Chapter 26: Earth-0808 aka Phantom Universe!

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After a week Fang allowed Lute to stay with him though she had to stay in the Penthouse to avoid being seen by demons until Fang can make a ring that will allow Lute to blend in with Hell since demons and sinners don't take kindly to angels not after what happened with extermination. Fang did however bring Lute food and drinks in case she got hungry and even offered to cook for her and lets just say she enjoyed Fang's cooking a lot. Pretty soon Lute will start to develop feelings for Fang and he already told her about his harem relationship meaning that Lute will have a chance with him. Today Fang was at IMP with the others figuring out what to do since Blitz is out with Stolas doing who knows what so it was just Fang, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie in the office.

Fang: Has any client called yet Lune?

Loona: Sorry babe nothing, things have been quiet and boring all for the past week.

Fang: Sigh...what about you two anything going on?

Moxxie: Well we were suppose to be on our anniversary date but Blitz asked us to come into work and what do we find he is not at work.

Millie: Yea! I wait two months for a relaxing day at the spa with my Moxxie.

Moxxie: I thought we were going to the beach?

Millie: Spa first then beach because I really needed a manicure and good relaxing massage.

Fang: In other words there is nothing to do and we are just sitting in here bored to death.

Loona/Millie/Moxxie: Yea pretty much.

Fang: Just wish there was something to do, I could use some action right about now.

RING! RING!(Fang's phone ringing)

Fang: Oh it looks like my luck has changed, it's Lucifer. Hello?

Lucifer(Phone): Hey Fang hows it going. Just checking to see how my favorite assassin is doing and speaking of wish I got a new mission for you.

Fang: Finally I been waiting months and weeks for this. What's the mission?

Lucifer(Phone): There is dimension I used to visit and its filled with ghost. You are family with ghost right?

Fang: I am why?

Lucifer(Phone): Well it turns out I found some news about some ghost that I know are being hunted down and taken somewhere by a group of people who are using them for some kind crazed up shit and I want you to see what they are doing to the ghost there and if by chance they are doing something like all I don't know ripping them apart and cutting them up well kill them. Don't know the name of people who are hunting the ghost just some initials that saids GIW.

Fang: Hmm..I will see what I can find out about these guys and sure I will take care of them if they bring any harm to these ghost you are friends with. At least I get do something instead of being bored to death. What's the name of the dimension?

Lucifer(Phone): I knew I can count on you Fang Hunter, also the name of the dimension is Earth-0808. One more thing you don't have to use that weapon I gave you, you can just use your regular fire arms because this is only minor kills. Only use the big gun for big missions in which I will let you know when the next big mission I have a lot going on here.

Fang: You got it. Oh one more thing, what else should I know about this dimension?

Lucifer(Phone): Well it turns out that world has it own heroine named Phantom though she disappeared years ago and never been seen since. The ghost told that she is a halfa, half human, half ghost. Don't know the details but I am sure you will figure it out soon. Enjoy your hunt Fang.

Call ended

Fang: Finally something to do.

Loona: What is it babe?

Fang: Got another mission from Lucifer.

Millie: Say would it be all right if we tagged along, it's getting kind of boring here and there's not really anyone who wants to hire us to kill someone.

Fang: Hmm..well I don't see why not, you wanna come Loona?

Loona: If it gets me out of this shit hole of building then sure I will go anywhere with you babe.

Moxxie: What is the mission exactly?

Fang: Hunt down and kill these people from this source called GIW. Lucifer told me that they hunt ghost so we go to that dimension find out what we know and then kill some son of bitches.

Millie: Seems easy enough.

Fang: Oh one thing, you and Moxxie take these rings.(Fang saids and hands both Moxxie and Millie rings)

Moxxie: Uh what are these for?

Fang: They are human disguise rings. I made one for each of you except Loona since she change into human form. Put those on and you will become human that way you can blend in without drawing attention.

Both Millie and Moxxie put on the rings and the next thing they know is that are engulfed in a red aura and soon both became humans just like how Charlie and Vaggie did when they put on the rings when they went to the human world with Fang.

Moxxie: How do we look?

Fang: Like normal human beings but you still have your imp strengths.

Millie: Whoah I look even hotter! What do you think Moxxie?

Moxxie: You look amazing Millie.

Loona: All right you two enough with the lovey dovey bull shit. Babe can you open a portal to the dimension.

Fang: Already doing that, let's go everyone.

Everyone entered the portal and came out the other side into the dimension that Lucifer informed Fang about and they all looked to see the name of place they were in.

Fang: Looks like we're here.

Moxxie: Amity Park, a nice place to live.

Millie: Heh I seen better. Whats the plan Fang?

Fang: First lets get some information about this place as well as the ghost. Then see who these GIW guys are because something tells me that they are here I don't where but I am sure we can find their location. Also Loona any guy tried to flirt with you knocked them out hard.

Loona: You don't have tell me twice babe. Though any girls try to get to you I am knocking their teeth out.

Fang: Good. Oh and Moxxie no buying art or anything else because you know what happened last time.

Moxxie: Don't worry I knew my lesson about buying junk.

Soon the four went into the city to look for some information, while walking the girls of the town were giving Fang the dreamy eyes in which many blushed at seeing the most hottest and handsome man they have ever laid eyes on. Fang didn't pay no mind to them but Loona gave the girls death glare saying touch my man and you will die. While walking they came across a place called internet cafe with computers inside. They go in and got some drinks then went on the computers to look up some information about Amity Park.

Fang: All right what do we got on this town?

Moxxie: Checking now. Amity Park is large urban city reminiscent of Chicago. The city is home to an observatory, city hall, a major research lab, museum, school system, fire/police departments, restaurants, and stores including a shopping mall. Though some years later it became the most haunted area due to the growing population of ghost appearing terrorizing civilians.

Fang: No wonder I felt something off about this place. Does it say where the ghost came from?

Moxxie: Saids here that the originally came from a man made ghost portal build by a man named Jack Fenton who he and his family died when their home was destroyed. The news doesn't say how it happened they think it was caused by an explosion. Anyway the ghost portal that was built would allow to enter the realm known as the Ghost Zone.

Millie: What's the Ghost Zone?

Moxxie: An alternate form of reality to all the ghosts, and made entirely of ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is the viscous substance that makes up all ghosts. It saids here that more than hundreds of ghost appeared from the Ghost Zone to cause chaos wherever they go until they got hunted down by these ghost hunters who catch them and throw them back into the Ghost Zone.

Fang: It saids here that the Fentons were the original ghost hunters though many thought of them as wacky and delusional. But after their passing new ghost hunters took control and hunted down the ghosts in Amity Park.

Millie: Here's a list of other ghost hunters. Master Blasters force to retire due to stealing money from the public, Extreme GhostBreakers retired for being too extreme and nearly caused violence, The Groovy Gang who decided to give up ghost hunting because their tiger was took scared to do anything and it was illegal to bring a tiger into the states without a permit, Valerie Gray top best ghost hunter or was until she was replaced by the Master Blasters who shut her down while trying to capture a ghost in which her glider was destroyed and her high tech suit refused to function. Lastly there are these people known as the Guys In White.

Fang: Wait what was that last team of ghost hunters again?

Loona: Guys In white? What are they like cheap knock offs of Men In Black.

Fang: The initials that Lucifer said to me, GIW. I think these are the guys we are looking for. Moxxie pull any information about the Guys In White.

Moxxie: I got something. The Guys in White are a secret government organization whose goal is to eliminate all ghosts and other paranormal beings on Earth. The top two best operatives of the group are Operatives K and O. Both have taken down and capture hundreds of ghost and took them to their headquarters in which it doesn't say since its top secret. Everything about what they do to the ghosts is top secret.

Fang: That is something we need to find out more about.

Loona: Hey check out this, most wanted list.

Millie: The most wanted ghost they have been hunting down is a ghost by the name Danni Phantom.

Fang: Phantom, thats the name of heroine ghost that Lucifer told me on the phone. What does it say about her and is there an image of her?

Moxxie: Here's one.(Moxxie saids and pulls up an image of Danni Phantom)

Loona: I like her style.

Fang: So that is Phantom. What does it say about her?

Moxxie: Many believe that she is a heroine who protects the innocent from bad ghosts while some think she is like all ghost. She appeared in Amity Park four years ago during an incident that took place at a school called Casper High. She dedicated herself to hunting down and beating up ghost who try to harm the innocent while also avoiding being captured by the ghost hunters.

Fang: Where was she last spotted?

Moxxie: That last appearance she made was two years ago at the Fenton home until it place burned down and no one survived. She hasn't been seen since.

Millie: You think she killed the Fentons?

Fang: I don't think so, it has to be something else. Someone like her wouldn't bring any harm to innocent people even if they were ghost hunters. Moxxie do you have the location of where the Guys In White headquarters is found?

Moxxie: It's located miles away from where Amity Park stands. It's at a covert government facility.

Fang: Good, maybe we can find more about these guys there. A little hacking into their system might give us the means for what they do to ghosts. Also maybe figure out what happened to Phantom. By the way who else died in the Fenton home?

Mooxxie: A family of four and two friends. Jack and Maddie Fenton, their oldest daughter Jazz, the younger daughter Danielle, and lastly two friends of Danielle, Sam Manson and Tracy Fully.

Fang: That is something I need more info about. All right let's get going.

Two hours later the four arrived at the facility in their demon forms and armed with their dangerous weapons. Fang knows that the place has high tech weapons and security but he can easily disarm the systems using his spells.

Loona: This is their base? They couldn't bother to clean the front.

Millie: These assholes are probably worse than DHORKS.

Fang: Once were in, I will disable the security systems and then we will make our way to their computers so that I can hack into their secret files to find out more information. Oh and after words give them hell show no mercy.

Millie: Oh I am so going to enjoy cutting off some heads.

Moxxie: Let the killing begin.

Loona: Uh yea but there is problem, how are we going to get in because they have a code combination lock on the door.

Fang uses a spell that will allow him to see what the combination is and it turns out it's 5555555. Fang rolled it eyes knowing that these assholes are just like DHORKS who only pick one number for a combination.

Fang: These guys really need someone bright to come up with a better combination. All right I will disable the cameras and the alarm system. Camera Etenite..

Loona: Camera's and alarm are down now what?

Fang: Find their computers and hack their files. And if any operatives come well you know what to do.

Millie: Yup chop them up into small pieces.

HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!(A male saids from behind them)

Moxxie: Oh joy it's one of them.

Operative: This is Operative M I have.......

BANG!(Fang shoots the operative in the head and falls dead on the ground)

Loona: Nice shot babe.

Fang: Couldn't let him alert everyone just yet. All right lets go, oh Millie get that guys ID card we might need it.

Millie: Got ya.

They go in while keeping their guard up in case they bump into more operatives in which they did when they came down the hall but Fang took care of them after snapping more than five their necks and shoved them into a closet. They arrived in a room filled with computers and other tech they saw and thanks to the ID card that they took from the dead operative Fang shot they were able to get inside without detection.

Fang: All right lets hack into what these guys are keeping secret.

Moxxie: Some of this tech is very impressive. I wonder what their weapons are like.

Fang: We will soon fight out, and if they are useful we will take them with us back to hell. First lets get more info about what these guys do.

Loona: It's gonna take miracle for you crack that...


Fang: I'm sorry did you say something Lune?

Loona: Never mind.

Fang: Let's see what we got here. Ah select files. no, ghost portal know about already, ghost sitings, oh wait here we go ghost captures. Maybe this will give us an idea of what the Guys In White do after they capture ghosts.

They read files and lets just say Loona along with Millie and Moxxie felt sick to their stomachs while Fang was filled with rage and anger for what he was reading about what these government operatives do to ghosts.

Millie: They dissect them?

Moxxie: Painful experiments...lots and lots of painful experiments.

Loona: These guys are freaks. They capture ghosts, lock them up, cut them open to see how they tick and they throw back into their sells. Argh I think I am gonna hurl.

Moxxie: Not only that but these guys don't work for the government. They are mercenaries. They will do anything for money even if it means hunting ghosts for sport. As well as doing these crazed up experiments.

Fang: That's the only thing I found about these guys. Turns out they are the murders of The Fenton family. Here it saids that former daughter of Jack and Maddie Fenton who are now deceased turns out to be the ghost girl Danni Phantom who can change from human to ghost. They hunted her down for years until they were able to capture her but not before they blew up the Fenton home with everyone inside including Danni's parents, sister, and her two friends. They lied to the public thinking it was an explosion but it was really the Guys In White.

Millie: I feel bad for the poor girl. Wait does this mean she could be here?

Fang: Lets find out. Sections A is the holding sells for the ghost who have been captured and there about like nine of them here, the others escaped back into the Ghost Zone. Section B is on high security, maybe that's where they are keeping Phantom. Wait a minute what's this? You got to be kidding me.

Loona: What is it Fang?

Fang: They plan to nuke the Ghost Zone.

Moxxie: Wait the Ghost Zone is connected to this world if they blow it up then that means...

Fang: They will not only destroy the Ghost Zone but the human world as well. All right guys lets go kill these bastards as well free the ghosts and Phantom.

When they were about to leave the room, the door opened and behind it were troops of operatives with blasters in their arms pointing at Fang and the others.

Agent Operative: Freeze you gho.....uh are these guys ghosts?

Agent Operative 2: Never seen ghosts like these guys before.

Fang: Oh we are not ghost we are HELLSPAWNS. GRRRRAAAAAA!!!!!

Fang charges at the agents and started to slaughtered them while the others were in complete horror of seeing their comrades ripped apart and blood everywhere and started to shoot Fang with their blasters but they weren't doing anything to him.



Moxxie: Oh don't worry we will deal with them after we finish you all off.

Millie: Slice and dice!

Moxxie and Millie ran to the agents and shot as well as cut off their body parts and blew their heads off with their weapons while Loona bit ones head off and fired her guns leaving none alive.


As soon as they finished killing the agents they moved towards Section B first to save Phantom and then they will move to Section A to get the ghost out. Meanwhile one of the agents that was still alive barley went to contact the operatives still in the building. Somewhere else in the facility a group of Agents were searching the computers for any ghost activity lurking around and not just them but their top two operatives K and O.

Operative K: Any ghost activity are the radar?

Operative O: Negative but we will soon be ready if another ghost appears.

Operative K: Is experiment DP still contained?

Operative O: Indeed don't worry nothing can get the freak out and it's impervious contaminate is strong.

Operative K: Excellent, it's only a matter time before the abomination cracks. Soon we well get all the info about the Ghost Zone and sooner or later we can launch our nuke.

Operative O: And blow that world to kingdom come.


Operative K: This operative K speaking, what seems to be the problem?

Agent Operative(Radio): SIR WE NEED HELP?!!!! ARGHH THEY KILLED THEM!!!!

Operative K: What is going on agent speak?!


Operative K: What is coming agent?!!! Who coming?!!!

Agent Operative(Radio): DEMONS!!! THEY ARE DEMONS!!!!!..............


Operative O: What is going on?

Operative K: Our agents encountered something but they didn't give any more intel.

Operative O: What did he say?

Operative K: He said demons, and that they killed them and they are coming towards our way.


BANG! BANG! BANG!(Banging on steel doors)

Operative K: Something is coming through the doors! Have them sealed shut.

Operative: Sir our security systems have been hacked and all alarm and cameras have been shut down!

Operative O: What that's impossible?

Soon the steel door busted open and the door itself went flying into four operatives who get smooshed but the steel door and into the wall killing all of them. The remaining operatives pointed their blasters at what was coming in and it was Fang was in rage and thirsty for some killing dumb ass mercenaries.

Operative K: Ectoplasm abomination detected take him down!

The operatives opened fired at Fang but the beams weren't doing anything to him they just tickled him in which Fang smirked at seeing the Guys In White weapons have no affect on him. When they stopped firing they saw that Fang was still standing and not harmed nor injured.

Fang: Hehehe that tickles. Now let me show you what I can do. DIE MOTHER FUCKERS!

Fang took out his fire arms and started to shoot the operatives one by one while Loona along with Millie and Moxxie came in and started to slaughter the others who try to defend themselves but couldn't move fast enough. Operatives K and O stared in horror of seeing their men being killed in front of their eyes and none of their weapons are doing anything to stop these monsters.

Operative O: What the heck are these things?!

Operative K: How should I know, I thought they were ghost?!

Operative O: Well apparently they are not. We hit them with ectoplasmatic beams and it didn't do anything to them.

Operative K: Operatives that are still active do you copy over?!

Operatives:................(None answered probably dead already)

Operative K: Operatives do you copy over?! None are responding.

Operative O: What are they on lunch break?

Fang: Oh no they are actually dead, all of them are dead it just leaves you two.

Operative K: What do you want you abomination?!

Fang: Ooh tough words for a weak human scum like you.

Loona: Just give me the word, I will splatter them.

Millie: Or I can just cut their pretty heads and be done with it.(Millie saids while holding her ax in front of the operatives)


Fang: Wouldn't you like to know dip-shit. Keep them here while go look for Phantom.

Operative O: Your here for that filthy disgusting abomina.......GULP?!!!

Fang grabs the operative by the throat and then while the other one was looking saw his comrades head ripped off leaving the spine connected.

Fang: Sorry my hand slipped. Now that only leaves one operative. He's tries anything shoot him.

Operative K:

Moxxie: Yea yea we know we do that sort of thing all the time.

Loona: Make a move and your dick is going bye bye.

Operative K: GULP!😱

Fang heads over to Section B where he comes across a large steel door with laser lines as well as security code combination in which Fang just rolled his eyes and unleashed a powerful spell to bust down the door and destroying the systems all together. Once inside he came across what appears to be a lab of some sort and finds a glass containment prison with a person within.

Fang walks towards the containment and breaks the glass with his fist and when he looked inside he found Danni Phantom injured as well as scars all over her body. Fang checked and found out that she was still alive barley and he is going kill the last Guy In White for what they have done to this poor girl. Fang took hold Phantom and carried her in his arms and headed back to the others who were keeping the other operative company.

Millie: GASP! Is she...

Moxxie: What have they done to her?!

Fang: She's still breathing. But these scars and injuries..are another thing. Loona take Phantom while I deal with the last operative here.

Loona: Right.(Loona saids and takes Phantom into her arms)

Fang: First hunting her down like an animal. Killing her entire family leaving her alone, torturing her until she couldn't breath. You bastards don't deserve to live.

Operation K: Stay...away...stay away....



Operative K: AAAAAHHHHHHHH?!!!!!!!!

Fang kills the last operative brutally leaving nothing but blood all over the place and guts as well as flesh. Once finished Fang took Phantom from Loona and everyone headed towards Section A to free the remaining ghost left in the facility. Inside Fang saw the nine ghosts locked inside their sells with an ectoplasmatic force field for keeping locked up with no escape. Fang found the switch to free them and when the button was pushed all the ghost came flying out of their sells and cheered in freedom.

Box Ghost: Who who are those guys?

PointDexter: Are you the ones who freed us?

Fang: We are, and don't worry about those humans we took care of them personally. We found out what they were planing on doing to you all and we wouldn't allow it. Are there any other ghost left or is it just you guys.

Johnny 13: Nah just us the others got away before getting captured. By the way who the heck are you? Never seen you and the guys behind you in the Ghost Zone.

Moxxie: Actually we're from Hell.

Fang: Lucifer sent us.

Fright Knight: The King of Hell, you know of him.

Fang: We do, he hired me to hunt down and destroyed these Guys In White and free the ghost who were captured by them. Also Lucifer, short guy, blonde hair, looks like a clown, and has an obsession with rubber ducks.

Ember: Yea that's Lucifer all right.

Skulker: So you four must be Hell Spawns.

Fang: We are, Moxxie and Millie are Imps, Loona is a hellhound, and for me I'm a HellWolf.

Wolf: Hermano!(Wolf saids and hugs Fang that made him confused)

Translation: Brother!

Fang: Uh why is this one hugging me?

PointDexter: He thinks your his brother due to the fact that your a wolf yourself and he only speaks Spanish.

Fang: Encantado de conocerlo demasiado lobo.

Translation: Nice to meet you too wolf.

Loona: You speak Spanish?

Fang: Not that much but sometimes. So who are you guys?

Johnny 13: Names Johnny 13 dude, and this is girl Kitty.

Kitty: Hey.

Johnny 13: Hey there pup.

Loona: Say that again and you dick is going bye bye also I have a boyfriend and he is standing in front of you.

Fang: Kitty is a Johnny a womanizer?

Kitty: He might as well be! With all the girls he flirted with.

Johnny 13: Hey Kitty chill, I promised that your my only girl.

Millie: Heh like thats hard to believe.

PointDexter: The one hugging your friend there is Wolf, I'm Sidney PointDexter.

Moxxie: Are you like the smart one of the group?

PointDexter: No I'm more like the one gets picked on all the time.

Moxxie: I feel your pain my friend.

Ember: Names Ember McClain.

Loona: Ghost rock star I take it.

Ember: You know it hellhound. I can control peoples minds with my music. I get stronger whenever someone calls me by my name. The big metal guy next to me is my boyfriend Skulker.

Fang: Judging by the high tech battle suit, your some kind of bounty hunter correct.

Skulker: That's right, I am the greatest ghost hunter is all of the Ghost Zone. Nothing gets by me.

Loona: Except for those guys in white who caught you and locked you up and plan to dissect you. Hard to believe that a rock star is dating a tin man.

Skulker:...Now that just plain hurts.

Ember: He's sometimes a lossy hunter, he can't even find the Tv remote.

Skulker: Now you are doing this again! I keep telling you to put the remote on the counter so it's easier to find.

Moxxie: Anyway whose the guy with the gray cape?

Technus: I am Technus! Ghost scientist and electrical technology!

Millie: So he's basically a wacky tech nerd?

Johnny 13: I was gonna go with crazy nut job but thats for Box Ghost over there.

Box Ghost: Beware! I am the Box Ghost!

Ghosts/Loona/Millie/Moxxie: OH SHUT UP!

Fang: No offense dude but you are not that scary.

Box Ghost: What? I can be scary. BOO!

Fang: Eh yea I don't see it, I mean the ghost with the armor is more scary then you are.

Fright Knight: I am the Fright Knight! I thank thee who has released me from my prison.(Fright Knight saids and bows to Fang)

Fang: Your welcome, anyway I think it is about time you guys leave because I plan to blow to whole place up.

Moxxie: We are still getting the weapons right?

Fang: I never break a promise.

Skulker: Save some of those weapons I could use them against those human who locked me away.

Loona: Dude your a little too late for that because we just killed them all while Fang here did most of the killing.

Ember: Wait you killed all the humans who captured us?

Fang: All of them, those asshole don't deserve to live after what they done.

PointDexter: Well at least we don't have to worry about being dissected. I hated those big bullies.

Fang: Word of advice stay in the Ghost Zone so you wont be hunted and dissected.

Skulker: What if we decided to come back.

Fang: Didn't you know that these guys were planing to nuke your world in which could destroy not only the Ghost Zone but the human world as well meaning if the human is gone, you guys go as well both your worlds are connected. Anything happens to their home and your homes will go bye bye.

Technus: He makes a good point there.

Skulker: Very well, besides we have doors in the Ghost Zone that can lead us to different worlds anyway.

Fang: You guys have those.

Ember: Oh yea, there's a whole bunch of them.

Skulker: Wait a second isn't that ghost girl?(Skulker saids while looking at Phantom in Fang's arms)

Fang: Yea, what of it.

Skulker: I have been waiting years to hang her pelt on my wall so why don't you hand her over so myself and my friends here can.....GULP?!!!


Ghosts even Skulker: Gulp......😱

Fang: I don't give a shit what she did to you thats your fault so do me favor, you and the other ghost stay in Ghost Zone and never come back to the human world ever again or you will have to deal with me. Understood.

Ghosts: Crystal.....

Fang: Good now get out here.

The ghost didn't waste no time and flew out of the facility as fast as they can and back into the Ghost Zone because feeling Fang's power they do not want to make him even more angry then before even Skulker felt chills done his metal spine.

Millie: You know I got admit ghost are even bigger assholes then humans.

Moxxie: Seriously hanging her pelt on his wall, that is more disgusting than what Martha had in her house.

Loona: Though I had to admit Ember was kind of cool. I think I might wear something similar to her getup.

Fang: Let's get out of here, Moxxie set up the bomb and blow this place. Millie get the weapons and packed them up.

Moxxie and Millie: YES SIR!

Loona: What are you going to with Phantom?

Fang: I'll take her back with us, she has no place here and since her family is gone she has no home nor anyone to look after her. She can't go to the Ghost Zone because I believe she made a lot of enemies there so thats out of the question. I felt bad for what happened to her and I want to help her.

Loona: Hehehe, like you always do babe. We can help her fit in together.

Fang: Thanks Loona.

After a while Moxxie set off the bomb that destroyed the whole facility with the Guys In White bodies inside and all of their guilty and secret files were sent to the government to reveal their dark truths where Fang sent a drive to them without his name involved. Once the facility was destroyed and weapons were all packed up, the four hell spawns along with the ghost girl who was slumbering in Fang's arms arrived back in hell. Fang called Lucifer and told him the mission was complete which the king of hell was pleased about and told Fang he will get a check in the mail. Fang didn't bother to tell Lucifer about Danni since he wants to keep her secret for the time being. He arrived back to his Penthouse and saw Lute asleep on the bed and decided to have Danni sleep on the couch but not before healing her injuries since Fang couldn't leave her the way she is.

Fang: It would best that you sleep for now, when you wake I will tell of what happened. Though I would like to hear your side of the story first.

Fang changed into his human form and gets into bed with Lute who yawns and cuddles up to him which Fang smiled seeing the fallen angel sleeping peacefully. Though while sleeping Fang couldn't help but feel so bad for what Danni went through in her life before she was captured and wants to help her in any way.

Fang: Don't worry Danni, you will not be alone no more.

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