Six: Flesh and Stone

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After taking a few minutes to look around, I made my way back to where the main action was, hoping the Doctor was better. At least I had thought it was a few minutes, it sure as hell felt like a few minutes.

Walking back to where I had last seen everyone, my eyebrows furrowed when no one was there. Just as I was about to yell out the Doctor's name a hand grabbed my shoulder, a rough heavy hand. With a small jump, I spun around leaving the hand dangling mid-air.

Standing frozen in its stone glory was a weeping angel, face froze into one of surprise. Rolling my eyes, I smirked at the creature tilting my head while tauntingly tutting it.

"Well, well, well," I ran my eyes over the lone angel. "What do we have here?" In a predatory manner, I walked around the angel observing it.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering right about now why you can't kill me?" A hum left my lips as I sneered at the psychotic creature. "It's quite simple when Asgard put the quantum spell on your kind, they made sure to make all Asgardians immune to your powers, and I am of Asgardian descent, therefore..." I trailed off eyes thoughtful. "You can't hurt me." It came out cold and dark, a tone which would send shivers down anyone's spine. "But, I can hurt you."

I didn't hesitate in placing my hand on the angel's stone shoulder, setting the thing ablaze. Stone was strong and could resist a vast amount of heat, but I was setting this thing to a temperature that no being could survive. And like that, the angel began melting, red liquid sinking to the ground. A scream like sound came from the angel as it melted, stopping when the angel was no more than a puddle of hot magma at my feet.

I realized that we must have been wrong about there only being one angel earlier, there was definitely more. That meant the Doctor and everyone else was in danger, quickly I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail along with tightening the strings to my boots.

Thanking myself for packing a blaster which I had conveniently found in one of the drawers of my dresser hidden under many layers of underwear, I reached into the inside of my flight jacket pulling it out.

Considering who the Doctor was I figured he didn't have many weapons on board meaning it was the TARDIS who made up the blaster along with my room, she was smart as she hid it in the only place the Doctor wouldn't go snooping through, or maybe he would, who knows.

"DOCTOR!" I yelled walking around the area I had previously seen them, cussing myself out for leaving.

It had only been five minutes, they couldn't go anywhere far in that short of time? Even then, they wouldn't just leave me, would they?

"AMY!" I stumbled around, looking everywhere for someone. "RIVER! SOMEONE! ANYONE?" My breathing got heavier when I came to terms with the fact that I was alone with no clue on where the Doctor was. "FATHER OMINOUS!" What was his name?

After two minutes of searching around seamlessly, a noise sounded from behind. A crunching noise like someone was walking toward me. Eagerly I turned around expecting to see someone, but unfortunately, I was met with about five angels standing frozen just a few feet away.

Letting a disappointed sigh, I looked up to the rocky roof shaking my head. "Really?" I questioned, tossing my hands up frustratingly. "See that pile of magma?" I looked back the Angels, pointing to the melted rock. "That used to be one of your angel friends and it's going to be your lot next" I growled, storming forward ready to set the group in flames.

However, just as I was about to reach them a bright white light flashed around me and suddenly I was standing in some sort of forest. "You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled, kicking over a random stone. "I hate rocks!"

Understanding that throwing a tantrum wouldn't fix anything, I took a deep breath opening my eyes. "Okay," I breathed. "Think, where the hell am I?" I began walking in a random direction hoping to get some sort of answer.

I had barely walked for a minute before I was standing in front of some huge metal door thing. "What the hell?" I muttered, running my fingers across the metal trying to find some sort of switch on how to open it.

How many angels were there when I was zapped here again? Oh yeah, five. I sighed in annoyance realizing what happened.

Asgardians were immune to most things concerning the weeping angels; however, if the angels happened to get into a big enough group, then they were capable of making small things happen to an Asgardian. Not that I was an Asgardian, but since my mother was Asgardian, then I was of Asgardian descent.

There were five angels, so they just teleported me away. That was really the only thing they were able to do to an Asgardian in big groups like that, by putting their energy together they simply teleported me away. Luckily, the Angels weren't able to teleport me far, nor were they able to hurdle me through time, so I was still somewhere relatively close to where I was last.

But a forest? How was the there a forest so close? That made zero sense at all... unless this was some type of oxygen factory for a ship. Of course, I was on a spaceship, a huge ship that used a makeshift forest as their oxygen source.

I couldn't open the doors to the other part of the ship from this side, it was only able to be done from the opposite side. Wasting no time, I quickly began banging on the doors screaming for someone to hear me.

"Hello! Anyone there?" I yelled, hitting the metallic doors harshly. "Open up!"

"Effie?" It was the Doctor's voice I heard from the other side. "Effie!" He yelled once more.

"Doctor? Doctor! Is that you!" Suddenly, Amy and River began yelling along with him, the Doctor ordering for help on getting the doors open.

"Hold on for me, Effie! We're coming!" With that I sighed in relief my panic dying down, waiting only a few seconds before the doors slid open.

Once the doors were open, a large control room was revealed with Father Overjoy and his men standing to guard another set of doors in the back, River and Amy both standing looking to me in relief, and the Doctor stood front most toward the door eyes devouring my form whole with a look of both joy and relief.

He took me by surprise when he leaped forward, picking me up in tight a hug. "Effie, beautiful Effie." He kissed the top of my head, clutching onto me as if he would never see me again. "I thought I lost you." He mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear him as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck breathing in my scent.

A small sniffle escaped me when the fear of being lost and alone forever hit me and ended. Hugging him back just as tight, I allowed for small sniffles to leave me, and yet I refused to cry over it.

"I thought you left me." I mumbled honestly, the Doctor pulling me away so I was looking him in the eyes.

He gave me a look full of truth and promise, shaking his head. "Never, I will never leave you, Effie." He promised, pulling me back in a hug and kissing my head.

With one last sniffle, the two of us pulled away, the Doctor once more gazing over me in relief. "You've been gone for hours, where the bloody hell did you go?" I was confused at that looking around seeing everyone else awaiting the answer as well.

"Hours?" I laughed shaking my head. "More like five minutes." The Doctor's eyes widened, his mind spinning to come up with a viable answer.

"No," Amy walked forward pulling me in a hug. "You were gone for hours, we weren't sure where you went, but we were hoping you just went back to the TARDIS."

"What do you mean? I just went on a small walk and was gone for like five minutes, maybe less." I was sure I was gone for five minutes, the Doctor's eyes suddenly lit up.

"A timelock, you were stuck in a timelock, of course." He groaned me along with Amy looking at him in confusion.

"What the hell's a timelock?" I asked him, the Doctor struggling to reply.

"A bit difficult to explain, but in simple terms, it's essentially a small pocket of extra time. They usually show up when a lot of Weeping Angels are around, like now. It just traps people in a small bubble away from time for a few hours, completely harmless except for the fact that outside the bubble time moves along as normal." The Doctor explained, placing a single hand on my cheek stroking it tenderly.

He was more touchy than usual, it was actually kind of sweet.

"Aww," Amy cooed at us, shaking her head. "Eight." She randomly added, making all of us turn to her with odd and slightly concerned expressions.

"What did you say?" River questioned, Amy only looking at her in confusion.

"Nothing," She looked back at us with some sort of knowing smile.

The Doctor shrugged it off taking a reluctant step away motioning to the forest. "Is there another exit? Scan the architecture, we don't have time to get lost in there!" Immediately some of Father Osborn's men jumped inside scanning it, what was that dude's name?

"Trees, on a spaceship!" Amy yelled in disbelief hopping in the forest along with us.

The Doctor made his way to one of the trees, gripping some of the moss on the trunk. "Way more than trees, you're going to love this!" He pulled back the moss revealing wiring running through the tree. "Trees, plus technology. Branches become cable, become sensors on the hull, a forest sucking in starlight, breathing out air!" He jumped giddily, eagerly explaining what this was to us. "It even rains, there's a whole mini-climate. This vault is an ecoped running right through the heart of the ship. A forest in a bottle on a spaceship in a maze, have I impressed you two yet? Effie Quill the girl with the name of a superhero and Amelia Pond the girl with the name of a fairy tale?" He started to bounce over to us.

I laughed, looking to Amy who also looked around laughing. "Seven!" She exclaimed excitedly, my head snapping to her in confusion, the Doctor's persona becoming more serious.

"Seven?" He asked coming up to us quickly, spinning Amy around so she was looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry what?" She looked at him confused, glancing at me for help.

I only watched with concern for her, River and I exchange looks.

"You said seven." The Doctor told her, Amy only scoffing.

"No, I didn't." She disagreed.

"Yes, you did." River and I remarked at the same time, giving Amy a look of concern.

The Doctor's studying of Amy was cut short by Father Oobleck calling out to him. "Doctor, there's an exit at the far end of the ship." I really need to figure out his name.

"Good." The Doctor looked to the military men. "That's where we need to go." He ordered, looking back at Amy, gripping her chin examining her face from all over.

"Plotting a safe path now." One of the men yelled at us, Amy slapping the Doctor's hands away from her face.

Before the Doctor could grab her once more, a voice came from a radio in the Doctor's jacket. "Doctor? Excuse me. Hello, Doctor?" It sounded like the voice of a young man, making me look to River in confusion.

"Who's that?" I asked her only sighing sadly.

"That's angel, it's using a dead member of Father Octavian's team to speak." She informed me, myself nodding, appreciating that she told me Father Octavian's name.

"Ah." I chortled as the Doctor sprawled across on the seats on the control room, trying to look like a badass. Hearing my small laughs the Doctor winked at me, making me fall into another fit of laughter. "Ah, Angel Bob. How's life..." He paused before biting his lip, "Sorry bad subject." The Doctor cringed at his own words, making me laugh harder.

My attention was then diverted away from the Doctor in conversation with 'Angel Bob' to Father Octavian's men scanning the forest, threateningly holding up their guns. I twisted back to the Doctor upon him smiling and laughing with Amy.

"Ha, I made him say comfy chairs." He snickered making me laugh at him.

I sat on the armrest of his chair, the Doctor looking up at me with a smile subconsciously rubbing my thigh. My eyes widened at his action, the Doctor not processing what he was doing.

Amy laughed noticing as this as well, opening her mouth to comment on it. However, the words that left her mouth were unexpected. "Six." She giggled, the Doctor jumping up at that, and me moving to examine Amy worriedly.

"What have you done to Amy?" The Doctor asked into the radio, Amy watching me in confusion as I examined her thoroughly.

There was a pause before the angel spoke back. "There's something in her eye." The angel stated, me looking straight in her eye after he said that.

I sucked in a large breath, internally freaking out when I saw the shadow of an angel stuck as a reflection in Amy's eye. "Doctor..." I trailed off, the Doctor turning at the tone of my voice walking up to Amy looking her in the eyes as well.

"Crap." He muttered, Amy only looking panicked at us.

"Doctor, I'm five," Amy sighed, the Doctor, River and I only looking at each other upon hearing Amy's words. "I mean..." Amy shook her head. "Five." She repeated looking alarmed at herself. "Fine, I am fine!" She shouted, the Doctor gently pushing me back so he could get a better look into Amy's eyes.

"You're counting." River acknowledged.

"Counting?" I said, looking from River to the Doctor. "Why is she counting?" I questioned, worried about my new friend.

"You're counting down from ten, you have been for a couple of minutes." The Doctor stated, eyes not leaving hers.

"Why?" She whimpered, the Doctor only shaking his head.

"I don't know."

"Okay, what she's counting down to?" I asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know." He repeated, refusing to take his eyes off her.

"We shall take her, we shall take all of you. We shall have dominion over all time and space." Angel Bob's voice came through the radio. The Doctor grabbed the radio, swiftly sitting down in his comfy chair once more.

"Get a life, Bob." The Doctor scoffed before his eyes widened. "Oops, sorry again. There's power on this ship, but nowhere near that much." The Doctor stated, looking around to all of us.

"With respect, sir." Angel Bob drawled in a mocking tone. "There's more power on this ship than you yet understand. Isn't that right, Effie?" I choked on my breath at that, the Doctor's eyes running to me with confusion.

He knows! Angel Bob motherfucking knows! Shit! Shit! Shit! I knew I shouldn't have burned down that goddamn angel, motherfuckers can't keep their mouth shut.

As casually as possible I shrugged mouthing the words. 'I have no clue.' The Doctor nodded, letting it go for now as a loud shrieking began filling the room.

River gave me a knowing expression before she moved her head around trying to find where the noise was coming from. "Dear God, what is it?" She asked out loud, me subconsciously moving closer to the Doctor, him giving me a small but reassuring pat.

The only reply we got for a minute was the sound of shrieking and something hitting the outside the control room. It boomed across, Amy jumping in fright and me only grabbing the Doctor's hand which he rubbed in a calming manner.

"It's hard to put it in your terms, Doctor Song." Angel Bob finally replied in a sort of psychotic sing-song voice. "But as best as I understand it, the Angels are laughing."

We all looked to each other with panic struck faces as the chaos around us ensued. Slowly, the Doctor brought the radio up to his lips, hand rubbing my own hand soothingly.

"Laughing?" He stated in a questioning tone.

"Because you haven't noticed yet, sir." At that moment I prayed on everything that the angel was not going to tell the Doctor the truth about who I really was. At that moment I silently begged harder than I ever have. "The Doctor in the TARDIS hasn't noticed yet-" Luckily, the angel was cut off by the Doctor standing, rubbing his face.

"Doctor..." Father Octavian trailed off, the Doctor only holding up the hand which wasn't grabbing mine.

"No! Wait! There's something I've missed, something huge." The Doctor yelled out obviously trying to come up with an answer for himself.

Slowly, the Doctor turned to me with a facial expression that clearly stated he was studying me. On the outside, I simply rose a cool questioning brow, yet on the inside chaos rumbled as I tried to come up with some good excuse or better yet a snide comment. However, none of us were able to utter a word as a sudden cracking sound filled the air from behind us.

Immediately we snapped around, my eyes widening in shock upon the huge glowing crack that was opening within the wall. The crack was almost undesirable with its glory, it was no normal crack that was for certain.

"AHHH!" A yell left me when the Doctor randomly ran toward the crack taking me with him. "This is something you run away from, not toward!" My yelps were ignored as we stopped just a few feet away from the crack, the Doctor getting out his sonic as he scanned the thing.

Amy was at our side in mere seconds looking even more frazzled and scared than before. "That's the crack from my bedroom wall, from when I was a little girl?" She asked, but we all knew that she knew the answer, though I was pretty confused.

The Doctor only stared at it in shock, shaking his head. "Yes!" He breathed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I pulled him back harshly when he tried getting closer to the crack with his screwdriver. "Get away from there!" The Doctor scowled at me when I easily pulled him back again.

"Has anyone ever told you you're freakishly strong?" He turned to me, looking down at my tight grip on his hand which was easily keeping him in place.

"Yes, now come on!" I pulled him away from scanning the crack and toward the others who were waiting for us in the spaceship forest.

Unfortunately, the both of us were stopped by angels appearing on either side blocking our passage from the crack which was devouring the control room. Alike to second nature, the Doctor somehow managed to muster up the strength in pushing my body in front of him, so I was snug against his front, him blocking the angels from getting to me. I panicked knowing that the angels could hurt him, but not me. It should've been the other way around, I should be blocking him.

"Doctor-" I was cut off by him walking us forward so we avoided the angels.

"Don't blink, Effie!" He yelled, pushing us faster the both of us having trouble in keeping our eyes on all the angels. "Don't even blink!"

"Doctor!" I screeched when one of the angels managed to catch hold of his jacket.

"Go!" He pushed me forward so I was out of his hold stumbling into the forest.

Turning around I was met with the sight of the Doctor muttering a few words with the angels before quickly scrambling out of his jacket and away from the angels. "Never let me talk!" He yelled at them, grabbing my hand as we sprinted away from the angels and the crack.

The two of ran away from the angels following in the path that the soldiers, River, and Amy went on. Soon enough we fell upon them, my heart rate picking up when I saw River leaning over Amy who was sprawled across a rock looking more pale than usual.

"Now, if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself." River said looking to Father Octavian. "And if he's alive, I'll never forgive him." River added, the Doctor and I look to each other at River's words. "And, Doctor, you're standing right behind me, aren't you?" River suddenly sighed, turning her head to face the two of us.

"Oh, yeah." He smirked, River scowling in response.

"I hate you."

"You don't." He smiled in a brotherly fashion to her. "The angels are in the forest." The Doctor ran forward, again taking me with him as we got to Amy in a matter of seconds.

"Hey, Amy." I calmingly moved the hair out of her face, gently massaging her scalp as the Doctor and River spoke about the crack.

"What's wrong with me?" Amy whimpered as the Doctor looked at a scanner showing her vitals.

"Nothing, you're fine." River reassuringly said to her, the Doctor shaking his head as he looked at the scanner.

Peaking over the Doctor's shoulders, my eyes widened at what I saw. "Everything, you're dying." The Doctor and River Song both snapped their heads to me with a small glare.

"Effie..." They both hissed at the same time me only shrugging.

"Sorry." I said it in a tone suggesting I wasn't that sorry.

"I'm scared, Doctor." Amy's bottom lip quaked as tears filled her eyes.

"Of course, you're scared, you're dying, hold on let me think. Everyone shut up!" The Doctor ranted at a fast rate, pacing around us in a circle. "Okay, what happened, she looked into the eyes of an Angel for too long-" The Doctor was cut off by soldiers yelling out the Angels were coming.

"The image of an Angel is an Angel. When looking at an Angel people don't even blink, but that's exactly what they want because if your eyes are open then they can climb inside. There's a literal Angel in her mind." I offhandedly said while stroking Amy's hair, the Doctor and River gaping at me.

"That's precisely right, but how did you know-?" I waved him off.

"Common sense."

River scoffed at that shaking her head. "No, sweetie. That is not common sense. That's called Doctor logic." The Doctor scowled at that, River handing him a wink in reply.

"Well, Doctor logic is excellent logic to have." The Doctor stuck his tongue out at her before picking up the radio. "Bob, why are the angels making her count?"

Bob chortled in reply. "To make her afraid, sir." He answered.

"Okay, but why? What for?" The Doctor retaliated, me looking to him as if he were an idiot.

"Because it's fun!" Everyone gave me a look at that, making me scratch the back of my head. "For them! It's fun, for them!" I hastily added, the Doctor only sighing in response.

"She's right, you know." The angel said through the radio. "For fun." He drawled to the Doctor, the Doctor yelling throwing the radio at a tree.

"What do I do? What do I do?" The Doctor repeatedly mumbled to himself, running his hands through his hair while frantically pacing. "How do I shut the vision center of the brain off?"

I looked to the Doctor with a tilted head, smiling. "Why don't you try closing your eyes?" The Doctor gasped at my suggestion running over to me.

"Yes!" He yelled.

It was like time slowed as the Doctor bounced over with a wide grin, I had no time to react as his hand grabbed the back of my neck and lifted my head bringing my lips to his own. My entire being tensed in shock, my mind melting. It wasn't a passionate makeout session full of fire, or kiss with a thousand unspoken words.

It was a simple kiss that was quick and almost friendly, and yet it meant the world to me. Just as quickly as his lips were there spreading fireworks through me it was gone leaving me feeling empty. The Doctor pulled away with a large grin not processing what he just did, everyone around us simply staring in shock.

I'm sure my face must have displayed something of the same feeling as the Doctor's eyes widened when he realized what he did. Immediately he blushed, rubbing his neck. "You're brilliant, Effie." He mumbled, before turning to Amy. "Amy, close your eyes."

What the fuck just happened?

When she closed her eyes, her vitals went back to normal just as I predicted. However, I was still stuck up on the fact that the Doctor just freaking kissed me. As the Doctor, Amy, and River spoke to each other I walked over by the soldiers watching the angels, ready to protect everyone if things went sideways.

"Right!" The Doctor cried jumping up from his conversation gaining all our attention. "Father, you, your clerks, and Effie are going to stay here and look after Amy. Effie, you're the only one I trust out of these lot, that's why you're staying here." The Doctor winked at me, before turning to the other soldiers. "If anything happens to either of them, I'm holding every single one of you personally accountable, twice!" He sternly told the others. "River, you and me, we're going to go find the primary flight deck which is..." The Doctor licked his finger holding it in the air as he looked around. "A quarter-mile straight ahead, and from there we're gonna stabilize the wreckage, and cure Amy." I scoffed at his sureness.

"How?" I challenged, the Doctor turning to me with a smirk.

"I'll do a thing." He confidently poked his chin up.

"What thing?"

"I don't know. It's a thing in progress, respect the thing. Moving out!" He rubbed my head affectionately, flashing a small grin my way before speaking with Father Octavian who was apparently now coming with them and sitting next to Amy and me.

"Doctor, please, can't we come with you?" She questioned, speaking my exact thoughts.

"You'll be safer here, we can't protect you on the move, I know Effie will do a better job at keeping you safe with these clerics." He gave me a pointed look, one to which I rolled my eyes at. "I'll come back for you two, I promise." He smiled, me only nodding.

"You always say that." Amy solemnly said, the Doctor patting her head while standing.

"I always come back." He began walking away, giving orders to the clerics. "Good luck, everyone. Behave, do not let that girl open her eyes, and do not..." He spun on his heel pointing to me. "Let this girl get hurt!"

I rolled my eyes watching the Doctor walk away; however, I was taken by surprise when he was suddenly back grasping Amy's hands and whispering with her. The Doctor had his tweed jacket back, the jacket he lost earlier to the angels. Not to mention his hair looked far tamer, this was a different version of him, a future version no doubt.

He whispered with her for a few moments, before kissing her forehead and turning to me. I was yet again taken by surprise when he kissed me for the second time in a five minute span, except this time with far more passion.

A strangled gasp left me as I kissed back, grasping the fabric of his jacket. It lasted only moments before the two of us pulled away breathing heavily. "Doctor-" I was cut off by him grabbing me, pulling me into his body.

"Effie," He whispered through ragged breaths, running his hands through my hair. "My beautiful, Effie. You're so courageous, and gorgeous, and brilliant." He repeatedly kissed my forehead, standing up and looking around sadly. "Thank you, my love. You showed me how fabulous life was with someone to spend it with." He whispered in my ear, my mouth falling agape in shock at him.

What the fuck is this day!

For the third time, he pulled my mouth against his kissing me with force before running away, me not able to react quick enough to get him. Holy shit! The Doctor kissed me three times in five minutes!

I need a nap.

"Doctor?" Amy questioned seeing if he was still around, luckily she hadn't been able to hear anything he had told me.

I imagine I'm not supposed to mention this incident to present him.

"He's gone..." I sighed, grabbing Amy's hand which she rubbed back. "It's just us now."

"Anything happening out there?" I questioned the soldiers from where Amy and I sat after a good five minutes of silence.

"No, the angels are still grouping." One of them called back, me furrowing my eyebrows upon noticing the powering failing in the ship for just a second. "Hold on..." Another soldier trailed off. "They're ripping the trees! OH MY GOD!" The soldier suddenly panicked beginning to randomly fire at a group of angels who were ripping the technical trees apart.

The lights flickered making the angels get closer to the soldiers who were idiotically firing at them. "What's happening?" Amy questioned, clutching my hand a little tighter.

Twisting side to side, I glared at the soldiers. "They're just being idiots," I growled, before standing. "Stop wasting your bullets! You're not gonna make a dent on stone, just keep the lights on!" My voice carried around loudly, many of the soldiers luckily deciding to listen to me and work with keeping the lights on instead.

"Philip, Crispin!" One of the soldiers yelled when the angels started to randomly leave us. "We need to get a closer look at that!" He pointed toward a bright white light which was coming from a smallish distance away.

My mouth fell agape as I looked to the soldier in a new light. "How stupid are you? When is walking toward the light ever a good idea!" I wanted to slap him across his face as they only ignored me, the soldiers walking away from us to the light. "Hey! Get back here..." When I noticed them not even flinch, I sighed in panic. "The Doctor told you all to say!" Desperation leaked through my tone, I couldn't protect Amy out here by myself, not with all the angels and most definitely not without being able to use my fire abilities.

"It's alright, we'll be back!" They yelled unbelievingly, me only scoffing turning to Amy. "Amy! What the fuck are you doing?" I yelped, jumping to cover her eyes which were now open and staring in the direction of the bright white light.

She closed her eyes when my hand was on her face, only whimpering in fright. "It's the same shape, it's the crack in my wall!" Amy cried in a panicked tone. "It's following me, how can it be following me?"

"I don't know, but it'll be okay." I soothingly rubbed her back, hoping the Doctor would be back for us soon.

I felt for Amy, I really did. She must be terrified knowing there's an angel inside her. Deep down, I was scared too, all the soldiers left us to ourselves. With a heavy breath, something caught my eye on the ground.

"Holy shit..." I muttered picking up a radio that one of the soldiers had dropped on their way out with a smile.

"What? What is it?" Amy asked, me only placing the radio in her hands.

"We're not alone anymore." A relieved sigh escaped me as I kissed the radio.

"Hello?" I meekly whispered into the radio, clutching it as if it were my lifeline.

A few beats of silence went by before what I reckon to be the best voice that ever happened came through. "Effie? Amy? Is that you?" The Doctor asked through the radio.

"Doctor..." Amy said in the radio sounding on the verge of tears.

"Where are you? Are the clerics with you?" The Doctor questioned Amy who answered for me.

"No, they're gone. There was a light and they walked into the light." Amy breathed, the Doctor only taking a sharp intake of breath in reply.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I should have never left the two of you there, what was I thinking?" The Doctor mumbled sounding ashamed.

"What do we do now?" Amy scoffed sounding annoyed, the Doctor answering quickly.

"You come to us. Primary Flight Deck, the other end of the forest." The Doctor said, Amy only yelling back.

"Doctor! I cannot see, do you expect Effie to be able to walk me through the entire forest along with avoiding the angels?" Amy sounded more than pissed, and I could imagine the Doctor cringing.

"I'm sorry, but Effie has no choice. She needs to do it, or you both die. Effie, darling, I believe in you and I'm so sorry..." His voice cracked slightly before he shook it off. "The two of you need to move now, there's time energy spilling out from that crack, and you need to stay ahead of it." Wasting no time, I began walking Amy in the direction that the Doctor and River Song previously went.

"What happens if it catches up?" I questioned on the radio, speaking for the first time.

There's was a moment's pause before the Doctor answered. "You'll have never have been born, it'll erase every moment of your existence, you will never have lived at all." He sighed. "Now, just get through this, the both of you, and I swear we'll go somewhere fun next. How's Venice sound?" He questioned in a joking tone trying to keep matters.

"What's Venice?" I asked, the Doctor only releasing a breath.

"Right, raised by Ravagers..." He muttered. "Well, darling, Venice is only a great first-time date!" I choked on my air unable to say anything before the Doctor answered. "Yes! I am taking you on a date, but you need to live through this for me first."

"Okay." I told him, putting the radio down with a small smile.

Slowly, I grabbed Amy's hand walking us through the forest. The two of us walked for just a few minutes before un unfortunate sight met us. Almost twenty angels stood ideally, obviously in the middle of a run from something.

I panicked realizing I couldn't look at them all at one time.

"Doctor, there's angels, a lot of them, I can't focus on them all at once." I frantically whispered into the radio, keeping my gaze locked with as many as possible.

"Effie, Amy, listen to me. This is going to be hard for you Amy, but I know you can do it. The Angels are scared and they are running, they're not that interested in you right now, they just want out. They are going to assume both of you can see them, and their instincts will kick in. Now, this is the hard part for you Amy, you need to walk like you can see, just do not open your eyes." The Doctor finished, Amy sniffling slightly in terror.

My heart pounded in fear for my friend, I knew what had to be done. Just one movement from the angels and I wouldn't hesitate in revealing myself, I would burn them to the ground to save Amy. Swallowing down my nerves, I attempted to take one step still holding onto Amy's hand but was cut short when she didn't move.

Looking back a breath left me when I saw her frozen in terror. Tears fell down Amy's cheeks as she shook, small pants leaving her open mouth.

"You're not moving, you have to do this." The Doctor said over the radio, Amy and I both hearing him clear as day. "Now." He added slightly stern, but under the commanding tone was fear for our safety.

"Amy..." I started slowly, rubbing circles on her hand, but was cut off by the Doctor. "You have to do this!" He yelled, raising his voice, something which he didn't do often and certainly not to either of us.

With a scowl, I brought the radio to my lips. "She is terrified, and you are not helping." I hissed. "Goodbye," I added, hearing him yell at me to stop before turning off the radio so we no longer had communication.

Amy's head was now facing me, eyes closed and tears still falling down her cheeks. "Effie, you just cut-" I stopped her by grabbing her shoulders.

"Yes, I know what I did, but he wasn't helping," I told her, massaging her shoulders gently. "Amy, listen to me. I am right here, and I swear I am not going to let anything happen to you." I promised her, looking around to make sure the Angels hadn't moved. Slowly, I reached into the recess of my flight jacket feeling to make sure the blaster was still there. Finding that it was still hidden away, I smiled nodding my head and focusing back on Amy. "Amy, I'm going to tell you something that always helps me when I'm scared. Whenever you're afraid, I want you to tell yourself 'screw you, I am stronger than this and I am not afraid'." I ended in a whisper, the tears falling from Amy's closed eyes coming to an end.

Amy cleared her throat, a small smile coming across her lips. "Screw you..." She repeated standing taller. "I am stronger than this and I am not afraid." Amy ended loudly, me giving a happy laugh in reply.

"Yes, I think I need some of that courageous too." I told her, letting go of her shoulders and grabbing her hand. Turning to face the stone Angels, a tough scowl appeared on my lips. Closing my eyes a short memory of how I got that chant flashed before me.

"Aleksander, I'm scared." A much younger version of myself cried, holding my twin brother's hand as we watched our father beat the life out of an innocent Xandarian for information on a species called the Timelord's.

Aleksander only rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Weakness is death, Persephone..." Even as a little boy my brother was strong, strong and sadistic. My brother could handle much more than I ever could, carry many more demons and still be fine. "You know that father doesn't appreciate weakness and I doubt he would appreciate your death because of it." My form only shook as I grasped his hand tighter, tears filling my eyes.

Aleksander glanced at me, eyes widening in surprise at my tears. Yes, it was true I was the weak one out of the two of us, yet I knew crying was most definitely not allowed in this castle. If I wanted to cry, then it had to be in the middle of the night when everyone slept and into my pillow.

"Don't cry, if father catches you he'll be enraged!" Aleksander harshly whispered, pulling me behind his slightly bigger form so our father couldn't see me. Not that he was paying us any mind as he was too involved with getting information from the Xandarian.

Aleksander may have been sadistic and cruel, but he did care for me as I did him. We were twins, after all. His words only caused more tears to come, along with sniffles. Glancing at me frantically, Aleksander turned around with a sigh.

"Persephone, it's really not that hard, just stop crying." Aleksander tried, but his attempts were futile as the innocent's screams seemed to only get louder. With a sigh, Aleksander gripped my shoulders looking into my eyes. "It's funny..." He trailed off with a small chuckle. "The Goddess of Fire who has watery blue eyes, who would have guessed." He smirked sighing when I didn't stop crying.

"Listen to me, you need to stop being afraid, it's a weakness." He told me seriously. "From now on whenever you're afraid, you close your eyes and you tell yourself that you are not afraid. You tell yourself that, 'I am Persephone Surturson and I am not afraid'."

Taking a deep breath, little me looked into my brother's eyes. "I am Persephone Surturson, and I am not afraid."

Opening my eyes, I looked back to the large group of Stone Angels. I was afraid, but not of them, of the Doctor finding out.

'I am Persephone Surturson,' I said in my mind. "I am not afraid." I ended out loud, glaring down at the Angels.

With that, I lead Amy who was now compliant with walking through the mass of Angels. Glaring into as many Angels as I could at once the two of us walked through them, me not daring to let Amy touch any one of them. It wasn't until we came across a branch that Amy suddenly fell taking me with her, the radio leaving our hands.

"Amy, c'mon get up." I began pulling her up, Amy needing to feel her way to a standing position, something the Angels seemed to notice.

My face paled when I heard the sound of stones moving from behind me, myself desperately trying to look at as many as possible. Realizing I may just need to burn them all down, I prepared myself for going supernova.

However, before I had the chance to stop any of them a bright light suddenly flashed around us engulfing our bodies. It was quick and motionless when Amy and I disappeared reappearing on some sort of flight deck.

Amy appeared, falling into River's arms as she hugged her. "Don't open your eyes, it's River, the Doctor's here, I teleported the two of you to the flight deck." I looked to River, taking a deep breath calming myself down knowing I wasn't going supernova anytime soon.

Stumbling back, I yelped in surprise when the Doctor engulfed me in a hug. Gently, he buried his face in the nape of my neck clutching onto me tightly. "God, I thought I had lost the two of you." He muttered, resting his forehead against mine. "I could bloody kiss you, right now." He told me in a lighthearted fashion, but I smiled nonetheless.

"Next time, don't leave us with a bunch of jackass soldiers." I joked as we pulled away, the Doctor chuckling while he hugged Amy.

Suddenly alarms began blaring, River and I both looking up at the sound. "What's that?" I questioned the Doctor as he stepped toward a door similar to the one from the last control room.

"The Angels are draining the power, meaning the shields are about to release." He informed us just as the door slid open revealing tens upon tens of stone angels. "Angel Bob, I presume?" The Doctor stepped forward to the first Angel.

"The time field is coming, it will destroy us all." Angel Bob stated, the Doctor only scoffing at them.

"And look at you all, running away. What can I do for you?" The Doctor shook his head, placing his hands on his hips.

There was a moment of silence before the Angel spoke once more. "There is a rupture in time. The Angels predict that if you throw yourself into it, it will be closed, and they will be saved." Angel Bob spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, I could do that. But why?" The Doctor questioned sarcastically.

"Your friends would also be saved." The Angel meekly said.

The Doctor nodded, looking to the three of us. "Well, there is that." The Doctor sighed, River Song only patted my shoulder before walking up next to the Doctor.

"I'm a complicated space-time event, too, throw me in." River suggested, ready to sacrifice herself for us.

The Doctor only waved her off. "Oh be serious, compared to me, these Angels are more complicated than you, and it'd take every single one of them to amount to me, so get a grip."

Would a six-hundred-year-old Goddess be enough? If things didn't start looking up that was the question I'd ask.

"Doctor, we're not going to let you do this." I took a step forward, the Doctor turning to me with a wink.

"No seriously, get a grip." I was confused with what he meant, River only shaking her head.

"You are not going to die here." She strictly told him, the Doctor looking back at her.

"No, I mean it. River, Effie, Amy, get a grip." He pointed to all of us, my whirring with what exactly he meant.

However, River seemed to understand by the smile that came across her face. Spinning around she took Amy's hand forcing her to hold onto a metal bar. "You hold on tight and don't let go for anything." My eyes widened when I caught onto what was about to happen.

River turned to grab onto a bar of her own, me only panicking looked around for something to grab onto. "Shit." I cussed when I found nothing.

"Damn it, Effie. I said get a grip." The Doctor had suddenly gripped my waist with one arm pulling me close to him as he grabbed onto a bar. "Do not let go of me." He warned just as the gravity shifted and the ship tilted.

For a second I felt like I was going to fall, but the Doctor somehow managed to work myself on him so he could hold me and not fall. Clinging to him, I peeked over his shoulder watching as the Angels fell to their death in the crack.

"HA! Serves you right." I snickered, sticking my tongue out at them.

"Effie." The Doctor scolded, though he was chuckling to himself as well.


We were on a beach of some kind, a little ways away the Doctor and River spoke and Amy sat thinking to herself by the TARDIS. A smile pulled at my lips at the salty ocean breeze, an ocean was something that was always hard for me.

It was amazing, I had never seen so much water on Muspelheim and when we did it was tiny bodies of water and the water was so hot that it would have given most people third-degree burns. However, I along with the rest of Muspelheim's population had a much better heat tolerance.

Aleksander. It had been awhile, I wonder how he aged? He always was a handsome boy, he probably still had all the woman by his feet with just a glance.

"Thank you..." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Amy joining me in gazing at the ocean. "For earlier, that quote, it really helped." She told me.

"You're welcome, but it was really just a quote. It was you who made yourself unafraid." I smiled at the red-head who I was becoming closer to by the day.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, we stood in silence overlooking the ocean, waiting for the Doctor. After a few minutes, the two of us decided to join him and River seeing as River was about to go back to prison.

Strolling up to them, Amy nudged River. "Bye, River." She smiled, River giving her a small hug in return.

Turning to me, River smirked. Looking around she leaned whispering so only I could hear her words. "I'll see you very soon, Effie. We're going to have a lot of fun." She winked, taking a step back.

The Doctor turned to me curiously. "What did you tell her?" He questioned us, looking back and forth between River and I.

River smirked, letting out a small giggle. "Spoilers." Is all she said before she was suddenly beamed up to the prison.

The Doctor looked to me, hopeful that I would tell him what River said. With a smirk, I only shook my head making him pout. Waltzing back to the TARDIS with the other two following, I made an attempt at stealthily trying to pilot it again.

"Oi, no way." The Doctor bumped me out of the way. "I let you get away with that last time, but your driving isn't going to become a normalcy around here." I scoffed sitting by Amy on the seat connected to the railing.

"We'll see." I stated, the Doctor only shaking his head as he pulled a few levers.

It was quiet for a few moments before Amy's voice suddenly cut in. "I want to go home." I looked at her surprised, the Doctor freezing but inhaling air sadly.

"Okay." Is all he said, pushing a few more buttons.

"Not like that!" She laughed at the long faces we pulled, standing up joining the Doctor by the console.

"I just want to show you two something." She breathed looking at us, me only raising a curious brow.

What could possibly be going through your mind, Miss Amelia Pond?

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