Thirteen: Cold Blood

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"You had to come and see me." Alaya hissed as the remaining four of us walked into the room we were keeping her locked up in. The Doctor told us to not even acknowledge her, but we didn't listen.

Rory held up a hand, trying to symbolize peace. "We are going to keep you safe." He tried assuring her, me biting back the scoff that threatened to escape my lips.

Ambrose stepped forward, a brave look set upon her features. "Your tribe are going to give us back our people, in exchange for you," Ambrose told the reptilian woman strongly, not wavering even a bit.

I mentally clapped for Ambrose, happy she was taking charge. Alaya stepped closer to us with a sneer but was stopped short by the chains connecting her to the wall. Stumbling back a bit, she only looked us up and down coolly.

"Should I tell you what's really going to happen, apes?" Her eyes trailed amongst the four of us, stopping on me. "One of you will kill me, my death shall ignite a war. Then, every stinking ape shall be wiped from the surface of my beloved planet." Alaya told us confidently, Tony only shaking his head.

"We won't allow that to happen." Tony roughly grumbled, Alaya only scoffing in return.

"I know apes better than you know yourselves." She sniffed, her eyes still locked onto me. "I know which one of you will kill me." She taunted us, eyes never wavering from my form the other three noticing she was looking at me as well. "Do you?"

Finally, unable to keep my snarky comments to myself, I crossed my arms tapping my foot impatiently. "Yeah, it'll probably be me, and guess what? I don't care, you do anything to piss me off, bitch, and I will end you." The other three stiffened at my words, Rory turning and placing a warning hand on my shoulder. "The Doctor told me not to touch you, I don't care, I am telling you right now, I was raised to have no mercy. One crack out of you, and..." I paused, taking my fingers pretending to slit my throat with a smirk. "You're gone. Are we on the same page?" Alaya looked slightly shocked at my brashness, but before she could even utter a word, Rory was shoving me out the door, Ambrose and Tony following behind.

Once we were outside, Tony shutting the door, Rory looked to me desperately. "What the hell was that?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

Ambrose and Tony both wandered away to give us some privacy, me only raising a brow at Rory. "That was a threat, was it not obvious?"

Rory groaned, running a hand down his face. "I know! I mean why? You can't touch Alaya, you know what the Doctor told us, she's our best bargaining chip!" Rory said, me only shrugging nonchalantly.

Motioning to the room we kept Alaya in, I shook my head. "You realize they have three of our people, and we only have one of theirs. They have two on us, only an idiot would make that trade! This isn't going to work, I was simply telling Alaya I won't hesitate to eliminate her-" I was cut off by Rory grabbing my arm while grumbling about me needing to show more 'humanity'.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're staying by me." He told me, leading us off into the main sitting room of the church.

The four of us sat in the church for a few minutes, a sullen silence looming over before Ambrose suddenly got up and stormed out of the doors. Rory and I gave each other a knowing look, the two of us standing following Ambrose out.

The strings of my heart were pulled when we found her not even a minute later in the graveyard, kneeled in front of her aunt's empty hole in the ground. Wandering up to her I sat next to her, Rory only gulping while standing in front of us.

"Ambrose," Rory said softly, the two of us aware of her prominent anger.

"You lied." She got out with a deep sigh, looking at us. "You told us you were the police." Rory only shook his head.

"It was a misunderstanding..." He tried, me wanting to slap him for the horrible excuse.

"Who are you?" Her head snapped between us. "The two of you and the Doctor? Why is this happening to us? What did we ever do?" I felt bad for Ambrose, not even able to imagine how the pain of knowing your child is in danger must feel.

Rory kneeled to the side of us, giving Ambrose a 'sorry' look. "The Doctor will get your son back, I promise. In the meantime, we take turns guarding the creature." Rory told Ambrose, wanting to keep her on course with the plan.

Ambrose growled, slapping her hand to the ground looking to Rory furiously. "So that's it? We just sit and wait!"

Rory pursed his lips, nodding. "Then we exchange her for your family. I promise you, Ambrose, we trust the Doctor with our lives, we stick to his plan, we keep that creature safe." Rory told her, my lips pursing as I still didn't like the Doctor's plan.

Ambrose only shook her head, looking forward. "I like her plan better, threaten the hostage for the safe return of our people." Ambrose pointed to me, me only shrugging not remembering coming up with that plan, but liking it a whole lot better. I mean, it sounded more secure than hoping the tribe would trade three for one.

Rory groaned, looking to the two of us with a sudden fire. "You know what? No! We do not do that, we stick to the Doctor's plan! I swear if either of you decides to lay a hand on-" I cut Rory off by standing up with a slightly psychotic grin.

Okay, I'll admit, I'm acting like the world's biggest bitch today, but c'mon, see it from my view. First, I barely get any sleep last night, and the hour of sleep I did manage to catch was plagued by night terrors. Second, I'm promised a tropical paradise and instead, I get a boneyard and weird-ass lizard people! Third, the Doctor goes and puts himself straight into harm's way and this stupid-ass lizard thinks she can mouth off to me! I'll show her!

"Just cause' you said that, I'm going to go lay a hand on her-" Rory cut me off by grabbing my hand desperately, the fire in his eyes turning into nothing but pleading irises.

"Effie, please, just this one time, trust the Doctor's plan. If it goes sideways, we'll talk then, but for now, just cooperate." He begged, me finally complying with a roll of my eyes.

"I don't like it, but fine." I agreed, Rory, sighing in relief, Ambrose giving in as well.


"Oh my god, Tony." I muttered, moving his shirt out of the way of his shoulder to get a better look. "Why didn't you say anything?" I asked him, Tony only weakly shrugging.

As it would turn out, at some point in between when I tackled Alaya down, she had managed to strike Tony with her tongue injecting him with her venom. The Silurian happened to have deadly poison, capable of killing a man in a few days time. Tony was unfortunate enough to have been poisoned by Alaya, not that any of us knew as he tried hiding it for a few hours.

"Yeah, I'm a nurse, you should have told me." Rory sighed while dabbing his neck with a cold cloth.

Ambrose who was in tears about her father's state went to try and convince Alaya to tell us how to fix him. I had a feeling Ambrose wouldn't be getting much out of Alaya though.

As Rory dabbed Tony's neck, I cringed at the green spider veins sticking out of Tony's neck, the poison really was doing its job.

We all snapped our heads toward the door Alaya was being held captive in upon hearing her pained screams. My eyes widened when I realized Ambrose must have done something drastic, me being the first to my feet running to see what happened.

I was frozen in shock seeing Ambrose pointing the taser gun at Alaya's crumpled figure on the ground. Alaya gasped in short heaves, her breaths coming out in nothing but wheezes as she lay still.

Rory and Tony were by my side in seconds, each looking equally as shocked. Rory being a nurse was the first to jump into action, moving to Alaya's side investigating her form to see if he could help. Ambrose stood, gun still raised with tears in her eyes as her body shook with frustrated sobs.

"Ambrose, what have you done?" Tony was next to jump into action, me still evaluating the scene as he walked up to his daughter.

"She wouldn't tell me anything!" Ambrose shouted in frustration, tears leaking out of her eyes as she slowly put the taser down. "She kept taunting me about Mo, and Elliot, and even you!" She told us desperately, begging for us to understand her point.

Tony looked over to Alaya's dying form, before angrily storming to Ambrose ripping the taser from her grasp. "We have to be better than this!" He screamed at his daughter, me frowning at Tony.

Rory and Tony may not have understood Ambrose's point of view, but I did. Ambrose was not just going to come down here and kill Alaya on purpose, obviously, Alaya must have started something somehow. I had no doubt Alaya was taunting Ambrose about her missing son, and husband, not to mention her dying father, a woman could only be pushed so far.

This was not a one-way road, if the humans had to show their best, then so did the Silurian. So far, the Silurian had actually been worse! I wasn't necessarily condoning killing, but at the same time the entire time Alaya had been here, she was pretty much asking for it.

"Don't you yell at her!" I got in between Tony and Ambrose, giving him a fierce glare.

"She wouldn't tell me anything! I thought sooner or later, she'd give in. I would've done. I just want my family back, dad." Ambrose told Tony, his gaze softening a bit.

Our attention was then diverted to the dying Alaya and Rory. "I'm sorry," Rory said, holding Alaya's hand. "I don't know how to help you, tell me how to help you." Rory tried, Alaya only heaving a small laugh, shaking her reptilian head.

"I knew this would come. And soon the war." Were Alaya's last words as she let out a loud gasp before finally dying.

She wanted to die, so her people would go to war with humanity! Why is that okay, but humanity fighting back isn't? There was a difference if the Silurian were completely innocent, but they weren't. If the situation were turned around, I have no doubt Alaya would have killed us in seconds.

"You've killed her." Rory turned to Ambrose, shaking his head in disappointment, Tony looking at the sobbing Ambrose with the same look.

A sneer painted my lips as I looked to the two males, wrapping a comforting arm around Ambrose's shoulder. "You two need to get off whatever high-horse you're on because this isn't a one-way road! Why are you taking the other species side? Humanity isn't the only one who needs to be good here, the Silurian need to be respectful to us too! I can guarantee you if the tables were turned and one of us were taunting Alaya about her family, then yes, she would've taken the same measures!" Everyone was slightly shocked at my outburst, not because I said something, but because what I said was true.

"I am not saying Alaya deserved to die, but at the end of the day she wanted nothing but war, in fact, she wanted us to kill her just for that purpose. Is it really a surprise that she ended up getting herself killed because she couldn't stop prancing over the fact that she's practically killed Tony, and three of our people are missing?" I told them all, Rory and Tony pursing their lips finally seeing it from my perspective.

Tony only shook his head, gaze softening fully as he walked over to Ambrose pulling her into a giant hug. I stepped away from the two, standing next to Rory as we overlooked the dead body. Rory only looked at Alaya's corpse blankly, me placing a hand on his shoulder causing him to sigh.

"Hey, in all honesty, I thought you would be the one to kill her if anything." Rory chuckled humorously, me snorting at his joke.

"Me too." I agreed, jumping as the lights in the room started to flicker.

"What the hell?" I asked out loud, just a small computer screen that previously looked to be dead in the corner began switching on with life.

"Oh my god!" It was Tony's voice which exclaimed all of our shock when the screen suddenly began showing a live feed, a reptilian woman who looked alarming like Alaya appeared before us.

"Who is the ape leader?" The Silurian questioned, me shoving Rory forward at that.

Rory turned around with a glare, throwing his arms up. "What am I the leader?" He grumbled, as Ambrose quickly worked to cover up the body with a sheet.

"Just don't tell them what's happened," I muttered to Rory, encouraging him to go forward ignoring the slight glare he threw at me.

"I speak for them." Rory awkwardly sauntered forward, coughing. "Humans, some of them anyway..." He trailed, looking back to me who gave him a cheesy grin and thumbs up.

"Do you know who we are?" The lizard person asked, Rory, turning back to her shuffling a bit.

"Sort of. A bit..." He suddenly shook his head. "Okay, no, not really," Rory admitted with a long breath.

The Silurian woman only sneered in reply. "We have ape hostages." As she said the sentence, the feed zoomed our revealing The Doctor, Amy, Ambrose's husband (Mo), and Nasreen all tied to a post.

All of us jumped forward to get closer to the screen at that. "Doctor!" I shouted at the same time Rory shouted for Amy.

"Mo!" Ambrose cried, looking over husbands form desperately. "Mo! Are you okay?" She asked, Mo smiling at his wife in reply.

"I'm fine, love! I've found Elliot! I'm bringing him home!" I let out a breath, glad to know the only kid I've ever liked is safe.

Ambrose cried with relief, Rory taking his turn in smiling at Amy. "Amy, I thought I'd lost you!" Rory breathed, Amy, laughing from where she stood.

"Why, 'cause I was sucked into the ground, you're so clingy." I laughed silently at Amy's sass, Tony taking his turn in looking to Nasreen.

"Having fun down there?" He asked, Nasreen rolling her eyes but smiling back at him.

"Oh yeah, it's a blast!" She sarcastically exclaimed, making Tony laugh and everyone subconsciously turn to me.

"What?" I asked at everyone's look, Amy sighing from the screen using her head to make a motion to the Doctor who stood with a large smile as if waiting for something.

My eyes widened when I realized everyone was apparently saying something to their 'love' if you could call it that. Smirking at the Doctor, I took a step away from the screen, my face suddenly twisting into a scowl. "I told you so!" I yelled at the Doctor, making his smile turn into one of annoyance.

"Oi, everyone gets dotted upon and I get an, 'I told you so'?" The Doctor huffed, making me shrug.

"I did, I told you this was a bad plan," I stated offhandedly, the Doctor's mouth popping open like fish out of water.

"Are you saying my plans are bad?"


"Oi! You're never allowed to not get any sleep again! I don't like this attitude of yours!"

"Oh, go fuck yourself!"


"Bite me."

"Both of you shut up!" Amy and Rory both yelled at the same, Amy turning to the Doctor and Rory turning to me.

"Show me Alaya." Lizard girl interrupted us, my eyes going wide as I turned to Ambrose, Tony, and Rory. When none of us moved to do anything, the lizard woman repeated her threat. "Show me, and release her immediately, unharmed, or we will kill your friends one by one." She hissed, Ambrose, much to my surprise, taking the lead.

"No!" She shouted at the bravely, Tony trying to pull her back.

"Ambrose stop this!" He said to his daughter, Ambrose swatting him away.

Looking to the reptilian woman, she slammed her hand against her thighs. "We didn't start this!" I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, the Doctor piping up giving a warning look at Ambrose.

I could sense that the Doctor wasn't Ambrose's biggest fan, it wasn't that he didn't like her, but he was wary of her. He knew she was someone who acted on impulse, rather like me in some ways.

"Let Rory deal with this, Ambrose, eh?" The Doctor tried, Ambrose not backing down glaring straight into the screen at the reptilian woman.

"We are not doing what you say anymore. Now, give me back my family!" She demanded, all of us holding our breath to see if Ambrose's bravery worked in our favor, Rory and Tony pausing in their pursuits to get her to stop.

I could see the Doctor and Amy glancing at each other as the reptilian woman coolly glared at us. "No." It was simple, and before we knew she turned around eyes going to Amy. "Execute the girl!" She yelled while more Silurian woman stepped forward with masks on and odd looking guns in their grasp.

"No, no! Wait!" Rory forced Ambrose into Tony's arms, seeing as they were trying to execute Amy. "She's not speaking for us!" It was now only Rory and me at the very front of the camera, me staying calm and instead focusing my attention to how the room they were in was built.

I had a feeling that alike to many times prior, something would conveniently happen to stop Amy's execution. However, my attention was then brought back to Rory panicking.

"Amy!" He shouted, Amy, looking back at Rory with heavy breaths.

"Rory!" She yelled, the reptilian woman yelling fire just as the screen suddenly went black, us somehow losing the signal with them.

Rory began shaking the screen, trying to get the signal back up. I patted him on the shoulder, rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry, Rory. Something is going to conveniently happen that stops the execution, trust me, it happens all the time with the Doctor." Rory gave me a 'really' stare just as the screen suddenly popped back up, the Doctor's face on it this time with a smile.

"Rory and my darling, hello!" The Doctor handed me a smirk as my cheeks grew hot from the nickname.

"Where's Amy?" Rory asked desperately, the Doctor moving out of the way motioning to Amy who was behind them.

"She's fine, look, here she is." He said, me scoffing at the same time Rory let out a breath of relief.

"I told you so." I nudged him, Rory chuckling nodding in agreement.

"Fine, you told me so." Rory waved to his fiance, who smiled back.

"Keeping you on your toes, you know me," Amy said, the Doctor stepping in front of her.

"No time to chat. Listen, you all need to get down here. Go to the drill storeroom, there's a large patch of Earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport disks to bring you back down, bring Alaya. We hand her over, we can land all of this after all. It's all going to work, I promise. Got to dash! Hurry up!" The Doctor winked at me before the screen went black once more.

My face paled at the Doctor's words. 'Bring Alaya'. Yeah, we'll bring her corpse.

"The moment we get down there, everything will fall apart!" Tony exclaimed, Rory, looking at him with sad eyes.

"We have to return her. They deserve at least that." Rory reasoned me only shaking my head in disagreement.

"No, Tony's right, the minute we get down there with the body, they attack. I say we just tell them she ran away or something." I tried, Rory only sighing running his hands down his face.

"Honestly, I don't whether to laugh or cry with you sometimes, Effie."

"Thanks, I try." I smiled at Rory, who shook his head in mock disappointment.

Rory spun around to me. "One, that's even worse than your last plan, so no, we're not doing that. Two, I would really like to meet the people who raised you." I shrugged with a soft smile.

"That's never going to happen," I told him, bending down to examine to the body. "But, we really do need a backup plan when this goes sideways. I have no doubt they'll try and get Ambrose, and no offense Ambrose you can't defend yourself, so I'll say I killed her, at least I stand a chance against them." I was met with immediate disagreement.

"No! You are not taking the blame for my careless actions!" Ambrose told me, me only holding up a hand.

"Yes I am, besides, the Silurian only need to believe I did while we're down there. Once we're back up, then we can tell everyone the truth." I said to them all, Rory shaking his head.

Walking to where the Doctor said to go we were met with the transport disks. Looking to them, my ears were met with the sound of Tony's voice.

"So we get on those, and they take us down through the Earth?" Tony asked, Rory and I nodding preparing to get on them.

"They sent five," Ambrose said voice laced with guilt. "Alaya was our only bargaining chip." Rory only shook his head.

"We have to hand her back." He said sternly, looking to all of us.

'Being a good person is exhausting sometimes.'

"Wait." Ambrose held a hand up, taking Tony by his arm and dragging him off. "Dad, I need your help." Is all she said, Rory and I look to each other with furrowed brows.

They were only a few minutes before they came back and were ready to go.

"Okay..." I sighed, stepping onto one of the transport disks. "Let's do this."


It was like slow motion when the transport arrived. As soon as we stepped off, we could hear everyone just around the corner. It was odd in here, the walls were made out of dirt, but the place still looked rich. Plants dangled from the ceiling with tunnels that looked like they could go on for miles.

"Ah! It would seem that the transport has arrived!" I heard the Doctor's cheery voice, me suddenly feeling sick to my stomach when I realized the true reality of the situation.

We were now in their territory, we had to stick to our plan or else there was a rather good chance none of us would survive. With a deep breath, I pushed forward, Ambrose clutching my hand as Tony carried Alaya's body.

Gulping we all froze just to the side of the doorway, on more step and we would all be in their line of sight. Rory gave me a sad but thankful expression, pulling me in for a quick hug.

"I know we always say have a little humanity to you, Effie. But I think you may just be one of the bravest people I've ever met." I smiled at Rory's words, giving him a nod as he pulled away.

Taking a step back, he looked to all of us. "Well..." He trailed nervously. "It's now or never." With those parting words, Rory was the first to step into their line of vision, walking through the large archway into the room.

"Here they are, Rory!" The Doctor's voice echoed around, once again making me feel queasy.

Ambrose was right behind him, holding her head up high and eager to see Elliot. Once she was in their sight, I heard Elliot's voice ringing out.

"Mum!" He yelped, making me smile softly.

Getting my shit together, I walked out being greeted by the sight of the Doctor standing next to an older Silurian man who was dressed as the obvious leader. He looked friendly enough, in the grandfather sort of way.

Amy and Nasreen stood behind them, the man who I could only believe was Mo standing ideally next to them. Rory and Ambrose stood slightly ahead of me, and yet across from the other's in the room, Elliot hugging his mother.

The Doctor's eyes lit up once he saw me, but his happy expression soon faded once he saw the look adorned on my face. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked to me in concern, me cursing myself for not hiding my emotions better.

"Something's wrong, Effie, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked, taking a few paces forward freezing once Tony finally came out from behind me, holding Alaya's body wrapped in a sheet.

I stepped to the side allowing Tony to pass me, setting down the covered body on the ground. Rory, Ambrose, and I stood next to him, overlooking Alaya's body.

"No." The Doctor muttered, getting closer to us. "Don't do this. Tell me you didn't do this!" The Doctor crouched next to the body letting out a frustrated angry breath.

He moved the sheet to the side, revealing Alaya's dead face. Amy gasped covering her mouth, the reptilian in charge looking mildly sullen. The Doctor looked up, gaze clashing with Tony's.

"What did you do?" The Doctor's eyes wandered around our small group, me taking a deep breath ready to absorb the blame, Ambrose only biting her lip.

It was like everything moved in slow motion for me. One sentence and everything was going to go downhill. Wiping every emotional expression on my face until I was as blank as paper, I gathered every ounce of confidence I could drain from my soul.

"I did, she pissed me off so I electrocuted the bitch with a taser, showed her who's boss." My voice carried around eerily blank as all attention was drawn to me.

Pretending to not even be affected by it, purposely ignoring whatever look of disappointment or disgust or both that the Doctor was throwing at me.

Sauntering my way around the room, examining it with a crude look, it was like the Doctor's glare pierced through my soul and I wasn't even looking at him.

"I told you not to do anything, I trusted you, Effie!" The Doctor shouted at me, myself not even flinching at his words. "Do I really need to be with you every second of the day for you not to pull something like this!" He continued raging, me not daring to turn around.

"For God sake, look at me!" I froze in what I was doing, blankly turning around to meet the Doctor's sad, but furious gaze, Amy only looking at me with tears in her eyes.

The Doctor sneered at me shaking his head. "You can't have done this, I don't believe you, something else happened." The Doctor hissed determinedly, stomping his foot while pointing at me accusingly. "You tell me what really happened, right now!" I remained emotionless, shrugging.

"I already told you, she pissed me off, so I killed her," I said it as if reading from a card. "Don't piss me off." The Doctor only shook his head, turning around going up to the leader.

"You have to believe me, they're better than this." The Doctor desperately looked into the reptilian man's eyes. "Listen to me, she's telling us she killed Alaya, but I don't believe her, something else happened. I know she's lying to us all right now, I can see it in her face. Not only that, but she doesn't count, she wasn't raised on Earth. Mentally, she's more alien than human to this planet." The Doctor tried explaining, pointing to me while he said this.

Ambrose looking saddened as she watched the Doctor and I fight, suddenly stepped forward. Realizing what she was doing, I tried stopping her, but she refused to yield.

"No! It was me, I killed Alaya! I just wanted my family back and I let my anger get the best of me." Ambrose's scream, caused everyone to look at her, Elliot stepping away from his mother running to his father's arms. "Effie's just saying she did it to protect me, she is the best of humanity right now. She took the blame for a murder she didn't commit all so I could stay safe!" I stopped Ambrose from talking, by gripping her hand shaking my head telling her to stop.

"Ambrose, stop! She's lying, it was me!" I yelled desperately, but it was obvious no one was buying it.

No one could fake the guilt in Ambrose's gaze. Rory gave me a sorry expression, me glaring at him to stop.

"It's true, Effie was with me the whole time, she couldn't have killed Alaya, she's only covering for Ambrose," Rory stated, walking next to us.

"Stop this! This was not the plan, we're probably going to die now!" I shouted, throwing my hands up, the Doctor looking to me in a new light.

I couldn't pinpoint the expression in his gaze but it was a cross of relief and proudness. However, our attention was drawn to many female Silurian soldiers walking through the doorway, their odd-looking guns raised.

The Silurian army surrounded us, guns pointed as they allowed the reptilian woman who I had previously seen on the screen. I now recognized that she must have been the army general.

"Where's my sister?" Were her words as she stormed in, the Doctor's face contorting to panic.

We were silent, watching as the general crouched down to Alaya freezing as she saw the state her sister was in. The reptilian general let out noises of sadness, head snapping up to face the Doctor.

"And you want us to trust these apes, Doctor?" The general hissed, the Doctor only holding up one finger.

"It was one woman, she was scared for her family, she's not typical." The Doctor said, me gripping Ambrose's hand tighter as the general turned to face her.

"I think she is typical." The general hissed, me wanting to roast her so bad.

You are literally trying to kill us all right now, I'm pretty sure that puts you on the same level. Plus, your sister was a bitch, just like you.

"One person lets us down, but there is a whole race of dazzling, peaceful human beings up there." The Doctor turned about the room, mainly keeping his attention on the leader. "You were building something here, come on, an alliance could work!" The Doctor shouted desperately, Ambrose taking a deep breath pushing down the tears.

"It's too late for that Doctor." The Doctor spun around to face Ambrose, Tony sighing nervously, and me looking to the woman in confusion.

"Why?" The Doctor asked, Ambrose, standing up straighter.

You had to admire the fact that she didn't back down in a fight.

"Our drill is set to start burrowing again in fifteen minutes." My eyes widened at that, and insensitively I let out a small chortle.

"So that's what you guys were doing?" I was ignored, the Doctor only glancing at me disapprovingly.

Nasreen looked at Tony through narrowed eyes, knowing he was the only one with the codes to start it up again.

"What choice did I have? They had Elliot." Tony reasoned, the Doctor shaking his head in disbelief.

"Don't do this, don't call their bluff." He told the Silurian, Ambrose, still not backing down and me preparing for a nasty fight.

And once again, I may need to reveal myself as the Goddess of Fire.

"Let us go back, and you promise to never come back to the surface ever again, we'll walk away, leave you alone." Ambrose tried, only making the general effectively even angrier.

"EXECUTE HER!" The general shouted, me taking a protective step in front of Ambrose ready to be shot knowing it probably wouldn't kill me like it would her.

However, no one else in the room knew that. Including the Doctor.

"No!" He yelled, shoving Ambrose and me down and away from the fire of the gunshots. "Go, run, back to the lab!" The Doctor shouted pushing everyone toward the doors.

"Execute all the apes!" The general demanded, the Doctor standing up with his sonic screwdriver causing the Silurians guns to phase out.

Without hesitation, I pulled out my blaster firing it at Silurians without mercy. The purple shot of light hit many Silurians, efficiently knocking them down.

"You've had that on you this whole time!" The Doctor screamed as he pulled me by my wrist, the two of us being the last to leave the room.

"Yeah, the TARDIS gave it to me a while back! I've had it on me since like the weeping angels with River Song!" The Doctor groaned, racing with me through the tunnels catching up to the rest who ran into the lab.

He sonicked the door, closing it to the outside rummaging around giving people orders while I walked over to Tony who was sweating like crazy. He gasped, ripping open his shirt, revealing the nasty sting.

"Damn it, Tony!" I cussed, looking at his green bulging veins.

The Doctor was at my side in seconds, Nasreen holding Tony's hand comfortingly. The Doctor began rambling about to everyone, trying to figure out a way to stop the drill from getting over here.

"Blow it up." I hummed the Doctor turning to me with a vicious grin.

"Yes, and there she is ladies and gentlemen! The Effie I know and love-" He cut himself off by pressing his lips against mine quickly, my eyes widening at his actions ignoring him as he pulled away beginning to ramble on some more.

Why did he always kiss me in these situations?

I blanked out for the rest of his rambling, only being shaken out of my thoughts by Amy dragging me out of the doors, me furrowing my brows when I saw green flashing lights.

"Get them back to the TARDIS! I'm right behind you!" The Doctor yelled, me following his orders.

We were all back to the TARDIS, the Doctor letting Mo, Ambrose, and Elliot inside. However, Amy, Rory, him, and I all turned around, eyes going wide at what we saw.

On the wall was a huge glowing crack, exactly the same as the one we saw with the angels. The Doctor smiled psychotically, pulling a cloth from his jacket.

Waltzing forward, he put the cloth around his hand and before any of us could stop him he reached inside the crack. "Doctor! Get your hand out of there!" I yelled as the Doctor screamed in pain.

Rushing forward, I pulled him away from the crack, the Doctor stumbling back his cloth wrapped around something. "What the hell is that?" I asked him, the Doctor only shrugging.

"No clue!"

"You!" We all snapped our heads, see the general hobbling our way.

"Okay, how are you not dead?" I crossed my arms as the general pointed her gun at the Doctor.

"Get back in the TARDIS!" The Doctor yelled, pushing me away from him and toward the TARDIS.

The general began firing her gun at the Doctor, Rory surprisingly being the first to react. "DOCTOR!" He shouted, shoving him out of the way, taking the blasts hit.

"Rory!" Amy and I screamed, bending down examining him.

"Rory, can you hear me!" The Doctor was back in seconds, using his screwdriver to scan him.

I saw the general die from the corner of my eye, smirking as she did so. Bitch deserved it.

"I don't understand..." Rory gasped out, clutching his abdomen. "Were were on the hill, I can't die here." Amy sobbed, stroking his cheek.

"Don't say that." Amy cried, clutching him to her body, the Doctor and I watching sadly.

"You're so beautiful." Rory smiled at Amy, before wincing in pain. "I'm sorry." He managed to get out before he let go, body going loose as he died before our very eyes.

"Doctor, help him!" Amy sobbed, the Doctor's attention moving from the light to us.

Before I could comprehend, the Doctor had me in his grasp, pulling me away from Rory quickly. "Amy, move away from the light, if it touches you, you'll have never been born." He stated, giving me look that said 'stay there' before moving closer to Amy.

"Move away now!" The Doctor got closer to Amy who stubbornly shook her head.

"NO! I am not leaving him, what if this was Effie? Would leave her?" Amy choked out in a scream, glaring at the Doctor who flinched at her words. "We need to help him!"

"The light's already around him, we can't help him." The Doctor gripped her shoulders, Amy shaking her head.

"I said I am not leaving him!"

"We have too."


"I'm sorry!" The Doctor told her before he gripped her forcing her to stand up.

"Get off me!" Amy screamed, thrashing about in the Doctor's arms, but the Doctor was stronger than her with an iron grip.

"I'm sorry we have to go!" I opened the TARDIS doors, watching as the Doctor dragged the hysterical Amy inside.

I jumped in after them, watching the Doctor push Amy away from the door, beginning to sonic it shut. I looked down seeing Amy jump for the door, the Doctor grabbing her by the waist as he used his sonic in superlocking.

He let go of Amy, allowing her to scream banging on the door. Tears nearly fell from my eyes when I realized Rory was gone, Rory couldn't be gone, he was Rory Williams! My attention was caught onto the screen where I saw the crack's light absorbing Rory's body, Amy turned watching with a heartbroken expression as well.

However, the Doctor began piloting the TARDIS out causing for Amy to angrily storm up to him fighting him on leaving Rory. "Stop, if that light touches him, we'll forget him!" Amy cried, the Doctor grabbing her arms forcing her to stop hitting her.

"Listen, you need to keep him on your mind!" The Doctor yelled at Amy, who sobbed

I turned away from them, unable to watch the scene unfold any longer, tears now falling from my eyes at the loss of Rory Williams. I wouldn't forget him because I hadn't known him for long, but Amy on the other hand.

The TARDIS shook suddenly bringing my attention back to the two who were on the ground. Looking at Amy, my eyes went wide upon her no longer heartbroken expression. She turned around to face the Doctor with a smile.

"What were you saying?" She asked, making me cover my mouth in sadness at how she forgot her own fiance.

The Doctor's brows furrowed as he was very obviously having similar thoughts to myself on Amy. I wiped the tears away as Ambrose, Mo, and Elliot suddenly came out of the hallways of the TARDIS.

Hearing an explosion outside, I quickly scrambled to look at what was happened along with everyone else. My eyes widened as the huge construction drill exploded.

Turning around as the Doctor began walking with Amy to bring the rest home, I looked at him.

"I need a minute, I'll see you lot soon." Amy frowned in confusion at me, the Doctor giving me a sad but knowing look.

"I'll be in within the hour, stay calm until we talk." The Doctor told me, I knew what he wanted to talk about.

Me trying to pretend to kill Alaya, probably disproving of me carrying a blaster around 24/7, and of course I could only imagine he wanted us to properly comfort each other on Rory seeing Amy didn't remember him.

"Okay." I gave him my most convincing smile, before turning and walking into my room.

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