Forty-Five: Movie Date

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"Doctor, it's been four weeks. You need to rest." I thrummed my fingers against the railing watching the Doctor who was tirelessly tinkering with the TARDIS.

Rory sat quietly on the railing chair, biting his nails nervously. Rory had been like this since we found out Amy was missing and giving birth to their child. He spoke rarely and when he did it was only about finding Amy, other than he either sat in the console room silently or cried in his and Amy's bedroom where he thought the Doctor and I couldn't hear him.

The Doctor, on the other hand, was different in his mourning. He busied himself endlessly, sleeping no more than two hours every day. Sure, he was a Timelord and could do that without an issue, but it still wasn't good for him.

After about two weeks of this behavior, they were able to find a Cybermen ship which knew the location of the Silence. The Doctor sent Rory in with his Centurion outfit to get the location, a mission which was successful as we now knew where the Silence was.

They were an asteroid named Demon's Run in the year 2017, my time. The problem was it was more than just a few with Amy, there was an entire army of Silence and Headless Monks keeping her hostage, so we couldn't just rescue her by ourselves.

The Doctor was working on gathering an army his own. His army would include people who owed him a sort of debt because he saved them at one time or another. I hadn't met the people in the group, but the Doctor has told Rory and us who they were.

There was a Silurian who went by the name Madame Vastra, her wife Jenny Flint, and a Sontaran named Strax. Madame Vastra was going to get the rest of her Silurian tribe to help along with something of Winston Churchill's that the Doctor wouldn't tell us.

While the Doctor was picking up them tomorrow, he'd drop Rory and me off to go get River from prison. He had no doubt that she would help him in this, so he didn't even bother asking. After all, in his head, every time she needed him he was there.

The Doctor had spent days coming up with an attack plan to get Demon's Run to surrender. He didn't want a drop of blood spilled, he simply wanted to intimidate them enough to get Amy out of there and leave.

A large chunk of me suspected this was going to be the fight when the Doctor found out exactly who I was. During Demon's Run, I would not be fighting as Effie Quill, the Silence kidnapped one of my best friends and her child, I would be showing them that they not only fucked with the Doctor, but with the Goddess of Fire.

And so, I wanted to spend what could very well be my last night with the Doctor in peace. Because lord knows once he finds out the truth nothing will ever be the same again.

I personally was trying to convince the Doctor to get at least an hour of sleep and maybe watch a movie, but he was adamant on staying out tinkering with his TARDIS until it was time to go get the group of people to fight in Demon's Run.

The Doctor ignored me continuing on his tinkering making me sigh, fist clenched. Closing my eyes, I breathed out slowly understanding that the Doctor was hurting. "Doctor," I started, my voice deadly calm, the Doctor hearing my tone freezing in his tinkering realizing ignoring me for the past five minutes was not a good idea. "I am your wi-" What was about to turn into a screaming match was luckily cut off by Rory, who had spoken about something other than finding Amy and his child for the first time in days.

The Doctor and I both whirled around to look at him in surprise, Rory's face watching us with a soft smile. "Tomorrow is going to be dangerous, and we don't know what's going to happen," Rory said the words none of us wanted to admit. The truth was anyone of us could possibly die tomorrow, though one of us wanted to say it, to say what could inevitably be our last 'hurrah!'

"Doctor, you did promise Effie you'd take her to see Avatar next. Might as well make good on your promise now, don't wait until it's too late." We all knew the real meaning behind Rory's words.

'Don't chance waiting until one or both of you are dead.'

The Doctor grasped the console panel tightly, before looking up and meeting my gaze. Wanting to put on a show for me, the Doctor smiled brightly, trying to look as bubbly and cheery as always. He was a magnificent actor, but I knew him well enough to see right through his smile, to see his core aching in pain from losing Amy.

"Go get ready, my love!" He clapped his hands, throwing his sonic in the air before calmly placing it back in the confines of his jacket. "We're going to the movies. Ooh, I have wanted to see Avatar for a while! What cinema should we go to? Perhaps we should go to Cineworld or AMC?" He rambled, sounding alike to himself before Amy was taken flipping levers.

I knew it was all fake, just fo show, but I still felt happy that he was acting like that. Trying to at least defuse the tension that had built up over the four weeks. Tongue dancing behind my lips as I watched the Doctor, I moved my eyes to Rory.

"You want to come, Rory?" I offered, Rory politely declining, saying we should enjoy a date together.

Nodding, I quickly ran down the hallway to change. Slamming the door shut behind the Doctor and I's room, I breathed out debating what would look normal to where on Earth during the year 2009.

I sighed sadly at Amy not being here to help me pick out my clothing. With that thought, I was quick to throw on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, shoving my feet into some sneakers before racing back to the console room.

"And!" The Doctor spun around, pulling a lever with a bright smile as soon as I got to the console room. "Welcome to IMAX theatres somewhere in Arizona!"

He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the TARDIS yelling at Rory that we'd be back soon enough. Laughing we burst out the doors, and into a small alleyway somewhere that wasn't too noticeable.

It was an extremely quick walk to the counter, myself unable to keep my eyes off of the amazing light up colors of the cinema.

"Two tickets to Avatar, please!" The Doctor brightly smiled at a friendly looking older woman who was working the ticket booth.

The woman gave a small laugh, ringing up the tickets, her eyes wandering over to the ring I proudly wore on my finger. "Married?" She looked between us joyously.

"Yes." We answered simultaneously, the Doctor blushing at our eagerness, the lady only giggling.

"Let me guess, newlyweds based on your excitement, and youth." The Doctor leaned against the counter, looking down at me fondly.

Shaking his head, he met eyes with the woman once more. "You're right on newlyweds, but I'm older than I look. Her, she's still young, nineteen..." He seemed to pause at his own words, face dropping making me look at him in concern. "Still so young." I heard him whispered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

I smirked at those words, he had no clue. But he would soon.

The woman smiled gently, handing us our tickets. "I doubt that, older than her? Sure, but you couldn't be older than twenty-four. Maybe you're quite a few years older, but age doesn't matter, all that really counts is that you're in love. And after knowing you for thirty seconds, I can tell you two love each other more than most couples who have been married for decades." Her American accent stuck out like a sore thumb as she handed us our tickets, the Doctor's eyes twinkling at her words.

"Thank you for the words of wisdom," He eyed her nametag, looking slightly amused that she believed he was barely in his mid-twenties. "Lori." He read, before taking out some sort of odd golden credit card type thing. "How much for the tickets?"

Lori smiled kindly shaking her head. "It's on the house, you two enjoy the movie. It really was spectacular." The Doctor nodded at her words, taking my arm in his and leading us inside.

His eyes lit up at the concession stand, dragging me over. "Wait," I said, tripping over my own feet at his fast pace. "What was that card?"

The smiled, flashing me the golden card. "Universal credit. Works anywhere in time and space, except for Earth before they used credit cards." He rolled his eyes at the last part. "Anyway!" He clapped his hands, leaping up to the concession stand ringer excitedly. "Sweets! I do love sweets!" He rubbed his hands together looking down at me.

"Okay, Effie, what do you want?" He asked, eagerly, myself shrugging as I hadn't had most of these candies.

"I don't know, never had any of it." He looked horrified at my answer, turning back around to the bored looking teenage concession stand dude.

"In which case, we'll take one jumbo bucket of popcorn. Ughh, I forgot American's don't eat fish and chips very much. Okay, how about a package of M&M's, Jelly Babies, Maltesers, Gummy Bears, and..." He trailed off in thought, my eyes brightening at some random package I saw through the glass.

"Can we please get that one?" I pointed to the colorful package through the glass, the Doctor looking to where my finger was.

"Mike and Ike's? Never tried that one, Mike and Ike's it is!" He cheered, the concession stand teen struggling to fit everything on the counter.

Finally, the teen gave up, putting all our candy in a bag, leaving the popcorn in its bucket.

"Any drinks today, sir?" The teen sighed, fixing his hat while typing in everything we got.

"Obviously!" The Doctor exclaimed, biting his lip. "Give me a Coke and her..." He saw my lost gaze, knowing I had no clue what fizzy drink I wanted chose for me. "Get her a Coke too!"

I watched as the Doctor brought two huge drink cups filled with Coke. "Holy shit, that's huge!"

"I know!" The Doctor smiled, handing me a Coke and a bag of candy. "That is why I love visiting America, everything's ten times larger!" He took a sip of the Coke, myself following in his lead.

I yelped at the bubbliness of it causing the Doctor to burst out laughing. The concession stand man rang it all up.

"That'll be $35.08, sir." The Doctor handed the worker his card, as I continue sipping on the fizzy drink.

Walking through the theatre, the Doctor walked into the room titled Avatar. Holding the door open for me, I smiled seeing as barely anyone was inside. The Doctor must have taken us to a few weeks after it came out based on the lack of audience.

Choosing to sit in the middle, I kicked my feet up onto the chair in front of me. Never having been to a movie theatre other than the one in the TARDIS, this was amazing. Soon the lights dimmed beginning Avatar.


In my opinion; Avatar, was a great movie, the Doctor thought so too, but he also kept repeating that they were basically the species as something called a Ligurian from the planet Liguria. Rory was asleep in his room when we got back and I was able to convince the Doctor to get a full night rest for tomorrow.

With that excuse, he went with it and actually slept soundly under the sheets. I knew he was tired, I just didn't realize exactly how tired.

Before going to bed, I thought it best to take a shower. Now, standing in front of the mirror, I was cringing at the difference in colors. My hair had grown out, it wasn't quite as long as before but it was definitely longer than when I had cut it.

The bottom half of my hair was black, while the top was the natural brunette. As if the TARDIS could read my thoughts, which she could, a bottle of hair-dye remover fell from nowhere landing right next.

Picking up the bottle, I smiled. "Thank you, TARDIS." I gave an appreciative glance around, preparing to dye my hair back to normal. "Let's do this."

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