Chapter 17: Unhappy Campers!

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After Fang came back from his vacation in the Avatar world as well as giving both Asami and Korra their very own phones as well as learning how to use them to communicate with Fang from his dimension if they wanted to talk with him, the HellWolf arrived back in hell and told his girls about Korra and Asami in which they all took a liking to the girls and when they talked on the phone with them and got to know them more, the girls bonded quickly and all agreed to share Fang. Fang was happy that his girls were getting along now and happy that they are feeling better after that crazy wild party they went too but they really missed their HellWolf the most. 

Fang was back in his penthouse with his girls who were experiencing the greatest gift that could ever receive from their boyfriend and that was getting a relaxing massage that made the girls moan with such pleasure and could feel their sourness wash away with the touch of their HellWolf's magic fingers.

Bee: Oh! ooh!........sigh.......yea this feels so good. Babe you really do have wonderful hands.

Fang: I am pleased that you enjoying yourself Bee. How are you girls holding up?

Vortran: I feel like an athlete! My whole body feels incredible!

Mayberry: I never knew getting a massage like that was so pleasing. 

Loona: I told you girls, Fang has ways of making us feel amazing, I still can't get over the first massage he gave me. My back never felt so good. 

Verosika: The way he massaged my entire was such pleasure.~❤️ 

Fang: I do what I can to please my beautiful girls. I am also pleased that you girls got along with Asami and Korra. 

Loona: They're not half bad especially that Korra chick. 

Vortran: That girl has a good figure. Especially those muscles she has. 

Fang: She's been training for a long time to be what she is. 

Verosika: So puppy face huh?

Fang: Argh.....

Mayberry: Aww...does wittle wolfie don't like being called puppy face. 

Fang: Great now you girls are doing it now. 

Loona: What? I think it's cute. Especially when Korra told us that when you get scratched behind the ear it puts you into a trance. 

Fang: Don't remind me. All right Bee that should do it.

Bee: Mmmmmm! Wow my whole body feels more relaxed that ever. Thanks babe 💋.(Bee saids and kisses Fang on the cheek)

Fang: You're welcome. 

Ring! Ring!

Fang: Hello?

Millie(Phone): Hey Fang, you mind coming down here we got a new client on his way and would appreciate if you attend.

Fang: I will be right there Millie. 

Millie(Phone): Thanks Fang!

Call Ended

Loona: What's going on babe?

Fang: New client coming in and Millie wants me there, I got to go. 

Mayberry: We understand darling, we will be waiting until you get back. 

Fang: Good because once I come back, prepare for when your loose the feeling in your legs.(Fang saids with a smirk that made all the girls blush)

Loona/Verosika/Vortran/Bee/Mayberry: Oh Satan please make us go numb, fuck us like a wild animal!!!❤️ 

Fang: You know I will my darlings. But before I leave hows about I give my girls a kiss goodbye to make you more happy. 

Fang goes over and kisses all of his girls on the lips which became a full on make out that left the girls in heat as well as feeling wet once done Fang waved them bye while they were drooling as well as having huge blushes on their faces. 

Loona/Verosika/Vortran/Bee/Mayberry: I need him inside me.(All said in thought)

Fang drove to work on his motorcycle and arrived at the imp building. When got off his bike and headed up to the top floor, he enter the office room where he saw both Millie and Moxxie having a conversation with a fish like demon person who could be the client.

Fang: Here I am guys, I take that this is our client here.

Millie: Yup sure is Fang, his name is John.

John: Whoah are you that HellWolf that everyone is talking about in hell. 

Fang: I am, Fang Hunter nice to meet you. By the way is Blitz here?

Moxxie: Yea he just came in over a a minute ago and we told him about the client but for some reason he wasn't in the mood to talk and just went to his office.

Fang: Probably having a bad day. Anyway what seems to be the reason for you being here John.(Fang saids to the fish demon)

John: For my being here I was killed in the human world. I was a camp counselor working on something important until for some reason I ended up dead. 

Fang: Any idea of who killed you?

John: Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me I'm just not sure which one....

Moxxie: How could you not know? 

John: I was out on the lake when my boat started to sink. Someone had drilled holes in it. The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be one of them.

Moxxie: Hmm, we don't typically do investigations, I'll have to check with the boss. 

Fang: Actually when I am doing kills I do investigations to find out who my enemy is and where to find as well as discover who they are. 

Millie: Oh yea that is true, you do have ways of finding out who to find and kill Fang. 

Moxxie: Good point, but I will still check with the boss just in case. Uh, pardon me sir.

Blitz: Not now Mox. 

Moxxie: Sir there's a client that needs us to investigate his death, and we don't usually...

Blitz: No tiiime.

Moxxie: But sir, we really need the cashflow, and I was thinking maybe...

Blitz: What part of you not understand? Just handle it yourself. 

Moxxie: You want me to lead? On a hit?

Blitz: I swear on all that is evil Mox if you aren't out of my office in negative 3 seconds..

Moxxie: Yooou GOT IT SIR! 

Fang: So what happened?

Moxxie: Good news! Don't worry my fish friend, we'll take the case! And I'll be handling this investigation personally.

Fang: I don't like where this is going. 

Millie: I agree, honey are you sure? What about Blitz?

Moxxie: Honey, honey please. Blitz put me in charge this time.

Fang and Millie: He did?!?...Jinx!

Moxxie: Yes why?

Millie: Oh! I mean..he....he did!

Moxxie: Right! And this is going to be the cleanest, most well prepped, most surgical hit we've ever had! Don't worry sir, we'll find your killer and give him what's coming to him and or her or they...

Fang: Sigh...something tells me this isn't going to work out that well.(Fang saids in thought while having a bad feeling of Moxxie being in charge)

Admittedly Moxxie started to pull out a guide chart and plots to finds out who the killer is in which Millie can see that Moxxie was taking things a little too fast when he comes to investigating a killer. Fang stood to the side and watches the imps talk. 

Millie: Uh Mox...are you sure this isn't a little....much?

Fang: I have to agree with Millie on this one.

Moxxie: It's my first lead Mills, it has to be...perfect. Now in front of you, you'll find a comprehensive guide to your cover persona memorize it. We've got a lot of work to do. 

Fang rolled his eyes of what Moxxie has planed and after going over this ridiculous guide, the three of them headed into the human world where John gave them the name of the camp of where he was killed. They arrived at the place called Camp Ivannakummore and hid behind the bushes to avoid being seen. Both imps put on their disguises in which Millie was dressed like a boy and Moxxie well he was dressed like an ugly drama queen. 

Moxxie: All right Fang and Millie, one last time for safety.

Fang: This is so stupid....

Moxxie(Girl voice): I'm Moxxine, the hottest, most popular girl at my school, and you are?

Millie: Your brother Millerd, I like sports and fucking bitches. 

Moxxie: You know these kids are a bit younger than I was expecting, maybe loose that last part. 

Millie: Check! What about you Fang?

Fang: I can simply blend in with the humans and get a job as a counselor. I been to camp couple times when I was alive and know everything about camp counselors and their rules. 

Moxxie: Excellent! Alright, I think we're ready. 

Fang: At least change the outfit that you are wearing because you look like a streets hooker in that thing. I can already tell how the campers are gonna act when they see you like this. 

Moxxie: Relax Fang, I got this in the bag.

Fang: Right sure you do. 

Millie: Hey guys check out that shady looking fella over there, I think that's our guy.(Millie saids while looking at the weird guy snooping around the camp with a large bag)

Fang: Good eye Millie. 

Moxxie: Ahem, Millie, Fang...I hardly think pointing out the first guy you see is the proper way to conduct an...

Millie: No that's definitely him. That bags full of money, and drugs, and what looks like a drill one would use to poke holes in a boat.

Fang: Yea I agree with Millie that is our guy, I can smell his scent that he is definitely our guy. 

Moxxie: But..but that's all circumstantial at best! We need to methodically eliminate all suspects until we can be sure. 

Fang: Oh really then why is he heading into that locked boathouse we heard about from the client.(Fang saids while looking at the guy heading into the boathouse)

Millie: Fang's right Mox, that would be the perfect place to..

Millie looks at Moxxie who looks down that he doesn't want to try things his way until Millie felt bad for him however Fang can see if Moxxie did things his way, then their target will get away. 

Millie: Fine Mox....we'll do it your way. 

Moxxie: With my sleuthing skills and your killer eye as well as Fang's brilliant tactics, we should have this wrapped up in not time. Now, we just have to find the kids with the most influence. 

Fang: If you are looking at those three girls by the table there, good luck trying to have a conversation with them. I'll be talking to the councilors so that I can sign up to one of them. 

Millie: Okay good luck Fang!

Moxxie: Target acquired. 

Millie goes off to do her own thing until she saw a volleyball come to her and looks to see a group of people playing and asked Millie to join the fun and the imp couldn't refuse the offer to play a game. Fang went up to the councilor that was a female and when she saw Fang she along with other female councilors blush at the site they were seeing. 

Fang: Hello I am looking for a part time job here as a counselor, you got any opening by chance.

Female Councilor: Oh um....y...yes....oh course...I will be more than happy to sign you

Fang: Fang, Fang Wolf m'lady. 

Female Councilors: OH MY GOSH HE IS SO HOT!!!!❤️(All said in thought with hearts in their eyes)

Fang was signed up as a part time counselor and began to do his job while also doing the job of keeping an eye on the guy that he and the imps are suppose to kill but instead Moxxie wants to do things his way.

Fang: If Moxxie plan doesn't work out, I'm taking matters into my own hands.(Fang saids in thought)

Meanwhile Moxxie was heading over towards the girls that Fang mentioned in hopes to gain the girls trust but Moxxie is in for a rude awakening when he goes up to talk with the girls. 

Carla: So he snorted a whole line of group up mints, and tried to convince us he was high. Can you even believe him? 

Moxxie: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh that Derek! What a riot! Riiiiiiiiiight? 

Carla: Um, who the fuck are you? 

Moxxie: I'm Moxxine, I'm the prettiest girl at my school and all the boys want me. My favorite colooooooooor is hot pink because normal pink is sooooooooooo.....basic. I like horses, puppies, fast cars, jewelry and I got my first period last year and it was soooooo heavy! I guess I'm just more mature than your typical, you wanna be frieeeeeeeeeeeends? 

Carla: The fuck is wrong with your legs? 

Moxxie: oh! I um....uh..I was in an accident? 

Jen: The same accident that fucked up your skin? You looks like you spent three years in a tanning bed.

Moxxie: It's uuuuh....natural?

Carla: Ahah! Yea, you wish. That botch job looks like it cost five bucks in an alley behind Wallmart.

Jen: Get lost you fucking freak! 

Moxxie: But...I...eeeeh....

Danielle: Whoah I must in heat right now or I am seeing a total hottie!❤️ 

The girls looked towards to see Fang coming out of the water while helping some campers with their boats in which he was completely shirtless that revealed his ten pack that made the female councilors as well as the girl campers blush crimson as well as showing hearts in their eyes. 

Carla: Oh my gosh!!! Who is that sexy-man right there?!!

Jen: No way is that a ten pack! I thought that was a myth.

Danielle: Oh wow....those muscles and that perfect figure....that is a man right there.

Carla and Jen: Oh yea......❤️

Danielle: Whoah and check out that hottie right there playing volleyball!

Jen: Oh my god! Who is that?!?

Carla: Look how beautifully tan he is. 

Moxxie: WHAAAAT?!?

The girls watch Millie playing volleyball while still acting like a boy, when her team was about to miss the ball, Millie jumped into the air and hit the volleyball over the net and smashed into a boy camper's face and created an impacted. 

Male Councilor: That was....the best spike I've ever seen...

All the campers cheered for Millie and held up that made the imp smile that she was enjoying herself. Fang saw the whole thing and smiled that Millie was doing great but Moxxie however not so much. Fang looked to see the boy camper injured and decided to take him to the nurses to be treated which the boy thanked Fang before passing out. 

Carla: Oh my god, those two guys are so fucking hot!

Jen: I want to feel what that sexy boy's ten pack feels like. 

Danielle: Definitely rock hard. Did you see his eyes they are so beautiful!

Carla: And that other boy, that one has a good arm. 

Moxxie: Oh! Ya know he's my brother.


Soon Millie along with Fang were getting a whole lot of attention at camp. Millie was showing off her skills that made lots of people crazy for her. Fang was treating some girls who got injured while they blush and were thinking naughty thoughts of having him in bed with them. The female councilors were taking pictures of Fang doing work outs as well as showing off his muscles that gave lots of girl campers nose bleeds. 

Millie: Mox! Fang! Did you two see? I broke the record on the course!

Fang: I saw the whole thing while I was treating some campers to their injuries as well as helping them with their boat builds. Got to say Millie you have skills when it comes to doing courses.

Millie: Oh thank you Fang! Did you also see Moxxie?

Moxxie: Mhmm...I saw. 

Millie: Can you believe this? Everyone loves me, they're cheering, they even posted videos of me online. Look!

Fang: And you're getting over a hundred no wait thousands of likes and comments. 

Millie: I know right! I never felt this way before. 

Moxxie: Yea...that's great Millie. 

Millie went on to become ever more popular with the campers while Fang was focusing on the mission since Moxxie isn't doing anything to help with it. After spending lots of time with the campers and having fun, Millie spotted Moxxie behind the wooden camp-houses feeling both disappointed and jealous.

Millie: Oooh! Moxxie that was so fun! 

Moxxie: Yea...great you are having so much fun....

Millie: I know...but it's kinda nice having people  cheer for me once ya know? Instead of screaming in pain and horror!

Moxxie: Don't forget what we're here to do Millie. 

Millie: I haven't. I'm just waiting until you're ready...have you been able to eliminate any suspects? 

Moxxie: No of course not. I can't get anything from anyone because they're too busy swooning over you and possibly Fang I think. 

Millie: If you want we can go off the guy right now! I think he's alone in the cabin.(Millie saids while taking out some knives)

Moxxie: No! I have to do this right. 

Millie: I tell you what...why don't you try winning them over with something you're good at like I did? How about your music? I can even help you since they already love me.

Moxxie: Yea...Yea! That just might work. 

Incorrection it didn't work out that well because Moxxie sang his song to the campers near a camp fire and let's just say his singing wasn't all that great until Millie stepped in and played a banjo that made everyone excited. Moxxie felt humiliated. 

Meanwhile with Fang, after he finished with his duties as a part time councilor while also trying to avoid so many lustful girls eyeing him like a hawk, he went to investigate the guy who was carrying the money as well as the drugs that both him and Millie saw. He uses his invisible spell to go into the boathouse and once inside he looked to find the guy as well as someone else there with him in which was a girl that he does not know.

Girl: Hey be careful with those, they are worth lots of money!

Counselor Guy: Sorry Barbie! I also got the money that the guys paid for the drugs that were sold.

Fang: So this guy is working for this Barbie person here, though I am sensing some demotic aura coming from her, I think she is a demon in human disguise though why is she doing in the human world.(Fang saids in thought while listening to the conversation)

Barbie: Good load the money up onto the boat and get back out there to sell some more drugs to our clients Jimmy. 

Counselor Jimmy: Yes ma'am!

Fang: He's name is Jimmy, so he is our guy. Though why would he work for a demon, unless he doesn't know that this Barbie is a demon and is using some kind of woman charm to control the guy to do this girls bidding.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang decided to follow the guy around and for the past couple days he's been watching this Jimmy guy sell drugs and getting tones of cash from people who were buying them drugs off Jimmy then returning back to the boathouse to show Barbie the goods. Fang realizes that both Jimmy and Barbie are drug dealers selling drugs to make tones of money without being notice or seen by the public but knows that Jimmy has to die since the client said that he was killed by a counselor at the camp and Jimmy is that guy that has to be killed. 

Fang also was able to get some research on Jimmy and it turns out he has been doing this job for quite a long time with Barbie, selling drugs, faking escape attempts as well as covering up a murder that he committed so that no one can know. 

Fang: Time to kill the son of bitch. Sorry Moxxie but I am doing things my way. Also I got texts and call from my girls saying where I am and thank Satan that understood the situation that I am in right now. 

Fang took his leave and headed back towards the boathouse where he spotted both Barbie as well as Jimmy heading inside boathouse. 

Fang was about to go in and finish the job until he saw a portal opening up from behind him and look to see Blitz coming out. 

Fang: Blitz?

Blitz: Fang? What the hell are you doing here?

Fang: Finishing the job that Moxxie is hardly doing and have to say his plan taking down the target isn't really all that great. 

Blitz: Christ on a stick, I should have put you in charge of the mission instead. I knew Moxxie would screw up. It's been like a fucking week already.

Fang: Tell me about it. By the way turns out this Jimmy guy is the target that our client wants dead but he looks like he also working with someone and I believe it's a demon from hell.

Blitz: Yea I know who you are talking about and who that demon bitch is, so that is why I came here. 

Fang: I take that you know this girl demon?

Blitz: Apparently she is my sister. 

Fang: Verosika did say Blitz had a sister, guess that was her.(Fang saids in thought)

Fang changes back into his HellWolf form and took out his twin guns and busted the door down and Blitz came rushing in and yelling his sisters name.

Blitz: BARBIE!

Barbie: BLITZ?!

Fang: Yea she's totally your sister, the whole screaming like a banshee is quite similar. 

Blitz: Yup that is my sister Fang. 

Barbie: What the fuck are you doing here shithead?

Blitz: I should be asking you the same thing! You check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note and I had to track you down to this shit-hole with...who the fuck is this?

Barbie: No one, he works for me, and whose this big tall and sexy wolf-man here? Hey there handsome names Barbie Wire.~❤️

Blitz: His name is Fang, he's my HellWolf employee and one of my best assassins. 

Barbie: Ooh a HellWolf now is what I call attractive. 

Fang: I been getting comments like that all the time in hell. Also Blitz the guy next to Barbie is Jimmy, he's the target. 

Blitz: Oh shit Barb! Looks like your little boy toy got himself into some trouble. 

Barbie: The fuck are you talking about? 

Fang: Your so called Jimmy friend is a wanted man who caused our clients death as well as doing things illegal in the human world and he is scheduled for a death penalty.  

Barbie: You fucking what?!!!

Counselor Jimmy: He found out about your drugs. 

Barbie: I don't want to fucking hear it kid, look you're not killing my supplier. 

Blitz: Oh fuck...supplier of what? You're not back on that H-8 are you?

Barbie: Fuck no, it's just heroin. 

Blitz: Oh thank Satan. So now you're peddling heroin? What's the point? That shit barley gets rid of a headache. 

Barbie: It's honest work okay? And I thought it would be sure to keep me as far away from you as possible. 

Fang: Okay that makes sense that you wanna get away from your brother here, but why are working with Jimmy here?

Barbie: Do you have any idea how easy teenage humans are too manipulate? 

Jimmy: Heeeey! No I'm not!

Fang: Dude I bet you that she will strike a sexy pose as well as say something sweet at you and you will be all gaga over here in a matter of seconds. 

Barbie: Oh Jimmy-wimmy can you pwease keep loading up deez dwuggie-wuggies for me?(Barbie saids while shaking her booty at Jimmy and striking a cute pose)

Jimmy: Heh, sure Barb. Whatever you say..

Fang: See like that. 

Blitz: Okay I seen enough, I am ending this. 

Barbie: Don't you dare!

Blitz was about to attack Jimmy when all of sudden a imp tail grabs him and throws him into the wall in which belonged to Barbie who changes back into her imp demon form. 

Barbie: Come on Blitzo, Haven't you fucked my life up enough already?

The siblings started to fight each other while Fang was looking to see Jimmy trying to make his escape while trying to start up the boat that he was on. Fang decided to take action and uses his laser vision to cut down Jimmy to size without the imp siblings know. After he killed Jimmy he went to break up the two imps trying to kill each other. 


Both imps felt the chill down their spines when they both gazed into the HellWolf's glare which will give both siblings nightmares. 

Barbie and Blitz: Gulp........

Barbie: Wait a minute where is.....oh Satan fucking dammit!!!! Thanks a lot Blitzo, I'm out a job! Fuck!(Barbie saids while looking at the dead body of Jimmy that Fang killed)

Blitz: Barb wait! I want to help you...let me help you..please? You're clean now right..let's grab dinner, we'll catch up, and we'll talk about...

Barbie: don't fucking get it! Just cause I'm outta rehab doesn't mean I wanna see you, I never wanna see you ever! Now thanks to you I lost my supplier!

Fang: Heh supplier more like a total asshole who was just using you and keeping the money for himself. 

Barbie: What are you talking about?

Fang: I hacked into his phone and found something that you may want to see and listen too. 

Fang shows Barbie the video of Jimmy talking to a seller and it sounded like betrayal as well as thinking Barbie as a fool to believe that a human could help her. 

Seller(Recording): Glad doing business with you, by the way what do you plan to do next once you have all the money?

Jimmy(Recording): Oh easy I plan to live in fancy mansion which all the riches in the world, and all I have to do is keep on pretending to be that bitch ass boss of mine little play thing and as soon as I get what I want I will dump her sorry butt or perhaps sell her as a sex slave, I heard they make great money for sex slaves. Barbie would make a great sex slave for some rich fuck face and when she is out of the way, I plan to take the drugs and all the money to myself. Hehe hard to believe someone as stupid and dimwitted could fall for someone like me even though she did those sexy poses it was still a great show to watch but she starting to grow boring. 

Seller(Recording): Hehehehe I bet that bitch never had a boyfriend in her life nor had sex.

Jimmy(Recording): Hehehe who would want to date that slut am I right.

As soon as the recording ended Barbie was conflicted of what she just seen and heard, she busy used all this time and didn't know. She felt both angry and upset and those insults made her cry even Blitz felt sorry for his sibling even though she hates him. 

Barbie: He used me.......

Fang: Now you see why he needed to die but also he did things to other people not just you. Never trust someone who is just going to use you and then leave you in the dirt. 

Barbie: THAT FUCK FACE!!!! ARGH!! If he ends up in hell I swear I am going to kill him myself!!!

Fang: I am betting that he will. Also if you need a job I think I know someone who can hire you. 

Barbie: Who? 

Fang: Verosika has people for hire since I kicked both of her boy toys asses for trying to flirt with me which sicken me so she is need of more assistance and of course the payment is a whole lot better. 

Barbie: I actually know her quite well, I guess working for her wouldn't hurt. She does pay a lot of money to her employees and not to mention all the drugs she has on her. 

Fang: What do you think? Wanna work for her. 

Barbie: I got nothing else to loose and I need a job. 

Fang: I will give her text and let her know.

Barbie: How do you know her?

Fang: I'm dating her along with a few other girls who I treat with respect and care for. 

Barbie: This HellWolf is dating Veroiska. How did she score this sexy-wolf here?(Barbie saids in thought)

Fang: I got her reply back and she said she would like to hire you for a job. 

Barbie: Wow um thanks um...

Fang: Fang, Fang Hunter. 

Fang gives Barbie a charming HellWolf smile that made her blush that someone was sticking up for her and she started to feel something in her imp heart. 

Barbie: Wow.....he's so charming.....and knows how to treat a lady.(Barbie saids in thought with hearts in her eyes)

Fang: Here I will open a portal to hell for you. 

Fang opens a portal to hell using his magic ring that made Barbie stair in awe until she walks towards the portal that leads to hell but not before giving something to Fang. 

Barbie: Before I go, I want you to have this.(Barbie saids and hands Fang a piece of paper)

Fang opens up the paper to reveal Barbie's phone number. 

Barbie(Whisper): Call me, Big Bad Wolf. 

Barbie then leaves through the portal and back to hell while Fang smirks and puts away the phone number knowing that he scored yet another girl into his harem relationship. 

Fang: Blitz, it would be wise to just let your sister just be who she wants to be. Just give it some time and I am sure she will come around eventually. 

Blitz: Sigh...I guess. 

Fang: Let's just go home but first let's get Millie and Moxxie. 

Fang goes find Millie and Moxxie making out on what appears to be a music stage in which the HellWolf rolled his eyes that both imps did something extreme and yet crazy but didn't pay no intention of knowing of what went on. He grab both of them and soon him along with Blitz headed back to hell where Fang explained the mission was completed and Moxxie felt bad for not doing the job but at least he had fun being with Millie who showed him a great time of having fun. 

As soon as Fang finished work he headed back to his penthouse where he found his girls waiting for him inside and once he entered he looked to find his girls in bed wearing absolutely nothing in which made Fang's HellWolf instants kick in. 

Loona/Vortran/Bee/Verosika/Mayberry: Welcome home darling!

Fang: Hot dam. 

(🍋 Lemon Alert)

Fang strips off his clothes that made the girls squeal in joy but then caught the site of Fang's hood and it made the girls eyes widen as well as caused nose bleeds that their boyfriend was so big. 

Mayberry and Verosika: Oh my gosh he's a monster!!!❤️ (Both said in thought while feeling horny)

Bee: Oh Satan thank you for this!

Vortran: Breed me right now alpha!

Loona: Come here babe and give us what we want. 

Fang: I was already planning too. 

Fang got into bed with the girls and started to have a full on make out with each of them where they all wrestled their tongues for dominance until Bee decided to give her boyfriend a blow job in which she started to suck on Fang's hood for the first time and she was enjoying.

Bee: Mmmm....babe you taste so good! Though I think you should taste me. 

Fang: With pleasure sweat bee. 

Fang started to eat out Bee that caused her to moan with pure pleasure while the girls were rubbing their lower half and massaging their breast to enjoy the scene happening. After a while Fang came inside Bee's mouth in which she swallowed every inch of Fang's seed. 

Bee: Path..path that was so delicious. 

Fang: Your's taste like honey sweet sweet honey. 

Bee: Yea but I want the main course now, so do me a favor and fuck me hard WolfBoy. 

Vortran: What about me.......

Fang: Don't worry I will take care of you next but first hows about some fingering. 

Vortran: Yes please...

Bee lower herself on top of Fang's hood and once it hit her lower half and went deep into her she gasp that she was no longer a virgin and that Fang was inside of her and it felt so good. 

Bee: OOOH FUCK YESSS!!!!!❤️ 

Fang: Argh...your a little tight Bee..

Bee: I know but you know you love it. Start moving your hips sweetie. 

Fang moved his hips and soon Bee was bouncing up and down on Fang that was causing Bee to moan in pleasure as well as getting her breast squeezed by Loona and Mayberry who were sucking on her nipples while Fang was fingering both Vortan and Verosika. 

Verosika: Path...path...yes baby keep doing what you are doing....

Vortran: Your fingers are so deep.......oh my Satan this feels so amazing!

Bee: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck give it to me baby give me more!!! 

Fang: With pleasure!

Bee: Oooh fuck! This feels so good!!!!❤️ Don't you dare stop move faster and deeper!!!

Mayberry: Mmm...your breast also taste like honey. 

Loona: Not bad at all. 

Bee: The way you two are sucking my nipples like that is making me ever hotter!!! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Verosika: Fang keep fingering me more I am about to cum soon!!!

Vortran: Me too!!!

Bee kept of bouncing on Fang more and more until she was about to reach her limit and so was Fang. 

Bee: Fang I can't hold it....I am about to cum!!!

Fang: Me too I can't hold it...

Bee: Cum inside me, I want it all in me!!!!

Fang: Bee!!!


Fang cums deep into Bee that lots of his seed was inside of her and as soon as Bee finished she got off Fang and laid on the bed breathing heavenly that she lost her virginity as well as felt such pleasure in her life. 

Bee: Path...path....path...oh Satan....

Vortran: My turn!!!

Vortran jumps onto Fang and stuck his hood into her lower half in which Vortran now feels the hardness and the pleasure within in. 


Fang: Geez she sure likes to get things going.(Fang saids in thought)

Vortran: I am making love to my alpha! This is the best day of my life!!!! Ah! Ah! Ah! More baby give this puppy what she wants!!!

Fang: Oh I will..I WILL!

Fang grabbed Vortran and put her on all fours and then banged her from the back fast and hard until the hellhound started to drool and her eyes going to the back of her head that she was enjoying her HellWolf fuck her rough while the other girls were in so much horniess that they couldn't stop watching Vortran getting fucked so hard. 


Fang after pushing more into Vortan came inside of her that she couldn't feel her legs and started to pass out from such hard and rough sex from the HellWolf. Fang then looked towards Verosika and Mayberry who gulp that they both were next in line. Fang grabbed Verosika and made out with her then went to eat her out that caused loud moans from her but then saw that Fang was going to put his hood into her in which was ready to loose her virginity as well. 

Fang: You ready. 

Verosika: Take me right now FangiBoo. 

Fang smirked and slowly pushed his hood into Verosika who felt a little pain but she shrugged it off and now feels so much lover and pleasure going on within her. 

Verosika: YESSSSS!!!! OH FUCK YES!!!❤️ 

Fang: You all right?

Verosika: Yes baby now keeping going and pound my vagina rough like you did with them. 

Fang: Whatever my beautiful singing bitch saids.

Fang thrust hard and deep into Verosika who screamed in absolute pleasure and excitement and that she changed tactics from front to back followed by bouncing on Fang so many times until she was reaching her limit as well. 

Verosika: Oh! oh! oh! Ohh yea!!!! 

Fang: V I can't hold it!

Verosika: Do it FangIBoo! Cum inside me cum all inside me!!!!

Fang: Argh!!!!!


Verosika came a lot and soon passed out just like the others did while cum was leaking out of her. Fang then moved towards Mayberry who was now riding Fang until she came a lot and she was filled with such pleasure and love for her new found lover. 

Mayberry: Path...path oh gosh....I can't go on.....path...path...

Loona: Damn babe you did a number of them. 

Fang: I guess I went over board. So you ready for your time.

Loona: Hehehe you know I am always ready babe.(Loona saids while blushing at her boyfriend)

Fang and Loona smiled at each other and started to kiss each other then turned into a make out followed by biting each other on the ears and neck. Both of them were enjoying their time untul Loona started to suck on Fang's hood while he was eating her out from her lower half. 

Loona: Mmmmm! Mmmmm!!

Fang: Your so wet babe..

Loona: Mmm! Because I been waiting for you and now I want you to keep on licking me while I have a taste of your juices. 

Loona and Fang kept on doing what they were doing until Fang came all inside of his Loona's mouth while she came on Fang's face. Both smiled at each other and kissed again until Loona decided to get on all fours and ready herself for Fang. 

Loona: Do it from behind. But this time do it in the other hole.

Fang: Right. 

Fang held up Loona's ass and shoved his hood into her other hole that made Loona bark with loud noises as well as her tongue sticking out with drool on it. 

Loona: Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!!!!! That's it babe keeping fucking this bitch up!!!❤️ 

Fang banged Loona more and went deeper that was making the hellhound horny and was feeling her breast being squeezed by Fang who grabbed them and started to suck on one of them. 

Loona: This feels is incredible!!! Oh yea more fuck me more Fang!!!

Fang: YES!

Fang thrust more now and Loona was close to reaching her limit as well as her boyfriend who was spanking her ass as well as grabbing her tail that caused the Loona to howl. 

Loona: AWOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

.Fang: AWOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Fang: Me too!!!




Loona cums now and so does Fang and after that Loona got off Fang and cuddled next to him while trying to catch her breath along with the other girls who were still trying to relax after being fucked by their HellWolf. 

Fang: damn...

(Lemon End)

After relaxing all the girls cuddle up to Fang while still sweating and naked after having such an amazing night with their lover who gave them what they always wanted.

Bee: was

Vortran: I don't have any words to describe what I just experienced.

Mayberry: I got was so brilliant. 

Loona: Heh more like totally radical and hot at the same time. 

Verosika: I agree...sigh I never felt so much amazing. I finally lost my virginity.

Mayberry/Bee/Vortran: Me too...

Bee: I can't feel my legs...

Fang: Sorry girls I think I went a little over board. 

Loona: Don't be sorry babe, besides it was totally worth it, right girls.

Mayberry/Bee/Verosika/Vortran: Totally worth it. 

Fang: Hehehe well if you say so. Though best to rest until the feeling in your legs comes back.

Loona: Good idea. Yawn!

Fang: I love you girls so much. 

Loona/Mayberry/Vortran/Bee/Verosika: We love you too Fang. 

Fang: Good night girls. 

Loona/Mayberry/Vortran/Bee/Verosika: Night puppy face!

Fang: Seriously. 

Loona/Mayberry/Vortran/Bee/Verosika: Hehehehehe!

Fang: Yea yea laugh it up real mature of you. 

Loona: Still cute by the way. 

Fang: Yea whatever. 

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