Getting a friend

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One day later after that night.

Y/n started to wake up and felt warm. He wonder why until he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a living room covered with a blanket and notice that he was out of his armor and weapons and in his clothes that he wore under the armor. As he tried to get up and wonder who brought him here or where.

Y/n:*though* Where am I? Wait did that woman and her dog helped me.

Bark bark

He heard the familiar barking and look around until he saw the same Husky he saw that one night and knew now what happened.

Y/n: H-Hello.

The husky seems to get close to Y/n and started to nuzzled his face and give him a few licks. Y/n tried to chuckle a bit but it still hurt. Then he heard a female voice.

??:Cloud that's enough. He needs to get his strength back.

Y/n turn to the voice and saw what could be described as a beautiful woman there in front of him. She was there with a tray of soup and a cup of water and as she set it down on the living room table she run to him and said.

Sam: Here this so for you.

Y/n: A-Are you sure Ma'am?

Sam:*nods* Yes, you need to recover your strength.

Y/n slowly got up and sat right up and soon grabbed the bowl of soup and one eye got a smell of it he knew it was chicken soup. Y/n started to consume it at a nice pace since he didn't want to be rude to who ever she is. After three minutes he finish the soup and drank the cup of water once he was done Y/n turn to her and said.

Y/n: Thank you for the food Ms...

Sam: Samantha Shay. Though most people refer to me as Sam and you are?

Y/n: Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you Ms. Shay.

Sam: Please call me Sam. Ms. Shay makes sound like a old woman. Still it's nice to meet you Y/n.

Y/n: Sure Sam. May I ask where did you put my gear?

Sam: Yes they are here inside a empty room. Don't worry no one saw me or Cloud bring you and your stuff here.

Y/n: Cloud is your name huh.

Cloud: Bark.

Y/n: Still I want to ask. Why did you came out of your way to help me. Instead of selling me off to a government agency or something else.

Sam: True I could've. But I'm not like that. You saved Ashley a dear friend of mine from when the White Masks took City Hall.

Y/n: Yeah I did. But I guess that made me a target now.

Sam: You're right still you saved her and everyone else there. They think of you as a hero.

Y/n: I'm no hero Sam. Just a soldier doing his duty to protect and serve.

Sam: I know. Still if it's alright with you I want to get to know you a bit.

Y/n:*raised eyebrow*Uh.....

Sam: Sorry it's just you came out of nowhere and I just want to fill in somethings like your pistol doesn't use any rounds I'm familiar with.

Y/n: I guess you have a bit of a military background.

Sam: I do I served in the Navy as a SEAL for a while until I retired.

Y/n: Special forces?

Sam: Yes, guess you can say it runs in the family.

Y/n: Your father and mother were in the military?

Sam: Yes that's how they meet. Though they passed away in service when I applied to join.

Y/n: I'm sorry for your loss.

Sam: Thank you. Still I know they did their best to give me a future worth fighting for.

Y/n:True. So what do you want to know.

Sam: Well where to start who gave you the armor and weapons.

Y/n: Those were given to me in the UNSC.

Sam: UNSC?

Y/n: United Nations Space command the scientific and military of the UEG the United Earth government. Though I think this will help explain it.

As he turn around she saw something that is connected to his head.

Sam:What the heck is that?!

Y/n:CNI Implant or Command Neural Interface Implant, all UNSC personnel are equipped with this via surgery, only through extreme head trauma or surgery can remove the Implants, the former being lethal, and the latter non-lethal. You will be looking into MY memories through my eyes.

Sam: Really?

Y/n: Yes but please that no one else knows about it.

Sam: I promise.

Y/n: Alright then let's get started.

5 minutes later

As Y/n was plugged in into Sam's laptop she began to see his memories and we're shock to see the formation of the UEG and UNSC and the year it was though none of his history correlated with what she knew. For something like this is impossible with the current political situation. Then learn of how many colonies the UNSC had and was amazed. Then she saw how Y/n lived on a outer planet and it looked beautiful and she saw his parents and little siblings. Though what she saw next shock and brought her to tears as she saw massive ships and many fighters coming out and start attacking the civilians and saw a creature with four mandibles with a sword made if pure energy kills Y/n's family right in front of him though he was saved by a soldier who was like him right now. Then it cut to Y/n being trained to be a ODST or Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. Which where special forces who drop from a ship into a planet for rapid insertion. As he explained the risks and the dangers when dropping. It shocked her that he volunteer to do this. Then she saw his number of battles he's been in and learn about the covenant from Y/n as he explained that they are a coalition of alien races that want the total destruction of the human race and what other atrocities they have done as they were seen by his own eyes in his memories as well seeing the one where the woman he loves died in his arms.Sam soon saw what he said was halo after the second battle of Earth and soon saw a very massive ring and the flood. She threw up a little after seeing what the flood did to the living and dead beings and what halo is a super weapon made to kill all life. Then the final battle of the war the battle of the ark and how he stayed behind to save everyone else who was with him as he hold off the enemy as the marines evacuated with the injured and he was left alone and soon next she saw him go up against a tree as he hold two pictures that were priceless for him. Of his family and one with Y/n the woman he loved as he said those words and close his eyes ready to embrace his end and that was the end of the long three decade war. Then next appears of him appearing in New york. That was where it all stopped. As she closes the laptop and looks at Y/n as he disconnects her eyes were watering. She knew that some Wars were fought for land,resources it power but that war was for survival. The covenant were ruthless and they have did many war crimes that she felt that her drill sergeant will break down. She did a silent prayer for those who have died both military and civilian. Still now she saw how Y/n became a great soldier. How she saw now in front of her a man who should be broken but still he fought on. He fought for his fellow soldiers and humans and to make sure no one suffer the way he and give many families a chance to live together. In some of the battles she saw how he was able to save as many civilians as he can or give them a proper funeral they deserve. He fought a overwhelming force with such courage and determination she swore if her parents where here and saw all that her father would've saluted him.

Y/n: That's is all I can show as for some that you didn't see was classified.

Y/n turn around to see a Sam crying and lunge at him and gave him a hug.

Sam: Y/n. I'm sorry for your losses.

Y/n: Thank you Sam.

She let go of him and she dried her tears she asked him.

Sam: How did you live through all of that, many would've lost faith?

Y/n: True I should been a mess. Still I didn't. Because I was taught to put others first before my own and to complete my promise to her to end this war. I stuck by it and continue to fight for every man,woman and child to be their sheield against the covenant to give them a chance to live to see another day.

Sam was shock by his response sure many say something similar to it. But Y/n didn't need to say it as his eyes and his actions speak for themselves. Sam gained new respect for the UNSC soldier and wants to help him. The she saw Y/n try to stand up but she hold him down.

Sam: Where are you going?

Y/n: Leaving here Sam. I don't want to put you and Cloud in danger.

Sam: Thank you for your concern. But you are still sick. You need to recover. I got it. From now on you'll be living with me and cloud.

Y/n: I-I can't Sam.

Sam: Yes you will Y/n. I don't want to hear anything else it's final right Cloud.

Cloud: Bark.

Y/n: I don't know what to say.

Sam: I'm just looking out for a fellow soldier. Don't worry about paying. Once you have recovered you'll be working with me at my bar.

Y/n: You own a bar?

Sam: Yes I do. Bought it off it's last owner and made some changes. Still it's getting late. We should fall asleep.

Y/n: *yawns* True. Goodnight Sam, Goodnight Cloud.

Sam:Goodnight Y/n. Come in cloud.

Cloud gave Y/n a lick as he petted the husky as thanks and soon the light shut off. Y/n before falling asleep felt a light of ease knowing that he now has made a friend. Still he needed to be on guard for anything that can get Sam and Cloud in danger for now he needed to recover.

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