Chapter 20: Scrambled Eggs!

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Charlie was at the hotel putting up a sign for Sir Pentious who agreed to become the hotel's first demon to be redeemed and the princess of hell couldn't be anymore excited than this. She was fishing up putting up the sign that saids Happy First Week Sir Pentious.

Charlie: 🎶 That looks perfect!🎶 Ah, I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel.

Vaggie: Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.

Charlie: Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here.

Vaggie: I wouldn't be so sure babe.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Fang: Just look who came and look what he has with him.

Charlie: Uhh....

Vaggie: What the hell is that?

Sir Pentious: Oh, hello purple female it's my new invention. The Skin Fair 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.

Charlie: What? Why?

Sir Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously, it must be a lie. I can sense they are planning to kill me. But when? How? I must be prepared. Ooh, the new parts for my machine are here.

Fang looks to see two female bringing in some crates with the name Carmine. Sir Pentious goes over to sign some papers for his order.

Fang: What company is called Carmine?

Vaggie: Carmine is an industries that designs and manufactures firearms and is run by an overlord named Camilla Carmine.

Fang: Like any firearm? Guns, swords, rocket launchers, all in the above?

Vaggie: Yup and it looks like Pentious got those parts from her. Seriously Pentious, Carmine you are buying parts from an overlord.

Sir Pentious: Uh of course, she's the top weapons dealer in hell.

Fang: Interesting. I might have to check out the site and see what they have to offer.(Fang saids in thought)

Vaggie: Okay, well, that stops right now.(Vaggie saids and takes Pentious parts away from him)

Sir Pentious: HEY?!

Vaggie: You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome.

Fang: Honestly dude you got to learn to chill. Though if I wanted to kill you I would have done it weeks ago but I decided to give you a chance and that's what you are getting.

Sir Pentious: Hmm..I have my doubts.

Vaggie: Well it's true. You have to trust us.

Sir Pentious: But I don't.

Charlie: Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?

Vaggie: Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons.

Fang: No plotting against other guests especially me and you can't kill me with the weapons you have because I am practically indestructible.

Vaggie: And also you need to get rid of these things you called eggs.


Fang: And one of them just shot a laser through the ceiling.

Vaggie: Argh! What did I just say?!

Sir Pentious: What?! Not my little egg boys. They do my evil bidding for me.

Vaggie: Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?

Sir Pentious: Yes.

Vaggie: Then no more eggs.

Fang: Wow he's like Gru and the minions.

Charlie: Who?

Fang: It's a character from a kids movie in the human world. He too has minions except they are not eggs but yellow one eyed creatures in blue construction suits.

Sir Pentious: All right, Eggies, you've got to go. I can't, can't keep you anymore.

Egg 1: Okay boss!

Vaggie: Fang might help with them can't have them running around the place and I need someone to keep an eye on them while I put these parts somewhere.

Fang: Sure thing, all right Eggies let's go.

Sir Pentious: No don't resist. This is how it has to be. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!😭

Fang: Geez the guy needs to loosen up.

Vaggie: You and me both.

After Vaggie put away the parts and Fang was making sure the eggs didn't do anything both Vaggie and Fang went off to look for both Alice and Alastor whole were in a room together. Alice was finishing reading a book by the fire reading a book while Alastor was feasting on a dead rotten deer.

Alastor: You sure you don't want any Alice?

Alice: I am all right brother, I had pancakes.

Vaggie: Alastor!

Fang: Uh is that a dead deer carcass he is eating?

Alice: Yes, yes it is my dear wolf. I already had my pancakes.

Alastor: Hello there, and you do you mind I am in the middle of breakfast.

Vaggie: Pentious's eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them.

Alastor: Oh well in that case I will be delighted to!

Fang: She means humanely Alastor.

Alastor: Hm well, that seems a lot less fun. But I suppose I can take care of that on me and my sister's outing today, come a long Alice.

Alice: Coming my dear brother, oh Fang why not join us it would be interesting to have someone like you around for our outing.

Fang: I don't see why not, you don't mind Vaggie.

Vaggie: Go ahead as long as you promise to deal with the eggs.

Fang: Sure thing, if things get out of hand I will just do whatever.

Vaggie: Great. That looks disgusting.(Vaggie saids then looks at the deer carcass)

Fang: For once I agree.

As soon as Fang along with Alice and Alastor and the little egg minions left, Charlie went to do the activities with everyone else.

Charlie: Hi, guys. Thanks for coming. It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little...tension in the the hotel.(Charlie saids while looking at Husker being bored, Angel watching Sir Pentious holding a blaster towards Niffty)

Vaggie: Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here.

Charlie: We think that this group could really benefit from....

Charlie and Vaggie: Trust exercises!

Vaggie: Oh shit....(Vaggie saids while landing on her butt)

Charlie: Vaggie, we rehearsed this. Sigh..we're doing trust exercises.

Husker: So what's with the hold of this? I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps.

Angel: Oh, I will. But it's cash up front, and I don't know that one can't afford me.

Sir Pentious: Gross. I'd never think of it, spider.

Vaggie: Right, well, let's get started. Charlie..

Charlie: Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better about how to build it properly.

Vaggie: What? Uh, I don't know if I'm qualified.

Charlie: Oh, come on. It'll be easy, I am sure you handle this.

Vaggie: Yea, um, sure, I can handle this. No problem. Alright, so we are starting with trust falls. Each of you are gonna share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest of the group catches you. Got it? Who wants to go first?

Charlie: Oh! me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Vaggie: Alright, get up on here.

Charlie: I, I love you guys. 😢, really, really love you.

Vaggie: Gotcha!(Vaggie saids while catching Charlie)

Charlie: That felt good. Angel, why don't you go next?

Angel: Fine.

Vaggie: This time everyone needs to catch him okay? Unless you want me to hurt you.

Angel: Something about myself, huh? Well, how about this? I love to suck...

Husker: I swear the fuck you say dicks!

Angel: Popsicles you sicko! Gets your mind out of the gutter. But you know dicks too. Ow!(Angel saids and lands in Husker's arms until he drops him)

Angel: All right new guy you're up.

Sir Pentious: I don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me. Dammit!

Vaggie: That's great. Wow, you are slimy, okay good job. Uh Niffty.

Niffty: Sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others.

Everyone gets creeped out by Niffty's words and backed away to avoid catching her and when she jumped she landed on face first on the ground.

Niffty: YEA PAIN HEHEHE! Sigh Pain...

Charlie took Vaggie to talk while the guys watch Niffty repeatedly jumps off the stage and onto the ground like a totally reckless fool slash psychopath.

Charlie: I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped. Maybe we should..

Vaggie: Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out.

Angel: If you're in the market for some ideas, I got just the thing for some tourist building.

Vaggie: Sigh, what do you have in mind?

Meanwhile with Fang, he was walking down the street with Alastor and Alice as well as the annoying eggs that wouldn't shut up and both overlords and HellWolf eyes were twitching for listening to these idiotic egg minions.

Egg1: Oh boy. What's the plan, boss?

Egg2: I like your both your hair and furry tails.

Egg3: Can I touch your staff things?

Egg4: Can I pet your fur mr.wolfman?

Egg5: Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell.

Fang: I am starting to rethink my idea of cooking them..

Alice: Hmm..I think they might taste very good, I could go for a omelette.

Unknown to them a shadow appeared and made its way towards the overlords and the HellWolf until it showed itself that revealed a spider like demon.

Fang(Whisper): Another overlord I take it.

Alice(Whisper): Indeed it is darling, this is Zestial he is one of the oldest overlords in hell, you will like him.

Zestial: Alastor and Alice how fairy this day.

Egg1: What's that, boss? Want me to ruff him up for you?

Alastor: Follow in silence if you value your shell. Greetings, Zestial!

Alice: It has been a while old friend.

Zestial: Indeed it has, oh and you must be the HellWolf I have been hearing so much about. I am the overlord Zestial a pleasure it is to meet you in person Fang Hunter.

Fang: The honor is mine sir.

Zestial: The weather don't become Sunday.

Alastor: Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon.

Zestial: Ah, if I locked up hold, I do revel and screams how about it? It has been aged since I was greased up with my presence. Some have spun wild tales of you both again, falling to holy arms.

Alice: Hehehe oh, we took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious, though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes hehehe.

Zestial: There too have been rumors about you two being involved with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, how does that fall in such folly?

Alastor: That is for me and my sister to know. But please do guess. We'd love to know the theories.

Zestial: Through the Granda Foley by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Though have been not really good since they manifested in this realm.

Alastor: Coming from someone as ancient as you, We take that as quite the compliment.

Fang along with Alastor, Alice and Zestial came to the place where the firearms are made in which was known other than Carmine. Alice tells Fang that there is going to be a meeting for all overlords and Alice aloud Fang to join and participate.

Alice: Since this is going to be a meeting my dear Fang, best to wear something decent.

Fang: Very well, I will change into my human form but keep my HellWolf ears and tail out it gets uncomfortable if I don't have them out.

Fang uses his magic and changes back into his human self but with addiction he kept his HellWolf ears and tail out while wearing a stylish red shirt with black coat and tie as well as black pants that made Alice blush.

Fang: Would this work?

Alice:(BA-DUMP!❤️) for me.

Alastor: My not a bad look my wolf friend and the suite very decent. We could use a bodyguard with us while we attend the meeting.

Fang: What about the eggs here?

Alastor: I have a very important task for them. I want you little eggs minions to stay here and guard the front until we return.(Alastor saids as him, Alice, Fang, and Zestial enter the elevator)

Eggs: YES SIR!

Egg1: Oh look, Frank is up there.

Egg2: We have names?

As soon as the overlords arrived to the top, Fang walks out and looks to see more overlords coming in and a lot of them were different races especially one that looked like a dinosaur. When all the overlords went to sit down and Fang standing behind Alice and Alastor the meeting got on its way and a woman wearing sharp ballerina shoes came walking in with two assistants in which Alice told Fang who it was and it was Carmilla Carmine herself.

Fang: For an overlord she's not that half bad.(Fang saids in thought)

Carmilla: Welcome, hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you owe millions of souls. Souls at risk. With the new extermination schedule, we need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest. Zestial, so good to see you, my friend.

Zestial: Enchanted as always Carmilla.

Carmilla: Alastor and Alice?

Alastor: Yes, we know. Both me and my sister have been absent for some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering.

Carmilla: Not really but welcome back any case.

Fang: I can tell I saw both Alastor and Alice twitch under the comment.(Fang saids in thought)

Carmilla: Hm? And who is......(BA-DUMP!❤️)...who who is this with you?(Carmilla saids while blushing at Fang)

Fang smiles and goes over towards Carmilla and took her hand and planted a kiss that caused the overlord's face to turn crimson before hearing Fang speak to her with a charming voice that made some of the female overlords and the two assistants blush.

Fang: Un placer conocerte Carmilla Carmin.

Translation: A pleasure to meet you Carmilla Carmine.

Carmilla: You speak Spanish.....

Fang: Indeed I do, allow me to introduce myself m'lady. I am known as Fang Hunter, The HellWolf. It it truly an honor to be in your presence as well as the fellow overlords here.

Carmilla: He's the HellWolf! I am have heard the news about him but to meet someone as powerful as him is truly an honor and I never knew he was so handsome in this form.(Carmilla saids in thought)

Fang: For my being here, I am hired to be both Alastor's and Alice's bodyguard. So please continue with the meeting Ms.Carmine, the overlords would want to hear what you have to say.

Carmilla: Um...r..right.cough yes thank you. This year's extermination was brutal. Far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. The Angelic legion's are now returning twice as quickly. I think it proved to be...

Before Carmilla spoke again, the door to the meeting room slammed open and came in Velvet a member of the Vees and overlord who was on the phone and not carrying for what goes on around her.

Velvet: Yes, I got it handled Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Haha Yes, I know. They're all a joke though one however looks very interesting. Haha. Thank you, V. See you soon darling.

Carmilla: Nice of you join us, Velvet. Will your colleagues be joining?

Velvet: No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent. Also whose this tall and good looking figure I am seeing behind the radio demon.

Alice: Our bodyguard Fang Hunter, I am sure you have heard of him.

Fang: Hello.

Velvet: Ooh that is what I call sexy!❤️ Tall, handsome, dresses nice looks dangerous in either form though I have admit this form is my liking. I wonder what he would be like in bed. He's better looking than the shit heads down here.(Velvelt saids in thought while loving the site of seeing Fang)

Carmilla: So, as I was saying, we need to discuss....sigh yes.(Carmilla saids then looks to see Velvet waving her hand at her)

Velvet: On the subject of discussion.(Velvet saids then throws a head of a dead angel exterminator to show everyone)

Fang: Well that was random?

Alastor: Ooh tasty.

Carmilla: Where did you get this?

Velvet: We found it during extermination day. If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan.

Zestial: Even if that were true, and my colleagues desire to war with such meek approve. Thou watch for more foolish than I be thought.

Velvet: Make a proof. It's a dead fucking exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?

Zestial: We don't know how this perished. May have to us not by a demon's hand at all. If we rushed to war without knowing migrant, they could purge all of hell getting an uprising.

Fang: I have to agree with him.(Fang saids in thought and not just him but the other overlords were thinking the same thing)

Velvet: Oh, I get it. So grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right? Oh, what's the matter, fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You better show some respect!
Check your behavior, no one speaks to Zestial that way!
Did you expect us to sit back
And take your insolent, brazen display?

Haha, you've got it twisted
I'm not the one who needs a new attitude
Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch
And I will do nothing less than what I please (Woo!)
I'm the backbone of the Vees
Mad that I acted respectless?
Well, it's 'cause no one could respect this

Sorry group attendin'
Since when are overlords too scared to fight?
You're long past trendin'
Sorry bae, but I ain't swipin' right
You lost your relevance

We can't act without more intelligence

Ugh, no wonder I'm so respectless
I could eat you lot for breakfast

You and the Vees are inane and uninformed
Smug wannabes, who don't heed when you've been warned

Oops! Did I strike a nerve?
'Cause when I brought out the angel's head
Couldn't help but observe
That your wrinkled face was turning red
And why are you avoidin' war?
That's what the guns you sell are for
Thanks to my being respectless
One thing I'm starting to suspect is
You know why this angel's headless
Do you have a disclosure?

This meeting's over!

Song Ended

Alastor: That was a productive meeting.

Alice: Indeed my brother Alastor it was.

Velvet: Hmph fine. Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers. Kiss my ass hahaha! Oh and Fang Hunter.

Fang: Yes?

Velvet(Whisper): Here's my number call me sometime handsome and hows about coming to my place I would like for us to talk to one another. Bye.(Velvet saids and hands Fangs her number before leaving)

Fang: Maybe Loona is right maybe I am a chick magnet.(Fang saids in thought)

The meeting was over ever though everyone just arrived but now it ended quickly. All the overlords were leaving but something caught Alastor's eye when he see's both Zestial and Carmilla enter a room together and wants to get some info until he spotted one of the egg minions that came along.

Alastor: Now that is interesting. You little egg creature. I have a job for you.

Egg5: Ooh yes boss.

Alastor: Follow them.

Egg5: Can do boss!(Egg saids then follows Carmilla and Zestial)

Fang: What's going on?

Alastor: I think we might get some info about how this exorcist really got killed and something tells me that Carmine knows about it.

Fang: I could have spied on her and get the information, you know how the eggs are so stupid they can forget something.

Alastor: True, but let's see what our little friend can get so far while we wait.

Fang: If you say so.

Back with Vaggie well after what Angel said about back in the hotel about a tourist building what he brought the girls along with Husker, Niffty, and Pentious was a porn building for sluts and horny bastards.

Vaggie: Angel! What the actual fuck?!

Angel: No activity requires more trash than BDS, baby. No bond stronger than those form through bondage. That's their motto.

Charlie: Angel. Love, enthusiasm...but um...ehh...

Vaggie: What makes you think anyone would be into this?

Husker: You know, I don't hate this.(Husker saids while getting a massage)

Niffty: I'm ready to punish some bad boys hehehe.

Husker: Ehh..never mind. I'm out.

Vaggie: Argh..I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel. This is disgusting.

Charlie: It's no big deal Vaggie. You know maybe I can just

Vaggie: No, I told you could trust me, and I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them the way I taught.

Hours later Vaggie took everyone on top of building and they all looked down to see chaos from below and Charlie couldn't believe this is what Vaggie meant by trusting people.

Charlie: This is how you learn to trust people?!!!

Vaggie: There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men! You!

Sir Pentious: Whoah wait?! I can't fight without my minions!!!

Vaggie: Are gonna survive together!

Sir Pentious: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!(Pentious screams after being thrown off the building by Vaggie)

Vaggie: And you!

Angel: No wait don't!

Vaggie: Are gonna make this hotel work!

Angel: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!(Angels screams being thrown off the building like Pentious)

Husker was able to avoid being thrown off the building and went back inside to hide from Vaggie and not end up like Angel and Pentious.

Niffty: My turn! My turn!

Charlie: Vaggie no!

Vaggie: This is the only way they will learn, Charlie.

Charlie: No, it's not. There are other ways it just takes time.

Vaggie: Time we don't have. How many exterminations have gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?

Charlie: Vaggie...

Vaggie: I took charge today, and it all went sideways. I'm suppose to make your dreams a reality. I'm suppose to protect you. I'm supposed to never fail you.



Charlie: You didn't fail me, Vaggie. You're not..

Vaggie: If I can't help you. What's the point of me?

Charlie: Vaggie, don't say that. You do so much, it's...

Vaggie: I'm sorry, I..I'd like to be alone for a minute.

Charlie decided to leave but not before Angel and Pentious came back up the steps to avoid the violence down below.

Angel: Oof, made it.

Charlie: Let's go home, guys.

Angel: Ehh, I just walked up all those stairs.

Inside the Carmine building, Carmilla was poring herself a drink to relax herself from the short meeting that was interrupted by Velvet.

Zestial: Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing my composure is unlike thee.

Carmilla: It's nothing, Zestial really.

Zestial: The failed angel. It was thy hand was it not?

Carmilla: Let's not talk about it.

Clara: Mom, maybe he should know.

Carmilla: Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this.

Unknown to her the egg creature was spying on her while outside Fang using his HellWolf hearing was listening to the conversation from outside.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

What weighs on your soul, old friend?
I implore you to share the load
If it was thou who slew the angel
Why not let your strength be known?

I always thought that I would keep blood off my face
But when that thing attacked, I had to act
To cross that line and keep them safe
But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war
And who's to say who'd survive the fray?
I might lose the ones that I was killing for
So I, I'll be your keeper
Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll keep you safe and keep this secret

When I saw your face
You made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place
And it felt so good to be understood
But there's so much I wished that I could say
So I, I'll be your armor
Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll spend my life being your partner

And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you
So I'll do anything to save you

And I will try to make your dreams come true

Whatever we go through
I know I, I'll be your keeper
I'll be your armor
Whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll make the mistakes
Whatever it takes

Song Ended

After getting the information the egg creature came out to tell Alastor the news but Fang already knows the information that Carmilla was the one who killed the angel but it was only half of the information that was needed in which the HellWolf would need more info.

Alastor: So what did you hear?

Egg5: The old guy was all like you're not yourself. You're the one who killed the angel. And? And? she was whatever it takes!

Alice: What was that last thing you mentioned?

Egg5: She killed the angel.

Alastor: Interesting. Let's keep this between us alright.

Egg5: You got it boss!

Alice(Whisper): You know the information don't you Fang?

Fang(Whisper): It's only half of it not the full information. There has to be something else like how did she kill the angel with what exactly.

Alice(Whisper): I am sure you will figure it out soon.

Alastor: Well I must say that meeting was quite short shall we head back to the hotel to see how our dear little miss Charlie is doing.

Alice: Absolutely.

After Charlie and the others arrived back to the hotel, she felt down for how Vaggie was handling things until she came back and went to talk with Charlie.

Vaggie: Hey.

Charlie: Hey.

Vaggie: Sigh..I'm sorry I got so crazy today.

Charlie: No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work at a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier. But we'll figure it out together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them.

Angel: And then when that buff guy started beating the shit out of you!

Sir Pentious: Hahaha! Yes, with the dismembered arm. Yes, that was particularly unpleasant. That was particularly unpleasant...

Niffty: I like that part.

Husker: Well, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay.

Sir Pentious: Really? Oh, well I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today. Hahaha! And I thank you for pulling me out of there.

Angel/Husker/Sir Pentious: Haha!

Niffty: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Vaggie: Well, how about that?

Both Vaggie and Charlie then saw Alastor and Alice come back along with the eggs.

Vaggie: Alastor, Alice fail to get rid of the eggs, I see.

Alastor: Yes well, the little monsters proved to be rather useful.

Vaggie: Why don't you give them back to Pentious.

Sir Pentious: Really!

Vaggie: Yea, after today I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons.

Sir Pentious: MY EGGS! It's so good to have you back. Now go clean my quarters this instant!

Charlie: Maybe things will move faster than you think.

Vaggie: I think they will.

Charlie: Say Alice, where is Fang?

Alice: Oh he had other things to attend to my dear but he will make sure to give you a call or text later on.

With Fang he was at the IMP Building and was filling in everyone about the information he found out when he went to the meeting of overlords in which caused Blitz, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona to gasp in shock of what they just heard from Fang.

Blitz/Loona/Moxxie/Millie: SAY WHAT?!!!

Fang: Yea you heard what I just said.

Moxxie: Carmilla, the Carmilla Carmine head of Carmine industries killed an actually angel exorcist!

Blitz: Holly fucking shit balls.

Millie: When did this happen?

Fang: Probably somewhere during extermination day.

Moxxie: But how did she do it?

Fang: That is something I still don't know, I only got half of the information so I probably need more info.

Blitz: Well if you do get it let us know because I heard about the new extermination coming in a couple months and I do not want to come unprepared.

Loona: Does anyone know about this babe?

Fang: The only ones who know are only myself along with Alastor and his sister Alice as well as the egg minion that belongs to Sir Pentious and now you four.

Moxxie: Say if you do get more info from Carmilla then that means we might have a chance to defend ourselves against the exorcists.

Fang: Indeed. Though Velvet member of the Vees decided that her and along with the other two Vees should go on a full assault in which it is suicide.

Blitz: I never liked those fuck heads especially that tv head asshole. I bought one of his drones and wanted to test it out and the next I know it gets shot down and when I try to return it back they declined my offer and I didn't even get a refund. Fucking bull-shit.

Fang: As soon as I see her again I will get more information in the mean time keep this quiet for the time being. I am only telling you four this because we're a team.

Blitz: Don't worry Fang lips of sealed. You all got that right?

Millie: Absolutely, right Moxxie.

Moxxie: Sure thing.

Loona: You already know my answer babe.

Fang: Good, oh and Blitz I heard that the van broke down.

Blitz: Yea the fucking engine blew up like literally blew up.

Fang: Well I got a surprise for you and I know you will all like it very much.

Moxxie: What is it Fang?

Fang: Please follow me the parking lot and you will know.

Everyone follows Fang to the parking lot and once there, Fang shows everyone a hidden vehicle under a blanket and ready to show it off to his team.

Fang: Everyone say hello to the new IMP vehicle that is not only fast, but also completely bullet proof or mostly everything proof. Anyway thanks to the money I earned thanks to Lucifer I was able to get ourselves a new ride and it comes with special features. Imps and hellhound I precent to you Imp's new killer ride.

Loona: No fucking way....

Millie: Ooh!

Moxxie: It's a lot bigger than the van.

Blitz: Oh I am so taking this bad boy out! Gasp! You even engraved The O is silent on the back.

Fang: Sure did. Come here let me show the special features this monster has.(Fang saids and shows the guys the inside of the vehicle)

Moxxie: Ooh these seats are much more comfortable to sit on and there's more room.

Millie: Wait is this bullet proof glass?

Fang: Sure is Millie and not only that but the outside car in completely armored as well as explosion proof. I also made it magic proof too.

Loona: Not bad babe.

Blitz: What are these switches for?

Fang: Oh these are the switches to activate the what the car does. Here you have front blinding lights so you can blind you enemies with extreme high beams and they have some on the back.

Blitz: Intersting.

Fang: Shocking doors so if someone tries to break into the car, push that button and it will unleashed ten thousands bolts of electricity.

Moxxie: Who would want to know what never mind a lot of people in hell do that sort of thing.

Blitz: Magnet dead bolts?

Fang: The doors are magnetic so you can seal the doors shut.

Millie: It also has smoke screen and pepper spray.

Fang: The smoke screen comes out the back and the pepper spray is on the side windows. But here is the best part that you like the most Blitz.

Blitz: What could be better?

Fang: Oh a control that will allow you to open up the car's hidden rocket launcher.

Blitz: Shut the fuck up, really!

Fang: Would you like to give it test run, be my guest.(Fang saids and hands Blitz the controls to activate the rocket launcher of the car)

Blitz: Let's see what should I blow up first, ooh I know hows about that assholes car who took my second spot. So long you ugly piece of shit!


Blitz: WHOO-HOO! Rock n Roll buckaroo!

Millie: That looks like fun! Let me blow something up next.

Blitz: Go nuts Millie.

Moxxie: What else does this car have?

Fang: It also comes with storage so we can store our weapons and gear as well as a hidden safe in the middle of the drivers seat. As well as two plasma screen tv's on the back of seats.

Moxxie: Not bad, what does this button do.

Fang: Oh thats the massage chair button.

Moxxie: Ooh yeaaaaaaaaa..........I like this one.(Moxxie saids while enjoying the massage chair)

Loona: Got to admit babe this is definitely something awesome.

Fang: That's nothing I have other things in mind but you have to wait and see until I am finished.

Blitz: All right people lets give our new set of wheels a drive.

Blitz started up the car and soon drove off with everyone inside and let's just say they are enjoying the ride far more better than the old van they used to ride in but now with this new car Fang got them, they are ready for some tough shit. While in the car Fang got himself another text from Lucifer for another mission to another dimension.

Fang: Earth-XZ099. Wonder what dimension is that one. Whatever it is I will soon figure it out.

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