Special: Antartica!

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Blitz received a mission from a client but the problem was that the target is unknown because after the attack that took place in Antarctic, nobody knew what has happened and it their deaths were quick. So Blitz along with Millie, Moxxie and Fang were tasked to find this unknown target and well kill whatever killed the client and those who suffered the same fate. Fang opened a portal to the Antarctic and once the imps landed onto the snow all three except for Fang were freezing their asses off.


Blitz: Christ on a stick, I'm freezing my little cock off!

Fang: I told you all to wear heavier clothes. We are in the Antarctic of course your gonna freeze your asses off. Good thing the cold doesn't effect me.

Millie: Your lucky because you have fur. Speaking of which....ooh your tail is so warm. I think I might keep myself warm this way.(Millie saids and uses Fang's tail to warm her up)

Fang: Next time buy yourselves fur coats and boots it will help or those heated jackets.

Blitz: I will make sure to put that on the list and speaking of which where is that thing supposed to be?

Millie: The client said it was near the research station.

Moxxie: Th..th..th...that research station?

Fang: That would be it.


Moxxie: Oh crumbs that can't be good.(Moxxie saids looking at the damage to the station)

Fang: Whatever did this was fast and dangerous. And it knew that the victim's wouldn't stand a chance within the station.

Blitz: Couldn't the client tell us what the hell we are looking for so we can....oh shi-yikes.

When everyone came into the station they looked to find a pile of dead frozen bodies with saver injuries as well as some being ripped apart and blood everywhere. Fang saw what it looked like claw marks on the bodies meaning that the humans in the station were attacked by some kind of animal.

Moxxie: What happened here?

Millie: These guys were torn to shreds. I've seen wrath b..b..beasts less brutal than this.

Moxxie: What and or what could have done this? A pack of wolves?

Fang: Unlikely Moxxie, wolves can't survive in this area of the world due to unlikely harsh antarctic winter. The only predators here are the leopard seals, orca's, and the southern elephant seals.

Moxxie: Really. I thought a polar bear could have done this.

Fang: Sorry no polar bears here either.


Millie: W..w..what was that?

Blitz: I think it was coming from that and I think that is what killed these humans.(Blitz saids while pointing at the creature that was roaring from the outside)

Fang: I know what makes a roar like that.

Blitz: All right Moxxie, get up top, Millie, cover the entrance and Fang well since your the export on what that thing is tell us where to shoot so we can kill the bitch.

Blitz and Moxxie take out their guns and aimed them at the creature in which was a scarred leopard seal and it was moving towards the station.

Fang: Looks like we got ourselves a leopard seal. A very pissed off one.

Blitz: Hey y..you got him locked on Mox?

Moxxie: Yes sir.

Blitz: Sweet, let's turn him into some SWISS cheese!

Fang: Aim for the left and right side of the body then the chest and finally the head.

Blitz starts shooting the leopard seal with his gun and did what Fang told him until Moxxie shot the finale blow to the beasts head killing it before it got close to the station.

Fang: Nice shot Moxxie.

Moxxie: Thank you.

Blitz: Guess he met his match, heh heh. Eat shit in Hell polar slut! Good job Mox, now let's get out of this frozen fuck-hole.

Fang: Wait a minute something doesn't seem right. I don't think this leopard seal was them target.

Blitz: What do you mean? It was heading right for us and it killed these people in this fucked up station.

Millie: No Blitz, Fang might be on to something. Look at these marks. These weren't made by no bullets. And look there's more here. Bite marks.(Millie saids while looking at the seals scars all over its body)

Blitz: Shhhit.

Moxxie: Uh what, what's the problem?

Fang: It would seem like this leopard seal was trying to get away from what made those marks.

Blitz: Exactly, this slut wasn't running toward us.

Millie: He was running away, from something. Fang, what other animals live in Antartica?

Fang: Besides Orca's, leopard and elephant seals there also a verity of whales that can survive in the harsh cold environment as well as species of birds both flight and flightless like....

Moxxie: Look!

All four of them looked up on top of the hill and saw what it looks like a penguin but a penguin covered in what appears to be blood.

Fang: Oh yes there are also penguins but a penguin that is covered in blood? That's new.

Blitz: Drop him!

BANG!(Moxxie shoots the penguin killing it in a second)

Fang: I get the feeling you shouldn't have done that.

Moxxie: What makes you say that?

Fang: Penguins tend to travel in herds meaning...

Blitz: Oh shit...

The next thing they saw was a herd of penguins eyeing them from below which everyone can see that the birds do not look very happy nor friendly.

Blitz: Fuck, that's like ten!

Fang: Actually a hundred. Penguins live together in hundreds to thousands.

Millie: Well...maybe those ones are nice.

Penguin 1: Who are they?

Penguins: Who are they? Who are they?

Penguin Leader: Who are they?*SLURS*

Blitz: They're not!

Fang: Well you did kill one of their kind so yea they are not going to be nice and I also get the gut feeling that they are the ones who killed the people inside the station.

Moxxie: You took the words right out of our mouths.

Blitz: RUN!

Everyone began to run back towards the station with an army of angry and highly dangerous flightless birds after them who are sliding down the mountain armed with razor sharp teeth.

Fang: Ok I did not see that on discovery channel. Since when do penguins have sharp teeth?

As soon as everyone arrived back to the station they barricade the door but the penguins in numbers started to come through and were really pissed off.

Moxxie: Sir, uh I think it would be a good time to get the hell out of here!

Blitz: I couldn't agree more, Fang open a portal and lets get out of here before those flightless bastards turn us into their next dinner!

Fang: You got it.

Fang uses his ring to open a portal back to hell and soon Blitz along with Moxxie and Millie hopped into the portal and were safe back home but looked to see Fang still on the other side.

Millie: Fang come on!

Fang: Sorry got to finish the mission I wont be long.(Fang saids and closes the portal)

Moxxie: Fang NO!!!

Blitz: Oh fuck...Loonie's isn't going to like this.

Loona: What am I not gonna like?(Loona saids while coming into the office)

Blitz: Shit...well you see Loonie, we kind of...well...

Loona: Failed the mission like the last time.

Millie: Something like that.

Loona: Sigh...great there's go our payment. Wait where's Fang?

Moxxie: Yea about Fang he's...

I'm right here Lune and I brought food!(Fang saids while coming out a portal and behind him was a burning station and a plate full of fried food)

Blitz: Fang! What the fuck did you do?

Fang: Uh completed the mission obviously, we all wanted to get paid. Speaking of which anyone up for some fried penguin. It's fresh and extra crispy.

Millie: Wait aren't those?

Fang: Yup they are the same penguins that tried to kill us but I took care of them myself and by that I mean I barbecued their asses and cooked them. Who knew that they taste better than chicken. Care to try a penguin wing.

Loona: Ooh don't mind if I do babe. Mmm~...these are good. You got any barbecue sauce?

Fang: Always for my special lady.(Fang and hands Loona some barbecue sauce)

Loona: Thanks babe.

Moxxie: What about the station?

Fang: Burned it to the ground and soon blew up due to the gas tank that was found inside the place. Have to say those penguins were a nasty business, I always thought they were fluffy and adorable but in this world their vicious killing machines.

Millie: But they are not so tough when their turned into wings. Wow! These are good.

Blitz: Mmm...so good.~Fuck you, you flightiness sluts!

Moxxie: Did you get all of them Fang?

Fang: I think I did.

Back in Antartica where the station was nothing but a pile of dust and destroyed equipment, out of nowhere the penguin leader survived the carnage and looked to see there was nothing left as well as no sign of his comrades.

Penguin Leader: *SLURS*!!!!


The penguin was then shot in the head delivered by Fang who went to check if he missed any penguins after killing the others until he spotted one screeching into the air and decided to end the birds life but shooting the bird in the head with a gun.

Fang: Ok now I got all of them. So that's where the little bastard went off too.

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