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taehyung smiled one more time as he waved to jimin from his car's window, grinning wider when he saw jimin waving back with the same enthusiasm from the warmth inside his new home.

taehyung had been rooming with jimin throughout his past two years of university, but jimin recently decided to move out for the sake of living with his 23-year-old high school sweetheart, min yoongi. taehyung, of course, wholeheartedly accepted the decision 'cause if it meant his best friend was going to be happy, so be it.

this also meant that taehyung should've gotten a new roommate assigned to him today since the first day of classes officially begin tomorrow, which he was fairly nervous about both. it was already his junior year yet he had never ever felt this nervous about the start of a new semester before.

but hey, how bad could his new roommate be, right? it's just for two years anyway and time usually goes by in the blink of an eye.

at least that's what he kept telling himself as he drove back to the dormitories and then anxiously waited for the creaky elevator to take him up to the designated floor.

exhaling harshly at the reminder that his new roommate was most likely already settled in, given that it was nearing 7 in the evening, he gradually headed towards his dorm room and paused right in front of the door.

he scowled immediately when he noticed the door was left open just the slightest bit with the radiant light that illuminated the interior of the room pouring through the narrow crack.

with a huff, he threw open the door without missing a beat, already mentally preparing to give his new roommate a literal lecture about being a responsible man by keeping his doors locked properly when suddenly, he felt his jaw drop straight down to the carpeted floor in an instant.

a couple of feet away from him stood the most gorgeous and absolutely unreal person he had ever laid his eyes on — a modern greek god that could definitely put adonis to shame, someone that appeared as if they just jumped out of a japanese manga full of hot male characters.

taehyung felt his throat go dry as he quietly checked the guy out from head to toe, not that discretely as well.

soft ebony locks swept back with a large veiny hand, 

glistening chocolate eyes placed below furrowed and perfectly sculpted eyebrows,

a pair of thin pouty lips that stretched out in a cute little frown,

extremely muscular arms that flexed even with the smallest of movements,

and lastly, defined abs which—

despite the male not acknowledging taehyung's presence yet, the latter quickly felt his cheeks flame up as an important realization finally dawned on him.

"where the fuck is your shirt?!" he screeched, feeling the heart course through his body in waves whilst he was unable to tear his gaze away from the alluring being in front of him.

the black-haired man abruptly jumped with widened eyes, almost stumbling back onto the pile of boxes behind him due to the shock.

"w-who are you?" he asked with a curious tilt of his head, causing his raven locks to cascade over his forehead with a smooth slide.

"i'm... your roommate, kim taehyung," taehyung introduced as he desperately tried to look away from the guy's 8-pack. he forced out an awkward cough prior to continuing. "uh, i'm a junior. y-you?"

"room... mate? oh, that's what humans call it here," jungkook muttered lowly. however, the elder still managed to catch it and his ears perked up in confusion at the weird statement, but he decided not to question it nonetheless just to avoid seeming irritable. "i'm jeon jungkook, a f-freshman?"

"is that a question?" taehyung attempted to joke, briefly peering up at jungkook's insanely toned body and then discerning that heck— even his chiseled facial features were out of this world. 

jungkook only stared back at him with a genuinely puzzled expression. "i'm— it's called freshman here, right?"

"yes. yes, it is," taehyung deadpanned because was this guy actually for real or did he find enjoyment in pretending to be dumb?

"i see," the ravenet mumbled, heaving out a long sigh and glancing over at taehyung's direction. "are you just going to, like, stand there? this is also your room, no?"

"i'll go over there once you put on a fucking shirt," taehyung found himself retorting.

jungkook merely blinked at him. with a hesitant nod, he then shuffled over to his unzipped suitcase to pull out a plain white tee, effortlessly throwing it on his upper torso before glancing back at taehyung for approval.

the older male slowly pulled out a thumbs-up 'cause you could still see jungkook's back muscles and broad shoulders with or without the shirt, but he supposed that it was way better than no shirt at all.

unsurprisingly, jungkook ended up staring at his uplifted thumb for way longer than necessary for whatever reason, keeping his eyes trained on it as if it was some extraterrestrial object that screamed caution.

taehyung had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. he had long discarded the thought of being blessed with having an incredibly hot piece of meat as a roommate who was also standing right in front of him at the very moment.

"are you from another world or something? or did you get locked up in a cage for your entire life and you've just been released?" he questioned, obviously half-jokingly because he truly hoped that the second part of that doesn't turn out to be true. "i mean, come on, acting this ignorant has got to become tiring at some point."

jungkook seemed lost once again for a short moment, almost as if he was wondering if taehyung seriously just asked him that, before parting his lips to answer with a smug glint in his chestnut irises,

"i'm from hell."

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