The White Dragon Maiden and The Black Swordsmith

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Is it by fate everything is connected? Be they of flesh or metal? Everything has a history, for example, the birth of all life, the ending of the dinosaurs, the beginning of humanity, the tales of heroes, gods and monsters, wars, supernatural beliefs that creatures and beings who are said to be of children's tales are real, and...the crafting of weapons.

One such weapon has a tale, and that is the Shiryū, a katana forged by a talented dragon blacksmith who channeled all of his anger and sorrow into his two swords by killing the shogun for revenge of his wife and child who were executed. There is another story, it's similar to the Shiryū, but this time, a wife and child were not killed.

"What's it about, Papa?" A little girl's voice is heard as she asks her father.

"You're eager to hear it, aren't you?" The young man chuckled as he began telling the tale, "Alright. Ahem, now....where do I begin?"

Long ago, in the Heian period, in a secluded location that was within the imperial garden of the capital, people would come there to give their prayers to a white feather that came from a dragon.

On every night, the feather would give off a radiant glow, a glow so bright that even demons wouldn't dare to harm it, because of its innocent glow.

But then, one winter night, one of the emperor's concubines, jealous of how much the emperor loved the empress dearly despite the empress herself was a commoner and a cook, came up with a terrible idea to get pregnant without the emperor's help. And so...

As the father continued his tale, a dark blue-haired woman is seen holding the box that contained the feather while running before coming to a complete stop.

"I did it....I actually did it!" The woman cackled madly, "With this, I—!" She then gasped as the light emitted a bright glow as the box opened to briefly reveal a giant white dragon with red markings as it flew towards the palace and went inside of the empress.

Moments later, the empress gave birth to her daughter....however, the baby she brought forth into the world was a white dragon. From head to toe, eyes and teeth were like a dragon's. Fearing that the people would bring harm to their child, the emperor and empress decided to make a plan to help their child escape from the harm of the nobles and other concubines within the capital.

The dragon baby cries out loud as the empress who had brown hair and blue eyes gently puts her daughter into the basket as she weeps in tears. "My precious little one..." The empress sobbed as she kissed her child's forehead, "I hope that one day, we will meet again."

The empress watched her daughter safely go in the river, with tears running down her beautiful face. As morning came, a samurai who was now a blacksmith along with his wife, found the baby.

Two years later, while the blacksmith taught his son how to forge, his wife, the head priestess, taught the dragon girl the ways of many onmyoji.

The female dragon who was now 8 years old was learning how to perform a spell as the priestess teaches her.

"Don't lose focus, child," She instructed, "Remember that to balance the light within you, is to balance the darkness that also lies within yourself as well."

"Yes, milady." The dragon girl said as she was unaware that the blacksmith's son watches her with interest.

The two children became prodigies in time, and then one day, they would have the chance to talk to each other while the son's parents went to carry out their duties.

"'re not afraid of me?" The dragon girl asked the boy who had black hair and violet eyes.

"Why would I be?" He shook his head, "You may not look human, me and my parents, you're a part of our family, and that's something that will never change."

The boy's words touched the dragon's heart, and for the first time, she cried, not out of sadness, but out of happiness that there were some people who truly loved her for who she is and not what she is.

As the years pass, the dragon and the boy would grow together, but one day, the dragon's scales....were gone.

Replacing her features was white skin that was so pure it perfectly matched her blonde hair and her voluptuous figure so rare that many women would die for to obtain it. The only thing that remained were her red eyes.

In time, however, the blacksmith would eventually be on his last day as he was nearing the time of his death.

"My son," The blacksmith spoke with a raspy tone as he placed his hand on his son's, "One day, when you make the finest sword that no one has ever seen, head to the capital. There, you will hold your head up high like how I and your grandfather did while your name goes down in history."

"Y-Yes, Father." The young man nodded as the blacksmith looked to the dragon maiden, "Ryuu..."

"Yes, sir?"

"...Your birth parents....they didn't leave you at the river because you weren't human....they loved you so dearly, that they couldn't bear to see you being hated by the people within the capital."

Ryuu widened her eyes, her birth parents had truly loved her and she was happy to hear the reason. But...there was one thing she wasn't prepared to hear.

"But you too must head to the capital as well." The blacksmith told her, much to Ryuu's confusion and surprise.

"But why?" She asked.

"....You...are the daughter of the emperor and empress."

Ryuu couldn't believe it: She was the daughter of the two rulers within the capital, therefore, making her the imperial princess. It all began to make sense, surely there would be people in the capital who would use her as a weapon or worse as a slave due to being a dragon, so it was most likely the reason why her parents sent her away.

"I believe that it is by fate that you were spared, and that only by under your rule, the land can be at peace." The blacksmith told her as she held his hand.

"Master...." Ryuu began to shed tears as she and the Blacksmith's son were by his side as tears welled up in their faces, "Hoshi..." The blacksmith smiled as his eyes turned hazy, "I am have a son...and...Ryuu..." He pets her head as the blonde-haired young woman begins to cry, "To me and my are...and will always be....a daughter to us."

"...F....F...Father....please! Don't leave us...!" Ryuu began as she wept, "Hoshi....this is my other and last request as a man who loves his wife and blacksmith who forges a sword for a worthy cause: Protect Ryuu. the light that always kept us and warm."

Heeding his father's words, Hoshi nodded as he held his father's hand gently but with a tight grip, "Father...I promise. I will protect her with every fiber of my being, even if a noble asks her hand for marriage,  when another woman tries to ask me for her love, or even....even if I have to face the shogun, or the entire world! Consequences be damned!"

And with that, with one last smile...the Blacksmith passed away. After the funeral, the head priestess gave her student the sacred clothes which signifies her role as the maiden who serves under Heaven and Earth.

In the coming years, Hoshi improved his skills and in time, became famous along with his newlywed wife, Ryuu, who is now favored by both the common folk and nobility due to her kindness and wisdom.

"How is our little one, Ryuu?" Hoshi asked his wife who smiled, "She grows, dear. And soon she will be with us."

Then at last, in the beginning of spring, a new life was born.

"Waaah!" A baby girl who had light golden hair was crying out as Ryuu looked at her child in awe and happiness.

"The eyes and skin are okay, good! There are no claws! Wonderful! She's not like me at all!" Ryuu said as she held her daughter with joy before being comforted by her husband and mother-in-law while she cries, happy that her daughter wasn't like the same as she was before when she was born.

The dragon maiden was thrilled with joy, her daughter was a healthy child. She didn't care if she was human or not, all that mattered was that her child could grow up safely and be loved for who she is.

A few years later, Hoshi's blacksmith skills would reach the ears of the shogun Hamato Toshiki. It was then he was given the task of forging a sword that would be unparalleled and powerful in its own right.

The question was, where would the right materials for Hoshi be in order for him to be able to forge a katana that would be unmatched? Thankfully, his mother was there to help, but she told her that the path to getting the ore would only be found in his own hands, meaning he had to do it on his own.

"Will you be alright?" Ryuu asked as her husband puts on his traveling gear.

"Do not worry, I won't be long. You and our daughter shall be with Mother for the time being." Hoshi told the lost princess.

Before her husband left, Ryuu gave him a a special charm that would keep him safe. And so, Hoshi left to find the mythical Tamahagane, a special ore that was said to have been made from gods and goddesses of the moon.

Just as when he had reached his destination....

An avalanche came out of nowhere as the snow and wind caused Hoshi to fall off the ledge as he presumably fell to his death.

All was lost as Hoshi couldn't see anything, until....

A bright light was shining as Hoshi woke up in wonder, "Is this...?!"

The charm that Ryuu gave him had activated, this was proof of how much love and care she put into it for the sake of protecting him even if she isn't around.

"My wife......I thank you." Hoshi said as tears ran down his face.

As morning came, Hoshi had finally found the Tamahagane, and despite his injuries, he made his way home.

Meanwhile, Ryuu was healing a wounded captain and his troops who had come to her new family's home for rest and shelter.  Like any other doctor, Ryuu always put the lives of her patients as top priority above all else, unaware of the event that was coming...

"Ryuu, won't you marry me?" The captain who had chestnut hair and brown eyes asked her as he held her hand.


"Think of it, you, the White Dragon Maiden, and I, captain of the royal guard, we would be famous together! Our families can rejoice as people chant our names in the capital!" He said while raising his arms up in the air.

Ryuu pitied the man, he had not realized three things: She was a dragon in human form, already married to someone who she loves dearly, and she had a daughter. He was good and all, but....

"Forgive me, milord, but..." Ryuu began as she got up, "I am already married. And I am very sorry to say this, and I aren't meant to be together."

"W-What?! But—" The captain questioned before she continued, "Marriage isn't something that's made out of glory, it's something that's formed out of love and kindness. And I made a promise to my husband that I would wait for him, no matter how long it takes."

The captain was distraught, he had been rejected. Ryuu was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and to hear that she was already married and had her love devoted to someone else made him feel envious. In his mind, he believed that her husband was cruel and he already left his wife and child all alone and was most likely gone forever.

"You would wait for a man who hasn't come back to you in weeks?!" The captain then spoke in denial, "Ryuu, your husband, he's probably out there with another wife—"

"Mind your tongue, Captain." The lost princess chastised.

Ryuu has known Hoshi well ever since they were children, if he was that kind of rascal, she wouldn't have married him long ago. But her heart knows that Hoshi was a man of his words, and he would rather die than be marrying another woman.

"My husband is a greater man compared to you, and as such, you will treat him with respect, am I understood?" Ryuu spoke in an authoritative tone. Before the captain could say more, a female servant came into the room.

"Milady! Your husband is back!"

Hearing that made Ryuu very happy, why? Today was her daughter's 2nd birthday, and he had came in time. At last, they were reunited, Ryuu hugged her husband while her mother-in-law came with her daughter.

"Papa...?" The young girl asked as Hoshi smiled, "Yes...I'm back. My daughter."

After recovering from his minor injuries and the captain left with his troops, Hoshi began forging the katana with the Tamahagane he had found.

While he made the steel, Hoshi knew something was missing, but what? His wife, being faithful as usual, helped him by placing a type of spell that would make the steel shine brighter.

And thus, upon completion, a brand new sword was crafted.

The katana was named, "Tsukikōryu". Named after the light of the moon and in honor of Ryuu. A few days later, a messenger of the imperial palace in the capital came to the household.

"The shogun wishes to see you in the capital." The messenger said as Hoshi bowed.

"It would be an honor to present this sword to him, sir. But if I may ask, could my wife and child come?" Hoshi asked as the messenger became curious until he saw Ryuu and their daughter.

"Ah, you must be Ryuu, correct? The Dragon Maiden, yes?"

"Yes, sir," Ryuu replied as she bowed, "I am the one that you speak of."

"Well...I suppose you may bring them along. But take heed, the emperor and empress will meet you as well." He said as Ryuu gasped.

And so the family of three left with the messenger to head for the capital. Needless to say, it was a sight to behold, various people were seen wearing all kinds of clothing, new kinds of food were seen, the capital had everything!

Once they had entered the imperial palace, Hoshi presented Tsukikōryu before the rulers before his wife performed a special dance that made everyone in awe of her dancing, including a certain captain named Takahisa, the man who tried to have Ryuu's hand in marriage.

"That was a splendid dance!" The empress praised as she asked Ryuu who was wearing a veil to cover her face, "Forgive me for asking, but I'm curious, may I see your face?"

Ryuu was nervous, what would she think? There was only way to find out, and one truth to reveal. That "truth" being Ryuu's face.

Upon taking off her veil, the Empress and her husband gasped. Their eyes could not believe it, but the red eyes Ryuu had was proof: She was indeed their child who had now grown up.

"Can it truly be....? Is" The empress asked as she was about to cry while Ryuu came to her and smiled as she also had tears in her eyes.

"...Yes....Mother." Ryuu smiled.

The empress wept with joy as she hugged her long-lost daughter. Immediately, Ryuu was given the title of crown princess and high priestess. The emperor thanked Hoshi and his mother for taking care of his daughter as he allowed them to have a place in the capital.

During the banquet, Hoshi and Ryuu's daughter, Sakuya was then immediately made a princess too. The empress adored her grandchild while the emperor took this chance to introduce his daughter and son-in-law to their brother who was the prince.

Needless to say, the prince was delighted to have an older brother, an older sister and little sister-in-law.

Everyone was happy except for two people, the concubine who tried to get herself pregnant with the dragon's feather and Takahisa.

They were jealous at two people: For the concubine, she was jealous of the empress, her daughter and Sakuya. And for Takahisa, he was jealous of Hoshi.

While they secretly met each other, the concubine promised Takahisa that he would get Ryuu in exchange that she obtains the role of empress. It was at that time they came up with a foolish idea: Siding with the emperor's foolish and cruel brother for the sake of obtaining what they wanted.


A flash of thunder is seen in the sky as a golden samurai marches with his army.

A ruthless samurai warlord named Orochi began his march for the capital. He longed for two things: Immortality and power. Orochi would do anything to obtain them, even if it meant declaring war and siding with the spiritual demons called Ayakashi.

Hearing about Orochi's coming arrival, the emperor sent his best men to prepare themselves for war, with Hoshi leading them.

"But...why me, your majesty?" Hoshi asked, "I'm only a blacksmith, I hardly know how to lead troops into battle."

The emperor puts his hands onto his shoulders with a smile, "But you have braved the dangers of the cold wilderness for the sake of your wife and child, have you not? That proves that you have your father's samurai spirit in you."

Not wanting to let his words of praise be wasted, Hoshi became the leader of his troops. At first, there was just a few, but in the coming weeks, his group became an army, making him the youngest general in the emperor's armies.

Meanwhile, the empress helped Ryuu get adjusted to her role as both a priestess and future empress while Hoshi's mother took care of Sakuya.

While sitting in the imperial garden, Ryuu is visited by the concubine.

"So you are the Dragon Maiden who is also my sister-in-law's daughter?" The concubine asked with a fake smile.

Ryuu frowned, clearly she can tell that this woman had bad intentions, just to be safe, she played her game, "Yes, "aunt", and I'm assuming you're the concubine who has yet to give birth to a child of your own?" Ryuu asked with a false smile of her own.

The concubine dropped her act. In anger, she immediately lunged at Ryuu intent on killing her with a knife before she was held back by her mother-in-law. Furious after hearing what she did, the empress ordered the guards to lock the concubine away and torture her for information about who gave her orders to kill Ryuu.

By the time the concubine spilled everything on who told her to kill Ryuu, it had already started. The war had begun. Despite Orochi's armies having more numbers, Hoshi still kept pushing forward.

"Do not give in to fear!" He yelled, "Keep moving forward with your sword!" The soldiers were amazed by Hoshi's face of determination, it was as if they had seen the face of an old comrade. It would seem victory was close at hand as they were close to defeating Orochi and his army.....



There was a traitor within the ranks. Takahisa, to be exact. Ryuu was his light, but, she chose to be Hoshi's light instead. And so, he wounded him.

"Why....WHY DOES RYUU EVEN LOVE YOU SO MUCH?!" Takahisa yelled as he was about to deliver the death blow to Hoshi, but, before he could.....


Ryuu had rushed to her husband's rescue and became a dragon, but not just any dragon, she was a Divine Dragon. A dragon loved by heaven and was blessed with heavenly power.

"Ryuu...?" Hoshi gasped as the white dragon looked at him before she unleashed her blast on the armies of Orochi.

Angered at his army's defeat, Orochi assumed his true form which was a giant snake.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" The giant serpent bellowed, "THIS WORLD IS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR TWO GODS! There may be only one god, ME!"

A great battle had ensued, as the two beasts fight, Hoshi and Takahisa had one last duel, and once the moon rose high into the sky.....

The battle was over. Orochi and Takahisa were finally dead. When the gods and goddesses came to ask Ryuu if she would like to come to Heaven, the white dragon simply said these words.

"My brethren, I thank you for the offer, but...." She looked at her husband briefly before continuing her answer, "I would rather stay with my husband and daughter, please."

And so the deities allowed the white dragon to remain in the human world. In the coming years, Ryuu and Hoshi would later become emperor and empress.

To this very day, Ryuu was worshipped as both the one who brings life and brings death, and as the kind-hearted priestess who became an empress.

That would be the end of this story, but not all stories are over. Every ending always has a new beginning. And this story, tells a tale about two people who wielded the supernatural powers of their predecessors and became the second coming of the blacksmith and his wife, the White Dragon Maiden.....

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