Chapter 24: The Masquerade!

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Fang: So how are things going in Republic City? Anything new happening?

Fang was in his penthouse getting ready to go meet up with Charlie at the hotel because today she wants everyone to do a show and tell. Fang was in his room video chatting with Asami who was happy to see Fang and getting used to using the phone that he gave her and Korra to use to communicate between dimensions.

Asami(VC): Things are going great, my company is approving and we are planing to expand the railroad all through the Earth Kingdom.

Fang: That sounds interesting. Any news on getting Ba Sing Se under control now that the queen was you know.

Asami(VC): We thought that maybe Suyin would be able to help but she refused to get involved so Kuvira decided to step up and take some resources as well as Suyin's son Baatar to take back Bang Sing Se to get it under control.

Fang: Could Kuvira be trusted for such a task?

Asami(VC): I am not sure sweetie, some people don't seem to trust her that much but we will see what happens in due time. I also heard that Bolin plans to join Kurvira in her quest.

Fang: Really. What does Opal think of Bolin's idea?

Asami(VC): Honestly she didn't really like that idea but if it made Bolin happy to do something good to help people she decided to let Bolin do what he wants but is still worried if he is choosing the right side.

Fang: Best to keep a close eye on those who work with Kuvira. By the way how is Korra?

Asami(VC): She's been training none stop and her bending is approving greater than before. You really should see her in action babe. Also she misses you including me. When will you be back, we miss our big bad wolf.

Fang: Hehehe that's Korra for you. Also I'm not sure, things are getting out of hand here and I need to make sure nothing happens to my friends.

Asami(VC): Why? What's going on over there?

Fang: I will tell you when everything ends in due time.

Asami(VC): All right I trust you will do fine and beat whatever it is that you are fighting. I will tell Korra and the others that you said hello.

Fang: Thanks Asami. Take care of yourself and watch your back.

Asami(VC): I will, I love you.

Fang: You too.

Video Chat Ended

Fang got dressed and headed out towards the hotel where Charlie and Vaggie were waiting for him outside the place. When he arrived both girls hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and ever since they confessed their love for him and had their first with him, Fang made a promise to keep them both safe and that is something he attends to keep. Once inside Charlie went on to explain to everyone about show and tell in which Angel decided to go first where he put on a movie about him but when they all saw it it wasn't exactly a movie but more like a sex tape.


Angel: You know, this performance won me sexx sex award.

Fang: Ehh...I can't bare to look at this.(Fang saids while covering his eyes)

Charlie: It's um....uh very honest. Ehhh....

Vaggie: Ew...

Charlie: Oh my....ehhhhh.....

Vaggie: Ok enough of that, Angel what the fuck?

Angel: What? You said it was show and tell day. I am showing you my best film and I'm telling you scored me a win over that bitch Tiffany TitFucker.

Fang: Film, more like sex tape.

Angel: What's the difference?

Fang: You know what I am not going to explain it.

Husker: Not a very convincing interrogation scene.

Angel: Ohoho all right dick-head. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fucking face.

Husker: You really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage.

Angel: GASP! Fuck..You. This is classy art!

Fang: A hellhound bitting your ass, yea real classy. And gross at the same time.

Husker: I agree and thats bull-shit. Angel you get drunk and bitch about it all the time. Everyone like the bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these mother-fuckers at this point.

Angel: Oh really?

Husker: Yes really like Pentious over there. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep. Princess is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone else's problems except her own.

Charlie: What?! No...I..pff nooo.

Husker: Vaggie here, judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.

Vaggie: Argh....

Husker: And Nifty, yea you don't even want to know what her deal is. Fang on the other hand heh at least this one acts normal around unlike the rest of you here and he knows how to respect others and their privacy. Not to mention he makes excellent fruit sangria's. Also he is someone I can tolerate with and strike a conversation with.

Fang: Thanks Husk.

Angel: Pfff..hahaha! Oh you weren't kidding. Wow, who knew kittens got claws. Meow~

Husker: And you! Tsk..don't get me started. I see right through you with all this bull-shit and how fake you are.

Angel: Ha oh ho! Me? Fake? Wow I had no idea. Guess that is why I am an actor, dumbass. And...

Buzz! BUZZ!(Angels phone ringing)

Angel: Hold that thought. Hello? Uh..yea...I'm..I' no I just'm not but uh...yea I will be right there. Well looks like Val needs me for uh..for an emergency shoot.

Fang: He's lying I can tell by how he is acting.(Fang saids in thought)

Husker: Mhmm sure.

Angel: You know right fuck you. I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks of me. So why don't you craw back to wherever cage you came from porn credit.

Charlie: Angel you can't leave yet! We haven't finished our exercises for the day.

Angel: I am sure you managed without me.

Charlie: There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself.

Angel: Doll face, it's my job. I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss. There is nothing you can do.(Angel saids then slams the door)

Fang: I did some reading on this Valentino, and I think its about time I make a call. I know for a fact that Angel's boss probably abuses him if he doesn't listen.(Fang saids in thought and pulls out his phone and looked at his list on contacts and saw the ID he was looking for)

Asmodeus(Phone): Hello?

Fang: Hey Asmodeus, it's Fang Hunter I would like to place an order and how good are you with making something made of gold but as cyborg.

Asamodeus(Phone): Ooh I'm listening, tell me what you want and I will make it happen.

Fang: Oh course and I will pay you double for it.

Asamodeus(Phone): What is that you want Mr.hunter?

After Fang finished the call with Asmodeus and asked to where to deliver the package too, him along with Vaggie went to comfort Charlie who looked bummed out of what went down with Angel after he left the hotel.

Charlie: Arg...why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong?

Vaggie: Well I mean, you are the princess of hell.

Charlie: So?

Vaggie: So, you don't really use the power that comes with that which I love that about you. Well maybe you can oh I don't know command more authority.

Fang: She may have point there Charlie.

Charlie: But thats so mean...

Vaggie: It's not mean exactly. It's um aggressive kindness.

Fang: Or tough love but I like your idea better Vaggie.

Vaggie: Thanks Fang.

Charlie: Oh ok! I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss, that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel.

Fang: Something tells me that this isn't gonna go so well.(Fang saids in thought)

Vaggie: Sure, whatever gets you there babe.

Charlie: Well I might as well get going wish me luck.

Vaggie: Good luck 💋.(Vaggie saids and kisses Charlie on the cheek)

Fang: I'll go with you just in case something gets out of hand.

Charlie: Oh even better! You can come as my bodyguard.

Fang: Yes something like that.

Charlie: Ok let's go!(Charlie saids and runs out of the hotel)

Vaggie: You watch her right?

Fang: You and Charlie are my girlfriends now of course I will watch her Vaggie. I love you both so much and I will not let anything or anyone harm Charlie.

Vaggie: That's what I like to hear, WolfBoy. By the way whats with the sword, I never seen you with a sword before?

Fang: Oh I got this on a dimension mission I went on two months ago, I thought it will come in handy just in case if those assholes at V tower gives Charlie a hard time.

Vaggie: Hehe I like you even more, though something does turn out bad, knock some heads for me.

Fang: You I know will Vaggie.

Meanwhile with Angel, he was at V tower in the studio performing his acting with his boss Valentino watching the whole thing. When Angel was doing his acting all of sudden he started to forget the lines that he was suppose to say.

Angel: Oh daddy!~ you really expect me to memorize this whole script?

Val: Just improve it, do you think anyone watches for the dialog. Action!

Soon a gang of sex actors wearing mask came barging into the fake room that Angel was in and started to do his act for his boss Valentino who was listening and watching from the side lines.

Angel: Ooh noo! So many burglars and only one me.~ Whatever should I do? I guess I will have to do, all of you.~ So what you are going to do to me?

When Angel was about to say something else all of sudden he stopped and looked to see who was coming into the studio in which was both Charlie and Fang.

Angel: Charlie?! Fang?!

Demon: Uh my name is Rocky?

Angel: No one gives a shit.(Angel saids and pushes the demon actor off him)

Fang: Charlie whatever you do, don't wonder off and don't do anything that could cause a problem.

Charlie: Don't worry sweetie I got this. So this is where the magic happens. Oh my....(Charlie saids then stops and sees a purple demon hellhound take off her bra in front of her and Fang)

Purple Hound: Oh my.....hello there.(Hounds saids while blushing and looking at Fang as well as covering her breasts)

Fang: Hello back, sorry for the disrupting your change miss.

Purple Hound: You're Fang Hunter aren't you, sorry if this is embarrassing to see me like this.

Fang: It's quite all right, it doesn't really affect me that much. Though for a hound such as yourself has quite the beauty.

Purple Hound: Oh um..hehehe really.

Fang: I treat women with respect instead of treating them like play things.

Purple Hound: Dammit he is so hot!❤️(Hound saids in thought while blushing more)

Fang: Well, I will let you get back to what you are doing, come a long Charlie.

Charlie: sorry miss.

Purple Hound: Wait before you go.

Fang: Yes?

Purple Hound(Whisper): Take this and call me sometime handsome.(Hound saids and gives her number to Fang)

Fang: Got a name?

Purple Hound: Vanexa my name is Vanexa.

Fang: It was nice to meet you Vanexa, I will see you around.

Vanexa: You too darling~(Vanexa saids and leaves to get changed into another outfit but before blowing a kiss to Fang)

Charlie: Wow, you really do have ways with girls.

Fang: Like I said I treat girls with respect unlike some people in hell.

Angel: Charlie, Fang, what in the Evan loving fuck are you two doing here?

Charlie(Authority): I am the princess of hell, Angel and I go whatever I pleased!

Fang: Ok that was just awkward?

Charlie(Whisper): Angel, I am here to get you some time off for the hotel, now where is your boss?

Angel: Oh no no no no no are going nowhere near Val.

Val: Angel?! What is the fucking hold up?

Angel: I'm coming!

Val: Not off camera your not!

Angel: Please, please Charlie just wait. Wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this I promise but first you got to go.

Val: Ahh~ Your majesty.

Angel: Oh shit...

Val: Welcome to my humble sex dungeon. What can I do for such as...LICK...lovely specimen.

Fang: Grrr....if he does that again that tongue of his coming out.(Fang saids in thought while glaring at Valentino for licking Charlie)

Val: You don't wanna roll do you? Because I can make you star. Make us both richer and well your papieto.

Charlie: Fuck no! Uh..I'm sorry. I have come to aggressively kindly speak with you about Angel. Later of course. I wouldn't want to stand in your way of your work.

Val: Well then, make yourself comfortable your majesty and enjoy the show. Oh and I see you brought a friend with you, and who might you be big tall and covered in fur.

Fang: Fang Hunter.

Val: Oh yea your that HellWolf that Velvet won't stop talking about. Well is quite the pleasure to meet....

Fang: Keep your tongue in your mouth otherwise I will rip it out of you.(Fang saids while showing his aura that made Valentino pale of feeling the HellWolf's power)

Val: Well, lets take this shit from the top! Action!

Fang looks to see Charlie walking over to a demon who was holding the microphone and it made Fang slap his face for seeing Charlie do something that could cause a problem.

Angel: Oh wow~Mr.Robbers, I am sure hope you don't hurt me with those big guns of yours.

Rocky: Don't move you spicy little um...cock sleeve or I will uh.....(Rocky saids while getting distracted by Charlie talking to the microphone demon)

Val: CUT! What the fuck is going on with this?!

Charlie: Ooh I'm sorry. I was just telling this demon here about the Hazbin Hotel.

Val: Not at all princess. IT.DOESN'T.BOTTER.ME.ONE.BIT.(Val saids while twitching at Angel who looks scared)

Charlie: You know this scene feels awfully violent, if you want help with the script maybe I can pinch some sonorous that could.....whoah whoah!

Charlie saids to Valentino but then trips on a wire then looked to see the other wires catching on fire that made everyone run for their lives while Fang shook his head that things just turned to worst in which Angel was thinking the same thing. Charlie was trying to put out fire but it just made it worse until Valentino got angry and decided to put the fire out himself using his wings to blow the fire away.

Val: Grrr....

Angel: Fuck fuck fuck fuck....

Charlie: Oh my...I am so so so so sorry. I..I...I can clean this up!

Val: Do you worry about your pretty blonde hair head about that, we have people for that. Angel can I see you in your dressing room for a moment.

Fang sees both Valentino and Angel leave into the dressing room in which he knows that Ange's boss is going to do something to him so without anyone even Charlie knowing he moves towards the wall and chants out a spell that will allow him to see what Valentino and Angel are doing and hear the conversation.

Fang: Mur voir 'a travers...

Fang sees through the wall of the dressing room and saw Valentino glaring at Angel who was trying to explain to his boss about what is happening until Fang saw Valentino slap the shit out of Angel.

Angel: Val I didn't know...


Angel: Val...I...

Val: You really think, you can have Lucifers little bitch fight your own battles for you.

Angel: Val please...I'm sorry...

Val: You brought her here to protect fuck with me! You think she can gets you out of work.

Angel: No no no no...that is not what I am trying to do.

Val: You know she can't do anything. I own you or have you forgotten that.(Val saids and holds a contract)

Angel: No...

When Valentino was about say something else all of sudden a sword came flying out of nowhere and destroyed the contract and freeing Angel from the chains that left Valentino as well as Angel in shock of what happened.


Oh it looks like your contract with Angel has just been terminated.(A male voice saids from the door in which was Fang)

Val: You again!

Angel: F..Fang?

Fang: Angel your contract with this fuck face has been terminated which means you are free to go.

Angel: What?

Fang: Your free of him forever meaning you don't have to work for him.

Angel: I'm free....


Valentino didn't get to finish as his throat was being held by Fang who stared into the eyes of the OverLord with hatred and anger. Valentino looked into Fang's eyes and saw fear and horror that almost made him shit or piss himself under the HellWolf's glare.

Fang: YOU BE QUITE OR I WILL SNAP YOUR NECK. Angel go wait outside with Charlie while me and Val here have a talk.

Angel: Fang I um....

Fang: Just wait outside with Charlie.

Angel didn't say anything and just did what Fang told him and left. When he was gone Fang dropped Valentino to the ground while the OverLord was trying to catch his breath.

Val: Cough! Cough! What the fuck have you done?!

Fang: I just did Angel a favor and after seeing what you were doing to him, I kind of figured that you would abuse him for your own selfish need. Pretty pathetic for someone like you.

Val: Do you know who I am?!

Fang: Valentino the sex lord of hell with a big fat ego.

Val: THAT IS NOT MY....actually that does have nice ring to it. Valentino The Sex Lord, yea I think I will use that. But forget that, you have no right to interfere with my business with Angel Dust.

Fang: Well I made it my business your stupid butterfly.

Val: Stupid! Who you calling stupid!

Fang: Most likely you dumbass.

Val: How the living fuck did you destroy my contract?!

Fang: Sorry beings with power such as myself cannot reveal their secrets.(Fang saids while putting the sword back on his back)

Val: HellWolf or not I am so putting bounty for your head!

Fang: You do realize all of hell knows about me and by the time you hirer someone to try to kill me they will just walk away or not take the job. They are basically afraid of me.

Val: Shit forgot about that...

Fang: Instead of making a threat hows about I make you an offer.

Val: Hmph what would that be, you plan to become my star. I could use a fellow like you.

Fang: First gross and second no. I have a better offer. You give me Angel and I will give you something far more better than him and it will not only make you more famous but your ratings will rise to the top.

Val: What are you on about?

Ding!(Fang's phone message)

Fang: Oh looks like it just arrived. Would you mind following me and I will show you what I am talking about. You might be surprised.

Val: Heh like anything could surprise me wolf.

Outside Charlie was comforting Angel who had an ice pack on his eye after Valentino hit him and Charlie was apologizing to Angel for making his day horrible until Angel forgave Charlie and told her thanks but what made him smile more is that Fang destroyed his contract with Valentino making him free of him.

Charlie: Hows your eye?

Angel: Sigh..I had worse.

Charlie: I didn't mean

Angel: It's fine Charlie really. Thanks for caring about me.

Charlie: Your welcome Angel.

Soon both of them saw Fang and Valentino come out of the dressing room where Angel shivered under Valentino but the OverLord just avoided him and focused on what Fang said to him in the dressing room. Soon a demon bringing in a large crater came into the room that made Valentino confused because he didn't order anything.

Demon: He is your order Mr.Hunter.

Fang: Thank you, and give this check to your boss and tell him I said thank you.

Demon: Will do, enjoy it sir.

Valentino: What the hell is that?

Fang: Oh just something to help with your shows and mostly you. Heres the deal, Charlie keeps Angel and I will give you this.(Fang saids and opens the crater to reveal whats inside)

Soon everyone even Valentino as Angels and Charlie's mouth hang down of what they were seeing with their own eyes. It was a cyborg made of pure gold with a diamond tie however the form it took was the form of Angel himself but more shinier and more sexual.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Angel: Whaaaaaaaaa........

Charlie: Angel is that..........

Fang: Valentino meet your replacement star, GoldDust.

Angel and Charlie: GoldDust?

GoldDust: Hello daddkins~ You ready for some fun with little old me.

Valentino: Uh......

Fang: He's a cyborg created by Asmodeus, programed to do one thing only and thats basically follow your rules Valentino. He will do anything you say even do more which I am not going to say.

Valentino: GoldDust. Why that name?

Fang: Oh because he's made of pure gold itself and the diamond on his tie is real. He also comes with a lot of sexual features that will knock sex sinners doors down. He can do a lot of things that will make your legs go numb.

Valentino: Hmm does he have a special feature.

Fang: Sigh...unfortunately he does and Charlie you may want to look away for this because you may never sleep again.(Fang saids as Charlie did what she was told)

GoldDust: Hope you sexy bastards are ready for me because I am packing the big guns!

GoldDust lower capsule opened and out came a large driller that made all sex sinners want GoldDust while making both Angel and Valentino's jaw drop of seeing what they were seeing and couldn't believe it.

Angel: That that that....that is...

Valentino: The Dragon Driller 5000!

GoldDust: With vibration baby! Hahahaha!

Fang: Ehh I am so taking a long shower after this. So Valentino what do you think?

Valentino: I WILL TAKE HIM! Angel your free to go because now I have something better and with a larger dick!

GoldDust: Ooh daddy you keep saying that and you will make me even harder~.

Fang: Yea I am so going to be sick after words.(Fang saids in thought)

Valentino: All right people now we have a star! Let's get this show on the way. GoldDust make me a great show.

GoldDust: Oh I will Vally and maybe after words we can have a little one on one.

Valentino: After the show Goldie.

Fang: And I'm gone, Angel, Charlie lets go.

After they left V Tower, Angel stopped Fang for a second asked why he did that back there and why would he help him.

Angel: Fang, um I just want to say um...why did you do that in the first place.

Fang: may be sexual bastard who both kinky and weird sometimes but I can considered you as a friend and only a friend. Plus the way you were getting abused by Val in the dressing room made me think that he did that more than once kind of reminds me of when was getting abused by those who I thought were my friends back on earth.

Angel: I didn't know about that. You really think of me as a friend.

Fang: Yea I guess. You all right when your not acting kinky.

Angel: Heh good enough for me. By the way where did you get the money to build that gold version of me and where can I find that dragon driller.

Fang: Sorry I am not telling you that.

Angel: Oh come on you can tell little old me.

Fang: Here's Asmodeus card, he will tell you. Also if you need work you can always work for Verosiska she does pay good money.

Angel: Huh Verosiska Mayday. Heh why not and she does have the best crack.

Charlie: Angel...

Angel: What?

Charlie: YOUR BONDING!(Charlie saids and hugs Angel)

Angel: Uh....

Charlie: Your learning! Oh my gosh I am so happy!

Angel: Sure, I guess. I could go for a drink right about now.

Fang: Hows about I make ya a fruit sangria.

Angel: Yea I could use one of those.

When they arrived back in the hotel, Charlie went to do some paper work and Fang took Angel to the bar to make the sangria for him because he needs one after the shit he's been through.

Angel: Make the sangria strong Fang, really strong.

Fang: Sure thing.

Husker: Geez he's looks like shit.

Fang: He's just got out a contract with a sexual kinky moth guy and now is free do what he wants.

Angel: The wolf has spoken.

Fang: Here's your sangria.

Angel: Gulp..gulp..whoah that is strong! You know my friend you really do make the best sangria's.

Fang: Years of practice.

Angel: Give me another. I need to drink my sorrow away from well you know.

Fang: Sure.

Husker: Before you poor him another drink, Angel look if you got a problem, your not going to find the saluting on the bottom of a bottle. I know should I have been looking there for a long time.

Angel: Oh then where should I look, hm? In your bedroom maybe, under the covers, or maybe we can look together.

Fang: I am so walking away from this.(Fang saids and walks away from Husker and Angel)

Husker: Don't even start.

Angel: Oh come on. I bet I can make those wings fly.

Husker: DAH! For fucking christ you can cut out the act already. It's never going work on me so all you doing is making an ass out yourself with this fake bull shit.


Husker: Fake.

Angel: Fucking asshole!!!....OW?!(Angel screams then hits his head)

Husker: You done?

Angel: You know what! You will be fucking lucky to fuck someone like me! You know how much I am worth?! How many people would have to kill to have Angel Dust come on to them. Fuck you! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit!

Vaggie: Whoah, Angel where you going?

Angel: OUT!

Vaggie: Fang. What the hell happened?

Fang: I made him a sangria, then him and Husker had an agreement.

Husker: Don't drag me into this.

Charlie: He looks really upset.

Husker: It's just Angel, he will be fine.

Vaggie: Sounds like someone should go after him.


Fang: She means you Husk.

Husker: Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me. Why don't you go if your so worried?

Charlie: Just make sure he's all right and safe. I just don't want anything happening to him.

Husker: Are you...

Fang(Demonic): GO.AFTER.HIM.NOW..

Husker: Uh..I think I will do that right now.(Husker saids then leaves)

Fang: Don't worry Charlie, Angel will be all right. He just needs to let out some hidden painful thoughts and he will come back when he is ready.

Charlie: I hope your right.

Vaggie: So, what went down at the studio?

Fang: Valentino, Angel's boss abused him for his own selfish need and had him under a contract so he couldn't leave him until I destroyed the contract freeing Angel from his boss. I felt bad for Angel even if his a kinky son of bitch, I will considered him as a friend and only a friend. After freeing Angel, I gave his former boss a gold cyborg that did things you don't want know and trust me you don't want to Vaggie.

Vaggie: Yes, please don't tell me about it. So thats why Angel acts so..

Fang: Miserable all the time yea pretty much.

Charlie: But now that he is free of him, he can do whatever he wants now.

Fang: I even offered him to work with Verosiska and she agreed to having Angel work for her since I texted her about Angel Dust needed of a job.

Charlie: You did a good thing Fang. Say it's still show and tell day, would you mind sharing something about yourself.

Fang: I guess it wouldn't hurt, though I am not doing what Angel did. I will just do a song would that be all right.

Vaggie: It's better than that sex tape we just watched.

Fang: Good, so you girls just sit down and enjoy the show.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more

Like a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance, you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway, I go weakI can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

Other dancers may be on the floor
Dear, but my eyes will see only you
Only you have that magic technique
When we sway, I go weakI can hear the sounds of violins
Long before it begins
Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now

When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

When marimbas start to play
Hold me close, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breeze
Bend with me, sway with ease
When we dance, you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me

Song Ended

As soon as the song came to an end both Charlie and Vaggie clapped for their boyfriend's performance in which they both got up and kissed him on the lips showing that they loved the song very much. Many hours later of doing show and tell, Fang looked to see both Husker and Angel coming back into the hotel laughing as well as beat up probably due to some fight they had without each other or with some sinners.

Fang: Seems like you two are doing fine.

Angel: You could say that.

Husker: Hows about that drink.

Angel: You read my mind.

Fang: Seems like those are starting to get along with each other.

Charlie: 😢sniff...It's so beautiful.

Fang: Ok Charlie don't get too emotional now.

Vaggie: Come on little missy let's go to bed.

Charlie: Ok...

Fang: Night girls see you tomorrow.

Vaggie: And where do you think you are going.

Fang: Uh back to my penthouse, where else?

Vaggie: Nope you are staying with me and Charlie tonight.

Charlie: Can you stay with us Fang, please.

Fang: Sigh..all right.

Charlie: YEAH!

Fang: Yea she definitely remind me of Marinette.

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