Chapter 14: Triple date with the HellWolf!

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Fang was in the office trying to find something to do until all of sudden the door of the meeting room busted open and out came a frightening Loona who ran up to Fang and laying on his lap shaking in absolute fear. 

Fang: Uh Loona?

Loona:(Puppy shaking noises)

Blitz: There you are sweetie, come on time to go for a ride in the van.

Loona didn't move and just stayed with Fang. Fang looked confused onto why his girlfriend was shaking and moaning like she is afraid of something.

Fang: What the hell is up with Loona? Why is she is acting like this?

Blitz: Well apparently I have been waiting to get this appointment with her for five fucking years and its about time she goes to get it.

Fang: Get what?

Blitz: I can't say it because she will freak out. She need to go to the hospital for an appointment. She needs to get the S word.

Fang: Oh that explains why she is shaking this much.

Blitz: Yea thats why and since she's not gonna let go of you, you might as well tag a long with me the two married couple.

Fang: Seems that way and Loona doesn't feel like moving from my arms. 

Fang took Loona while still in his arms, and he along with Blitz as well as Millie and Moxxie got into the van to drive to the hospital. While driving to the hospital Blitz got a call from Stolas again and went to pick up the phone. 

Blitz: Shit's really not a good time buddy...

Stolas(Phone): I'm sorry it's bad time yet again Blitzy but um...I seem to have found myself in a bit of a sitch. I'm tied on top of a car at the moment. 

Blitz: Pffft..lucky bitch.

Stolas(Phone): Um, well no, rather unlucky I seem to have been stolen by a group of imps who are captured me probably my ex wife's doing after we talked with the divorce inside a cafe.

Blitz: How many imps?

Moxxie: How many did it took to capture him? How many kidnap you, your highness?

Stolas(Phone): Well it took a number of twenty of them to capture me.

Blitz: Oh for fuck sake! Can't you just get away? Aren't you powerful?

Stolas(Phone): I believe that my ex wife Stella set them up with some kind of blessed rope that is binding me that limits my ability to free myself I am afraid. So, I think you should come save me.

Blitz: Oh shit Stolas, I can't today alright? I'm sorry. I..I'm literally on my way to take Loona in for her very important Hellbies S.H.O.T.(Blitz saids while looking at Loona giving him a scared wide eye look also still in Fang's arms)

Fang: Now I see why she's afraid, she hates shots.(Fang saids in thought)

Blitz: It takes years to book an appointment at this place, it took five to get this one. And she's been doing a lot of field work so you know, she needs it. 

Stolas(Phone): Oh, ha ha, well I do agree that is very important...but I..

Imp(Phone): Would you shut up already? We can hear you by the way. Don't worry about the lanky owl here..he's in good hands.

Call Ended

Blitz: God dammit!(Blitz saids in anger and breaks his phone)

Fang: Sigh..Blitz why don't I take care of Loona at the hospital and you along with Moxxie and Millie go save your owl boyfriend. 

Blitz: Okay are you sure you can handle Loona alone while I deal with Stolas's shit?

Fang: As long as she is with me there wont be any trouble.

Blitz: If you say so, just be aware of what happens when she goes all savage when she gets well you know.

Fang: Not to worry I have a plan for that. 

Blitz: Alright well we better hurry, Stolas sounds like he might be in real shit this time. And knowing that guy aesthetic, my money's that he's in Wrath. Fang here's your stop and if my Looney tries anything like for say try to kill you or worse do anything to keep her calm while the doctor gives her the S.H.O.T.

Fang: I got everything under control Blitz, now go save your fuck buddy. 

Blitz: He's not my fuck buddy!(Blitz saids and drives away with Moxxie and Millie)

Fang: Come on Loona, let's get your appointment done. 

Fang takes Loona upstairs but she was refusing to go so Fang had to drag her in by the tail in which Loona was trying to dig her claws into the ground from trying to enter the room but it was too late because they were inside the waiting room. 

Fang: I still don't understand why it takes years to get an appointment? When I was alive it only took a couple weeks or months. 

Loona: F.......FFF...Fang.....

Fang: Shhh, relax babe just go sit down while I talk to the nurse at front and don't worry about the you know what I have an idea to help you. 

Loona goes to sit down while still shaking in fear and Fang goes over towards the nurse to talk about the appointment for Loona getting her shot.

Fang: Excuse me ma'am, I'm here filling in for my boss Blitz. His adopted daughter Loona is here for her shot appointment. 

Nurse: The what? 

Fang: The shot that she needs to get once every year ma'am.(Fang saids while filling out the schedule)

Nurse: Oh I can't write or read sir.

Fang: What did Blitz call it again...oh yes he said it was the Hellbies shot. The appointment is under my bosses name Blitz.

Nurse: Uuuuuuuuuhm, I don't see any Blitz on the list?

Fang: He uses an O for silent. 

Nurse: Oh! An O right here yep, yep. Blitzooooo, Blitzooooo. Yes well, we will be ready for her in just a bit. Please take a seat until the doctor comes for her.

Fang: Thank you for your time nurse. 

Fang goes to sit down and then hears Loona moaning in fright until Fang took her in his arms and cuddle her to get her to calm down in which it helped a little.

Fang: Hey relax babe, I have something that make you feel relaxed and you wont be able to feel the prick once it's over. When this is over, hows about I take you out to dinner just you and me.

Loona: R..really.

Fang: Absolutely. After this, wear anything you like and I will take you to a place where there is good food and good entertainment. 

Loona: O...okay....

Fang: Wow I can't help that she looks so cute when she is acting so shy.(Fang saids in thought)

Nurse: Mr.Hunter, the doc will see your hound nowww.

Fang: That would be us Loona, come on. 

Loona: Stay with me.....please....

Fang: Always and yes you can still hang on to me if you get a little scared. 

Loona did what Fang asked and squeezed hard onto his chest and not letting go while Fang walks into the doctors room where he meets a pinkish goat man who is Loona's doctor. Fang separates Loona from his body and places on on the table while Fang stands next to her to keep her calm.

Welcome my name is Dr.Somna and this must be Tuna. 

Fang: Loona actually, I'm Fang Hunter, I will be filling in for Blitz while he is out. 

Somna: Oh yes the HellWolf I have been hearing about, pleasure to meet you sir. 

Fang: Likewise, Loona here is for her Hellbies shot sir. 

Somna: Yes I have her right here, Mr.Hunter. She is scheduled to have her shot today which took five years of waiting. 

Fang: Say doc before you bring out the you know what since Loona doesn't like them very much, would you mind if I gave Loona something to help calm her down so you can give her medicine. 

Somna: Sure not at all. 

Fang: Alright Lune, I got something here to help you feel more relax. Here drink this.(Fang saids and hands Loona a bottle)

Loona: W..what is it?

Fang: Just drink it trust me. 

Loona took a gulp and opened the bottle and started to drink the stuff in the bottle that tasted like blueberries and then the next thing that happens she gets knocked out cold and falls into a slumber. 


Fang: Snap! Snap!...It worked. 

Somna: You gave her a sleeping potion, I never thought of trying something like that for the hellhounds I gave shots too. 

Fang: She'll be out for at least for three hours, given you time to give her shot. Have you had any problems with hellhounds getting shots?

Somna: I see hellhounds every day and there hasn't been one thats caused any issue.(Somna saids and brings out a huge needle that made Fang's jaw drop)

Fang: Holly mother give hellhounds that kind of needle. 

Somna: Of course lots of times. Now lets give your hellhound her shot and it will all done with no problem. 

Fang: Geez Loona would totally go berserk if she saw that thing being injected into her body.(Fang saids in thought)

Dr.Soman gives Loona the shot and the potion was still holding on which was good and after putting a bandaid on Loona and giving her a lollipop when she wakes up she will not remember anything but will feel a little sore due to getting a large needle. 

3 Hours later....

Fang was outside the hospital with Loona sleeping on his lap until she started to open her eyes and while she got up and stretch she could feel her head hurting like she got hit by a bus. 

Loona: head...what happened?

Fang: Morning beautiful. 

Loona: Fang..what happened?

Fang: I gave you a sleeping potion to help you calm yourself while the doctor gave you the Hellbies, you might feel a little sore for a while.

Loona: Wait you mean my appointment is over. I don't even remember getting the shot.

Fang: That's because you were knocked out when the shot was given to you. When it happened you didn't go berserk or anything just sleeping like a new born pup. 

Loona: Geez my ass is so sore..wait did the fuck face give me the shot in the?!

Fang: Best you don't know or know about the needle he gave you trust me you don't want to know.

Loona: Yea I guess you have a point babe. We are still on for the dinner date right?

Fang: Of course we are, after you rest for a while, I will take you out to dinner.

Loona: Thanks Fang, so where are we gonna go for out dinner date?

Fang: I will let you know once I pick you up at your place.

Loona: All right, I will put on something that would surprise you.

Fang: I'll be doing the same babe. 

Both Loona and Fang then looked to see Blitz driving the van that looked like crap now and all banged up. Out came Stolas who looks like he got shot in shoulder and needs some medical attention while Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie had cuts and bruises.

Fang: How did the mission go?

Stolas: Oh my Blitzy risked his life to save me except he could have come at a better time after I was shot in the shoulder. 

Blitz: Grow up bitch at least you will live, just get in the hospital and have the doctors look at your shoulder. 

Stolas: I think I will do just that. So how did the hellhound's S.H.O.T. go?

Fang: She did well, just gave her sleeping potion to knock her out while she's got the shot. After three hours later she had no idea what happened. I told you Blitz I had things under control.

Blitz: Well at least you didn't have to deal with twenty imps shooting at you. 

Moxxie: At least we made it out alive sir. 

Blitz: Yea that too Moxxie. So Fang, my little looney didn't do anything when she got her shot.

Fang: Nope just slept like a little puppy without knowing she has taken the shot, though she will be a little sore but she we be fine once the medicine fads away. 

Blitz: That's a relief and if it was me she would have tried to kill me and the doctor. You saved my imp bacon Fang good job.

Stolas: Blitzy would you mind looking after me while I am being treated. 

Blitz: Fine..Millie you and Moxxie along with Fang and Loona take the van back to work while I stick babysitting the owl here.(Blitz saids and goes with Stolas into the hospital)

Fang left with Loona, Moxxie and Millie back to the office and after Blitz came back many hours later with kiss marks on his face probably from Stolas, Fang went back to his penthouse to get ready for his tonight dinner date with Loona. Fang wore a long black sleeve shirt with dark brown pants and after checking himself in the mirror he was ready to head out. He got on his bike and drove towards Loona's place and after texting her that he has arrived, she came out wearing an awesome gothic dress.

Loona: How do I look babe? 

Fang: Damn you look smokin hot Lune. 

Loona: Hehehe..thanks Fang and you look...holly hell you look so fucking sexy.(Loona saids while her eyes widen and her tail wagging at seeing Fang in his getup)

Fang: I thought about wearing something nice for tonight. 

Loona: I can see it and I love it. 

Fang: Where's Blitz?

Loona: He took some sleeping pills and is knock out on the coach. He's trying to forget about what happened with Stolas. 

Fang: I see. 

Loona: So will you tell me where we are going?

Fang: Have you ever heard of a place called Ozzie's. 

Loona: Shut up you got us a table at Ozzie's!

Fang: Yup, and it's for couples only. Shall we get going my beautiful hellhound.

Loona: Hell yea babe. 

Fang and Loona got on the bike and drove towards Ozzie's where there was a group of demons waiting in line to get into the place. Fang parked his bike and both him and Loona walked towards the front of the entrance of the place.

Imp(Doorman): Do you have a reservation?

Fang: Yes under Hunter, Fang Hunter.

Imp(Doorman): Oh shit your that HellWolf! Right this way sir, you and your hellhound enjoy.(Imp saids that made the crowd gasp in shock of seeing the actual HellWolf in person)

Fang: Thank you and here's a little something for you.(Fang saids and gives the imp one hundred bucks that made the imp smile)

Loona: Seem's like you are being known by many demons here.

Fang: You could say that again babe. 

Fang and Loona took their seats and then the next thing that happens is that the same clown robotic from Loo Loo Land appeared onto the stage and gave out a welcome to the people at Ozzie's. 

Fizzarolli: Ladies and gentlemen, I see some sexy faces around here tonight. Welcome welcome to Ozzie's! Lust rings number one place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies put on display for all you sleeves and sleazes. The gem joint of Asmodeus himself come on give him some love!

Fang: Asmodeus?

Loona: He's the embodiment of lust and thus, a perverted demon who has hated for true love and sentimental content without any sexual factors. You will know once you see him babe. 

Fizzarolli: I am the one and only Fizzarolli! Some of you might recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy logic replica across the rings of hell. Glorious designed by the big man himself as well as your pleasure tonight. We have a great lineup for you tonight, Veroiska Mayday, Wet Dream, and The Squirters!

Loona: Oh shit she's here...(Loona saids in thought while looking at Veroiska)

Fizzarolli: But as everyone's warming up I got funny one for y'all! Did any of you hear about the batshittery that happened at Lo Lo Land. 

Everyone: Hahahahaha!

Fizzarolli: Hahaha! Oh yea wow, I'll tell you what, I'd sure love to shake the hand of a crazy son of a bitch who decided to burn down that off brand shit-hole and then slap him silly because I'm very much looking at a zoo, that robo-me made us more money entertaining those kids then the ones we sell to get you freaks off if you know what I mean. Hehehehe!

Imp: Ooh! I know what you mean! I have four of them!!! Hahahahaha!

Fizzaroli: Okay keep that guy far away from me. So without wasting any more time our little opening act is a fresh one coming at us from a Hazbin Hotel, give it up for The Music Demon, Alice! She is also the sister of Alastor, in which many of you in hell known him as the Radio Demon!

Fang: I didn't know that guy had a sibling?(Fang said in thought until he looks to see a girl who looks like Alastor but is pink)

Alice: Such a wonderful crowd we have tonight! My I haven't seen such a crowd since that ball room me and my brother went to of 1924 hehehe sigh no many people tripping over their feet.

Everyone clapped for the Music Demon that made Alice smile and looked towards the crowd in seeing new faces but then saw the wolf that drove by her couple days ago in which she smiled at seeing the handsome HellWolf sitting down. 

Alice: My wolf has shown himself once more, I think I shall sing a song to lighten the mood.(Alice saids in thought)

Alice: Since I see a lot of new faces around here especially some very good looking ones, I shall give you all a great show tonight! Hehehehehe!(Alice saids to the crowd and grabs a microphone and starts to sing her song)

(Saints by: Echos)


I'm sorry but your story isn't adding up
Think your religion is a lie to keep my mouth shut
So I won't testify the crimes you're keeping score of
Why don't you throw me to the wolves I thought you were one

You were standing there like an angry god
Counting out my sins just to cross them off
Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust
And that my blood couldn't keep you

My dear, you're not so innocent
You're fooling Heaven's gates
So you won't have to change
You're no saint, you're no savior

Your revelations don't look nothing like the pictures
You read between the lines and don't stick to the scriptures
You only follow rules if others follow with you
That doesn't sound so holy only playing victim

You were standing there like an angry god
Counting out my sins just to cross them off
Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust
And that my blood couldn't keep you

My dear, you're not so innocent
You're fooling Heaven's gates
So you won't have to change
You're no saint, you're no savior

So keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
So keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough
And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough

My dear, you're not so innocent
You're fooling Heaven's gates
So you won't have to change
You're no saint, you're no savior

Song Ended 

After the song ended the crowd applauded for the Music Demon especially both Fang and Loona who thought the music was good. Alice gave the crowd a bow for seeing how they all loved her song even the HellWolf she's been eyeing. 

Alice: Thank you thank you oh how I enjoy the sound of applauses! Though before I take my step off the stage hows about we let another demon from the crowd come up here and sing for them. 

Fizzaroli: You know that a brilliant idea! Which one of you demons in the crowd have the gust to come up here and sing unless you're too scared to do it. 

Alice: Actually I already chosen who can come up here and sing a song. You there in the back, the tall and very handsome wolf sitting next to the hellhound. Yes I think you will do just fine. 

The light shined on Fang in which it looks like he was chosen to come up to the stage to sing a song. Loona enjoy her boyfriends singing but also got defensive when the Music Demon was eyeing Fang. Alice wasn't the only one eyeing Fang in the crowd there was Veroiska who was squealing with joy that her FangiBoo is here and also Mayberry who saw the HellWolf sitting in the crowd and blushed at how handsome Fang looked. 

Veroiska/Mayberry: My FangiBoo/Wolfie is here!!!!(Both said in thought with hearts in their eyes)

Fizzaroli: Wait a minute? Holly shit he's that HellWolf! Get up on this stage big bad wolf and sing these people a song!!

Loona: Go on babe, you know how I enjoy you singing. 

Fang: Might as well. 

Fang got up from his seat and headed over towards the stage while many women were eying the most handsome and sexy HellWolf they have ever seen in their lives and once on the stage Alice blushed at how the wolf looked more amazing in person even whose very tall and strong. 

Alice: Take it away handsome. 

Fang: Thanks. 

Fizzaroli: Alright HellWolf give the people what they want!

Fang took his stance and used his magic to summon an electric guitar in which Loona got up and to listen to her boyfriend sing as well as Mayberry and Veroiska which included Alice who wanted to hear what the wolf sounds like.

(Famous Last Words by: My Chemical Romance)


Now I know
That I can't make you stay
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your

And I know
There's nothing I can say
To change that part
To change that part
To change

So many
Bright lights, they cast a shadow
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding
I'm incomplete
A life that's so demanding
I get so weak
A love that's so demanding
I can't speak

Alice: Oh my...(Alice saids while blushing)

Verosika: I LOVE YOU FANGIBOO!!!❤️

Loona: SING IT BABE!!!

Mayberry: WOLFIE!!!

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

Can you see
My eyes are shining bright
'Cause I'm out here
On the other side
Of a jet black hotel mirror
And I'm so weak
Is it hard understanding
I'm incomplete
A love that's so demanding
I get weak

Loona: FANG! FANG! FANG!....

Everyone: FANG! FANG! FANG!....

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

These bright lights have always blinded me
These bright lights have always blinded me
I say

I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I'd never speak
Awake and unafraid
Asleep or dead

Alice: Ooh is it hot in here or is it just me..💕(Alice saids while fanning herself)

Veoriska: That's my sexy wolf.

Mayberry: I never knew he could sing so amazing.

Loona: Yea that's my HellWolf!!!

(How can I see, I see you lying) 'Cause I see you lying next to me
(How can I see, I see you lying) With words I thought I'd never speak
(How can I see, I see you lying) Awake and unafraid
(How can I see, I see you lying) Asleep or dead

'Cause I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I'd never speak
Awake and unafraid
Asleep or dead

Cause I see you lying next to me
With words I thought I'd never speak
Awake and unafraid
Asleep or dead

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
(Or dead)
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home
(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
(Or dead)
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home
(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
(Or dead)
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home


Song Ended

When Fang finished his song the crowd went wild, girls screaming his name, demons taking pictures or videos while four girls were feeling horny towards the HellWolf in which were Loona, Mayberry, Veroiska, and Alice. 

Everyone: FANG! FANG! FANG! FANG!....

Fizzarolli: WOW!!! Ladies and Gentlemen this HellWolf here really brought down the house with his badass singing voice! I have to say I seen a lot of fuck faces who can barely sing but this wolf here has the talent! And I am not the only one who heard him, no let's just say Asmodeus who is in the crow right now heard the whole thing and he loved it! Give applause to Asmodeus everyone!

Asmodeus: Greetings everyone. I see that you all are enjoying yourselves cause hell knows I am was after hearing that voice from this HellWolf here. Asmodeus pleasure to meet you mr...

Fang: Hunter, Fang Hunter. 

Asmodeus: Great singing Fang Hunter, I enjoyed it. Say do you know any classic jazz songs cause I am in the mood for something groovy tonight hows about the rest of you. 


Asmodeus: You heard them Fang show my guest some smooth jazz music. 

Fang: Oh what the hell, I do enjoy jazz music as well. Hit it boys!

The music started to play and everyone were ready to listen to Fang sing another song that is both jazzy and groovy to listen too. Loona took out her phone to record Fang singing as well as the other girls while Alice sits back to enjoy the performance.

(A Foggy Day by: Michael Buble)


A foggy day in London Town
Had me low had me down
I viewed the morning with such alarm
The British Museum had lost its charm

How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And through foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low had me down
I viewed the morning with such alarm
Your British Museum had lost its charm

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low had me down
I viewed the morning with such alarm
Your British Museum had lost its charm

How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And in a foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.

Asmodeus: Ooh this is good music, I like it.(Asmodeus saids while snapping his fingers at the rhythm)

Fizzaroli: Hows about we have this song play when it's just us alone daddy.

Asmodeus: I like the way you think.  

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low had me down
I viewed the morning with such alarm
The British Museum had lost its charm

How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And through foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.

A foggy day in London Town
Had me low had me down
I viewed the morning with such alarm
Your British Museum had lost its charm

How long, I wondered, could this thing last?
But the age of miracles hadn't passed,
For, suddenly, I saw you there
And in a foggy London Town
The sun was shining everywhere.

Song Ended 

Asmodeus along with his guest clapped for Fang's singing as did Loona who was blowing her boyfriend kisses and not just her but also Veroiska as well as Alice, for Mayberry she was so in love with Fang and recorded the song on her phone. After Fang gave his bow to the crowd he head back to his seat with Loona who gave her man a kiss on the lips for singing such marvelously.

Loona: You were amazing Fang. 

Fang: Thanks, I am happy that you enjoyed my singing again. 

Fang!(Two voices said in which Fang looks to see both Veroiska and Mayberry)

Fang: Oh hey Mayberry and Veroiska. 

Mayberry: I heard you singing and I have never knew that you could sing absolutely amazing. 

Veroiska: You made me cry tears of joy during the second song!

Fang: Thanks I am glad you two like the songs I sang. 

Loona: Hey Fang, can you grab some drinks, I want to have a talk with the girls here.

Fang: All right just don't go berserk or anything. 

Loona: I wont babe 💋.(Loona saids and kisses Fang on the lips that left the girls in shock)

Veroiska: She got him first dang it!!!!(Veroiska saids in thought)

Mayberry: This was unexpected...

Fang: I won't be long, you girls want anything. 

Veroiska: Whiskey for me.

Mayberry: Ginger al. 

Loona: I will take a beer babe. 

Fang: Got it be right back. 

Loona: All right you two sit because we need to talk. 

Fang was at the bar buying drinks for the girls and while he was doing that Alice came over to greet him. 

Alice: Why hello again my wolf friend. 

Fang: Hello to you, Alice was it. 

Alice: Yes my name is Alice, The Music Demon. 

Fang: Also sister of Alastor, The Radio Demon. I didn't know the guy had a sibling. 

Alice: There are a lot of things people don't know about my brother and I. Though we both do enjoy the entertainment of both music and performances. 

Fang: I can see that, you were great on the stage and your voice was brilliant. 

Alice: Why thank you darling, that is very generous of you to say. Though I have admit your voice was quite charming to my ears and I have never heard a voice like that since 1923 when me and my brother went to opera opportunely the performer got killed by a falling piano. 

Fang: Okay? 

Alice: Something about you caught my eye and that powerful energy inside of you is very attractive especially that gorgeous wolfish face of yours. 

Fang: Thanks and your looks are quite beautiful for a demon deer and the sister of Alastor. 

Alice: You flatter me Fang Hunter. 

Fang: I always know how to treat a lady with respect. 

Alice: You know if you ever wanna have a little get together, my card.(Alice saids and hands Fang her card with her number on it)

Fang: I will keep it in mind. 

Alice: Fabulous, as much as I want to stay I must get back to the hotel, my dear brother would need my assistance. Until we meet yet again Fang Hunter. 💋(Alice saids and then blows a kiss towards Fang before leaving Ozzie's)

Fang: Great I have another girl who is falling in love with me and she's Alastor's sister, can imagined what he would think of me dating his sister. 

Fang got the drinks and headed back to the table where Loona along with Mayberry and Veroiska are waiting. 

Fang: Here's your drinks, so what were you girls talking about?

Loona: I gave them the talk. 

Fang: The talk?

Loona: You know the talk, the talk that you I had before you and I did the thing.

Fang: Ooh that talk, and?

Loona: They both agreed to share you. 

Fang: Really? Both of you are okay with it?

Mayberry: I don't mind, as long as I get to spend time with you after what you did for me. 

Veroiska: Me as well and I always wanted to be in a relationship with someone like you Fang, not because I want you to have sex with me but the way you said those words in the human world after you save me, he got me thinking that you are someone who I want to be with, and your not like other men. 

Mayberry: You treat women with respect and that is someone who I admire in a man. 

Loona: Yea but as long as I am number 1 there wont be any problems. 

Fang: She's right about that and she was my first. 

Veroiska: You already had sex with her?!!!

Loona: And he was an animal in bed. 

Mayberry: Mmm.

Fang: Yup and since you both want to be part of my relationships, sigh I guess I will do the same thing to you girls but only if you want to do it when you are ready or not. 

Veroiska: I..I can hold for a little while until I feel absolutely ready to allow you too take my virginity. 

Mayberry: Same goes for me, I will tell you when I am ready.

Fang: Well all right but I can give you both something. 

Veroiska: What would that...MPH!!

Fang kisses Veroiska on the lips that made both Loona and Mayberry blush while the pop star herself face was turning shades of red that she was being kissed by Fang and after he broke it off, the pop star couldn't form words and just fainted. 

Fang: Well that was random, Mayberry would you like to, you know.

Mayberry: I...I mean yes..yes I would like you to kiss me.

Fang smiles and grabs of Mayberry's cheeks and gave her a passionate kiss that made her heart skip a beat and her hearts appears in her eyes. 

Mayberry: That...was...amazing...sigh...(Mayberry saids then faints)

Loona: Damn, you caused both of them to pass out. 

Fang: Yea, you never did that when we kissed, I guess for them it's different. 

After a while at Ozzie's the girls came out of their trance and told Fang that they love him and want to be with him forever in which Fang approve of them being with him. Then after having drinks and food Fang decided to call it a night but the girls ask if they could spend the night at his place where each other them gave Fang the sad look and the HellWolf couldn't handle the look in the girls eyes and allowed them to stay the night at his penthouse. In Bed Veroiska took hold of Fang's right arm while Mayberry took the left but Loona laid on Fang's chest because she enjoyed feeling her boyfriends muscles. 

Veroiska/Loona/Mayberry: Good night Fang, we love you!

Fang: Good night girls. I love you too. 

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