15 | halcyon

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❝halcyon❞ (adj.)
calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.


I pressed my naked back against the cold wooden door and sigh loudly. I looked down at my shorts, small daisies were printed on my shorts; Sid had bought me those. I squint my eyes and then looked up. Fuck!

You are such a fool, Jay.

"What are you doing there, Jay?"

I opened my closed eyes and looked at my grandma, looking fresh from the bath. Her grey hair neatly tied up in low bun. Her floral long shirt suited her with the long contrast color skirt.

"N...n...nothing, Ma." I quickly let go the door, and followed her in the kitchen as she make her way there.

She gave me a look as I settled myself on the chair of the dining table.

"When did you come last night?" She asks me and keeps the kettle on the burner.

I do not know when I came last night. I also do not know how did I sneak Ritu inside the house into my bedroom and had sex with her.

"After one." I lied.

"You are a terrible liar, you know that right?" She stated, halcyon nature radiating from her.

I hang my head down. "I have been told."

She came with two cups, with chai in it. She sat across me and handling me one cup.

"So... tell me. How's college?" she questioned.

"Eh..." I took a sip.

"And work?"


"And how is Tara?"

"Gorgeous as ever." The compliment fell from my mouth before realizing it.

I looked up to her, to see her smiling behind the cup as she took a sip. She always to that. Besides Sid, she is the only person knows my longing crush towards Tara.

"You should tell her, before someone takes her away." She put her warm comforting palm on the back of my hand.


"What? You do not like her anymore? Is there someone else now?" She started throwing questions at me. "Is that girl who you sneak out this morning? Who was she?"

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"There is nothing you can hide from me, Jay."

I smile at her. "Her name is RItu. Sid introduced me to her last night."

She nodded and looked at me, her expression turning into seriousness. I know that look. I know what was coming. And I do not want to hear it.

"Anil called last night..."

I shake my head in fury. "Ma..."

"...and he wants you to go and stay with him and Lena."

I stood up and started walking up to my bedroom.

"Till when are you not going see or talk to your parents?"

The answer to her question was my bedroom door slam shutting.

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