Forty-Three: Seeing Double

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The Flesh Doctor let out an ear-piercing wail, myself hobbling over to stand next to Amy and Cleaves. In an instant the milky white of the Flesh Doctor's appearance was gone, replaced by a normal appearance exactly identical to our Doctor.

The only way to tell them apart was by the shoes, somehow our Doctor managed to get his shoes burnt by acid and needed to borrow a different pair. While our Doctor was wearing a pair of beat up converse, the copy Doctor was wearing the normal low-cut boots.

Gosh, this was getting so confusing.

"What's happening?" The real Doctor stepped toward his carbon copy in panic.

Jimmy, Dicken, and Buzzer all stood behind Cleaves, Amy, and I watching the scene unfold nervously.

The other Doctor, groaned his hands holding his head. "One day we will get back? Yes, one day." He grunted before letting out another yell, his head shaking. "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow." He was randomly spouting sentences in different voices, almost like he was talking to someone else about an entirely separate issue.

I was sobered up, and despite my better judgment, I was actually worried about the other Doctor. Technically, this other Doctor was also our Doctor. He had the same memories, the same emotions, same thoughts, personality, everything about him was the same.

I stepped forward anxiously, looking to our Doctor who was watching his other-self cautiously.

"Doctor, what's going on? What's wrong with him?" I asked, my tone portraying that of fright.

The original Doctor, never took his eyes away from himself. "The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations." He answered me, before acknowledging himself. "Hold on!" He said, his other self simply whirring around holding his back painfully.

"Would you like a jelly baby?" The Flesh copy of him asked in a completely different tone of voice from his current generation. My eyes widened along with Amy's as the Flesh Doctor's eyes filled with unshed tears. "Why? WHY!" He screamed, making our Doctor jump closer to him.

"Why? Why? What?" Our Doctor tried, only for the Flesh's eyes to dry of tears.

"Hello!" He suddenly perked up with a large grin, my breath hitching when I recognized his tone to be that of the Doctor's tenth regeneration. "I'm the Doctor!"

Amy clutched my arm, the two of us now officially scared both of and for the copied Doctor. "Doctor, help yourself!" I yelled, the original Doctor only ignoring me.

"NO, LET IT GO!" The copy boomed, tears filling his eyes once again. "WE'VE MOVED ON!"

The original Doctor grabbed the copy by the lapels of his identical tweed jacket, pulling himself close. "You can stabilize!" He shouted, the new Doctor only shaking his head tears flowing down his cheeks.

My heart shattered at the scene everything in me begging to go help him in any way possible. Yes, I knew that this was not the original Doctor, my Doctor, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter because the Flesh was now the Doctor, everything about it was the same, a literal living copy of my husband.

Seeing my husband in such a state made me hurt. It physically carved a gaping hole in my chest, clutching my heart painfully tight.

"I've reversed the jelly baby with the neutron flow. And no, would you like a...." The Flesh was now spouting nonsense, his body shaking as he leaned onto the original Doctor for support. "Doctor? Doctor?" He whimpered, myself fighting back tears.

The original version of the Doctor held his copy up, looking into his eyes. "Listen, hold on, hold on..." He kept repeating to himself, the copied Doctor's eyes suddenly flashing over to me.

"Effie! My wife, my love, my dear, my darling, my sweetheart..." The Flesh Doctor was watching me, going through every single nickname he's ever referred to me as. "I'm the...." His gaze left me, as he let out a loud yell.

The Flesh version of himself shoved his original away, his face morphing back to the milky white, irises an ice blue as he screamed in pain and what I imagined as fright. My attention was diverted to the Ganger's banging on the door from the outside before they randomly stopped.

We waited a few moments for the bangs to start again, glancing at each other when they didn't. "I think I liked it better when they were being noisy," Jimmy remarked, Amy nodding in agreeance with him.

"Okay, more stuff in front of the door!" I said, watching as Jimmy, Buzzer, and Dicken went to work in storing things in front of the door.

Amy quickly ran over to the original Doctor, the Flesh Doctor standing a few feet away from the two looking once again like a normal person.

"Doctor," Amy motioned him to the door. "We need you, get over here."

The original Doctor looked at her, the Flesh Doctor which was now stabilized looking up smiling brightly. "Hello!" He cheered like the Doctor normally would, everything about him exactly identical.

My breathing cut short when I realized this was seriously two Doctor's standing in front of me. What I could do with two Doctors. The possibilities were endless.

"Cybermats." The original Doctor randomly spoke, eyes trained with thought.

His other self-furrowed his brows, hands flapping about. "Do we have time for this?" He asked the original shrugging.

"We make time."

I both did and didn't want to go over there at the same time. This was endearing and creepy all at once, I honestly wasn't sure how to react.

Amy looking very unsure about this whole situation quickly left the two Doctor's talking with themselves, the original Doctor deciding to test himself while we worked to block the door.

"Are you sure there aren't any weapons we could get to?" Amy mumbled, wanting to reassure herself.

I stood by her awaiting Jimmy's answer. "Like big guns maybe?" I voiced hopefully.

"Oi!" I wasn't sure which Doctor it was that yelled at me. "No weapons!" I rolled my eyes at the old Timelord.

"Ignore them, their old..." I waved him away, hearing two sounds of offense from behind making me smirk.

"Yeah, big guns would be good right now." Buzzer agreed, Jimmy shaking his head.

"Why would we have guns?" Jimmy scowled at us. "We're a factory, we mine." I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Why would you not, what if a leopard comes and attacks you?"

"What the–? Why would... Why would a leopard comes to attack us?!"

"Is that not what usually happens on Earth?"


Amy patted my back shaking her head with a small giggle. Myself scowling, Peter freaking lied to me!

"Still," I huffed, looking around the room for any sign of something that could be used as a weapon. "It's good to have some form of protection! But don't worry, we still have my blaster." I rubbed my blaster with a smile.

"Don't touch it, Effie!" One of the Doctor's sang making me turn to them with a scowl.

Before I could come up with some witty reply, the door suddenly began sizzling causing me to turn back around.

"Shit," I sighed, Amy, biting her lip nervously.

"Acid, they're using it to melt the door." She stated, everyone else threateningly holding up everyday objects as if they were some sort of weapon.

Ignoring the Doctor's earlier request, my hands grasped my blaster aiming it toward the slowly melting shaking door.

"You know, Rory, Amy, and Effie, they might not trust both of us." The one who I assumed was the original Doctor said, myself sighing at his babbling during a time like this.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" The other him asked himself.


Shaking my head, I ignored the rest of their conversation. They really needed to come over here and help us rather than talking to themselves. Turning to face them once more, I groaned in annoyance seeing the original Doctor bouncing on his toes and his copy rubbing his hands together.

"So what now, Doctor?" The new one smiled, the original smirking.

"Well, time to get cracking, Doctor!" The original happily laughed, both walking near to where we stood barricading the door.

"Hello! Sorry!" Both Doctors said, the original Doctor taking lead in speaking. "But we had to establish a few ground rules, formulate a protocol..." I saw Amy studying both Doctor's shoes, taking note that the original Doctor was wearing converse.

"Protocol, very posh." The new Doctor complimented, the original turning to face him.

"A protocol between us, otherwise it gets horribly embarrassing." The original explained, causing his other to nod in agreement.

"Potentially confusing."

"Okay, well I'm glad you solved the problem of confusing." Amy chirped sarcastically, crossing her arms.

The Flesh Doctor pointed to her. "That's sarcasm."

"Yes, she's very good at sarcasm." The original stated before both suddenly turned to her.

"Breathe!" They said together, making Amy and I both look at them in confusion.

Why did the Doctor keep telling her to breathe?

"We have to get you all and the Ganger's outside." The original Doctor insisted, Cleaves, turning around her eyes glaring at him.

"Sorry. Would you like a memo from the last meeting? They are trying to kill us!" She angrily snapped through clenched teeth.

The Doctor shook his head, hands resting in the pockets of his trousers. "They're scared." He argued calmly.

"Doctor, we're trapped in here!" Amy slowly breathed, eyes clamping shut from the frustration she felt at our situation.

"You see, I don't think so!" The original Doctor piped, stepping a few steps around the room. "The Flesh bowl is filled by cabling from above..."

"But where are the earthing conduits, hmm?" The new Doctor held up a finger, looking to himself.

Both Doctor's looked to the ground. "All this piping must go down into a tunnel or a shaft or something." The original Doctor spoke, walking over to a vent sitting on the wall. "Yowza! An escape route?" I made a face at the word 'yowza.'

Looking to Amy questionably, we both shook our heads. "Yowza?" I mouthed, Amy, scoffing out a small laugh.

"Do we tend to say 'yowza'?" The new Doctor cheekily questioned, the original's cheeks going red.

"That's enough, let it go, okay. We're under stress." He reasoned, before motioning everybody toward the vent. "Okay, everyone! Into the vent, it's time to make our grand escape!" He called, everybody immediately running to the vent opening.

Buzzer, Jimmy, Dicken, and Cleaves were the first to go in followed by Amy. I eyed the vent in disdain turning around to face both Doctor's.

"Are you sure this is safe, we could just blast our way through the Gangers," I suggested, both Doctor's scowling the original one which was closest to me forcing me on my knees and through the vents.

"Oi, get in there you!" I heard the Ganger say, the original Doctor coming in right behind me, the new one being the last to enter.

As we crawled through the vents, I was able to pick up on a small disagreement coming from the two. "Why do you get to be in front? I want to be in front." The Ganger Doctor complained.

"Because you weren't quick enough, and you're myself, I know why you want to be up front. You just want the view of our wife's arse." The original spoke back in a hushed whisper, they obviously were not aware that I heard everything they were saying.

"Yeah, you get to look at it-" I cut the Ganger off, my voice carrying through the vents amused.

"You know, I can hear you both right?" Both of them began babbling in embarrassment making me laugh.

"Okay, we got an ending!" I heard Jimmy yell from up front before he jumped out of the vent's exit.

All of us followed after him landing in the hallway. Looking around, we were met with a smoke-filled cobblestone corridor, Jimmy nodding for us to follow him.

"The army will send a re-con team out." Buzzer explained, Cleaves jumping in.

"We need to find a way to contact the mainland." She reasoned, pointing her torch toward the darker patches of the hallway.

Amy bristled from my left, turning to look at Cleaves. "What about Rory and Jen? They are both out there." She stated the Doctor about to answer before I cut him off.

"Well, Jen's probably dead and Rory's probably looking for a corpse," I told the honest truth, one of the Doctor's hitting me upside the head.

"Don't say things like that, stay positive." He walked ahead, the other Doctor who I noticed was the clone staying behind me. "It's a maze. Takes a long time to find someone in a maze."

The clone's eyes brightened as he looked at the others. "I bet you lot have got a computer map, haven't you?"

"If we can get power running and scan for them, it'll be a lot quicker," Cleaves remarked, flashing her torch around.

Before anyone else could suggest things, the acid smoke started getting to our lungs. Amy was the first to start coughing, everyone else including me starting up.

"Doctor," Amy coughed, eyes watery from the smoke. "Earlier, you said to breathe." She choked, the Doctor looking to her.

"Very important, Pond, breathe." He ordered, through gasps of coughs as we all struggled to breathe.

Turning away, I hacked into my arm cursing when I felt my mind becoming loopy once more. I hadn't been away from the smoke long enough before, so now the effects were going to start up again.

"Yeah, well I'm struggling to." Amy bent down, hands on her knees.

"Acid interacting with stone!" The Doctor coughed, hands grasping his throat. "Creating an asphyxiant miasma!"

I inhaled a large amount of the smoke, leaning against the wall for support as I slid down coughing.

"A what?" Cleaves asked, the other Doctor explaining.

"A chokey gas! Extra heavy. If we can get above it though...." He gasped, Cleaves nodding.

"The evac tower. This way!" She pointed down the hall, everyone nodding getting ready to take off.

I tried hobbling to my feet, only for legs to collapse causing me to go tumbling right back down. The original Doctor didn't noticed this as he was too busy helping Amy down the hall. However, Buzzer luckily noticed turning to both the Doctor's unsure.

"Uhh, Doctor, your wife doesn't look too good." His sentence caused for both Doctor's to look at me frantically, both their eyes lighting up in identical panic.

Head resting against the wall, I choked out a small giggle. "Everything is great!" I mumbled happily, unable to keep the happiness of everything away.

"I got her!" The clone Doctor rushed toward me, picking me bridal style following the others down the hall.

The original Doctor who was helping Amy through the smoke, kept telling her to breathe, his eyes continuously checking on me as well. I hummed against the Doctor's chest, his arms not feeling any different from the original's. He was exactly the same.

I could even hear a double heartbeat emerging from his chest. Cuddling closer, I sighed in content.

"I love you." I wrapped my arms around him, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck.

The Doctor chuckled, a sound which vibrated through him as he kissed my forehead alike to always. "And, I love you." He murmured back.

The second we walked through the doors of the evac tower where many controls lay, everyone's coughing ceased, Amy groaning in pain clutching her stomach. Both Doctor's looked to her worriedly, Amy shaking her head.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Think I just pulled a muscle from all the coughing." She panted, the clone Doctor clutching me closer delivering multiple kisses to my forehead.

Nodding, the original Doctor turned to where I was in his clone's arms checking me over. "Okay?" He asked me, earning a slightly loopy thumbs up in return.

"I can take on the world!" I giggled, both Doctor's looking to each other nervously.

"Okay, all the exposure from the acid fumes, she's probably going to be like this for a while." The original groaned, the clone slowly setting me against the wall.

With one last glance, they both ran to the monitoring control station to try and get the power back on. I sat against the wall, watching as both Doctor's worked the controls to try and get the power back on, finishing each other's sentences as they spoke.

Amy who had been watching me suddenly made her way to them with crossed arms.

"Okay, one of you was here first, which one?" I knew Amy was having a hard time accepting both Doctor's, and only trusted the real one.

The real Doctor sighed, handing her a smile. "Fine, after the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. Now, new shoes, a situation which did not confront me learned self here." He admitted, before ducking under the panel.

The clone Doctor leaned against the monitoring station, looking to Amy brightly. "That satisfies you, Pond?" He asked, Amy, giving him a look.

"Don't call me Pond, please." She stated coldly, causing him to frown and the real Doctor to look between them with furrowed brows.

I felt bad for the clone knowing he was the exact same as the real Doctor. Both Doctor's froze in their tracks studying her, the clone looking like she had just stabbed him in his heart.

"What?" Amy asked defensively, seeing the looks they were giving her.

"Interesting," He pointed to her. "You definitely feel more affection for him than me." The clone acknowledged, Amy, pursing her lips.

"No, No, I..." She ran a hand through her red hair. "Look, you're fine and everything, but he's the Doctor. No offense, but being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive."

The clone held a look of offense, scowling as he shook his head. "Well, being almost the Doctor is like being no Doctor at all. I don't understand, Effie still feels the same affection for me, why don't you?"

Amy snorted at him, motioning to me who only gave them a shaky thumbs up. "Look at her! She's so out of it, she'd believe a Dalek was the Doctor if we told her so!" Now, that she mentioned it, the Doctor did look similar to a Dalek. "If she was herself right now, she would feel the same way I do, guaranteed. Don't overreact, it's just the truth." The clone looked extremely hurt by her words, glancing at me to see of what she was saying was true.

In return, I smiled brightly struggling to keep my eyes open.

"You might as well call me Smith then. John Smith-" The power was turned back on before their little argument could ensue, everyone except me running to the monitor controls.

"C'mon, let's track Rory!" Amy exclaimed, her voice sounding far away.

All their voices sounded far away, and it was really becoming a task to keep my eyes open. Just a little nap couldn't hurt, right.....


"Persephone?" Aleksander's voice sounded as if I was listening to it on some sort of stereo.

"How could you!" I screamed at my twin, tears running down my face. "FIFTY YEARS! YOU HAD ME UNDER A CURSE FOR FIFTY YEARS!" I wailed to him, my heart destroyed.

Yeah, we might have not seen eye to eye all the time, but he was my family, my brother, my other half. He was supposed to have my back, protect me. Instead, he and my father pull this bull crap.

"Persephone, listen to me-" My brother desperately tried, his face for the first time in his existence raw with emotion.

My brother was a hard person, he didn't show emotion. Today was different though, today was the day that the curse broke. As we had our screaming match, Aleksander trying and failing horribly to explain why he would do such a thing, my father walked in.

Angrily, my brother turned to him. "You said this couldn't happen! You promised she'd never find out, you said it wouldn't break!" He yelled, my father's eyes turning to me in surprise.

"Persephone," He asked softly, something that was even more unheard of than my brother being nice.

My father and brother were one and the same, they never spoke softly, were never kind, they showed their affection for me in different ways than most people would. But I suppose considering I just woke from a curse which completely changed my personality after fifty years, special treatment was called for.

Wiping my tears away angrily, I looked to my family in betrayal. "I get it, I may have not been the daughter or sister you wanted. But I was fine how I was, I never argued too much, I usually did what you asked, and yet you still pull something like this. There is guilt and blood on my hands that I will never be able to erase, for fifty years I have tormented the universe because of you. I hate you both." I hissed, spinning on my heel hearing both of them calling for me to come back.

I ignored them, continuing on my path toward my room. There was no way I could do this anymore. My father and brother felt bad; yes, but that wouldn't stop them from strengthening the curse and placing me back under it.

In fact, my reaction probably just stirred them on. They don't want me hating them, so they'll change me back in order for me to still hold affection for them, so we could once more be that sadistic family.

Not again, not ever again. I wouldn't be able to stop them from doing it if I stayed here, and I didn't trust them not to do it. It was time for me to leave, my mother once escaped and so could I, plus I would have the advantage.

They expected me to do a lot of things, but running away was not on that list. I had to get out of here as soon as possible, preferably tonight when I had the chance.

I'd be able to fly through space if I went Nova, I could get myself to Nidavellir where they'd no doubt have some sort of spacecraft. From there I'd be long gone before they even woke up.

It would be dangerous though, they would never stop looking for me. On the run constantly, could I handle that? I may have been over four-hundred, but to my race that was only fifteen. Still a child.

Not to mention if I ever were to be caught, I don't even want to think about what they would do if they caught me. But I had to do this, for the safety of the nine realms.

The ripper twins could be no more, I wasn't going to risk being put back under that spell to cause havoc among the worlds. So, it's settled, I would leave as soon as I was sure the cost was clear.

I guess in some fucked up, I was pursuing my dream of seeing the stars.

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