Twenty-Seven: Unorthodox Kindness

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"Your hair..." Drax made the comment as I entered the cockpit of our ship.

Yondu's funeral and all that had taken place a few short weeks prior. After his funeral, Kraglin dropped us back at Berhert leaving to go find another Ravager faction to start up with the starship.

Fixing Milano took just over a week, a week which was filled the normal laughing and arguments that went on with our team. Mantis was also warming up to all of us, becoming a more permanent member of our small band of misfits.

Once Milano was all fixed and ready to go, we flew to Xandar for a quick supply run and bathing purposes. That was also the time I took it upon myself to finally tell everyone about the Doctor.

I was met with a more positive outcome than expected, but I was also met with a bunch of teasing that I apparently 'screwed a Timelord'. Peter wasn't very happy that I practically stole his identity, but he soon got over it.

Now, they were all helping me stay on the lookout for any word of where the Doctor is. I also still didn't have a plan for what it was I was going to tell the Doctor when I saw him.

All I knew was that for now, I was just going to go through my normal routine with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"What about her hair?" Peter suddenly called from where he was piloting alongside Rocket. "What'd she do to it?" I rolled my eyes moving away from Drax, taking a seat in my usual spot which was right in between Rocket and Peter.

After telling them about how I got to fly the TARDIS, both were inexplicably jealous that I got to fly the awesome spaceship. Unfortunately, I was still booted to the third best pilot on the team after Rocket and Peter.

"I cut it and colored it black," As I said this, both Rocket and Peter turned in their seats to face me.

I handed Rocket an offended look, as the raccoon gave me an extremely judgmental glance. My hair was now cut so it stopped just after my breast, a big change from the previous hair that was pretty much falling down my ass.

Not only that, but my hair was no longer its natural brown color. It was now a deep raven black, which in my opinion made my eyes stick out all the more. I personally liked the change, it made me feel like a new person in a way.

Plus, it was far easier to manage this way and didn't get half as dirty as it used to.

"What's that look for?" I asked Rocket, sniffing slightly. "I like it." Rocket simply snickered shaking his head.

"I'm fucking with you, it looks fine." He smirked as he took control of the spaceship from Peter making him scowl.

"Hey, stop that..." Peter and Rocket began fighting for control causing me sigh.

Gamora rolled her eyes at them, looking at me from her seat below us. Gamora was in charge of the left side ship weaponry, making her seat as well as Drax and Mantis just below ours. Groot who was growing into a teenager sat just behind Peter, Rocket, and I playing a video game Peter had recently bought him.

"Persephone, what are you going to tell the Doctor once we find him?" The Doctor was what everyone on the team was talking about nonstop since I told them. "If he doesn't already know, you're going to tell him the truth, right?" Everyone was also slightly offended I hadn't mentioned them to the Doctor.

Of course, they knew who the Doctor was. Everyone knew who the Doctor was, the last of the Timelords, the oncoming storm, the Doctor was a legend. And the Guardians were most definitely curious to meet him.

"You know..." I scratched the back of my newly colored hair. "The truth isn't really my thing, so I'm just going to hope he doesn't know and stick to what I already told him." I smiled, kicking my feet up onto the console, earning groans from everyone around.

A chorus of disagreement went around, as Rocket forcefully pushed my feet off the console. "Get your nasty feet away from me." I rolled my eyes at him, obeying and opting to cross them over the other.

Peter looked at me, flicking me over the head. "Ow!" I swatted his hand away. "What was that for?" Peter simply scowled, shaking his head.

"What do you think, idiot! You can't keep lying to this dude!" He exclaimed, making me cross my arms and scoff.

"Of course I can, I can do whatever the hell I want! I am a literally a Goddess!" I smirked in a cocky manner. "In fact, I am more important than that guy you always say when something goes bad." Peter gave me a look of confusion.

"Who?" He asked, his tone portraying perplexion.

"That guy, you know, you always say his name when something goes wrong?" I tried to elaborate, not remembering the name Peter often said.

Peter's eyes widened momentarily. "Are you talking about Jesus?" He said the name I was referring to making me nod.

"Yeah, I'm more important than Jesus!" I proclaimed making Peter gape.

"You are such a bitch!" Rocket laughed at me, Peter nodding in agreeance.

"Whatever, you're all a bunch of douchebags anyway." I rolled my eyes.

It was silent for a few moments before Gamora piped up. "Seriously though, Persephone. You are literally lying to someone very powerful here. Screwing the Doctor like that isn't going to end well, the sooner you tell him, the better." I scowled at Gamora's words shaking my head.

"You guys don't understand..." I sighed, pursing my lips. "It's so nice for him to not know me as scary Persephone. Besides, we get married in the sometime in the future, so I'm sure he'll figure it out soon if he hasn't already." I told them, making sounds of shock vibrate through.

"Married?" Rocket said in disbelief. "You..." He began hysterically laughing. "Getting married!" He barked with unleashed laughter, making my mouth drop open at his audacity. "Miss six-hundred-something virgin over here is getting married." I pouted, glaring at the raccoon.

"Shut the fuck up," I told Rocket, who continued to laugh trying and failing to stop.

Peter let out a scoff of offense, shaking his head. "You're getting married and we weren't invited?" I threw my hands up at his comment.

"Oh my gosh, I can't stand you guys sometimes." I groaned, Drax deciding to take this moment to come into the conversation.

"Do not worry, I am sure you and the Timelord will have a magnificent time mating." My face went bright red as I turned to Drax furiously.

"Please, never say that again," I begged Drax, Rocket only laughing harder

"However..." Drax ignored me, gazing at me in apparent thought. "That is sort of disgusting, the two of you are essentially interbreeding. You know, because he's a Timelord and you're a-" I cut Drax off by holding up a hand, and pinching the bridge of my nose.

Closing my eyes with a deep sigh, I shook my head. "I know Drax, and I would very much appreciate it if you didn't point that fact out again." Drax only shrugged, moving his eyes to the galaxy we were passing at lightspeed.

"Don't worry, it's more common nowadays. I mean, Peter and Gamora are doing it..." As Rocket died of laughter, Gamora became frazzled, looking to Drax angrily.

Peter tried hiding the proud smirk threatening to shine, as I shook my head at our very blunt and literal friend.

"Drax, shut up." Gamora groaned as Drax studied all of us as if we were the oddest beings.

"Why? It's nothing to be ashamed about, though like I said, it is sort of gross. But, Persephone, I'm sure one day the Doctor will be telling your gross hybrid children the story of when he impregnated you with them... just as my father did to me." Drax smiled, making me shiver with disgust.

"That is disgusting..." I said, thankful that my father didn't take it as far as to tell my brother and I about the day he raped my mother.

"That is exactly what I said!" Peter nodded in agreeance with me, Rocket still bent over laughing.

"By God, Drax! For the love of sanity stop talking about me getting impregnated."

"Why? You always talk about Peter and Gamora mating."

"That's different, that was when I was living my love life through them!"

As if to prove a point, I turned to Peter slapping his balls causing him to yell. "And you still haven't done it!" I exclaimed, Peter, clutching his nuts in pain.

"YOU TOUCHED MY GENITALS!" He huffed a shout through the clenched teeth.

"Haha! You used the word genitals!" Drax and Mantis were laughing hysterically along with Rocket.

Teenage Groot still sat in the back, too focused on his video game to bother with us.

"What are you trying to do? Play chicken with me?" Peter scowled, making me smirk.

"Yeah. Buck buck, bitch." I bit making Rocket only laugh harder, and Peter acting as if I had just slapped him.

Rocket calmed in his laughing, shaking his head. "Okay," He sighed, the Milano suddenly ceasing its trek in lightspeed, coming to a stop just outside the planet I recognized to be as Contraxia. "We're here to get information on the Sovereign, so we don't run into them again. We all split up and meet back here in let's say... three hours?" Rocket looked to us all, everyone nodding as the ship landed just outside some random bar.

The planet Contraxia was a colder planet, always covered in snow. It was about the size of Mars and was a planet mainly containing brothels and bars. Definitely not a place for someone to live, more of a 'trucker' stop as Peter called it.

Different people came here, mainly dudes because of the brothels. Contraxia was known for its brothels as the brothels were not worked by actual living beings, Lovebots worked the brothels entertaining the ones who stopped by.

In fact, the Ravagers were known to come to Contraxia a lot whenever they wanted a break. However, since we were now on good terms with most Ravagers we didn't need to worry about running into any of them while on Contraxia.

Of course, we were only on Contraxia for information on the Sovereign, but we would no doubt have run-ins with many different people here for different things.

"Okay a-holes, clock set for three hours, let's get it moving!" Peter clapped his hands as we all moved toward the doors.

"I'll be down in a second, I'm going to grab a coat," I told them, walking to my cabin on the spaceship.

Everyone nodded as they all made their way outside to the chilly cold. Despite being here for information, I knew they would have their fun.

Peter would probably force Gamora to dance, Drax and Mantis would have fun making jokes, and Rocket... well Rocket would end up drunk and start robbing people. Usually, I would join Rocket, but seeing as one us actually had to get some useful information, I would be stuck talking to anyone with the info.

Considering Groot was technically a teenager still, he would stay in his cabin on the ship playing his video games.

I walked into my room which wasn't very big, but big enough for at least two to squeeze in. Grabbing a leather jacket, I threw it on while also hanging the blaster Rocket had made me on my belt.

Rocket made me a special blaster so that whenever I fired it, I was guaranteed to hit my target. Plus, this blaster was three times more deadly than most other blasters on the market, Rocket made sure of it himself.

Bringing the hood of the leather jacket which was a surprisingly soft material over my head, I waltzed out of Milano allowing my gaze to wander around Contraxia.

The bar Rocket had chosen was smack in the middle of a small gathering of brothels and nightclubs, as well as other bars. Shady looking people wandered around the place, a few Ravagers and other criminals no doubt sticking out to me the most.

Many were drunk by the way they cheered and wobbled around. Small bonfires littered around the permanently snowy planet, aliens of different species sitting around the bonfires laughing.

Yellow Lovebots with mechanical eyes and soft skin stood around half-naked, their machine bodies unaffected by the cold weather. Blue hair of different lengths fell down their shoulders as they cooed for peoples sexual attention.

Outside of one of the brothels, a group of female Lovebots danced, pleading and eyeing anyone who walked past. In a way, it was slightly disturbing how these bots so resembled real people, and yet they were only machines programmed for sex.

"Oi," I shook my head, bringing the hood around my head tighter. "I need a drink." I decided, beginning to walk off in the direction of the bar.

I could talk to people at the bar and see if anyone knew what the Sovereign was up to lately. Rubbing my hands together, I easily sidestepped many eager males attempting to hit on me.

Contraxia was most definitely not a place any female wanted to be if they couldn't defend themselves. Literally about eighty-percent of the population were drunken criminal men who cared little for anything but what was under a girl's skirt.

Just as I was a few feet from the door, something caught my eye. Something which at first I was having an extremely difficult time believing.

No, that couldn't be. Could it?

Squinting my eyes and taking a few steps toward a bonfire, my eyes widening seeing as it was exactly what I thought it was.

Standing right there chatting it up with a drunk Ravager was an awkward looking Rory Williams. My heart seemed to skip a beat as I realized that wherever Rory Williams went, Amelia Pond was not too far behind, and wherever Amelia Pond was, the Doctor was right there.

I swallowed wondering what the hell they were doing on a place like Contraxia. This was most definitely not the Doctor's sort of planet, I knew that for a fact.

Though, it did sort of make sense. If the Doctor really was trying to find me, then in his mind Contraxia was a good place to go. After all, this was where the Ravagers came for downtime, and to him, I was with the Ravagers.

Brushing off the thoughts, I trotted over to Rory who now looked mildly disgusted as a Lovebot sat on the lap of the drunken Ravager he was speaking to. The Ravager not caring much for decency, placed a slobbery kiss over the Lovebot's face pulling away a few seconds later.

The Lovebot hummed to itself, perched on the Ravager's knee patiently waiting for its time with him.

"Okay, but you're not answering my question..." Rory groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "All I want to know is have you ever heard of an Effie Quill?" The Ravager thought for a moment, stroking his beard.

I grinned, slyly standing behind Rory wanting to hear the rest of this conversation.

The Ravager grunted, shaking his head. "Boy, I answered your question! I said, I ain't know where Peter Quill be off to!" The Ravager held the signature hill-billy accent, making him sound slightly uneducated.

Rory let out a frustrated breath, his shoulders shaking. "I have no clue who Peter Quill is, and I am not asking about him! Effie Quill, where is she?" Rory tried again, only for the Ravager to turn around.

"Dormer! This guy be harassing me on Peter Quill's whereabouts! You wouldn't happen to know no such things, would you?" He shouted to an orange male with startling milk eyes.

The dude who was standing a few feet away smoking a heavy pipe shook his head. "Ain't no one be seeing them since ole' Yondu's funeral!" I bit my lip, not liking how much information they were giving away.

Based on Rory asking around, I took it the Doctor still had no clue over the truth. However, at this rate, it wouldn't last much longer, not if he kept digging around in this area.

They were all bound to get curious as to why everyone was mistaking Peter Quill as Effie Quill soon.

"I am not talking about Peter Quill!" Rory yelled exasperated, getting cut off by me tapping his shoulder.

Rory whirled around, eyes going huge when he saw me standing there grinning.

"Effie!" He said in glee, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Rory!" I pushed my hood down, hugging the man back. "Gosh, how long's it been? Five weeks?" Rory rose a brow, pulling away.

"Maybe for you, but it's been like seven months for us..." I gaped at his answer, Rory shaking his head. "Yeah, that long. Doctor's been going mad trying to find you, barely even sleeps at this point, Amy and I need to make him." I frowned at Rory's words, not liking what the Doctor was doing to himself.

"He's not sleeping?" I frowned, Rory, shaking his head.

"Not much, and your hair, it's different." I subconsciously played with the much shorter and darker strands. "It looks good, just different is all." He gave me a reassuring smile, making me smirk.

Shrugging, I pulled the hood back over my head not wanting snow to get into it. "Yeah, it was getting way too long, plus I felt like it could use a proper change." Rory nodded at my words, a small smile plastered across his face.

"Thank gosh, you're here! The Doctor will finally stop acting impish, just wait till he sees you..." Rory chuckled, cringing giving me a slightly apologetic look. "Just wait till Amy sees you, sorry about her in advance, she's rather upset you weren't at the wedding."

I shrugged, the snow crunching under our shoes as Rory and I left the Ravager's side, the Ravager too wrapped up in the Lovebot to notice me. Perhaps if he had, he would've recognized me as Persephone from the Guardians of the Galaxy and blurted my identity right on the spot.

"I figured as much, but I do wish I could've been there." I smiled at Rory as we walked away from the bar where the Guardians were.

Looking over my shoulder, I sighed seeing Milano sitting outside the bar. Goodbye spaceship Milano, hello TARDIS. Following Rory closer to the edge of the tiny town made up of only brothels and such, we had a nice conversation.

"So, what've you guys been up to?" I asked Rory, who just smiled.

"Oh, where do I start? Everything," He sighed after a moment's silence. "We went on a spaceliner for our honeymoon, a spaceliner that almost crashed but the Doctor ended up saving..." Rory paused as something sad seemed to hit him. "We took a short two weeks break from traveling after, in which time the Doctor says he was looking for you but found no such luck. Once he picked us up again, River accompanied us to 1969 where we were looking for a creature called the Silence and the Doctor was held captive in area 51 for almost three months. After that happened we fought some pirates, went searching for you some more. In between searching for you, the TARDIS actually got put into a physical body so we had to deal with that..." Rory paused in his long speech to take a breath.

"Once we fixed the TARDIS and all that which was about a month ago, the Doctor refused to do anything else until we found you. So, yeah, we've been searching different parts of the universe for any sign of you. We finally got a tip that Ravagers liked to hang out on this planet and we'd probably find more clues over here." I rose a brow at Rory's long story, taking it all in.

"Wow," I was finally able to mutter, Rory nodding along.

"Yeah," He sighed. "It's a lot, I know, but you'll get all caught up soon enough."

"Geez, I hope so." Rory laughed at my words, suddenly stopping.

"And there is the TARDIS..." I followed to where he was looking landing eyes on the TARDIS.

The TARDIS stood in all her big blue glory, looking nothing less than magnificent. The TARDIS brought on an intense feeling of happiness that had me grinning like mad, I was back with my Timelord at last.

"So that means Amy and the Doctor can't be too far away," Rory put his hand on his chin, looking around, myself doing the same eager to find them.

It wasn't long before I did find them as Amy was practically screaming drawing quite a bit of attention to herself.

Rory and I both turned to the source of the noise, seeing Amy and the Doctor conversing with two Ravagers who looked to be equally as frustrated as the redhaired woman. The Doctor was the only one who looked to be calm in this situation.

The Doctor hadn't changed much, still looking cute with his hella sharp chin. He still wore his bow-tie along with the normal suspenders and tweed jacket. One slight difference was how he styled his hair, it wasn't longer or shorter, just a bit more cleaned up than he used to wear it.

It now looked to be combed to the side, that was the only difference he had. Amy, on the other hand, hadn't changed much either.

Her hair was still as red as ever, maybe a bit longer and she still wore her denim skirt with boots. Currently, though, her cheeks were painted red in anger as her and the two Ravagers went back and forth in a screaming match.

"WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT PETER QUILL, WHO THE BLOODY HELL EVEN IS THAT!" Her Scottish accent was so thick it was slightly hard to understand her, the Ravagers looking about ready to attack her.

The Doctor sensing this, placed a calming hand on Amy's shoulder pulling her back. The Timelord delivered a fierce warning look to the Ravagers who were obviously ready to use violence against Amy.

It was a silent warning to them that they were not to touch Amy, and he definitely did get the point across. It was slightly nerve racking how dangerous the Doctor could look when he wanted to be.

One Ravager threw his arms in the air, glaring at both the Doctor and Amy. "Y'all know what? Stop harassin' us." They huffed, storming away from the two, the Doctor watching them leave curiously.

"Can you believe that? Can't even listen to what I'm telling them; like Effie and Peter don't even sound close in pronunciation, how are they mixing the names up like that?" Amy growled, the Doctor patting her back narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"No clue, Pond..." He seemed to think about it for a moment. "But I have a hunch that I should really look into him, something big is going on right under my nose and it's surrounding my future wife! I don't like being in the dark, Pond, I like to know things and whatever Effie's hiding is starting to perturb me." I gulped at his words, Rory looking back and forth between the Doctor and me with furrowed brows.

"We should probably stop eavesdropping and show him I've found you," Rory mumbled awkwardly, obviously sorry I overheard that.

I only shrugged not much caring. It was simply another reminder that my clock was winding down faster than I could stop it. I loved the Doctor, I wanted to be with him.

However, I knew it wouldn't be right until he knew the truth. A truth I didn't have the courage to tell him, no matter how bad I wanted, how much I begged myself, I didn't have the courage to do it.

I couldn't do it, because of fear. Fear held me back, and I knew I would never be able to tell the Doctor. I had dug myself in too deep and now I couldn't climb out of the hole I was trapped in. I was stuck in a web of never-ending lies.

As I gazed upon the Timelord who I now considered to be the one and only love of my life it all hit me.

I want to tell him how perfect he is, how he has so much unorthodox kindness that he seems like nothing more than a dream. I want to tell him how much I love him and explain 'why'. Why I settled for a lie, why I didn't tell him when I should have. And yet, I couldn't.

I loved the Doctor too much, and the thought of his reaction when I said the truth crushed me.

I was weak because I could not gather the courage to tell the Doctor who I really was. Looking at him, I knew River was correct, I would never be able to tell him myself.

He would find out through other means simply because I was too weak.

Rory and I walked a bit closer, Rory opening his mouth about to alert them of our presence but I beat him to it.

I always was one for theatrics, so let's make my reunion with the Doctor after weeks for me and months for him dramatic.

"I AM IN LOVE WITH THE DOCTOR!" I hollered my declaration of love, causing for almost everyone nearby to look at me.

Right away, both Amy and the Doctor turned to me in shock. As I met the Doctor's gaze a grin bigger than I ever thought possible adorned my face as I took my hood off revealing my dark hair.

Well, here goes nothing.

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