Forty-Eight: Hello Again

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"You got married and I wasn't invited to the wedding?" Gamora scowled later that night after we had left the planet known as Drugo.

Our spaceship was simply soaring around the galaxy randomly, Drax, Mantis, and Groot all sleeping. Rocket was up in the pilot's area inventing new ways to make our already destructive blasters even worse, and Peter was down in the lounge listening to some tunes.

Gamora was currently lounged across my bed, listening as I told her the details of everything that happened since I had left them. It had been approximately two months for me, but for them, it was about two weeks.

Sighing, I gave her an apologetic expression. "Yeah, sorry, but to be fair it was a pretty heat of the moment thing. I mean, River's husband was the person who married us."

"River..." Gamora shook her head. "Half Timelord woman who broke into our ship, took your suit out of your room without us noticing? That one?" I laughed at her words, nodding my head.

"Yeah, she's always pulling stuff like that." I smiled, as Gamora yawned standing up from my bed.

"I'm going to turn in for the night," She headed for my door. "I'll see you in the morning." I waved her goodnight as she left.

After the portal closed, Rocket wasn't able to get it back up and considering the Doctor had no clue where we were, we left the planet. I knew I should give the Doctor time to let this settle in, even if his reaction wasn't as bad as I had thought, it was still a lot to take in.

When or if he wanted me back, he'd come searching until then I figured I'd just hang around with my team like I was supposed to be.

Luckily, earlier we'd stopped off at Xandar for showers and a supply run, so I was nice and clean unlike I usually was when I was running about with the Guardians. Looking around my bedroom on the ship, I couldn't help but note how much smaller it was than the Doctor and mine.

Of course, this room couldn't be big though, it was placed in a medium-sized spacecraft. The room itself wasn't much bigger than a closet, everything jammed together. The bed was big enough for barely two adults to fit if they were squeezed together, but it was enough for me.

Sighing, I closed my eyes missing the warmth of another body. How was already missing the Doctor and it'd only just been a few hours. Oh, I was in for a long haul.




Something occurred to me in the weeks I had been back to traveling with the Guardians. The Doctor apparently didn't want space and was looking for me. How did I know this? A few signs.

One sign was when Xandar approached us on a supply run, saying the Doctor had apparently been there asking where he'd be able to find me and the Guardians. Sign two was when Milano received a signal from the TARDIS, a signal Rocket immediately blocked much to my anger.

The third sign was when I realized the Doctor had actually technically found me, except it wasn't in the correct order. Way back when, in fact, I was ninety-percent it was the day that the Doctor and I met.

That day when the Guardians and I were fighting the Abilisk I had sworn I saw flaming hair and a bowtie, I labeled it off as nothing at the time, but now I know. It was the Doctor freaking looking for me!

"Persephone, look out!" I was thrown out of my thoughts, screaming when I saw a wrench being tossed at my head.

Ducking down just in time for the wrench to miss me, I scowled at Drax who had thrown it.

"What the hell, Drax!"

Drax only looked at Mantis, nodding. "See, anything can infuriate her."

I narrowed my eyes at him, shaking my head.

"That doesn't even make sense," I muttered, Rocket laughing as we all walked through the forest on the planet Berhert.

Apparently, Drax had lost something here and now we were getting back. A.K.A trying to find it, the worst part was Drax didn't remember what he lost so we were basically aimlessly wandering around.

"Drax," Peter complained, looking to the alien man. "Are you sure you lost something here?"

Just as he said that Drax's eyes lit up. "AHA!" He shouted, picking up a bag a Froline Nuts. "I've found it, my bag of nuts!"

My eye was twitching, everyone else taking deep breaths. "Are you saying we've been out here for over an hour for a bag of nuts!" I hollered in anger, cheeks flushed bright red.

Drax simply nodded opening the bag and eating some of the nuts. "You idiot!" Gamora screamed, pacing in a circle.

Before I could join Gamora in screaming at Drax, a very familiar sound sent shivers racing down my spine. In front of all of us, the TARDIS materialized in all her big blue glory. The police box stood tall and proud, a wide grin splitting across my face at the sight of it.

"Ah, hello!" His voice came from inside, followed by the door of the TARDIS beginning to open. "Persephone Surturson; Goddess of Fire, and princess of Muspelheim, seen her around? You see, she's my wife and I've sort of... well... lost her." The Doctor's head poked out from inside, his floppy hair in his eyes, and bowtie just slightly crooked.

The Doctor grinned as soon as he laid eyes upon me, fully walking out of the TARDIS. "There you are, my love! Been looking everywhere for you, not sure exactly how long it's been for you, but it's been roughly a week for me. Worst week of my life, by far." The Doctor muttered the last part to himself, before bouncing up to me and pulling me into a kiss.

The kiss lasted for seconds, myself humming happily against him enjoying the way my body fit perfectly against his. Gosh, I missed him. As soon as he pulled away, his eyes gazed into mine sparkling brightly.

"Persephone..." He was testing the name on his tongue, my eyes widening at finally hearing it roll around his mouth. I bit my lip, loving the way it sounded, the Doctor grinning brightly, nodding his head as if it were the best thing he'd heard. "Persephone, Persephone, PERSEPHONE Goddess of Fire, my Goddess. Yes, yes, I like the sound of that!" He clapped his hands, bringing me in for another kiss.

"Oh, you clever, idiotic girl. All you had to do was tell me, this is... fantastic! You'll live just as old as me, you're not even nineteen, you're over six-hundred! Brilliant, brilliant, woman!" He repeatedly kissed me, swiveling around a second later and waving to the Guardians.

"Guardians of the Galaxy, hello, great to meet you! Heard a lot about you, big fan, hope you don't mind, but I just need to steal my wife away for a bit, won't be longer than thirty seconds for you; however, it'll probably be quite a bit longer on our end!"

The Guardian's looked dumbstruck as the Doctor pulled me inside the TARDIS, closing the doors and dematerializing somewhere in space.

"So, you're really not mad about me being from Muspelheim?" The Doctor glanced at me, leaning on the console while crossing his arms.

"Oh no, not about that. Though, I will admit I'm pretty livid about you lying to me and all that.' I guiltily scratched the back of my neck before a great but horrible idea popped up.

"Perhaps, I could make it up to see." I suggestively rose a brow, the Doctor spinning to face me.



The Doctor looked excited at my suggestion, bobbing his head up and down quickly.

"Definitely, but it'll have to be later. I promised the Ponds I'd pick them up. Had a bit of an incident in Berlin, almost died. I dropped the Ponds off at Space Vegas to make up for it, it's been about a week for them now, I believe." I laughed, holding onto the console as the Doctor flipped a lever.

"Space Vegas, you and I should visit again, except this time without any druggie space flower." The Doctor winked at me, before twisting the time engine.

"Ready, my love?"


"In which case, GERONIMO!"

Oh, here we go again.


Wow, I can't believe this book is already over. Gosh, I think I might cry.

For this story, it was published when everything was completed, which is why you didn't have very many author's notes. This story is set up so that a plotted sequel is very much possible; however, I will only make one depending on how this fanfiction does. Also, only if people comment they want one because I know a lot of people feel that sequels ruin the original storyline.

I know I haven't done very many author's notes with this story, but I do want to thank you all for reading. To all the Whovians who miss the eleventh Doctor, this was kind of a throwback and dedication to him. Feedback about what you thought of the story would be very much appreciated. ;]

For those of you that happen to be fans of Supernatural, Twilight, or Harry Potter, I have some Fics posted if anyone is interested. Again, thank you all so much for reading, and comment on how you enjoyed it, any questions you might have, or whether you think a sequel for this book is in order!

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