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" 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕? 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜!
𝙸 𝚊𝚒𝚗'𝚝 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚗𝚘 𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝! "
- 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫

"Holy crap..." Amy smiled as she dabbed eyeshadow onto the eyelid of her eye. "I look hot." She finished with the eyeshadow, taking bright red lipstick and painting her lips with it.

She wasn't lying, she did look hot. Amy popped her now bright red lips, bouncing her equally as vibrant hair giving herself a wink while looking in the mirror. Unlike the usual denim skirt and brown jacket Amy wore, she now dressed in a pair of short shorts and cropped flannel.

However, she kept her shoes the same high-top converse. According to the Doctor, we were going to be attending a true Texas hoedown, Amy took his words to heart pulling me along with her to the costume room so we could dress 'properly' for the occasion.

"Look like a real Southern girl, don't I?" Amy questioned me, her Scottish accent thick as she turned with a smirk painted on her lips.

I nodded 'yes' ready to go. "Yep, ready to go?" I pointed to the door, Amy only tilting her head in confusion at my words.

Placing her hands on her hips, she shook her head disapprovingly. "Please tell me you're not wearing that," She crinkled her nose to my clothes. "To America." She ended with pursed lips, me frowning in reply.

What was wrong with this? I always wear this.

"What's wrong with this? It's what I always wear." I stuck my nose up hotly, pulling my jacket closer to my body protectively.

"Exactly!" She exclaimed, her arms flinging in the air dramatically. "We need to dress for the occasion, now come on!" She forcibly pulled me toward the racks of clothing, going through the outfits, brows furrowed in concentration.

Amy pulled out a short summer dress from the racks, holding it up to my body with a slightly judgementally crude look. "No." She states simply, shaking her head while placing it back.

I watched her slightly scared of what she would choose next.

That was how it was for the next five minutes, Amy tossing around whatever she saw until she finally found something she liked.

"Hold on! I'm having a moment!" She shouted, putting hers fingers on her temple with a huge smile.

In a matter of of seconds, she jumped up racing across the room grabbing from what I could tell to be a short tank top and some jeans.

She ran about the costume room pulling many items off multiple racks. "Okay, here we go!" She came back throwing the tank top and jeans at me. "Put these on." Rolling my eyes, I did as I was told not wanting to waste more time.

Realizing the short tank top wasn't supposed to be worn with a bra as it came with one inside, I begrudgingly took mine off. The jeans which in my opinion were a bit snug but fit well came next, and finally, an interesting pair of red cowboy boots ended off the Amy-styled outfit.

I won't lie, Amy did have an artist's eyes when it came to fashion. "Yes!" Amy clapped her hands, with a smile, suddenly turning and grabbing a brown leather belt from behind.

Walking over to me, she bent down putting the brown belt theough the loops of the jeans, eagerly fastening it around my waist tightly. In a matter of seconds, Amy pulled out my tight ponytail allowing my hair to flutter down stopping just above my ribcage.

Messing with my hair a bit, she tossed it around with a smile. "Please, let me do your makeup." She begged, me scoffing in reply.

"No." Amy rolled her eyes, ignoring my wishes and turning to the makeup supplies anyway.

"Sorry, Amy Pond doesn't take 'no' for an answer." Her thick Scottish accent voiced passionately as she turned around with a few makeup brushes.

I dramatically shrieked pretending as if just the sight of it killed me.

"Oh, come on..." Amy rolled her eyes, forcing me to sit on a chair so she could begin the task of make up. "Just a bit."


'Just a bit', my ass.

I now stood looking in the mirror, unable to stop the fawning of my appearance. It was true, I disliked makeup, but not because of how it made me look, more because of how much time it took.

Like, I didn't have time for that shit.

However, I would admit, Amy made me look pretty fucking hot. Amy stood next to me admiring us in the mirror with a smirk. "You look just like Ariel Moore." She laughed, me glancing up at her in confusion.


"You know, the girl from Footloo–Oh, nevermind, it's a movie." Amy sighed, the two of us walking out ofmovie costume room.

The heels on the boots made a clicking sound as I walked, something that started to annoy me after a time. Just as we were about to enter the console room, Amy stopped me by gripping my arm.

Turning to her curiously, I watched as she smirked. "Watch this." Is all she muttered before walking ahead of me and into the console.

"Rory Williams! It's your dream come true." I walked out after her, unable to keep my laughter at bay when I saw Amy posing for Rory who only look like his pants had just dropped.

The Doctor who had been standing by the console controls watched the scene in front of him with slight disturbance in his gaze. He froze in his actions standing straighter, shaking his head in disgust at Amy's suggestive teasing to Rory.

"Pond, that is wrong on so many levels..." The Doctor quipped, Amy, rolling her eyes at him.

"How? You're about to make the same face at Effie." Amy smartly remarked causing my eyes to widen, and the Doctor to look at her confusion.

"I'm about to do what to her-" He was cut off by Amy pointing to me, causing the Doctor to turn around and freeze.

Amy snickered at the Doctor's gobsmacked look, walking up to him patting his shoulder. "Stop eye-raping her before she gets a rape whistle." I rolled my eyes at Amy's words, leaping down the stairs excitedly approaching the Doctor.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, fixing his bowtie for him, grabbing his wrist and running out the TARDIS doors.

I was pleasantly surprised when we walked out of the TARDIS, Amy, and Rory directly behind us. The Doctor walked in front of us arms wide as he gestured to the world around us.

The TARDIS had landed just outside what I recognized to be as a huge wooden barn. The road which was filled with many cars driving by, way more cars than you would ever see in Great Britain, each driving at high speeds. The rest was just grass and trees, but not like the trees from Leadworth, these trees looked much more brown, the same going for the grass.

A dirt parking lot was in front of us just next to the barn, immediately I noticed how much bigger these cars were in comparison to other cars I had seen arounf Europe. The differences between Europe and North America were quite interesting, to say the least.

From the barn, booming country music could be heard playing filling up the sky which was on the brink of a sunset. Texas sunsets must have looked entirely gorgeous.

"Welcome to Texas, 2015!" The Doctor shouted so he could be heard over the music, arms wide open. "Care for a drink, partner." He turned around talking in a horrible Anerican cowboy accent.

Amy and I laughed at his goofiness, a smile sticking to my lips when he walked back over to me grabbing my hand in his.

He sure does like to hold hands.

Turning to the barn, I let go of the Doctor's hand beginning to jog over. "I can practically feel the dancing, C'mon!" I wasn't sure when I got so excited about this trip, but the thought of being so close to Peter's birthplace filled me with joy.

"Wait up!" The Doctor rushed to grab my hand again, Amy and Rory sticking close to our sides. "The last thing I need is you wandering off, love." He said to me, leading us inside the huge barn. "God knows how much trouble you'll get into..." He muttered for himself to hear, but I rolled my eyes upon hearing it.

As soon as we entered, Amy and I both gasped in appreciation for the big building. On one side was a huge bar, filled with different whiskeys and rums, rednecks sitting along the bar. On the right side of the bar, a drunk woman danced on the counter, being yelled at by someone who looked be her boyfriend too, 'get down'.

The woman obviously gave zero fucks for him as she continued on her trek in twerking, waving her hair around.

On the other side of the barn was a bunch of pool tables, most of them filled up by people already.

In the corner of the room an automated bull was sat, which an older male man who by the looks of it was drunk, rode it. Toward the back was where all the tables were sat, only about half of them filled.

There was a second story to the barn which didn't look as appealing, seeming to only be there for extremely horny dudes who couldn't keep it in their pants. Surprisingly, in the other corner of the barn was a small shooting range, something many men were in line for, shooting bottles and posters of different people.

The entire place smelled of alcohol and sweat, the music echoing even over the thunderous sounds of the gunshots from the mini range.

And of course in the center of the barn was a huge dance floor occupied by dozens of people dancing. They all slammed their feet, hollering out in joy. There were many different types of dance styles going on, some couples flipped around, other couples simply grinded against each other, while some lined danced.

Yep, this is exactly how Peter described America.

Peter loved to dance, that was his thing he was definitely a dancer. Rocket, when he was drunk, would dance, and Drax would dance occasionally. Gamora liked to say she wasn't a dancer, but Peter and I knew she secretly loved to dance when she thought no one was looking. Groot would dance when everyone else was.

Honestly, before I met any of the Guardians I was definitely not a dancer, I never danced. However, considering Peter played his music mixes every day on our ship he kind of drilled it into all our minds that dancing was the ultimate form of fun.

Now, I loved to dance. Just thinking of the Guardians made me miss them, but I was having fun with the Doctor, Amy, and Rory. Plus, those three weren't douchebags like the Guardians and I were.

"This is awesome!" I shouted over the music, pulling the Doctor over to a table in the back.

Amy and Rory stumbled after us. The Doctor holding a huge grin on his face as we all sat at a table for five, looking around he eyed the different people, Amy looking happy as well.

"Howdy partner!" A cheery waitress approached our table, an extremely noticeable southern twang defined in her voice.

The waitress was a tall blonde, around Amy's height, her blonde hair died pink at the ends. She wore extremely short high-waisted booty shorts, with what I recognized as a black bralette.

And I thought Amy's shorts were short.

"What can I get y'all to drink?" She questioned, all of us tilting our heads at the odd American.

Amy was the first to clear her throat, furrowing her brows to look at the menu. "What would you suggest?" She asked, the waitress tapping her chin with her pen in thought.

"Oh, I don't know..." She hummed, pink lips pulling into a pout. "If you're looking for something not as strong, I'd go with our Tropical Twister. If you're looking on the strong side, we usually mix our Rum and Whiskey pretty well." She hummed, Amy nodding while the Doctor watched us all with huge eyes.

"Pond, I highly disapprove of you drinking alcohol-" I cut the Doctor off, deciding what I wanted to drink looking at the waitress.

"I want the Rum and Whiskey mix," I stated, the Doctor turning to me with a pointed glare.

"Damn it, Effie." He scolded me, half-heartedly slapping my hand as if it were a punishment.

I only shrugged knowing whatever mortal alcoholic concoction probably wouldn't work. For me to get drunk would take alcohol from the Muspelheim caverns, something which was far away from here.

"And, we will have the Tropical Twisters." Amy pointed to herself and Rory, the Doctor scowling in reply. "So will he." She pointed to the Doctor rolling her eyes, as the Doctor immediately began disapproving.

The waitress nodded with a smile writing it down as she left our table. The Doctor pouted in his seat like a child. "I don't even like alcohol..." He muttered, causing me to laugh.

Reaching over I squeezed his right cheek as if he were a child. "Oh, poor baby." I playfully teased him, the Doctor slapping my hands away with a scowl.

I laughed lightly, as the Doctor rubbed his cheek turning to me. "You're looking at me with that same look." He told me, me furrowing my brows in confusion.

"What look?"

"The 'he's adorable when he complains face'." The Doctor said emitting a scoff from me.

"Shut up." I said, him wrapping an arm around my shoulder, surprising me when he pulled me closer.

Suddenly, the lights around the barn dimmed and the music stopped playing. Everyone looked up to where a spotlight came on over the stage, watching as a man dressed as some host walked out.

The host came out wearing a huge cowboy hat, and a belt which looked to be the size of a boulder. He tilted his head in greeting to everyone, earning a few cheers from all around.

"And now, it's my honor to introduce Rocky Road Band who will be doing a cover of the legendary song, Backwards." His Southern voice rang across, him quickly leaving the stage, the lights across the barn flickering back on.

"I was sitting on a bar stool in a barbeque joint in Tennesee." I looked around the bar curiously as a series of words began floating around, sounding different from the other music that had played.

This song sounded like it was being sung live. The Doctor gave a knowing smile, looking to all three of our starstruck faces.

Within a second the song had picked up quite a bit, and suddenly an entire band appeared on the stage in front of the dance floor, the lead singer bouncing around as the lights flashed.

"You get your hour house back, your dog back, you get your best friend Jack back, you get your truck back, you get your hair back, you get your first and second jobs back!" I couldn't stop myself from cheering along with the crowd as the band sang.

Amy and Rory were right behind me, clapping their hands, Amy leaning on Rory for support as she smiled at the singers. The Doctor cheered along with us, clapping his hands.

Somewhere in between all that the waitress came back with all our drinks, Amy, Rory, and I not even hesitating in bringing the glass cups to our lips, the Doctor only glaring at his, pointedly ignoring it.

I noticed in that time slot his gaze had drifted away from the amazing band and to the door of the barn. The Doctor's gaze seemed to gain recognition as he frantically glanced between the door, myself, Amy, and Rory. I frowned when he started standing up, looking at the door.

"Oh, how could I forget about this! It all makes sense now!" He groaned, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"Doctor?" I called making him turn around with an obviously forced smile. "Where are you going?" He tried giving us all a reassuring gaze but ended up looking more like he was cringing.

Amy crossed her arms raising a brow, me narrowing my eyes at his odd behavior. Usually, the Doctor would be the one all over this sort of thing, according to him he's apparently 'the best dancer in the world'. However, I highly doubted that.

"Oh..." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "I just forgot something in the TARDIS, I'll be right back." Amy and I both opened our mouths to stop him, but he was already racing to the door leaving us all.

Turning back to Amy, I looked at her with a look of perplexion. "What the fuck?" I asked, Rory, shrugging at both of us bringing his drink to his lips.

He waved us off. "You know how the Doctor is, he's probably just forgotten to smooth talk his TARDIS or something." I let out a loud laugh at Rory's words, knowing that the Doctor actually would do something like that.

Taking another sip of the Rum and Whiskey, I pouted when it did nothing but taste tangy in my mouth. Trying to achieve even just tipsy with this would take like thirty of these. Oh, well, we have some time I guess.


Eight drinks later, and the Doctor still wasn't back. I was sober as could be, Rory was just hitting tipsy, and Amy was falling out of her chair with drunken laughter.

"Look at all these bottles!" Amy exclaimed motioning to the many empty beer bottles and alcohol glasses that were sitting on the table. "They're so shiny!"

Rory patted her back, as she leaned over him examining one of the beer bottles. I laughed at her, unable to stop myself from glancing at the door hoping the Doctor would finally come back.

"How are you not drunk, yet?" Rory's voice cut in, making me turn to him. "You have literally had like eighty-five Octillion drinks and you're as sober as can be!" Rory laughed loudly, his tipsy side showing courtesy of the unbelievable number he just threw at me.

"High tolerance." I giggled at Rory's, my eyes widening when a certain song came over the speakers.

"It's nine o'clock on a Saturday, regular crowd shuffles in." The song Piano Man began playing, making me leap up from the seat.

For the past hour that the Doctor was gone, we agreed to wait for him to get back before we started really enjoying ourselves but seeing as he was most likely going to be who knows how long we may as well actually entertain ourselves.

"He says, son, can you play me a memory, I'm not really sure how it goes!" I belched out, laughing along with Amy who joined in with the singing.

"But it's sad and it's sweet, and I knew it complete!"

I'm honestly not really sure how or when it happened, but before I knew it the three of us were dancing along with the crowd on the dance floor, all of us singing (rather badly) along with the lyrics.

Next came the bull riding, you can say Amy kind of became to start of the hoedown by the way she rode the bull. In her drunken state, she believed riding it upside down was the way to go. Much to Rory's displeasure, all Amy ended up doing was giving the male population a great view of her breast.

"That's right, you all suck!" I laughed at the crowd of people who were watching me ride the mechanical bull, something that even after ten minutes, I had still hadn't fallen off of. Now, I had the highest record for riding the bull of the entire hoedown.

It was only after fifteen minutes that I lost my footing and was thrown off. Rory was next, Amy and I both chanting for him to beat my record, but he only managed to stay on for thirty seconds.

He laughed as he was tossed off, the three of us openly welcoming some bottles of beer that we were offered. Amy and Rory both watched in astonishment as I polished off the drink in one go, holding their own bottles out in front of them.

"What the-" Rory started the sentence, Amy finishing it off for him. "Hell." She added, the both of them looking at the empty bottle of beer I left on a random table.

I shrugged, turning around with a smile. "High tolerance." I wasn't worried considering they were both so drunk this night would probably pass as a blur to them.

"Who wants to go do shooting next?"


"Take that Shelbie! And you too Claudia, same goes for you Eris!" Amy screamed as she shot the shotgun, Rory and I only watching as she pretended the targets were people with huge eyes.

"Please tell me those aren't actual people your fiance is pretending to shoot," I muttered, looking to Rory who only shook his head.

"Nope, yep, she's shooting people we went to school with." He informed me in a tight voice, the two of us only looking back as she let out another wail hitting 'Shelbie' in the bullseye.

Sitting back at the table a few minutes later, we took a small break allowing ourselves to breathe. Amy suddenly snapped her head to Roy with a mischievous look in her eye.

"Oh, Rory!" She cried, launching herself onto his lap and beginning a very heated makeout session with him.

I uncomfortably shifted watching them passionately snog without a care to who was watching, any other time I knew they wouldn't do anything like that, but considering their states of mind I wouldn't be surprised if they started trying to strip off their clothes.

The waitress who we had learned sported the name Meghan, walked up smirking at the kissing couple. "Anything else to drink?" She questioned, me looking back at the drunk Rory and Amy.

Pointing to them, I shook my head. "Definitely nothing but water for them, I'll take a shot of Tequila," I told her, herself nodding writing it down.

"You have a hell of a tolerance, didn't think you Brits had it in you." I hummed in reply, a small smirk eating at my lips.

"You'd be surprised." She chuckled at my words, looking at the Doctor's drink which had remained untouched for the past hour and a half.

"Should I take his drink." Rolling my eyes, I nodded watching as she took it away.

What the hell is that Timelord doing?

Looking around the barn as Amy and Rory made out, I leaned back in the chair allowing my gaze to run across the wooden barn. Humming along with the country music, my eyebrows furrowed at the sight of a male and female racing inside the barn frantically.

They looked odd in comparison to everyone, unlike every western looking person in here they waltzed in wearing nothing western whatsoever. The male was tall with a mop of short brown hair and defined warm features. Oddly enough, he wore a blue suit with worn red converse, a complete contradiction to everyone else in here.

The girl had caramel skin, her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail. She wore casual clothing as well, nothing like what any other person in here was wearing. They both looked frantic, taking in their surroundings.

My breath caught in my throat when I realized that the man was a male from one of the portraits in the Doctor's bedroom.

"Here are your drinks." The waitress came back, making me jump as she set all our drinks in front of us. "Sure are a lot of Englanders tonight, first you four, and then those two over there." I looked back to the odd couple, who were talking to each other in hushed whispers.

"Huh." Is all I said as the waitress began making her way off.

Looking back at the redhead and nurse who were sucking each other's faces off, I slammed my hand on the table making them jump apart. They both glared at me, me only pointing to their water.

"Drink up, I have a feeling something big is about to happen." The two only glared, but begrudgingly began drinking their water. "Better?" I asked when the water was gone, the two already looking as if they were sobered slightly.

"Definitely," Rory said, Amy, putting her hair in a bun.

"God, it's hot in here." She exclaimed, tying off her hair.

"Okay, you guys see those two over there?" I questioned, pointing to the two who still looked to be squabbling with each other. Amy and Rory followed my finger, nodding in confirmation when they saw who I was speaking of. "I'm pretty sure we're staring at a past generation of the Doctor and his companion." It was with that sentence that all hell broke loose.

"What the hell!"

"Holy crap!"

"That's what he used to wear!"

"Where's his bowtie?"

"Quiet!" I hushed them, pointing to the two who hadn't yet noticed us. "Something must happen that puts us with the Doctor's past self right now, that's probably why our Doctor's still in the TARDIS." I thought back to when the Doctor asked how he could forget something like this. "I say we go over there, but we can't reveal anything!" I told them, Amy nodding in agreeance standing up.

"Wait, Amy-" I was cut off by Amy jumping on the table, gaining many people's attention.

"Oi, past Doctor! Get your un-wearing bowtie self over here." Rory was hiding his face in his hands while I only gaped at Amy, the younger Doctor and his companion turning to look at us in confusion.

Pulling Amy down so she was sitting next to me, I realized despite the water she was still very drunk. Not good.

The Doctor and his companion made their way over to us, the Doctor watching us all with a suspicious expression, looking ready for anything.

The second he was within hearing distance of us, all my common sense flew out the window and panic overtook me. "Don't ask us anything because we're from your future, and we're not allowed to give spoilers." I stood up, Rory turning his glare from Amy to me shaking his head. "Also..." I walked up to the Doctor, slapping him harshly across the face.

"Ahh!" He yelped in pain, grabbing his now reddening cheek. "What the hell was that for!" He glared at me, but right away I noticed his eyes trail over my body with a small blush covering his cheeks.

Okay, definitely the same alien. Just without his bowtie.

"That was for leaving us here! I mean, what the hell! You at least could have warned us about..." I brought my fingers up, motioning to his face. "This." The Doctor rolled his eyes, gaze coming back to my face.

"Well, I'm sorry for something I haven't done yet, but now that I know I don't warn you in the future, I can't exactly change it." He sarcastically quipped, crossing his arms.

"Doctor, who are they?" The female companion walked up next to him, looking to the three of us.

"His future!" It was Amy that spoke out, mysteriously wiggling her fingers.

The Doctor examined all of us once more, his gaze coming back to me, brows raising as he eyed the tight fitted jeans around my backside. "Oi, I told you, you're just a big bloke!" Amy said, the Doctor looking up at her in confusion.

Holding up a hand, he shook his head. "I have no clue what you're talking about, but I am definitely not just a 'normal' bloke. I'm a Timelord." He fixed his suit-tie, making all of us scoff at the familiar gesture.

Old habits never die.

"Yeah... considering you're an entirely different person from when we know you," I said, the Doctor looking at me curiously.

"Did I at least regenerate into someone good-looking?" He questioned, me shrugging.

"I mean, yeah, you're pretty hot," I told him, making the Doctor jump in the air excitedly.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, smirking at me. "I'll remember this. The beautiful companion who admitted I was hot." He cheekily said, making me laugh a bit.

"No, you won't."

"But, I will."

"No, you really won't."

"Oh, but I think I will."

"Oh... but you won't."

"Doctor!" It was his past companion which cut in. "Explain." She crossed her arms, Amy and I both raising a brow at his past companion, looking to each other with the same thought.

One or two hot, my ass. Try all of them. What a bloke.

"Well, Martha," The past Doctor scratched his chin, examining us once more. "I'm pretty sure we're currently talking to a few of my future companions." He told her, making her eyes widened.

"Damn, how far into the future?" She asked, making him shrug looking to us questionably.

Walking forward, I picked at his suit and kicked his red converse. The Doctor gave me an offended expression, jumping when I suddenly grabbed his chin pulling his face down so we were eye to eye. Right away, my eyes wandered down to his lips curious as to if he kissed differently in the past.

Shaking off my thoughts, I pushed the Doctor away. "I'd say a few years or so..." I looked at Amy who nodded, agreeing with me.

"Where's his future self?" Martha questioned, looking around the barn.

Amy scoffed glaring at the past Doctor. "Probably still hiding in the TARDIS, been gone for two hours at this point. Geez, what a wimp, can't even speak to his past self." She rolled her eyes, Rory and I snickering at her words.

The Doctor scoffed, giving us an offended look. "Well, excuse me, but I'm not exactly supposed to interact with myself."

"Says the dude who deemed himself, King of the Universe," I said, the Doctor turning to me with surprise.

"I'm going to become King of the Universe!"

"No, you decide to call yourself that when you want to be a blockhead." I scowled, Rory and Amy both nodding.

"It's true." Rory piped in.

The Doctor sulked for a second, before clapping his hands spinning around. "In which case, you three can help us with the ghost on the loose!" He exclaimed, Martha, nodding in agreeance.

"Hmm, sounds fun, never hunted a ghost with you, we can be like the Ghostbusters!" Amy smiled, the Doctor's eyes twinkling as if the words brought a memory to his head. "By the way, I'm Amy, that's Rory, and this is Effie. Can't tell you any more about us because that's in your future." She pointed to all three of us, the Doctor nodding.

"Interesting, I travel with an Amy, Effie, and Rory." He smiled to himself, leading us all to the corner of the barn by the shooting range. "I like that."

"Glad you like it, now where's this ghost at?" I asked as we came to a stop by the shooting range.

"Well, we've tracked it to somewhere here," Martha informed us, taking out some odd tracker looking device. "The EMF is saying it's upstairs, Doctor." Martha pointed to the second story, making us all follow her gaze.

"Oh, great, it's in the place where everyone's screwing," I told them, the Doctor wrinkling his nose in disgust, but brown eyes still looking ready for the adventure.

It was funny how he could go from having the warmest brown eyes to having the warmest green eyes, and yet the look of wisdom and adventure still remained.

"Cover your eyes then, let's go!" The Doctor raced over to the stairs, the four of us following him up the staircase.

Upstairs the booming music was muffled by the sound of grunts and moans echoing about. I nearly gagged at the sound, seeing a hallway full of doors, each door leading to what I could presume to be a small room. Hookers stood ideally, chatting to each other at a small bar located at the top.

The lights were dimmed low, small shadows falling across the place. A few hookers caught sight of Rory and the Doctor, sauntering their way over. Martha, Amy, and I all scowled, Amy taking to lead blocking both Rory and the Doctor from view.

"Get out of here!" Her thick Scottish accent fell, the hookers rolling their eyes going to give their attention to other males.

The Doctor turned to us, holding a single finger ready to explain something but was cut off by the sound of a woman's scream. The five of us didn't hesitate in jumping into action, following the sound of the scream bursting into one of the last rooms.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The Doctor apologized to one of the hookers, who was quickly trying to put on her bra but looking to the male in the room terrified.

Looking at the male, my eyes widened seeing that the man was glowing a bright green and growling alike to some animal at us. The woman scampered out of the room, Martha quickly bringing out a book.

The book was small but looked extremely old seeing as it was falling apart and colored a dirt brown. The pages were made of leather, and from what I could see from the writing, it was written in an entirely different language.

"Yeah, we're totally the Ghostbusters," Amy muttered, gripping Rory's hand.

The Doctor ignored us, stepping forward a bit holding a hand out to the ghost. "We're going to release you from this world, don't worry." The Doctor told the spirit, the spirit only letting out a menacing growl in reply.

"Martha, now!" The Doctor shouted, Martha, beginning to read some chant from the old book in a foreign language making the ghost cry out.

I watched in shock as the ghost cried out, flickering for a few seconds before it disappeared completely. We were all silent for a minute, the Doctor being the first one to speak.

"Who you gonna call?" He asked, Amy, grinning throwing her hands up.


"I ain't afraid no ghost!"


"Amy! Amy!" I chanted, laughing watching as she danced on the counter of the bar to the song 'Country Girl' as I had learned from the Doctor.

Rory himself sat at the bar, watching his rowdy fiance who was the center of attention with a smile. Standing by the dance floor, I stood with Martha and the Doctor, both of whom were laughing while clapping along for Amy.

"Care to dance?" A sudden country accent caught our attention, the Doctor and I turning to watch as a rather good-looking dude came holding out his hand for Martha.

Martha blushed heavily, turning to the Doctor as if asking for his permission. The Doctor rolled his eyes with a laugh, pushing her to go dance with the dude, a soft smile on his face as we gazed at two dance with each other happily.

"How about we screw with history a bit, aye?" The Doctor suddenly looked to me with a huge grin.

I tilted my head in confusion, not quite understanding what he was getting at.

"What?" I asked, the Doctor rolling his eyes pacing about in front of me.

"I mean..." He trailed off, turning to look at me. "Come with Martha and me, I know you travel with me in the future, but personally, I don't like to wait, so let's just go now." My eyes widened at the Doctor's words.

"Seriously? You actually want me to come with you, again!" I excitedly exclaimed, the Doctor nodding with a happy laugh.

With a huge smile, I launched myself at the converse wearing Timelord, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He even smelled different. The Doctor hugged me back eagerly.

"I take that as a yes, then?" He said, pushing me away slightly with a huge expectant grin.

I opened my mouth ready to agree before reality hit me. Yes, this was the Doctor, and yes he would eventually turn into the bowtie-wearing Timelord I was so accustomed too, so why not? Simply because I couldn't do that to him.

If I left with this version of him now, who know's how it will affect the one I'm familiar with. It could completely demolish our current history for all I knew, I couldn't just pick up and leave with his other-self.

A sad sigh escaped me as I couldn't help but find myself missing the pretty green eyed, spunky Timelord I knew. "I can't..." I trailed off, the Doctor's gaze going sad.

"I know, it could completely ruin history, what was I thinking." The Doctor looked downcast, running his hands through his much shorter hair. "I guess I'll just need to wait for you the long way around." He smiled, making me giggle.

"In which case, perhaps we should celebrate our newfound friendship with some-" I was cut off by the Doctor grabbing my wrist, and pulling me with him to the dance floor.

"Dancing!" He cried out, spinning me around his arms just as what I recognized to be a Spanish song beginning to play.

Not many people knew how to dance to these type of songs making it so quite a few people filed off the dance floor, leaving more room for the Doctor and me to begin a wild tango-swing type of dance.

"I didn't know you could dance like this!" I shouted over the blasting music, squealing when the Doctor spun us, grabbing me and dipping me down before bringing me back quickly.

"WOOO! Go, Doctor and Effie!" I could hear Amy cheering for us making me laugh a bit.

"Of course, I can dance! I'm eight-hundred-ninety-ninety, it'd be a real shame if I still didn't know how to dance after all this time." He suddenly spun me away from him, twirling us in a quick circle before pulling me back against him.

"Oh! Doctor!" I exclaimed my surprise when he dipped us low, my leg immediately wrapping around his waist as we leaned down.

His brown eyes glared into my happily, his hand wrapped snugly around my waist. Before I could comprehend the Doctor's actions, he picked me up over his head, me gripping his shoulders hitting a handstand position as I fell.

I laughed with the Doctor, the two of us spinning around and around earning quite the onlookers who cheered for us, Amy no doubt being the loudest with her Scottish ways. The Spanish song lasted a few more minutes before it concluded, a country swing song taking its place.

A few more people joined the dance floor as this was more the type of music people knew how to dance to in this state. The Doctor suddenly smiled, a gasp escaping him.

"They're playing Shady Grove!" He yelled excitedly, not even hesitating to pull me closer as a banjo sound blared through the speakers.

Wrapping one arm around my waist and using his other to grasp my hand, holding it out in front of us almost like a waltz position. My hand grasped his shoulder as he spun around the floor, the two of us making noises of joy as we bounced around the dance floor, spinning like lunatics.

"Shady Grove, my little dove, shady grove I sang! There ain't no girl in this ole' world that's prettier than mine, she's the darling of my heart, sweetest girl in town!" The Doctor bellowed, in a happy voice making me laugh and blush at the same time as he made sure to look me directly in the eyes with each lyric.

How could the two of us possibly be flirting already, I literally just met this version of him. I don't even think my Doctor and I were flirting this early.

As we bounced around, in out of a waltz position, we passed Amy and Rory who were doing the same thing, as well as Martha and her dude friend.

"Okay, now it's time to get really extreme!" The Doctor yelled as he suddenly switched our position, picking me up tossing me out of his arms, myself spinning in the air landing perfectly, the Doctor grabbing me not even a second later the two of us beginning to heatedly dance.

Cheers came from all around as the Doctor continuously flipped me, picking me up spinning the two of us around, ducking so I could go over his head. As soon as I landed, I tossed my arms out, my feet shuffling as the Doctor and I madly danced around each other.

For the next ten minutes straight, all the two of us were doing was laughing with each other, him spinning and flipping me around, people hollering as we danced passionately. Stomping my feet I twirled around, the Doctor following me in flapping his arms about.

When the fifth song we had danced to ended with me somehow on the Doctor's back, the two of burst out in insane laughter, my eyes wandering about the barn subconsciously. Despite appearance changes, this was still the same Doctor, my Doctor.

Yes, obviously there were slight personality tweaks, but he was all the same, just a different body.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my bowtie wearing Doctor leaning against a banister, huge hat occupying his head. The two of us met gazes, my Doctor watching us with a gentle smile, eyes twinkling as he remembered this moment himself.

Our quick connection of eyes was cut short by the Doctor whose back I was on, let me down gently, causing my attention to divert to the past generation. He gave me a grin, eagerly beginning to spin us again.

"More dancing?" He asked hopefully, taking it down a notch by gently swaying us. "Geez, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun!" He laughed, making me giggle but I was unable to stop myself from looking to the current Doctor who watched us with that same look of remembrance.

The past generation noticed my diversion of attention, turning to follow where I was staring. Eyes widening, I quickly pulled his head back to looking at me shaking my head no. I really didn't think him seeing himself was the best option right now.

He jumped in surprise, furrowing his brows at me. "What are you looking at?" He asked in confusion, turning his head once more, me unable to stop him this time.

It was like slow motion as the Doctor's met gazes, past and present colliding together in one big motion. The two met gazes, brown vs green, who would win? The Doctor's watched each other for a few seconds, the past Doctor being the first to break gazes looking back down to me.

"I'm assuming that's me?" He asked, me biting my lip nodding in reply. "Hmm," He hummed, before shrugging. "Regeneration, it's lottery, I guess I can't always have these stunning good-looks." He pumped himself up, making me snicker resting my head against his shoulder.

With a sigh, the Doctor gave me a slightly sad look. "Well, I suppose this is goodbye for now." I breathed out, slightly sad at the fact that I would probably never see the Doctor with this face again. "Effie, I can't wait to travel with you." He bent down kissing my cheek, pulling away in an instant.

I waved him bye as he walked to Martha, Martha waving bye to me as the two left the barn. Sighing sadly, I thought back to how much fun we had just dancing, nothing more than dancing and two of us had a blast.

"Care to dance?" A very familiar voice spoke in my ear, hands gripping my waist sending shivers spiraling through my body.

I leaned my head, resting it on the Doctor's shoulder the two of us gently swaying for a few minutes. Quickly, I turned around bringing my arms up so they rested on his shoulders coming face to face with Doctor I knew.

One more inch and our lips would touch. The two of us leaned in, lips just centimeters apart, the Doctor obviously ready to finish the step. Deciding to play coy, I pulled away shaking my shoulders.

"I hope you haven't lost that great dancing of yours." I smiled, the Doctor looking annoyed at me fo pulling last minute, but smiled none the less.

"In your dreams." Is all he said, stepping a bit closer to me only walking backward motioning him toward me with a playful finger. "I can't believe I forgot about this, almost collided with myself." The Doctor stated offhandedly, me only shrugging.

"Told you that you'd forget," I said, the Doctor smirking.

"Oh, but now I remember, I'm hot am I?" He rose a brow taking another step closer, with a blush I motioned to the line dance about to take place.

"Let's test those moves out, hmm? Can you line dance?" With those words came the rest of the evening filled with dancing, and more bull riding, the Doctor determined to beat me at my high score.

It's a fair statement to say that he never did. It truly is funny how a man can change, but stay the same.

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