Old Friends

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Sam: I haven't seen you two in a long time.

Y/n now was seeing two people who he can guess where Sam's friends. Though he had a feeling that this was more than a friendly visit.

Valkyrie: I know Sam. It's good to see you again BF.

Sam: I known Meghan. I'm glad to see you.

Sam hugged the blond woman and turn to the big bearded guy.

Blackbeard: Sammy been to long you crazy sniper.

Sam laughs at his comment and went to hug him as she responds.

Sam: I know Craig you pirate.

Blackbeard: Still with that old joke. How many times are your going to say it.

Sam: As many times needed.

As they went spray both Meghan and Craig turn to see Y/n there. Though for the two have never seen a guy like him having many scars some are noticeable like in his face and can see some in his arms and hands. This tells them that he is a soldier since he has the aura in him,though for Blackbeard can see in his eyes that he has a lot of pain and suffering and wonders what on earth has he been through. Then both turn to Sam and Meghan asks.

Valkyrie: So Sam who's your friend over there?

Sam: Oh, that over there is Y/n. Y/n I want you to meet some very good friends of mine.

Y/n walk forward and soon when he stop they was one feet away from them. Valkyrie takes out her hand and says.

Valkyrie: Hello, I'm Meghan J. Castellano. It's nice to meet you.

Y/n took her hand as be replies.

Y/n:Likewise Meghan, I'm Y/n L/n.

Then they shook as Blackbeard took his hand out and said.

Blackbeard: I'm Craig Jenson. Nice to meet you Y/n.

Y/n shook his hand and replied.

Y/n: Same here Craig. It's good to meet you two. I guess you know Sam for a while.

Valkarie: We do.

Sam: Hey, how about we have a drink while we talk.

Blackbeard: I agree with that idea. I could use a good drink.

Valkyrie: It does sound good. Hey Sam you got any whiskey?

Sam: You bet we do.

Y/n: I'll go get it. While you three sit down.

As Y/n went off to get the drinks, the three of them went to a table and sat down. Then Valkyrie grew a smug look as she said to Sam.

Valkyrie: So Sam why didn't you call us sooner to say that you have a boyfriend.

As soon as Sam heard that she began to get a bit of a blush as she quickly responded.

Sam: Meghan!! He's not my boyfriend.

Valkyrie: Oh really. He seems to be quite a catch.

Sam: W-What?

Valkyrie: Y/n seems nice, he's cute and what a body he has.

Sam: Megan!!!!

While Blackbeard only shook his head at his friends antics.

Blackbeard: Meghan, you seriously need to stop doing that. One of these days your going to get a restraining order.

Valkyrie: *shrugs* Maybe but not today. Besides no restraining order is going to stop me you know that.

Blackbeard:Then, I'll feel pity for the guy. Anyway changing the subject. How you meet the guy?

Sam knew that telling them the truth will reveal that Y/n is the Helljumper. She didn't want to lie to her friends but to keep Y/n safe she will do it.

Sam: Well me and cloud were going to a walk around the park when we found him. He seems a bit depressed.

Valkyrie: Depressed?

Sam: Yes,as I got closer to him. I can see he is wearing a dress uniform of a special forces division.

Blackbeard: So he's from the military, more importantly from a Spec Ops unit.

Sam:*nods* When I started to chat with him. He told me a bit what he's been through during his time as a special forces soldier. Let's just say it's not pretty.

Valkyrie: Isn't life in the military always not pretty.

Sam: Yeah it isn't. Though for him it's worse.

On the other side. As Y/n was getting the drinks he is hearing what they are talking about.

Y/n:*though* Sam, your risking yourself in front of your friends to not reveal who I am. I don't want you to hurt your friendship with them. But she still does it. How did I became so lucky to get a friend like you. I'll play along with it. Though if my suspicions are correct then it's time. I don't want to put her in more risk than she already is.

Y/n took a deep breath in and walk out with the drinks and the cups with ice. As he sat down with them, he began to serve the drink in each glass. When he was done they grabbed it and drank it.

Blackbeard: Now that hits the spot.

Valkyrie: Your could say that again. So Y/n I heard you were part of the Spec Ops group?

Y/n: I was.

Valkarie: Which one?

Y/n: Sorry I can't tell you for classified reasons.

Blackbeard: Oh your from one of them right.

Y/n nods as he took another swing.

Y/n: Yeah,the missions I've been through are some I wish no one else has to go through.

Sam began to look at him concern knowing what he has been through.

Blackbeard: I would like to know what these missions are. If that's okay with you. I don't want to bring up painful memories.

Y/n: Alright. I remember one of my missions was to help evacuate civilians from a Zealot control territory. Though when we got there it was to late. Over the village, we're the bodies of men,women and children all dead. Those heartless bastards killed them with no hesitation.

As he told them that. His fist began to curl up. Since it brought up memories of the covenant slaughter and seeing thousands upon thousands of dead civilians. As well his family and Sarah. Sam immediately took him his hand and help him calm down.

Sam: Y/n it's alright. I'm here just calm down. It's over.

After a few seconds Y/n calmed down and sent Sam a reassuring smile as she let go. Though the two operators began to see that it was more painful though hearing about something like that happening is hard to think of.

Blakcbeard: I hope those bastards are rotting in hell.

Valkyrie: Me too. Killing innocent people for their religion is atrocious.

Sam nodded in agreement.

Blackbeard: Y/n, do you have any family living here?

As soon as he said it. Y/n stop as he look at them and began to look down.

Y/n: No, they're dead. Killed by the same Zealots I fought.

The atmosphere was soon quite as Valkyrie hold a hand on her mouth when wide open. Though for Blackbeard, he immediately regretted asking. Now he can understand why he had hatred for the zealots.

Blackbeard: I'm sorry for bringing it up.

Y/n: It's alright you didn't know.

Valkyrie: I'm sorry for your loss.

Y/n: Thank you Meghan. Sorry for cutting this short but I need to get back home.

Sam: Alright then be careful Y/n.

Y/n nodded and said.

Y/n: It was nice to meet you Meghan and Craig.

They nodded and as soon as he left. Sam began to get up.

Sam: So is there something else you two are here for?

Blackbeard: Yeah,but that's for another time. We need to get going work and all you know.

Meghan: Still it was great to see you again Sam. Though is Y/n going to be alright?

Sam: Yeah, he will be though it still hurts see him to remember that pain. It's not something that will never leave him

They nodded in agreement with that statement. After they said their goodbye and left. Valkyrie and Blackbeard wonder how Y/n hasn't snapped after what happen to him. Though unknown to them that it's just the tip of the spear and the truth will be more gruesome.

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