Thirty-One: The Tallest Tower On Earth

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"Love, Love, LOVE!" I screamed jumping awake, groaning as my forehead collided with something.

Slowly cracking my eyes open, I rubbed my head glaring at the Doctor who was straddled on top of me face crinkled with pain as he rubbed his own head. What time was it? Why was he waking me up?

"What the hell?" I growled, before yawning, turning to my side.

The Doctor who was straddled on top of me yelped at my shift of weight, falling off of me landing next to me in bed. Tiredly, I closed my eyes while bringing the blanket up to cover my face.

"Shut the lights off, I'm sleeping!" The Doctor gave no mind to my words, instead opting to pull the blanket down revealing my no doubt exhausted face.

Sure, for the past few days he had been unnaturally more tired than usual from his lack of sleep. However, it did not take him long at all to refill, now he was back to his normal weird Timelord sleeping schedule.

"Not anymore your not..." I glared at his happy expression, no one was that happy in the mornings. "WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP!"

Moaning, I shook my head. "We always go on trips!" I cried out in exasperation. "Just wait like..." I trailed off looking to the alarm clock next to my bed, eyes widening at the time. "YOU WOKE ME UP AT THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING! Come back at a decent time or sleep the rest of the night with me." I offered, holding my blanket nodding for him to get in.

The Doctor froze, a slightly conflicted look on his face. I gave him a begging expression, knowing he was already thinking of taking my offer.

"C'mon," I tried in my most alluring tone. "You know you want to, we can cuddle and everything." I closed my eyes hoping he would take my offer.

Unfortunately, luck was not on my side today.

"As wonderful as that sounds, this little trip is going to be much more fun-" He abruptly stopped himself at the cold glare I was throwing him.

"More fun than cuddling?" I rose a threatening brow, making the Doctor gulp frantically shaking his head.

"Of course not, I was just exaggerating because I know you'll love this trip!" He backtracked, trying to redeem himself. "Now, my love, get up!" I screeched as he pulled me out of the bed, immediately leading me to the costume room.

I stumble over my feet, too tired to do this. With a deep sigh, I glared at the Timelord.

"This better be worth it," I told him as he waved cheerfully, throwing me in the costume room.

"Oh, trust me! It is!" He closed the door, myself spinning around at the sound of Amy Pond's voice.

"So he woke you up too?" I nodded sadly, making my way over to Amy who was curled up peacefully on the carpet floor.

Joining her in laying on the ground, I yawned loudly. "Any idea where or when we're going?"

"Nope, the Doctor just told Rory and me to dress nicely, like modern-day Earth styled nice." I nodded at her words, not knowing where to start.

"How do we do this?"


"This good?" Amy twirled around in a tight-fitted black dress, black flats covered by the sheer length of the gown.

The darkness of the dress caused for her flaming red-hair to stick out even more than usual. She was a sight for sore eyes, that's for sure.

"Gorgeous." I smiled, sighing when I finally got my right heel on.

The dress I was wearing was similar to Amy's, except mine was red and slightly shorter. Perhaps it just felt shorter die to the pumps Amy forced me to wear.

In her words, it was 'always take advantage of being on the shorter side in height'. Amy couldn't wear heels half the time since it made her taller than Rory and both felt uncomfortable by that.

I wasn't even that sort, Amy just had long-ass legs!

"Thank you!" Amy who was now wide-awake giggled at herself in the mirror, touching up her lipstick before spinning to me. "Now, for that hair of yours!"

Despite Amy being as sleepy as I was, she was always on board when wherever we were going involved playing dress up. Since the Doctor refused to tell us exactly where we were going, only telling Amy to dress extremely nice, Amy took his words to heart.

I sighed tiredly, watching in curiosity as Amy did my hair perfectly into a high elegant bun, with strands of curled hair framing the sides of my face.

It was amazing how great Amy was at doing dress up like this. Back when I was still on Muspelheim, anytime I had to be dressed nice, which was quite a bit considering I am the princess, the handmaidens got me ready.

After I left, I was rarely in a position where I had to be all dolled up. Gamora was like me in that aspect, both of us were clueless in terms of dressing up, but to be fair we were also both raised by our father's.

Maybe if my mother had taken my brother and I with her in her escape, things would have been different. I couldn't think like that though, because the truth was our mother didn't take us. She was disgusted that we were the product of her raping and couldn't care less whether we loved or died.

Sometimes, the truth hurt.

"Perfect!" I was cut out of my thoughts as Amy giggled, pointing to my reflection in the mirror.

Tilting my head ay the elegant look Amy and I held, I nodded my head.

"Yep, we look fuckin' amazing." Amy threw her head back laughing at my words. "Seriously," I giggled along with her as we left the costume room, making our way toward the console room. "If I saw us, I would bang us."

We stepped into the threshold of the console, our eyes catching Rory who sat in one of that chairs all dressed up. He wore an all black nice looking suit, his hair fluffed up slightly.

Amy chuckled, seeing as he looked ready to pass out. On the other hand, the Doctor was racing around the control panel eagerly, hair styled to the side. On contrary to Rory's black suit, the Doctor wore an all-white suit top, his trousers dark along with his expensive looking loafers.

Of course, his snazzy expensive outfit was topped off with a black bowtie. Oh, how that geeky Timelord looked so dashing.

"You would bang who?" The Doctor asked, turning to us after flipped a switch.

I smirked at the Doctor waltzing up to him, straightening his bowtie a bit. "Myself..." I looked up at him through my lashes, causing him to gulp. "Now, aren't you looking handsome." I purred, the Doctor's eyes huge as he watched me. "Anyway, this trip better be worth it since you woke me up at three!" I stepped away from him, grabbing on the railings as the Doctor gathered himself.

Amy who was keeping Rory awake laughed at the Doctor's starstruck look. Shaking his head, the Doctor gained his cool back beginning to race around the panel excitedly.

"Of course, it's worth it!" The TARDIS shook for a few seconds before stopping as he got to our destination.

Wasting no time, he ran to the doors, gripping my hand as he went, Amy and Rory following behind. My feet ached from running in the heels, the four of us freezing as he stopped in front of the TARDIS doors.

"Welcome to..." We watched eagerly as he threw the doors open revealing a nice looking room with no one inside. "The Burj Khalifa!" Amy gasped, Rory finally looking awake and excited at the name.

"The Burj Khalifa, tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa?" Rory eagerly shook the Doctor's shoulders, Amy right behind him.

The Doctor grinned at their expressions, nodding his head. Amy squealed loudly, jumping up and down with Rory as the two left the TARDIS taking in the extravagant, but vacant room around.

"Burj Khalifa?" I rose a brow, the Doctor taking my arm in his as we left the TARDIS. "Isn't that where River said you'd be taking us?" The Doctor shrugged, sonicking the TARDIS closed, something he didn't usually do.

"Can't trust people in Dubai, learned that the hard way..." He muttered, before putting his screwdriver in his pocket. "But yes! Marvelous isn't it? Tallest structure in the world, in the city known as moneybag central!" Amy snickered at the nickname, as the Doctor twirled around.

"Parked us about five floors before the uppermost level, we're attending a party!" Amy only smiled wider, gripping Rory's hand.

"So, what are we waiting for?" She asked, the Doctor grabbing her shoulder slowing down.

"Hold on, Pond. I want you to have a good time, but remember, Dubai isn't exactly known for being the nicest to the female gender. Just be careful." He warned, Amy, rolling her eyes but nodding.

"Okay, go it! C'mon, Rory, let's go!" Amy and Rory left the room.

As soon as they opened the door, the booming music of the party entered the room flowing all around. Unable to stop myself, I followed along behind the two sensing the Doctor behind me as I curiously walked out of the room.

I gasped at the scene which met me, everything was decorated gold. Servants dressed in impeccable suits sauntered about the enormous room offering drinks and food to the guests. The guests were dressed in only the finest of silks, laughing and partying with each other.

Dancers hung from the ceiling on strong silk fabrics holding them. It looked almost like the parties my father would occasionally hold in the palace, of course, with a much different style.

"Gambling!" Amy screeched suddenly, pulling Rory to one side of the room to gamble.

I only stood in the midst of it all in shock, vaguely feeling the Doctor place his hand on the small of my back.

"Dance?" He questioned, myself smirking as he turned to face him putting both his hands on my hips.

Still looking around in amazement, I placed my hands on his shoulders absentmindedly. Swaying along to the song, I snapped my attention back to the Doctor.

"You really do look stunning, Effie." He blushed at me, myself only smiling at the compliment.

"Thank you, handsome..." I giggled as he blushed even more. "So, Burj Khalifa, what's the history on it?"

The Doctor looked up, an excited glint in his eyes as he prepared to tell me all about it. "Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. No doubt one of the most extravagant party venues to ever exist in the history of this planet-" I accidentally cut him off by stepping on him.

My eyes widened, and I jumped away frantically dotting over him. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The Doctor simply laughed, shrugging it off.

"It's fine," He laughed, pulling me back to him spinning us around wildly as the song suddenly changed to something far more upbeat. "But I do have one question for you, what are you hiding?" I giggled at his question, using it to cover my momentary panic.

"What's your name?" I threw back, causing the Doctor to smirk shaking his head.

"Oh, come on..." He begged, myself yelping as we suddenly made a sharp turn. "You can trust me, you know me, your ole' pal, the Doctor." I threw my head back laughing at his words.

"I know I can trust you," I patted his cheek. "But you not knowing makes it so much more excited, you have to admit! Your own little puzzle for you to figure out, and unfortunately, I'm not giving any clues." The Doctor sighed in defeat, but an eager glint flashed through his eyes.

"I'm going to figure you out, trust," I smirked at his words.

"I'm counting on it."

"AMY!" We turned our head, screams echoing about as a nice sports car smashed through the wall.

The Doctor's jaw dropped me watching wide-eyed as Amy got out of the driver's seat, her and Rory running to us.

"Sorry, it was just sitting there, I didn't know it was actually on!" Amy reasoned when she got to us, multiple security guards pointing their fingers at us, beginning to run our way.

"RUN!" The Doctor yelled all of us running back to the room the TARDIS was in.

Here we go again.


After the party, we had officially decided to go back to sleep. Of course, the Doctor who was still wide awake refused to sleep instead wandering around doing who knows what.

I, on the other hand, was only able to sleep for a little more than an hour before I could no longer sleep.

Now, I made my way to the console room hoping to maybe find the Doctor. Perhaps he would entertain me for the rest of the time Amy and Rory were asleep.

However, the second I was in heart of range of the console room, I froze already hearing Amy's voice.

Walking so that I could see both the Doctor and Amu, but they couldn't see me I stopped unable to stop myself from snooping.

Amy stood in the threshold of the console room, standing just in front of the Doctor wearing only her nightgown and robe. The Doctor was still dressed in his noce suit, crossing him arms as he spoke with Amy.

"Doctor, my life makes no sense." Amy sighed, the Doctor giving her a slight smile.

"I know."

"That's what I've been trying to talk to you about." Amy whispered, the Doctor nodding.

"I know..." He told her softly.

"Like," Amy started with a long breath. "When I first met you, I didn't have parents, I never had parents. And then you rebooted the universe or whatever, and then I suddenly had parents, I've always had parents. I remember both lives, in my head at the same time." Amy's words were rushed and slightly panicked, the Doctor placing a calming hand on her shoulder.

I didn't reveal myself knowing Amy and the Doctor hadn't had a talk like this for a while.

"And you're fine with it." The Doctor knowingly smiled at her, Amy shaking her head.

"Yeah, but I shouldn't be." She sighed, the Doctor rubbing her shoulder. "Why am I fine with it?"

"Rory was a Roman for 2,000 years, and he's fine." The Doctor pointed out.

"Yeah, and he hardly remembers it." Amy tapped her fingers on the control panel.

"Ah!" The Doctor held a finger up stopping her. "But sometimes you  catch him staring, the thing is Amy, everyone's memory is a mess, life is a mess. Everyone's got memories of a holiday they've couldn't been on, a party they can't have went to, or..." He trailed off, eyes flashing off to the distant.

I rose a brow at this, Amy doing the same. "Or what?" She smiled, the Doctor giving her a gentle smile back.

"Or met someone you feel like you've known all your life, fallen so fast you swear you've caught whiplash." Amy giggles playfully, nudging him. "Time is being rewritten everyday, all around us. People think their memories are bad, but they're memories are fine." Amy gave him a blank look.

"That's ridiculous," Amy scoffed making him grin wildly, slapping her thigh.

"Yeah, now you're starting to get it!" He cried in excitement, leaping to a button.

"Put your hand here!" He ordered Amy, motioning to a random TARDIS control.

Amy did as told, looking to him in confusion. "What's this do?" She asked, making him grin wider.

"TARDIS telepath circuits." I gaped, realizing the TARDIS would practically be able to read her mind if her hand was on it.

"What does it do?"

"Nothing," The Doctor lied, flipping a switch. "Just relax." He continued flipping switches before stopping next to her. "Your saddest memory was at a fair ground in 1994, do you remember that?"

"No," Amy deadpanned before pausing. "Wait no, I dropped an ice cream there, that cannot be my saddest memory." She shocked her head scoffing.

"Remembering ice cream's always sad." The Doctor pouted, flipping a switch causing the TARDIS to land.

"Did we just land?" We all liked around, the Doctor with a proud look, Amy and I in confusion. "Where are we?" She asked, the Doctor ignoring her question.

"What happened after you dropped the ice cream?" He instead asked her a different question.

Amy pursed her lips. "Nothing much, I think I just cried..." She trailed, eyebrows furrowing in thought. "No hang on, there was a lady and she bought me another one." The Doctor smirked to himself.

"Oh, good for her. What did she look like?" The Doctor asked, mindlessly messing with a few of the TARDIS gadgets.

Amy laughed as if the memory was funny. "She wore a funny dress, a night dress. She had red hair." Amy's face went blank and we both seemed to realize she was talking about her current description at the moment. "Doctor," We both looked to the Doctor who now leaned against the TARDIS doors. "I don't understand. Why are you doing this, what is the point–?" She was cut off by the Timelord.

"The nice lady, what did she say to you?"

"Cheer up, have an ice cream." She deadpanned, the Doctor looking to the ground thoughtfully.

"Amy, time and space is never ever going to make any kind of sense. A long time ago, you got the best possible advice on how to deal with that, so I suggest..." He whirled around opening the TARDIS doors. "You go and get it."

My eyes widened in wonder at the sight of the fair he revealed. I had heard plenty about them from the Doctor, but never had I been to one.

"Okay," Amy crossed her arms, walking down the steps closer to the Doctor. "I ask you a big important question about life, and you basically go and tell me to by myself an ice cream?" The Doctor smirked, wrapped a friendly arm around her shoulders.

The two had their backs to me, gazing at the fair grounds.

"No, Amy, I'm telling you to go buy us both ice creams, I do love fair grounds!" He cheered, Amy playfully rolling her eyes.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't." He lead her out of the TARDIS, their voices drifting. "Do you get scared in ghost trains? I get a bit scared so is it okay if I hold your hand?" I silently laughed at his rambling, the TARDIS door closing behind them.

I smiled to myself, not following despite how curious I was to look around a fair. In my opinion, Amy and the Doctor were best friends, they needed this little fun time to themselves.

I'd be their for other adventures, but this one was all them. Stroking the walls of the TARDIS, I smiled.

"Isn't he just dashing?" I thought of the Doctor's suit, voicing my opinion out loud.

The TARDIS hummed in reply, making me laugh as I made my way back to my room. The TARDIS has just put a television in my room, I could pass the time watching; House, my new favorite show.

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