroenen ran to the grenade, trying to reach it as the portal tried to pull him in.The whole thing blew, taking down the portal.

"The portal's been open for too long." Broom said whilst being pulled up by Whitman. "Something may have come through. Have your men search the area thoroughly." Whitman passed Broom over to the soldier with glasses.

" you said something came through. From where? " Matlin asked, seemingly frightened. Going into a room of the ruins, Broom bandages his wound tightly whilst the soldier looked around at the stone carvings on the walls. "Do you really, really believe in hell?" The corporal asked curiously.

"There is a place, a dark place where ancient evil slumbers and waits to return. Grigori gave us a glance tonight." Bloom replied

" Grigori? " the Corporal spoke up yet again "That's Russian, right?" He said whilst wiping the rain away from his lenses.

"Grigori Efimovich Rasputin." Broom yet again replied, showing off his extensive knowledge.

"Rasputin? Come on!"

" occult adviser to the Romanovs. In 1916, at a dinner in his honour, he was poisoned, shot, stabbed, clubbed, castrated and finally drowned. And yet, we saw him here tonight. " As if on cue a scuttling was heard behind them.

Shakily holding his pistol and torch in front of him, Matlin went around the stone coffin, to see what was there.

Suddenly a small red creature popped up, startling the two men as Matlin shot at it. It powered in a corner, seemingly protecting something in its arms.

"What the hell is that? An ape? " He shouted urgently.

"No" Broom replied shocked "It was red. Bright red. Lower your light. You're scaring them."

"Them? " The corporal asked.

"It's holding a smaller creature, protecting it." Broom explained before sergeant Whitman came in asking about what they were shooting at.

"A red ape! And a blue ape!" Matlin said frantically.

"No! They're not apes!" Broom yet again explained

"The red one has a big stone in its hand. " the frightened corporal exclaimed.

"I think that is its hand." Broom said marvelling at the two creatures above him. The red creature had two points sticking out of its forehead, a large stone hand that could easily do some damage and a tail swishing around behind it. In its other arm was an almost human looking baby, except it had a strange blue tint to its skin, and was only about the size of a tennis ball.

The red creature squealed at the men and they all raised their guns, ready to shoot. Broom quickly stopped them and told them to wait. They lowered their guns as Broom pulled out a chocolate bar, a baby Ruth, biting the top off. He offered it to the creatures. The red one took it before giving a bit to the blue creature and eating the rest itself. Broom managed to convince them to come down into the blanket and rocking them soothingly.

"The red one is a boy!" He exclaimed " and the blue one is a girl! " they all smiled in awe at the creatures. There they were, an unready father of unwanted children. The men gave them names that very night. The blue one was called Aravind meaning blue lotus and the red one was called...Hellboy meaning, well, boy from hell.

If you hadn't guessed, the person that this story follows is Aravind, the pale blue monster from hell. 

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