●The tradgey●

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In a small town of Winter River, Connecticut, there was a delightful and beloved family which their name was the Maitlands. However Adam had created a giant model of his local town and a spider eventually crawled ontop of a model of his house, so Adam grabbed the spider slowly and gentle as he took a look at the spider and smiled softly.

"Such a big fella, are you..." Adam muttered, furrowing his eyes and looked at the spider in his hand as he led the spider in his hand towards the window and gently tossed it out the window before going back to his model town and begun looking through the model as his wife; Barbara came upstairs to the attic and held a cheeful happy smile as she held a present behind her back and walked up to him and she complinted him by how great the model looked

"Happy vacation, honey." Barbara said happily with a smile as she then handed him the present and he slowly opened it and his eyes widened so did his smile and he looked back up at her with curiousity and happiness. "Manchurian tung oil! Where did you get this?"

"Helen got it for me in Oslo."

"There's enougy here to do the whole table and the bureau." Adam admited leaning against the support beam with his hand and he pulled down a present for his wife, which she smiled softly and opens it when she realised it was wallpaper for the guest room.

"Oh, honey, you got it. Thank you." Barbara said softly with a happy smile, as the two hugged and kissed each other's cheeks and eventually pulled away.

"Enough, there to do the entire guest room."

"I'm so glad we're spending our vacation at home with Abe. I'm gonna get started right away." Barbara said cheerfully as she walked away from adam only for her husband to pull her down to the couch causing her to squeal slightly and adam kissed her on the lips softly.

They then heard the house-phone ring, however they then went back in forth on who shall pick it up, when they then heard a sudden knock on the attic door, and they both turned their attention onto whom is at the attic door only to see their son, Abraham who held a canvas portrait in his hand. "Is this a bad time? I mean i'd be happy with a sibling or two." Abraham chuckled and smirked slightly, giving his parents knowing looks and Barbara looked away flustered and adam rolled his eyes playfully.

"No, of course not babyboy, it isn't." Barbara said softly and motherly like as she gestured him to come into the attic and she smiled sweetly at her only son and he walked into the attic before revealing a portrait of them three all together and the two knew that their son was a good canvas painter and knew he will be greater as time goes on.

Adam and Barbara were in awe by the portrait and they couldn't feel much prouder at their son then they were at this very moment. "Son, its beautiful and very well drawn which we knew you could cause how good you are with painting."

"Its for an early anniversary for you two, i also worked on it for the last couple days." Abraham tells his parents sheepishly and with a smile, Barbara stood up from the couch and went to her son which she kissed the top of his head. "And we'll have to hang it where everyone can see it, maybe in the livingroom babyboy."

However, they then heard a car horn from outside, Abraham then knew who it was and sighed as he groaned slightly and looked out the window. "Jane..." He grumbled at the sight of his mother's cousin, he always disliked jane with a passion because of how much she tried to sell the house even when people lived inside of the house.

"Its your turn, honey." Adam told Barbara as he looked over Abraham's shoulder and saw jane walking up to their house and went into the back, they then all rushed downstairs. Adam went into the basement while Barbara went into the kitchen to deal with Jane.

Barbara sighed as she prepared herself to deal with her cousin before heading towards the kitchen door and pulled up the window curtain up only to see Jane standing there with a wide smile and Barbara opened the kitchen door and allowed Jane inside.

"Hi, Barbara!" Jane said softly rather cheerfully and joyously, as she walked into the kitchen, she held this gleeful and was joyful in the current moment and she then side hugged barbara and looked at her. "I'm glad I caught you. Heard you and the family were on vacation."

"Yes, that's right, Jane. Complete vacation." Barbara muttered softly and sighed gentle as she looked to her cousin and nodded her head and she wanted her to leave so she and her family can have a peaceful vacation.

"Honey, today I'm $260,000-" Jane begun with excitement but was cut off by Barbara, who shooked her head and sighed and she walked inside of Barbara's kitchen.

"No, Jane. It's 6:45 in the morning."

"This offer is real. From a man in New York City who only saw a photograph."

"Jane, don't send people photos of our house." Barbara grumbled and shooked her head as she gave her cousin a pointed look and she had enough of her cousin, sending pictures of her family's house. "He wants to bring the wife and family up here for some peace and quiet, yea." Jane said trying to reason with her cousin excitedly as she wanted her to sell the house and gain the money for the house. "That's exactly what we're looking for."

"But, Barbara, this house is too big for you. It really ought to be for a couple with a family, you know?" Jane explained before she realised what she had said, she knew of her cousin's miscarriages and she sighed softly as she rubbed barbara's shoulder. "Oh, pumpkin, I didn't mean anything.."

"I'm sure you didn't, jane, but this house is perfect the way it is and we have no plans for selling this house, and we are happy here."

"it's just that, really this house is too big." Jane said trying to reason with her cousin on selling the house even when she upsetted her. "Jane, I'll see you in a few weeks." Batbara says softly before pushing jane towards the kitchen door and she smiled softly then she closed the kitchen door and she closed the window curtain. "Okay? Alright."

Meanwhile in the basement, Adam put some music on his tape player. He grabbed a piece of brush as he needed sunlight but he opened the basement window to see Jane there which made him jump slightly with her wide smile.

"I was just telling Barbara about this offer on the house-" Jane begun explaining but was interuptted and cut off by Adam, who held the curtain window and shooked his head. "No, Jane." Adam then shuts the blindes as he saw he needed a few stuff so he turned off the music for the town model. "Barbara, come with me down to the store!"

"What for?" Barbara yelled back from the kitchen as she cleaned some dishes in the sink, she wondered what her husband needed from the store. "Ineed a new brush for this tung oil. And I want to get a part for the model."

"Well, you just run in, okay? Abe, honey! Your dad and I will be back in a few minutes!" Barbara called out to her son, whom was in his room sketching in his book while also cleaning up some of the painting stuff. "Okay, ma!" Abraham said loudly enough for Barbara and Adam to hear before they left the house and into the car, they drove into town.

"Two weeks at home with our son. The perfect vacation." Adam sighed in content and relaxation as he squeezed his wife's hand softly and smiled at barbara as he looked to his passenger window.

"Jane says we should sell the house to someone with a bigger family."

"well, I don't think that it's any of Jane's business and we are a big family with Abraham, life here with abraham is content. Besides, we could try on this vacation to give our son a sibling, you know." Adam smirked slightly and leaned over to kiss Barbara's neck and Barbara laughed softly before giving her husband a knowing look and smirked back at him. "oh, really? What are you saying?" They drove into town, across the red bridge and on their way to the maitlands shop, which they owned. Adam and Barbara waved and said hi at some of the townsfolk as they drove by. "How're you doing, Ernie?"

"Hi, how are ya?" Ernie said waving at the two maitlands as they drove past him and straight into town where they then stopped infront of the hardwire store. "Morning, Adam. You need a-a haircut before your vacation?" The elder barber asked gentle and curious as he turned his head to face Adam who begun to grab the keys to the store.

"No, thanks, Bill. My son will come over later." Adam tells the elderly barber while grabbing his keys and begun unlocking the store's door while Bill continued to talk with Adam. "How's the model coming?"

"Oh, it's great."

"You know, you said Bozeman built that foundation in 1835. But his...his grandson-" Bill said beginning his store as Adam went into the store and begun grabbihg a couple things such as a brush, some new pieces for the model, and some other things while bill continued talking about his story, before heading out of the store. "He got hair right down to his goddamn shoulders. He says to me, "just-just trim it a little." I took the scissors to him-"

"See you later, huh, Bill?" Adam said nodding at bill before walking inside of his car and they begun driving off while Bill slowly nodded his head and waved goodbye to them. "Alright. Bye..."

They then started to drive out of the town and back to their house, however a dog was walking wherever he pleased to go to without a care in the world. "This is gonna be great." Barbara admitted with excitement in her tone as she couldn't wait for a perfect vacation with her husband and son. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather go to Jamaica or someplace like that, barbara?"

"No way. There's no place like-" Barbara shooked her head and smiled in happiness and gave her husband a look before he then jumped in suprise and shock when he pointed at the dog near the bridge's entrance. "Hey, look out for that!

The dog from the salon was walking across the road near the bridge when adam noticed the dog and Barbara turned hard on the wheel to avoid it as the car crashed into the side of the bridge tipping a little too dangerously the only thing saving them was a board where the dog was standing on. The dog got off the board and the car fell into the River as the dog looked over the edge and barked.

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