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"hyung?" jungkook groggily rasped out, pushing himself up with his elbows as he tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes. as soon as his vision completely cleared up, he frowned when he quickly spotted taehyung slipping his sneakers on by the door with his dorm keys dangling from his pinky finger. "hyung, what are you doing? neither of us have classes today."

taehyung's eyes widened, immediately whipping his head around to be greeted by the (surprisingly cute) sight of a sleepy jungkook tangled in the pool of bed covers, messy bed hair strewn atop his head and eyebrows knitted together in a curious manner. "oh, um, good morning. i didn't expect you to wake up this early," he spoke with a small smile after he finished tying his shoelaces.

"i woke up 'cause the bed suddenly got cold. i don't like it," jungkook mumbled. "hyung was keeping me warm."

"o-oh, oh," taehyung uttered, cheeks flaring up and stomach doing somersaults at the other's blunt confession. he suddenly felt like he was in high-school again, back when he received chocolates from his crush for valentine's day. then, he remembered the rather sinful events of last night and heated up even more. "sorry, i-i just need to head outside for a bit. i think i should be back in a few hours," he managed to say in spite of the racing heartbeat ringing in his ears.

"what?" jungkook instantly perked up in alert. "where are you going?"

"to visit a friend. he lives 20 minutes away from campus," taehyung replied. "don't worry, i'll be back in—"

"take me with you," jungkook interrupted, strong excitement prominently laced in his words.

"uh, no. jungkook, that's not a very good idea," the silver-haired male retorted with a shake of his head.

"why not? i want to go with you," jungkook whined, balling his hands into fists and briefly hitting the mattress multiple times like a child would during their little tantrums.

"well, firstly, you don't even know who my friend is," taehyung began to explain. "secondly, you didn't even know what a spider was until recently, so do you really think i'll take you out of campus with me?" he added, narrowing his eyes straight at the demon who slowly shrunk back underneath his steeled gaze because in a way, the elder was correct.

he wasn't accustomed with the human lifestyle yet and he might risk burning down more trees by accident if he were to go outside, thus exposing who he truly was to strangers who might turn him in to the government or worse.

"i don't care," jungkook grumbled anyway. "i want to go."

"no. he might freak out if he catches on to your weird demon-like antics and i'm not sure if i want him to know that you're a literal hellspawn," said taehyung.

"hyung, please? i don't want to be left here all alone. i'll behave, i promise!" jungkook attempted to persuade taehyung further by prettily batting his eyelashes and firing a dazzling grin at him, but to no avail as the older man simply shook his head again.


jungkook pouted. "please."

a groan's emitted by taehyung. "seriously, jungkook, no."

"hyuuuung," the ravenet continued drawling out, still utterly persistent in going as he knew taehyung was gradually becoming weaker for him and his round doe eyes. "please?"

"for fuck's sake, i said n— y'know what, fine!" taehyung finally relented, falling victim to jungkook's coaxing for the hundredth time that week, throwing his hands up into the air in front of him with an irritated grunt whilst trying to mask the fact that jungkook's instantaneous bright smile at his positive response didn't make him feel some sort of way. "fine, whatever. just hurry up and change, you brat. we're leaving in ten and i'm leaving your ass if you're not ready by then."

jungkook gleefully nodded and hurriedly grabbed a couple of clothes from the interior of his suitcase before running into the bathroom, coming out within minutes in— wait, what?

taehyung almost choked on his spit when jungkook walked out of the bathroom in a pair of tight leather pants which hugged his muscular thighs perfectly and a dark-purple harness which was secured over a black silk button-up, delicately accentuating his thin waist and broad shoulders.

"you—you are definitely not wearing that outside," the elder deadpanned.

"wh-what?" jungkook stared at his roommate in confusion. "why not? i wear this in hell all the time. everybody in hell wears this—"

"look, this is not hell, alright? if people see you wearing that, they'll— they— nevermind," taehyung cut himself off to let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "just go change into something else."

"but the only other outfit i have are my pajamas! my white tee needs to be washed and i don't want to go outside naked," jungkook protested.

"why do you only have one casual-wear outfit? actually, why am i even surprised at this point? just borrow something of mine," taehyung stated, pointing over to the small wooden dresser placed next to the foot of his bed. "and make it quick, we're already late."

"o-okay," jungkook murmured, waddling over to taehyung's dresser like a penguin and eventually fishing a large gray hoodie out of it, pressing the clothing item close to his chest with a satisfied nod. "thank you," he squeaked before dashing back inside the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

taehyung is a bit puzzled by jungkook's abruptly displayed rush, yet figured it was because he just told him to hurry up and change.

but what he doesn't know is that right behind the door, jungkook was happily leaning against the wall and snuggling his face into the soft material of taehyung's cotton hoodie, exhaling in content at the foreign scent of lavender detergent mixed with a hint of spearmint wafting up his nostrils. although he didn't even know what lavender and spearmint were since he had never smelled anything like that back in his homeland, he just knew that he absolutely loved the unique fragrance which lingered on the hoodie.

"jungkook, are you done? jeez, you take longer than a girl to get ready!" taehyung complained, walking up to knock on the bathroom door impatiently and pausing when he heard panicked shuffling from the other side. he could've sworn he heard something break as well. "i'm leaving without you!"

a muffled 'no, wait!' was heard before the door got thrown open once again and a clothed jungkook lunged out, maybe a little too fast, accidentally tripping on the door's threshold and falling forward. he ended up colliding right into taehyung, stumbling face-first into the elder's firm chest with a tiny yelp.

luckily, taehyung managed to react quick enough and immediately grounded himself by moving his right foot back the slightest, instinctively snaking his arms around jungkook's waist and successfully preventing the both of them from tumbling onto the floor due to the demon's clumsiness.

"you okay?" taehyung asked, amusement tugging on the corners of his lips in a smirk as he peered down at the black-haired student in his hold.

"yeah," jungkook faintly whispered, pulling himself away from taehyung's arms as a gorgeous shade of pink bloomed over his soft cheeks, his beauty momentarily stealing the older's breath away. "um, th-thanks, hyung," he stammered out, feeling oddly shy for some reason while rubbing the back of his neck. it's somewhat hard to believe that last night, he was the exact same person who shamelessly offered to suck taehyung's dick.

"how are you supposed to be a sex demon? you're clumsier than any kid i know," taehyung commented with a scoff, reaching over to playfully ruffle jungkook's ebony locks to which the other male only glared at him with lips jutted out in a pout. "i'm joking— well, half-joking. c'mon, let's go. my friend's waiting."



where are u bro

it's already quarter past 12

sent 12:15PM
seen 12:18PM


sorry omw

my demon roommate is tagging along btw

sent 12:18PM
seen 12:18PM


oh yeah sure



dEmON ROOmMAte???

sent 12:20PM
seen 12:22PM



sent 12:26PM

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