Chapter 16: An Avatar damsel in distress!

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Fang was in his penthouse upgrading his weapons for more missions with Imp since he has been doing such a great job with the guys at work, it thought about upgrading his weapons because after what happened with DHORK that took place, Fang knew that if he encounter more assholes like those guys in the human world he would need to be prepared. But after a while he was getting bored since there were no missions to do for the time being and his girls weren't in the mood to do anything since they went to a huge party with some friends and got hung over and drank a lot so they will be staying home for the time being.

Fang thought of going to the parties with his girls but they were too extreme for him and there were a lot of crazed up people doing who knows what, but his girls told him that they would be fine and if any boy flirts with them well they will kicked their asses or just killed them since they are taken by their sexy hot HellWolf. While finishing up his weapons, Fang thought about the dimension he went to where he killed the spirit Vaatu and thought it has been a while since he last visit that world and since there was nothing to do in hell, Fang made up his mind and decided to go back to Earth-AG174 to see how Korra and the others are doing.

Fang: It has been a while since I last seen Korra and her friends, I guess paying them another visit wouldn't hurt. Though something tells me that Korra might get herself into another dangerous situation.

Ring! Ring!

Fang checked his phone and look to see it was Charlie calling him and he went to take the call before he leaves.

Fang: Hey Charlie, what's up.

Charlie(Phone): Hi Fang, I was wondering if you could do something for me if you are not too busy.

Fang: Well actually I was planning on going somewhere but let me hear what you need from me first.

Charlie(Phone): I was hoping if you would stop by the hotel. It would be really appreciated if you could find in your heart to help around the place, things are not looking that well here and I was wondering if you could give me a helping hand at the hotel.

Fang: Is this like some kind of part time job?

Charlie(Phone): Something like that, I am trying to get sinners into the hotel and if they come business would be amazing and I think with your expertise, we could help those in need and try to get them redeemed.

Fang: Yea sure what the hell, I don't think I got anything else to do. Sure I will be there.

Charlie(Phone): Really! Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Fang: No problem, I'll stop over probably in two days, I got things to do.

Charlie(Phone): Oh sure not at all take all the time you need before you come back to the hotel there's no rush.

Fang: By the way how's Alastor doing?

Charlie(Phone): Oh he's doing all right, came out his faint weeks ago but still is acting like his creepy radio demon self.

Fang: What else is new. All right I will see you later Charlie.

Charlie(Phone): Bye Fang, see you soon!

Call ended

Fang ended the call and got ready to open a portal to the dimension he went to before using the ring Satan gave him. When the portal opened and Fang said the words to the world Korra lives, he enters and looks to see where he was now and it wasn't a place where there was snow or ice, it was a area where there was stones and mountains all around.

Fang: That's strange, I thought I would end up in the pole, I guess Korra traveled to some place else though why here of all places. Sniff..sniff I can smell that she is close but I can also smell others as well coming from that mountain there with the old looking statues carved within the rocks.

Fang headed towards the location and began to sniff the scents that he has been picking up and looked to find an entrance into the mountain. He goes in while keeping his guard up and if spots trouble well he knows what he must do. He enters and saw some tunnels leader into the mountain, he went to follow the one where he was picking up people scents and once walking down the tunnel he stops and looks to find two guards in red and black as well as people chained.

Fang: Those guys look like the enemy, wait a minute aren't those Tenzin's kids and wife but who are the others? I will probably know once I deal with these two fuck faces.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang found a rock and threw it at the guard on the left side in which it hit the guys dick and the man screamed in under pain while the other gasp of what happened and ask his friend what happened.

Guard 1: What the spirits just happened?

No what but who.(A voice saids in front on the guard who looks and feels chills running down his spine as well as paling at the monster in front of him while the other gasp in shock except for Tenzin's kids who look happy and excited)

Guard 1: WHAT THE......GULP?!!!!

Fang: Shut the hell up already, your being too noisy.

Fang lifted the guard up by the throat and unleashed a powerful punch to the mans gut that he went flying into the stone wall and fell unconscious.

Jinora: Fang!

Fang: Hey there, seems like you guys are in another pickle once more.

Jinora: Oh spirits are we happy to see someone like you but what you doing here?

Fang: Things got quiet back home so I thought about visiting this world again but it looks like you are in need of saving again. By the way who are these people who are dressed like you?

Jinora: I will explain later but you think you could get us out of these chains.

Fang: Liberation de la chaine!

Fang saids a spell that made all the chains that were on everybody come off that left a lot of them in shock except for those who know Fang were still impressed of what the HellWolf could do when he first arrived in their world. Jinora went on to explain everything that has been happening after Fang left this world. She told him how Harmonic Convergence brought back a new generation of air benders which surprises Fang as well as finding out that Tenzin and Korra were task to bring back the air nation that has been exist for hundreds of years but they had to face some dangers on the way like bandits, guards of sick twisted earth queen who later was killed by a group of highly dangerous criminals that are after Korra. Jinora told Fang everything that has been going on and about the benders as well as their leader Zaheer who became an air bender who has taken Korra somewhere in the mountain and plan to end her life.

Fang: All right I will find Korra, you and the others leave and wait outside.

Pema: How do you know where to find her?

Fang: I have her scent, she's close.

Opal: Um Jinora who is this?

Jinora: A friend from another world and no he's not a spirit but he is powerful.

Fang: Fang Hunter nice to meet you all. None of you are hurt right?

Jinora: My aunt and uncle Kya and Bumi are injured badly.

Fang: Here give them this, it's a healing potion that I made myself works all the time and I never leave home without one.(Fang saids and takes out a healing potion)

Jinora took the potion and gave it to both her uncle and aunt. Once they both drank it, their injuries were completely healed up in a matter of seconds that left everyone speechless even themselves.

Bumi: Whoah? What in the spirits was that, my whole body feels good as new!

Kya: It's like the pain just went away on its own.

Ikki: Was that a magical potion Fang!

Fang: It is and if you ask if there is a love potion yes there is but it's very dangerous and illegal where I come from.

Ikki: Oh..

Bumi: I must be dreaming or something because I can tell I am seeing a giant talking WolfMan in front of me.

Kya: You're not Bumi, he's real.

Fang: Anyway, Jinora take the air benders and your family out of her while I go find Korra and deal with those people who took her.

Jinora: You sure you can take them Fang?

Fang: You're talking to a HellWolf who is ten times more stronger than a human even if they have element abilities.

Jinora: You make a good point.

All of sudden Fang heard a noise coming from the rocks and then out burst came the same people Fang met when he arrived in this world in which was Asami, Mako, Bolin, Lin, Korra's father Tonraq, and a woman he never met in green and another air bender.

Bolin: Hm? Uh did we miss something?

Fang: Sup guys.

Asami/Mako/Bolin: Fang?!

Lin: You again?

Tonraq: You're that wolf that saved my daughter.

Fang: Pleasure to meet you in person sir, also good to see you guys again.

Asami: I missed you Fang!(Asami saids and hugs Fang)

Fang: Nice to see you too Asami, though who are these two, I know one is an air bender but who is this woman next to the Chief.

Lin: My sister Suyin.

Bolin: And this Kai, he's a new air bender.

Fang: Hello.

Kai: Whoah, Jinora you weren't kidding about meeting a WolfMan.

Suyin: You all know this creature?

Fang: Hey this creature has name so watch it.

Suyin: Oh forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you.

Mako: What are you doing here Fang?

Fang: I was planning on visiting your world again but it looks like you guys are in trouble again and don't worry Jinora filled me in of what is going on.

Tonraq: Then you must know that Korra is in danger.

Fang: I do and thats why I am going to save her again. Seriously how does someone like her get into these situations.

Bolin: Trust us dude you don't wanna know.

Fang: Chief, you along with Korra's father as well as the others head out of here while I go find Korra and take down those bastards who took her.

Suyin: I don't think that would be a good idea to go alone.

Fang: I took out Vaatu myself, I can handle a bunch of people with elements besides they wont last that long against someone like me.

Opal: How do you know that?

Fang: They never fought a demon wolf from hell. I wont be long.(Fang saids and goes to find Korra)

Suyin: What did he mean by that?

Lin:'s a long complicated story.

Bolin: And try not to get scared because I am still not over the things that Fang said to us.

Kai: Is that his name?

Jinora: His full name is Fang Hunter, and he used to be a human.

Kai: Okay now I am completely lost.

Back with Fang he went to find Korra where he picked up her scent coming from below the mountain itself and while heading in the direction, he spotted more of those guards and took them out without them knowing what attacked them. He also took out two guards who were bringing some kind of bowl with some kind of liquid in which Fang smelt the liquid and it smelled like metal.

Fang: So they plan to poison her and then possibly kill her. I might as well get some knowledge out of these guys minds and find out who they are. Telepathie!

Fang began to read the minds of the unconscious and badly injured guards and find out what these people were. They were part of a cult organization that wanted to bring chaos into the world and kill the Avatar so that they can bring a whole new world order for themselves. They called themselves the Red Lotus. Fang read the minds and discovered that the leader known as Zaheer was going to use this metal poison on Korra to bring her into the Avatar state and once weakened they would kill her ending her life.

Fang: So that's what these shit-bags are doing, well I think it's about time I said hello.

Fang headed down and stopped when he looks throw the shadows and saw three people looking upon Korra who was chained up and hurt.

Korra: my father!!!(Korra saids and shoots fire out her mouth trying to attack her enemy while still chained)

Zaheer: I understand your grief. I also lost someone I lost today. But your pain will soon be over.

Fang: Thats what that moron would say, after I all I took out his guards and destroyed the poison.(Fang saids in thought while in the shadows)

Korra: Argh!! When I get out of here, none of you will survive!!

Zaheer: You wont get out unless the metal clan taught you a way to bend platinum. Once the poison arrives and have it administer into your body it will cause a reaction. It will force you into the Avatar state in an effort to keep you alive. Sadly for you, you'll be entering it for the last time.

Korra: No! The Avatar state cycle...

Zaheer: Yes. When we dispatch you in the Avatar state, the cycle will end and your connection to the past Avatars will be forgotten. So we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. Together, we will forge a world without kings and queens, without borders or nations, where man's only allegiance is to himself, and those he loves. We will return to the true balance or natural order. And though you will never again be reborn once you loose your connection to the past Avatars, your name will echo throughout history; Korra, the last Avatar.

Korra looked upon Zaheer in fear while Fang grew angry and dangerous towards the man who wants to rip him into pieces as well as the other two next to him.

Zaheer: Where are those two guards with the poison? Gharzan, Ming Hura, go see where those two are while I keep our guest company.(Zaheer saids to the two and go into the tunnel unknown that something or someone was waiting for them)

Korra: You wont get away with this Zaheer!

Zaheer: I'm afraid I only have Korra.

WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!!!!(A voice saids from behind Zaheer who heard his friend Gharzan said in terror)

Zaheer: Gharzan, whats wrong?!


Zaheer: Ming Hua?!

Zaheer looked to see both his friends flying out of the tunnel covered in blood as well as claw marks on their bodies, he went to check them and when he did he couldn't feel their pulses. Something attacked them but the air bender doesn't know what until he saw a pare of red glowing eyes from the darkness as well as growl.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fang growl sound effect)

Zaheer got alarmed and shot some air bending at whatever it was that attacked his friends but nothing happened until he saw something coming out of the darkness and it was big, had huge sharp claws and teeth as well as standing with a vicious glare and looked like some kind of monster that not only shocked Zaheer but brought fear into his eyes.

Zaheer: What....what is this.....

Fang: DEATH!

Fang grabbed Zaheer and bit down on the mans neck that caused Zaheer to scream in utter pain until his whole neck snapped in half leaving his body cold and blood lost. Fang dropped the body and used a fire spell to destroy Zaheer leaving nothing but dust.

Fang: Good riddance.

Korra: Argh...what happened?(Korra saids while trying to see what was going on)

Fang: Well well looks like I have to save your Avatar butt once again Korra.

Korra: GASP!

Fang: Hello again Korra.(Fang saids while making his full appearance)

Korra: FANG! Oh my spirits is it really you!

Fang: Who else do you think it is?

Korra: My puppy face came back! And he is saving me again is this a dream.(Korra saids in thought while happy to see Fang again)

Fang: Your friends are all right, I got them out.

Korra: Wait Fang, Zaheer he's..

Fang: He's gone Korra, I took care of him as well as these two who follow him.

Korra: Zaheer is...

Fang: Yea, I heard what he was going to do to you, so I took action. Also your father is alive, he's with the others.

Korra showed signs of tears of happiness and joy that her father was alive and the others were okay but she was more happy to see Fang again.

Fang: Let's get you out of those chains. Liberation de la chaine!

Fang saids the spell like before and soon Korra was released and fell until Fang jumped and caught her in his arms. Korra smiled and blushed that she was in her saviors big strong arms.

Korra: I missed you so much.(Korra saids and hugs Fang)

Fang: I missed you too, things got boring so I thought why not come back here and spend some time with some friends but it seems like you got yourself into another shit-hole.

Korra: Yea...

Fang: Well good news is that you all right and well, Jinora filled me in of whats been going on lately.

Korra: I knew that you will come back.

Fang: Was there any doubt.

Korra: There wasn't puppy face.

Fang: Seriously still calling me that.

Korra: It's cute.

Fang: Well I hate it.

Korra: Let's get out of this place, I don't want to be here anyone.

Fang: All right, and I took out all the guards as well as destroyed that poison that they were going to use on you, no need to say thank you.

Korra: Actually I might give you a thank you later on, this was twice you saved my life.

Fang: Hang on tight, I am going to use my teleportation magic to beam us out here.

Korra hanged onto Fang until he uses his teleportation magic that allowed him and Korra to vanish out of the cave and back outside in the sun light.

Fang: You good?

Korra: I am now, that was amazing, do you use that often?

Fang: Once or twice if I need to get away from crazy shit happening.

Korra: I so got to have him in bed with me.(Korra saids in thought while blushing and smiling at Fang)

Fang: Let's get you back to the others, they must be worried about you.

Korra: Right, but can you carry me like this on the way.

Fang: Why do your legs hurt?

Korra: No I just like being carried like this, and not to mention I like being in your arms.

Fang: Sigh.figures.

Korra: You're such a good boy.(Korra saids while petting Fang on the head)

Fang: Not a dog you know.

Korra: I know but it makes me happy to see you act so adorable.

Fang: Yea yea whatever.

Back with the others, Jinora was reunited with her father who told him everything that was happening and was shocked that Fang returned and help save his daughter and the other air benders and asked to drink the healing potion that Fang made in which healed Tenzin after he was attacked by Zaheer. Everyone was waiting if Fang was able to save Korra until they all heard a howl from above the rocks.


They all look to see Fang above with Korra in his arms and she looked to be all right. Fang jumped down and landed in front of everyone and put Korra down. Her friends were happy to see that Korra was fine and well.

Everyone: Korra!

Korra: Guys your all okay!

Korra hugs her friends then looks to see her father alive and safe and goes to hug him.

Korra: Dad, you're alive.

Tonraq: I am so happy that you are safe sweetie.

Korra: I had some help.(Korra saids while smiling at Fang)

Tonraq: You have saved my daughter yet again, I thank you for what you have done.

Fang: Don't mentioned it sir.

Tenzin: Fang is that really you.

Fang: Hello again Tenzin, I see that Jinora gave you the healing potion.

Korra: Healing potion?

Jinora: He gave Bumi, Kya, and my dad something to heal their injuries it was so remarkable.

Lin: Where is Zaheer?

Fang gave a look meaning she probably knows what happened to man as well as the others who followed him.

Lin: I see you took care of him and the others.

Fang: Yea. They were going to kill Korra using metal poison to force her into the Avatar state and once her body weakens they were gonna to end her life as well as destroy her connections to the past Avatars.

Tenzin: So that is what they were planing all this time.

Fang: Yes but I took them out and destroy the poison. Zaheer is gone as well as the other two with him and those who follow him.

Suyin: You did the right thing, Zaheer became far too dangerous.

Tonraq: How did you know what they were going to do to Korra?

Fang: I used my mind reading spell to read the minds of the guards I took down in which found out everything about the Red Lotus and their plans for the world as well as Korra.

Lin: Good we need information about their plans.

Fang: I will tell you all about them.

Suyin: By the way, what did you mean what you said. A demon wolf from hell?

Fang: Do you really want to know.

Korra: It would be best to tell her and the others since we already know.

Fang: All right but you're not going to like my story its both tragic and terrifying.

Fang took Suyin and the others over to talk where gave out his origins of who he is and where he came from as well as how he became a demon wolf and after he finished many of the new air benders were shocked and afraid of finding out this information as well as Suyin and her daughter Opal who they look at the HellWolf in shock as well as hurt that he was once human bust was manipulated as well as died an innocent man who exposed a monster who lies under their teeth and caused countless deaths. Also finding out that heaven and hell are real as well as demons, monsters and other beings that live both on top and on the bottom even magic being real was another thing.

Suyin: My god.....

Fang: Yea it's a lot to take in.

Opal: All that really happened to you.

Fang: Yea.

Kai: I don't think I will be able to sleep at night.

Fang: Sorry if my origins frighten you all, but it is the truth.

Airbender: Demons, monsters, angels, heaven and hell..they are all real.

Fang: Only in my home dimension, you got nothing to worry about here.

Suyin: So now you are one of them though a powerful one who is also an assassin.

Fang: Yes but I only take out those who committed sins like Vaatu as well as Zaheer who was about to commit a sin.

Opal: Guess that is true.

Fang: I wont tell you anymore because I can already see that wish not to know more.

Kai: Yes please don't mention more stuff, I'm good for now.

Fang: And if my appearances frightens you, maybe this will help.(Fang saids and changes into his human form)

Korra and Asami: Hello Sexyman!(Both said in thought with hearts in their eyes as well as blushing)

Suyin: So this is what you used to look like when you were human.

Fang: Yes but I used to have blue eyes now their red.

Kai: Well at least you don't look all vicious and dangerous.

Fang: I will take that as a compliment. So now that this whole thing is taken care of what now?

Tenzin: I think it is about time to return to Republic City and also have someone get ready for her ceremony and get her tattoos.(Tenzin saids while smiling at Jinora)

Jinora: Thanks dad.

Fang: Her tattoos?

Korra: Jinora is becoming an air bending master, she already knows everything about air bending as well as the people and their culture. She has a brilliant connection towards the spirit world and the spirts themselves in which makes her a great master and when becoming a master then earn air bending tattoos like Tenzin has.

Fang: Oh I see now. Congratulations Jinora.

Jinora: Thank you Fang.

Asami: Oh speaking of which I still have to show you my company as well as that dinner at the restaurant like I promise.(Asami saids while grabbing Fangs arm and putting it between her breasts)

Fang: Uh...

Korra: Excuse me but I think my savior would want to spend some time on air temple island with yours truly. He promised to spend more time with me.(Korra saids and grabs Fangs other arm and puts between her breasts)

Fang: Wait what, when did I asked that?

Opal: What's up with them Bolin?(Opal whispers to Bolin)

Bolin: Uh love triangle best not to get involved, not unless you have a death penalty.(Bolin whispers back to Opal who nods in agreement)

Fang went with the everyone back to the place called Republic City after flying inside a airship that was a metal blimp designed by Asami's company Future Industries. Korra and Asami never left Fang's side and kept on telling how they both missed him so much and would want to spend more time with him and Fang can hardly feel his arms because they were being squished between two girls and their soft pillows.

Fang got to see what the seeing was like in which shared similarities to New York City but in like a 1920's version and the vehicles looked similar from that era. Asami snatched Fang from Korra when she wasn't looking and took him to Future Industries where Fang saw the technology that Asami and her company create for the city. Fang was impressed by Asami's work that made the girl smile and blush that someone like Fang appreciates her career. Asami was amazed of the phone that Fang was carrying with him and it filled her with such excitement with the highly enhanced technology back in his world that she wanted to know how it works, but Fang told her another time because he didn't want Asami to take apart his phone and try to put it back together.

Korra found her chance and took Fang to her favorite places after she was allowed back into the city by the president who kicked her out in which Fang found out what happened with Korra after he left the pole. Korra showed Fang the places where she's been as well as knowing about a bending sport called pro bending which was kind of cool for Fang. Korra was happy to have Fang back and was thinking of giving him a reward for saving her life twice in a row but she wasn't the only one who wants to give Fang a reward, Asami wants to give him one included.

But both girls will have to wait because today was Jinora's ceremony that she gain her air bending tattoos as well as becoming a master of the new air nation. Everyone arrived on Air temple island for the big day. Fang got a tour of the place which he asked Tenzin for a tour instead of Korra because she's been too clinging. Fang was offered a guest room to stay and didn't mind since the island was peaceful to relax and calm his nerves.

Inside the guest room, Fang was getting ready for the ceremony until he heard a knock on his door and told that person to come into his room in which was Korra.

Korra: You ready to go, everyone is getting assemble.

Fang: Yea I am. Surprise someone so young like Jinora is going to be an air bending master.

Korra: She is going to be great. She will help lead the new air nation to the next generation.

Fang: I know that you will help her do it.

Korra: It's an Avatar job to bring balance to the world.

Fang: I can see that.

Korra: Say um..Fang are you planning on staying for a while.

Fang: Yea I was thinking of taking a two day vacation and I texted everyone back in hell to know where I am and that I will be back soon.

Korra: Thats great because....well I want to spend time with you and get to know more about you not the stuff in hell and your job but stuff about your original life.

Fang: I could do that.

Korra: Great and one more thing.

Fang: What?

Korra: Keep your door unlock because I got something for you tonight.(Korra whispers to Fang)

Fang: Uhhh....

Korra: Well shall we get going, we don't want to be late.

Korra takes Fangs hand and drags him out of the room and towards the temple where everyone is waiting to see Jinora's ceremony take place. Outside the temple were Tenzin and his family as well as Korra's mother and father, Suyin, Lin, a man with a scar on his face and the president that Korra told Fang about.

Tenzin: Good to see that you are doing well Korra.

Korra: That I am Tenzin.

Tenzin: Fang, I want to properly thank you for what you have done for Korra as well as saving the new air benders. I owe you my gratitude and my humble thanks.

Fang: It was no problem Tenzin.

Tenzin: Allow me to introduce you to, Lord Zuko and President Raiko of Republic City.

Fang: Greetings.

Zuko: It's pleasure to meet you, when I heard the rumors about the Avatar being saved by a demon wolf, I could hardly believe it until now. I must say I have never in my life have seen such a being like yourself in our world.

Fang: I been getting that a lot sir. Korra told me so much about your adventures with Avatar Aang and how you helped end the hundred year war.(Fang saids and bows to Zuko who did the same)

Korra: Fang this my mother Senna.

Fang: Hello ma'am. Sorry if my appearance seems frightening.

Senna: I don't mind it, thank you for saving my daughter. You may be a demon wolf but you used to be human which means that you still have a good heart.

Fang: Thank you for saying that.

Raiko: Avatar Korra, I'd like to officially welcome you back to Republic City. I know that the last time we saw each other it didn't end on the best terms, but I want to thank you and your wolf friend here for taking down those Red Lotus terrorists.

Lin: And thanks to the information Fang gave us, we are able to track down the remaining Red Lotus groups and have them all locked away for good.

Fang: They should be easy enough to round up now that their leaders are gone.

Korra: We should get inside.

Ikki: Ooh can I ride on your shoulders Fang!(Ikki saids while getting on Fangs shoulder)

Meelo: I wanna ride him too!(Meel saids while getting on Fangs head)

Fang: Alright just this once.

Ikki and Meelo: YAAAAAAA!

Meelo: Jinora is already inside. It smells like shoe trees.

Ikki: Sandalwood, Meelo.

Fang instead of taking the stairs uses his magic to teleport him along with Korra and the two kids up the steps which made both air benders happy that Fang used his magic. Korra still amazed of what Fang can do and would like to know what else he can do. Once everyone was inside the ceremony began.

Tenzin: Jinora, come forward. Today we welcome the first air bending master in a generation, and I couldn't be more proud of my daughter. When the existence of our people was threatened, when the Avatar's life hung in the balance, Jinora never gave up hope. Thanks to her leadership, I see a very bright future for the air nation. Of course, there would be no air nation without Avatar Korra. She opened the portals and somehow the world began anew for us. And she was even willing to lay down her own life in order to protect ours. But not just her but to also her new friend she maid during Harmonic Convergence, he defended the Avatar against the evil dark spirit Vaatu and help protect the new air nation from almost becoming exist. There's no way we can ever repay them both for all they have done. But we can follow in Korra's example of service and sacrifice. So I have decided that the air nation will reclaim its nomadic roots and roam the earth. But unlike our ancestors, we will serve people of all nations, working wherever there is corruption and discord, to restore balance and peace. Korra, with your help I know that together we vow to do everything in our power to follow follow in your footsteps and bring harmony to the world.

Korra: I know we can Tenzin, together we can help change the world for the better. With the air nation back, myself and them can sure that the world will be at peace once more.

Tenzin: Now, let us anoint the master who will help lead us in our new path.(Tenzin saids and reveals Jinora and her air bending tattoos)

Fang smiled seeing Jinora getting her tattoos as well as hugging her father and everyone clapping for her that she will do a marvelous job leading the new air nation with Korra's help.

Fang: You and her will do a great job in this world Korra.

Korra: I know we both will.

Soon after the ceremony ended, night came towards air temple island and Fang was in his guest room resting in his human form since the bed he was resting on was took small for his HellWolf form. Unknown to him two girls were quietly walking towards his room while everyone else is sleeping peacefully. Korra wearing a blue tank top and black shorts was heading towards Fangs room when she spotted Asami wearing a silk pink dress and under it was nothing but her bra and panties.

Korra: Asami, what are you doing here?

Asami: What does it look like I am doing, I want to give Fang something important.

Korra: So do I but mine is better than what you have in mind.

Asami: Oh really, what do you plan on giving him?

Korra: Like I tell you.

Asami: Well I can tell he will like what I have in mind.

Korra: Not if I have anything to say about it.

Both girls glared at each other until both came barging into Fangs room who looked to see both girls wearing less clothing that caused him to blush of what he was seeing.

Fang: Whoah.......

Korra: Oh...hi...Fang thanks for keeping your door unlocked.

Fang: No problem...though why are you here Asami?

Asami: Oh you know I want to um...well....

Fang: both started to develop feeling for me and don't deny it. I can see it in your eyes.

Admittedly both Korra and Asami blush madly red while nodding their heads that they feel something for the HellWolf.

Fang: This explains all the flirting and clinging to my arms.

Korra: Was it really that noticeable?

Fang: I can tell from all the blushing on your faces as well as how you were acting around me made perfect sense.

Korra and Asami: Oh....

Fang: Geez I'm like those people who have a harem relationship with other women.

Korra: Wait you have others?

Fang: I do, though whose to say I will have more than one girlfriend in my life.

Asami: Korra if he has more than one girl then there is no reason to fight over him, we can share him.

Korra: Oh my spirits your right!

Fang: Wait how long have you two felt this way towards me?

Asami: Before you left, for some reason I couldn't get you out of my head.

Korra: Neither can I puppy face. For some reason when ever I think of you, it makes me happy and my heart skips a beat. You saved me twice and I want to give you a thank you.

Fang: And what would that..MPH!

Fang didn't get to finish as Korra kisses him on the lips that left him in shock but decided to go with the flow and kiss back. Asami went next and kissed Fang where she was battling with his tongue.

Fang: Holly shit...

Asami: That was amazing...

Korra: Never knew you were such a good kisser. You know the way your were kissing me back Fang it was starting to turn me on and I think it's about time I give you my reward.

Asami: As well as me you sexy WolfMan.

Fang: Uh before you both go full on sex machine, let me do something will quick. Silencio!

Korra: What's the suppose to do?

Fang: It's a sound spell, meaning that no one will hear us or see us everything will be close off leaving just us in the room.

Asami: Ooh good thinking WolfMan.

Korra: Now for your reward.

Korra and Asami strip their clothes off and were completely naked now in front of Fang who smirked at seeing how both girls looked absolutely gorgeous and hot. Fang got up from the bed and began to take off his things and let's just say when the girls saw his ten pack both of them had nose bleeds.

Korra and Asami: HE HAS A TEN PACK!!!! OH PLEASE FUCK ME NOW!!!❤️ 💙(Both said in thought with nose bleeds)

(Lemon Alert🍋)

Fang grabbed both girls breasts and started to lick each one of them that was causing the girls to moan while also feeling horny that Fang was enjoying himself as well as them.

Korra: Mmmmmm.....your tongue feels so good.

Asami: That's it wolfie lick my breasts, lick them good.

Fang continued to lick their breast until he started to finger their lower half's that caused the girls to gasp in pleasure.

Korra: Oh spirits yes!!!!!

Asami: It feels so good!!!!

Korra: Dig your fingers deeper into me puppy face, please this Avatar!!

Asami: Make me wet!!!

Fang: As you wish.

Fang fingers the girls faster that was making them blush hard as well as hot that they started to massage their boobs and making out with Fang who was battling both of their tongues.

Korra: I am gonna cumm!!!

Asami: Me too!!! Give me more finger Fang!!!

Fang fingered them more until both girls screamed in pleasure and cam on Fangs hands and the girls started to lick the juices off his fingers.

Korra: Path...that was delicious but I want the main course.

Asami: No fare I want him to fuck my brains out first.

Fang: I will do Asami first then you Korra in which you both will experience the pleasure and power of a HellWolf.

Korra and Asami: YES PLEASE DO THAT!!!❤️ 💙

Fang took off his pants and revealed the girls what he has hidden and it made both girls eyes widen that they couldn't believe what they are seeing and it was making them more horny than ever before.

Korra and Asami: IS HE A GOD!!!!(Both said in thought with huge blushes on their faces)

Fang laid Asami down on the bed that made her smile that she was going to loose her virginity for the first time. Fang perceptions himself and his hood near Asami's lower half.

Asami: This is my first time Fang.

Fang: I will be gentle but then things will get extreme.

Asami: Take me WolfMan, make me into a woman.

Fang slowly thrust into Asami that caused her to gasp in shock that Fang was inside of her while Korra was shocked that Fang was so big and he fitted right inside Asami and couldn't wait to have that hood in her next.

Asami: ITS SO BIG!!!!

Fang: Are you all right.

Asami: I'm all can move now darling.

Fang began to thrust more into Asami who moan in pleasure while wrapping her arms and legs around Fang while he fucks her hard and faster. Asami screamed with joy and was drooling over how amazing Fang feels inside of her. Korra was watching the whole thing from the side of the bed and it was making her hot in which she started to finger herself.

Asami: Yes! YeS! Give it to me give me more Fang!!!

Fang thrust his man hood more and more into Asami lower half but then takes it out and rams it into her other hole that made Asami squeal with absolute pleasure.

Asami: Unnnnuh right in the backdoor!

Korra: By the spirits....this is making me hot.

Asami: Harder! Faster! Fuck me baby, fuck me more!!!

Fang: Oh I will Asami I will!!!!

Fang grabbed her ass and thrust deeper into her that caused her eyes to roll back and her tongue hanging out until she can feel her limit almost up.

Asami: My butt! He's making my butt all tingly!!!!

Korra: Path...path....oh my spirits I need it now.(Korra saids while pleasing herself)

Asami: I am abou to cumm!!!!!

Fang: Me too!!!

Asami: Do it inside me!!! I want all your warm cum deep inside me!!!

Fang takes out his man hood and pushes it back into Asami's other hole and thrust more harder and deeper until he and her feel their limit was coming.

Fang: Asami I can't hold it...

Asami: Me too!!!!

Fang: Oh fucking hell!!!!


Fang came inside Asami where lots of his seed spilled into her. Asami lost her virginity and she absolutely loved every moment of what she and Fang did.

Asami: Oh spirits...I can't go on.....path..path....

Fang: Damn must of over did it.

Korra: My turn now puppy face.

Korra pushes Fang onto his back and Korra got on top of him and perceptions herself on top of Fangs man hood that was still hard.

Korra: I want you to take me, take this Avatar and fuck me like a wild animal.

Fang: I'll give you a wild animal all right.(Fang saids as his eyes glowed red)

Korra: Good boy.

Korra lowers herself and she feels Fang's man hood go deep into her that caused her to moan and squeal in pleasure like Asami.


Fang: Your so tight!

Korra: Yes keep pounding me babe!!

Fang moves his hips and penetrates Korra who was bouncing up and down on Fang's hood in which she was enjoying herself who not only lost her virginity but is also enjoy sex for the first time. Fang grabbed her breast and squeeze them that made her moan.

Fang: Your boobs are so amazing.

Korra: They are all yours Fang! Ah ah ah ah ah oh yeaaa!!!!

Korra bounced more on Fang until she switched where she was under Fang and he was on top of her. Korra wrapped her arms and legs around Fang while he continues to thrust deeper into Korra and starts to make out with her.

Korra: Oh my spirits this feels so good!!!

Fang: Hows it feel to have a demon wolf like me penetrate you Avatar?

Korra: The best! Ooooh god yess!!!! Fuck me harder and deeper!!!

Fang: Yes ma'am!!

Fang pushes deeper into Korra who is almost about to cum soon as well as Fang. Korra switches back where she is now on top and Fang on the bed. Korra bounces up and down faster while Fang can feel his limit.

Fang: Korra!!

Korra: I know I am about to cum too!!!

Fang: It's coming...

Korra: Inside me baby!! Feel me up like you did Asami oooh yeaaaa!!!!!

Fang: OH SHIT!!!!


Fang came deep into Korra just like he did with Asami. Korra lost her virginity and found herself a man worthy of being with her and not just her but Asami as well. Korra collapse onto Fang while enjoying the pleasure she and Asami just experience.

Fang: Path...path...oh geez these girls are totally something else.

(End of Lemon)

After three of them had their fun, both Korra and Asami were smiling and cuddling up to Fang who which they thank for everything as well as excepting their reward to him.

Korra: just...oh my spirits I don't know how to describe how incredible that was.

Asami: You really are something else Fang, not only a demon wolf from hell but you are one sexy hot WolfMan who can give girls like us real pleasure.

Fang: Well I am happy that you two enjoyed yourselves, hell knows I did.

Korra: I don't think I can feel my legs.

Fang: The numbness will go away on its own just relax yourself.

Korra: You know I will puppy face.

Fang: Still hate that name.

Korra: Hehehe well, deal it because I'm the only who gets to call you that.

Asami: And I get to call you WolfMan.

Fang: Yea sure whatever.

Korra: I love you Fang.

Asami: I love you as well Fang.

Fang: I guess I love you girls too and welcome to my harem, though the other girls will have to know about you two.

Korra: I don't mind sharing you with others.

Asami: Me neither.

Fang: Well all right then. Oh by the way I have something for the two of you.

Korra: What is it Fang?

Fang: These are something you both can use to talk to me and of course I will show you how to use them. I put a magical power that will allow you to talk to me from my dimension, you call and text me whenever you girls want and also video call me which I will also explain the details.

Fang gives the girls their very own iPhone's that were both in their colors, it made them smile that they have something to communicate with Fang while he is in his dimension.

Asami: You are so sweet.

Korra: Wow never seen a phone like this before.

Fang: These are what we use in my world Korra and I will show you and Asami how to work them and don't worry about the battery both phones have unlimited battery so it wont run out of power.

Asami: I love it Fang thank you 💋.(Asami saids and kisses Fang on the lips)

Korra: Me too Fang 💋.(Korra saids and kisses Fang on the lips as well)

Fang: Glad you both like them, now I would like to sleep now.

Asami: Cuddle me close darling.

Korra: Me too.

Fang: I know come here girls.

Korra and Asami: Good night Fang.(Both said while cuddling close to Fang and drifting off to slumber)

Fang: Yawn! Good night girls.

Fang has successfully have two more girls joining him and they both love him and it's only a matter of time before Fang goes to another dimension and meets more girls who will fall for him and do things with him in bed. But for now the HellWolf will just slumber next to his two next girlfriends until he goes back to hell in two days.

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