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Once upon a time... there was a prophecy.

This one isn't much different from all the others out there. A champion, a beast to be slayed, the hand of God crushing the righteous' oppressors. You might have even heard of it before.

The Revelation, the Apocalypse of John. Y'know the end of the world, where the four horsemen rampaged and then the Woes came and a third of the land was burned and a third of the seas turned to blood and a third of the rivers were destroyed, and the sun turned red and where the stars fell from the sky to destroy the crust of our planet in their wake and the world was nearly destroyed by earthquakes?

Where people died and were slain, and the world was crumbling and the Beasts of the Dragon stalked the land and called down fire and people followed them mindlessly for their power and their words in fear of death like the rest?

Where people were tormented for their sins and the world suffered under God's wrath and there was no forgiveness or mercy or peace. Where life was trampled and the immoral punished and tortured, where the mark of the beast spread and killed and destroyed. No one was safe. Death took the righteous and the unrighteous, the sinners and the saints, no matter what they try to tell you.

Holy Ones, that was a mouthful, wasn't it?

And then Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, whatever you want to call him, was thrown into a fiery pit of sulfur for one thousand years, a thousand years to let humanity flourish without his 'deceit', before he turned to rampage the Earth and gather an army. But then Jesus came down on a white horse and burned his forces and forever imprisoned him in a pit of fire for all eternity?


Well, you see, God was impatient.

I know right? Blasphemy.

What was a thousand years compared to the thousands He had waited beforehand? Too much, apparently.

Lucifer was slain, his blood staining the sword of the Almighty.

But I know what you're thinking. Didn't he deserve it? Didn't the Devil who had tricked us humans into lives of sin and immorality deserve to die just like we did?

Well no, not really.

That's what they want you to believe.

Because God wasn't allowed to be wrong. We thirsted for knowledge and Lucifer provided. But God had to be better, He had to be all knowing, we couldn't differentiate good and evil like He could. He labeled our knowledge as dangerous, our freedom as sin, our lives and our bodies as unholy. Only He could be perfect, we were nothing but disgusting creatures struggling in the dirt, a failed trial, a piece of work scrapped because we had not pleased Him, because we strived to know.

Lucifer had known of God's jealousy; he had envied His power. A power that He did not deserve. He had been brave enough to challenge God, to ask why He deserved to be all powerful and all knowing when all He had done is exist. And Lucifer was cast out for questioning, for mistrusting authority.

And then he showed us the beauty of defiance.

Inspiring, isn't it?

Look, I'm not saying Lucifer wasn't a little evil. I'm not claiming he was a good person, because he wasn't. But who is a good person, in a world like this? Hm?

And he was killed, by Jesus, by God, by the Trinity. He was made to die. Because really, if He wanted to, the all-knowing God could have prevented all of this by never creating Lucifer in the first place, right?

But the thing is, Lucifer couldn't really die. Not completely. Maybe his body was destroyed, maybe his life was drawn from his lungs that had been crushed by shattered ribs beneath God's heel, but he couldn't really disappear completely. A spirit, maybe blackened and corrupted and cruel, but a spirit nonetheless, remained.

This spirit needed a body and soul to survive. So from body to body it went, residing within people who typically came to very bloody and violent ends, people who knew none the wiser.

And now here we are. A world where prayers cannot be answered, where God sits upon His pedestal in New Jerusalem, lavishing in His victory still centuries later. A dystopian world destroyed by plague and fire, where to die unknown to the Lord is to fall into eternal torture and misery whether your faith was placed in the Son of God or not. Favoritism, we love that here.

But, you see, this isn't the whole story... Lucifer is still in the picture...

And guess who's ready to take his fucking throne back?

TW, this book contains:

blood, gore, death and violence


suicidal thoughts and other heavy topics and mental disorders

swearing, slurs, and vulgar language

religious content such as Christianity and Satanism (I would like to point out that I'm not a part of either religion, I am agnostic, but I grew up in and are currently living in a Christian household and have a lot of knowledge on the subject)

and inconsistent updates! (I know this one will trigger some of y'all, leave me and my ADHD alone) 

please take all of this into consideration before proceeding :] 

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