Christmas Mayhem:Part 2

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The Christmas drama has just begun.

Boris's P.O.V
"Hey Jerry come on man spending Christmas with family isn't so bad".
I figure what I just said was nice, but instead of getting a "your right Boris" i got something else.
. . .
. . .
"Look Boris you can act all happy dappy but you know that Christmas sucks. All we men like to do is drink beer sitting back and relaxing in our homes but no. All of this family shit is getting to me. I don't have to be here if anything my brother deserves to be here"!
Ok one nice thing being sa-
"That punk ass loser doesn't know when to stop being so fucking kind"!
I stood in shock.
Is he talking bad about (Y/N) and Kimbas dad.
"All right Uncle Jerry thats enough"!
I turn to see Kimba looking at his uncle mean and cold.
Aw great . . . Here we go.
"Look I don't know what you have against my dad but you need to sto-"
His Uncle then did it.
He snapped.
He grabbed the star for the tree and smashed it to th ground.
The entire house fell silent.
The sounds of pots and pans stopped, and the sounds of tape being ripped, paper being cut and wrapped along with laughter from outside has stopped.
Everyone from the outside, dining room, and kitchen came quickly to the living room.
(Y/N) came in and was shocked by what was smashed to the floor.
I didn't know why.
I turn to see Kimba and he too looked shocked to see the star smashed into tiny pieces on the floor.
"W-was this. . . The Star that M-m-m-m".
She couldn't say what she wanted to say.
She then turn to sit on the chair next to her while Kimba rushed to comfort her.
I looked at the family and saw all of them shocked except the rude cousin named Becky.
I was about to say something until I heard a gasp from granny.
She walked slowly towards the smashed star and looked at Jerry in shame.
"How could you son, how dare you"!
"Granny (L/N) calm down"!
She snapped at me.
yikes. . . I think I pissed a little.
"My daughter in law does not deserve this Jerry! Now I don't know why you are so jealous of your brother but you need to get over it and act like an adult"!
I went over to (Y/N) to see if she was ok but she wasnt.
As i kept hearing her grandma keep yelling at Jerry I hear little sniffles coming from (Y/N).
"My mother gave that star to me 4 days before she passed away. Now. . . Its in pieces".
She then begins to cry.
My anger is boiling and rising really fast.
That star meant something to her and now it was destroyed by someone she calls uncle.
As if i wasn't mad enough the worst has happened.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I heard the sound of a hand slapping someone hard and a hard fall.
I look up and screamed in shocked.
. . .
My grandma was on the floor with a big red hand mark on her face.
Kimba and my aunts immediately rushed to our grandmother and help her up and out of the living room.
My Uncle Jerry then pointed at me.
"I hate you, I hate Kimba, I hate my brother, and I hate that bitch of a mother of yours"!!!
I stood frozen.
I didnt know how to feel and didnt know what to say.
"Funny how this family wants to act all happy dappy. I hate you (Y/N) and your stupid ass brother, and as for my mother. . . Well the bitch needs to learn her place"!
I began to feel tears run down my face.
My aunts were to busy trying to see if my granny is ok and my other uncles didn't want to start a fight in front of the children.
Odd came up to me and hugged me tight.
I hugged him back.
"Alright I had enough of this bull-".
That's when i looked up and saw something that i didn't think i will ever see.
Boris grabbed my Uncle Jerry's throat and had him up against the wall using only one hand.
His once caring eyes were full of pure rage and hate, his smile that can brighten ones day now was no longer there, and his voice that was soothing and calming was gone.

Boris's P.O.V
I started to calm down a little, but my anger was still there.
I let Jerry go and he looked over to see the entire family standing in the living room seeing the scene before them.
"And you break my lovers star. One of the many things that hold value. A star given to her by her mother.
A star that was going to be one of the last things her mother has given her. . . And you. . . Break it".
My heart then felt heavy.
My heart began to ach.
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
My heart started to break.
I could no longer hide pain i felt for my (Y/N).
"You breaking that star broke my Wife's heart, and because you broke my wife's heart you automatically broke mine. Her mother meant so much to her and you just come in and break something of value. You broke our hearts."
"Boris. . . (Y/N). . . I-"
"Whats next!?! You gonna break my SON'S HEART TOO!!!
. . .
You need to leave, but not without an apology".
Jerry stands up and faces me.
"Boris. . . I'm sor-"
He quickly moved away from me and went to everyone and apologized.
Once he did he grabbed his things with his head hanging low and began walking towards the front door silently.
Before he opened the door to leave i had one thing left to say.
"Hey Jerry. . . Next time be a real man and not talk so badly about someone who's not even here with us any more".
With that he left my home.
Once I shut the door and began to turn around, I was surprised with my wife giving me kisses and the family members patting me on the back.
"Way to go Boris and kicking my uncle out! He always ruin Christmas eve and Christmas day for us" Kimba said.
"I only did what was right. It was wrong for him to do what he did".
Once everyone cleared out of my way I went to see if granny was ok.
I go to the kitchen to see Odd showing granny (L/N) our family photos.
"Granny (L/N) are you ok"?
She looks up at me and smiles.
"Boris I thank you. You truly show how much you care about this family. Oh if only my other son was here he would have given you his blessings".
I smiled and hugged her.
After i hugged her I went over to my son and gave him a big bear hug.
After Odd was given his hug, i went and hugged every other family member and soon . . . My love.
I picked up (Y/N) and twirled around hugging her.
She was giving off little giggles.
Once i was done making everyone feel better I looked at everyone.
"Well everyone who's hungry! All of this mess is making me want Ham"!
Everyone laughed and went to the dining room.


The holiday dinner was amazing, my loves cooking was great, and who would have thought that Granny (L/N) knew how to make a mean grean bean casserole.
Once Dinner was done everyone went to bed to wake up early for Christmas.
Me, (Y/N), Odd And Granny (L/N) were the only ones awake.
"So what do you think you might get for Christmas my little sweet pea" granny said.
(Y/N) blushs.
"Granny I told you that I'm to old to be called sweet pea".
I laugh.
"Well I think you being called sweet pea is adorable".
She blushs more.
We both turned to see Odd standing in the middle of the door way that leads to the back yard.
"Odd you were outside the whole time? We thought you were in the living room with Kimba"?
"No I was, but I . . . Umm. . ."
I can see he has something behind his back and i see something red.
"Um here mom. . . I fixed it".
He then shows us the star that Jerry broke all fixed up and looking brand new.
The only thing that got me was the bandages wrapped around his hands.
"O-Odd. . . Your hands their bleeding"!
(Y/N) exclaimed.
"It's ok mom I'm fine, but I knew how much this star meant to you and how hard it was going to be to fix it. . . So i picked up each broken piece i could gather and went to the shed to use the tools to fix it".

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Oh my god.
Odd went and repaired the star that uncle Jerry broke.
The star looks brand new, it looked the same when my mother last gave it to me.
I start to tear up a little because my son went through so much trouble to repair the one thing i couldn't stand to lose.
I hugged Odd tight and showered him with kisses.
He started to laugh but then felt a little bit of pain.
"Oh I'm sorry sweet heart. . . I forgot about your hands".
"It's ok mom *yawn* im just glad your happy again".
Odd then kissed me and the others goodnight and went to his room.
"It is getting late i might as well retire as well. Goodnight my little sweet pea and same goes to you too Boris".
Boris nods his head.
Once everybody was in bed and asleep i looked at the time.
It's 11:04.
Its close to midnight and being Christmas.
I was going to go to bed to, but i didn't feel tired.
Boris came from behind and hugged me.
I turned around and kissed him.
"Thank you dear, if you didn't do what you just did to my uncle then he probably would have made things a lot worse".
He smiles warmly at me.
"Oh it was nothing. I just couldn't stand seeing any of that. Plus if anyone needs to know their place. . . Its him".
I pull him into another kiss, and as I was kissing him i remembered what my granny has told me way earlier about giving him the goods.
To be honest she's right, i can no longer wait and I'm pretty sure Boris can no longer wait too.
He looks at me.
"Yes my love"?
I am ready.
No turning back.
He is a good man who truly loves me, and for that I want to give him something he will forever have.
"Is there a room where we can be that's private and away from all the other rooms and is umm kinda sound proof"?
He looks at me wondering why i asked such a question until he began to talk.
"Well they are not sound proof but they are like private rooms and are well in the umm. . .".
In where?
"Its. . . Um in the basement".
Oh no.
I can't go down there, Boris won't allow it.
"I-I'm sorry Boris. . . Maybe when were alone together I-I can then-".
"We can go down there in that room".
Boris is letting me see what's down there!?!
"Are you sure"?
He looks at me and smiles.
"Yes, but I dont want anyone to see whats down there. So if it's ok may i blind fold you so we may go to the room".
I giggled.
"Hehe i knew that there had to be a catch".
He pulls out a blind fold from his poket and wraps it around my eyes.
I can't see anything, but i feel Boris guiding me towards the door that leads to the basement.
I wonder what's truly down there?

(Get ready for tomorrow on Christmas day cause your present is about to be delivered!!!!!)

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