Chp.3 The Murder Family

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So a couple days have pass now, (YN) was starting to like his new job with Blitz and the others, so as a new employee, all he had to do is do some paper work and getting calls from clients...that's all...and yet he realizes that Loona always acts a bit weird when she passes by him or when she tries talking to him...Blitz and the others never seen Loona act like that before, they always see her as a bad mood teenager girl...but never see her act shy, embarrassed or flustered around (YN) anyways, as we go back, Blitz was in the office as he was speaking to a new employee that has been sent here to hell and work with Blitz and offering him a job to do for her; Her names is Mrs. Mayberry, She's a mature young woman who teaches kindergarten and was always filled with joy and happiness...until she finds out her husband cheating on her with a dirty hor, and yet she rushes to her house...and end up killing her husband and the hor...and kills herself....and after that...she got sent to hell and is now with Blitz in his office...

Mrs. Mayberry: I still get sent here from all the hitlers and Epstein's of the world, after one mealy massacre propelled by blind rage, so that's why I'm here, to get my revenge.

Blitz: Well I mean she was hotter.

Mrs. Mayberry: ...Excuse you?!

Blitz: I mean I had a hard time misunderstanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me tits.

Mrs. Mayberry: Nrrrgh!!

Blitz: Anyways, I do not understand how we can operate down here to seek revenge out on the living, besides the ones you kill might have ended up in hell here with you.

Mrs. Mayberry: Not..All of them! That cheating bitch survived. Now they call her hero and some shit, and thinking she was the one that killed me and they calling me the crazy one?! Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much god damn cash, getting shot was the best thing that happen to her. But one things for sure...SHE IS NOT A HERO DAMN IT!!!

Blitz: ......Ooookay, my thoughts exactly. *I need backup, like now!! Why isn't no one coming to help me out here!*

Meanwhile, in the living room, no one was paying attention on what's going on between Blitz and Mrs. Mayberry, Moxie, Millie, Loona and (YN) we're taking a break, as Loona was holding a picture of a family while using her phone, (YN) drinking some juice, Moxie holding an bow arrow and aiming at the picture of a family that Loona is holding...and is shaking, nervously...

Millie: Sweetie, you gotta stop shaking, you're gonna end up shooting our last hellhound.

Loona: Wow, I feel so much love in here.

Millie: Just take a deep breathe, and let it all out.

Moxie: B-But it's a family! Under what circumstances do we ever need to kill a human family.

Millie: I mean if that what the client wants.

Moxie: Maybe an abusive dad, or a mob family...but to eradicate and entire innocent family is...wrong.

Loona: Hey, you may not know if they are innocent, maybe this kid sets dogs on fire, this girl here goes online and cyber bullies the Australian kids...the mom would have been always cheating on the husband, and the dad...he just watches!

Millie: She right, there many humans that have little secret nasties hiding that won't let anyone find out.

Moxie: Mmmm. I don't know..what do you think (YN)??

(YN): Mmm, I have to agree on Millie and Loona, many humans can keep a secret on the evil things they do, and may not know what dirty things they can do.

Millie: See? Even (YN) agrees, killing guilty is our business, now quit shaking, and shoot the target sweetie. *kisses Moxie*

Moxie: *sighs* Okay fine...I just think it's a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective-

Blitz: Guys! I want y'all to meet our new client!!

Moxie: WAAH!!!

Blitz startled Moxie by bursting in the room with Mrs. Mayberry, as Moxie shot the arrow, as the arrow started ricocheting around the room, hitting the walls, to the tank filled with eels, almost hitting Moxie and Millie, Blitz and Mayberry as well, and yet going after Loona as (YN) quickly catches the arrow from hitting Loona...

(YN): Woah, hehe that was close, you alright Loona?

Loona: Y-Yeah, I'm fine...thanks.

(YN) smiles at Loona as she blushes and smiles, curling her hair...until suddenly, the Tank fell to the ground, releasing all the eels to the floor, and the water hitting the electric wires and causing a fire while they were still plugged...

(YN): ...Oh boy.

Blitz: Damn it Moxie I just bought those eels!


Later on, everyone were out from the building as firefighters came by and set the fire off and taking the eels with them and Mayberry leaving until she comes back and gets notify for Blitz job to be done as she said...

Blitz: Don't you worry Mrs. Mayberry, we'll kill that skank in les than 24 hours or your kill will be free!

Mrs. Mayberry: Better.

And so she leave with the taxi...

Moxie: Wait sir, since when did we start implementing that deal?

Blitz: When you set fire to my office in front of our CLIENT YOU FUCKING DICK SHIT!!!!

Moxie: ...Oh, right..sorry.

Blitz: Whatever! Okay now! Do we still have that fancy ass book?!?

Loona: You mean the only book to go to the other side of the living room *pulls out book* Yea, we do.

Blitz: And that's why you're my favorite loony!

Loona: Whatever.

Loona reads the spell book as she casts an opening portal sleep to the living world where all humans live there...

Blitz: Alrighty then! Let's go lick some ass!

Millie: The expression is "Kick some ass" Blitz, hehe.

Blitz: Meh, mines was better.

Suddenly, Loona walks up to (YN) and says to her...

Loona: H-Hey (YN), you think we can work together...and well...finish the job faster together?? I-I mean, if thats okay with you-

(YN): Heh, sure. I don't mind. We can work together.

Loona: *blushes* O-Oh! Sweet! Cool! I-

Blitz: Woah there buddy! Sorry (YN), but you aren't coming with us, you are not ready.

Loona: What?!? *DAMN IT BLITZ!!!!*

(YN): Aw what??! But I've been working here for a couple days now, I'm sure I'm ready to punish evil.

Blitz: Sorry, you'll be ready till I say so, so for now stay here and do more paper work.

(YN): *sighs* Fine.

Blitz: Okay! Now, let's go you three! We got a bitch a to kill!

Moxie and Millie enter the portal with Blitz and Loona felt irritated and upset about (YN) not going cause of Blitz...but (YN) says to Loona...

(YN): Hey, don't worry. It can be a next time, for sure, so focus and get it down, okay?

Loona smiles a bit, looking at (YN) with his smile as she blushes and replies...

Loona: Heh, okay then. See you later.

(YN): See ya.

And so, Loona enters the portal with the others as they all arrive to the house, where their target is the split up into two, Blitz with Moxie, and Millie with Loona, and so Loona and Millie hide behind the bushes as Moxie and Blitz s walk up to the house as Blitz checks on the window...

Blitz: Hehe, that's gotta be her, this is gonna be too easy. Hey Mox, wanna handle this one??

Moxie: Me?? R-Really??

Blitz: Yeah, I mean we are talking about a wanna be innocent cheating mother, with a husband. and two kids.

Moxie: ...Wait what?!

Moxie check on the window and sees a happy family about to have dinner...

Moxie: ....M-Maybe what if...

Blitz: Oh well, you snooze, you lose Mox.

Blitz pulls out a sniper rifle and aims onto the target...

Blitz: Hehe, I got you now bitch.

Moxie: W-Wait! We're gonna kill a family?!

Blitz: Heh no, we are just killing a mother....and ruining a family! Haha! This ends now!

Moxie: W-Wait!

Moxie shoves Blitz as Blutz pulled the trigger...and misses the target, thanks to Moxie...suddenly, the cheating wife, Martha and her husband Ralph notice the shot coming from out side......

Martha: Wh-What was that Ralph?!

Ralph: I don't know Martha, but whatever it is...they're gonna be tomorrow nights dinner!

Ralph pulls out a double barrel shotgun from the table, and so as Martha as well...

Martha: Haha! Kids, guns out!

Even the two kids pulled out their own pistols!!! What the fuck is goin on with this family?!?

Blitz: What the FUCK was that Moxie?!!?

Moxie: I-I'm sorry! They just seem so wholesome and happy...I'm so sorry!

Blitz: Oh who the fuck is innocent Moxie?! From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your mama's tits, so get the fuck over yourself you baby prick little-

Suddenly, the family started shooting their guns in the house, trying to hit Blitz and Moxie...

Blitz: Oh fuck! Scatter now!

Blitz, Moxie, Millie and Loona make their run for, until Moxie suddenly got caught first by the kids, as Martha and Ralph go after Blitz, Millie and Loona, shooting at them and trying to hit was already getting dark in the forest as Loona and Millie ran to a bridge...

Ralph: You can't hide long from me you critters!

Millie and Loona appeared out from the bridge and rushes behind Ralph, until Ralph had a half glass bottle, and swinging it towards Loona as he manages to scratch her whole arm, as Loona was marked with a huge wound, losing blood from her arm...

Loona: O-Ow!! Fucking shit!

Millie: Loona! Damn you!

Millie pulls her knife out and leaps towards Ralph until Ralph hits Millie straight to her face and knocking her down...

Loona: Millie!!

Loona: away...and...get help...!

Loona: O-Okay! Okay!

Loona makes a run for with an injured arm...she runs towards the trees and hides behinds some bushes as she looks at her injured arm, still bleeding and holding it for no blood to keep coming...

Loona: F-Fuck! I-I have to do something, and fast! ...O-Oh right! (YN)!

Loona grabs her phone and dials (YN)....meanwhile back at hell and in the building, (YN) was doing some paper work as he got a phone call from Loona on his phone...

(YN): Sup Loona, how's-

Loona: (Y-YN)! You need to come quick now! Please!

(YN): Woah Woah! Loona, what's going on?! What happen?!

Loona: I-I don't know...but we need serious help here...the people we try to kill are getting us...

(YN): Are you hurt?!

Loona: Y-Yeah! (YN) please! Come quick...we need your help...I-I need your help!

(YN): ....I'm on my way!


Back at the living world, in the house, Moxie was already waking up from being knocked out...until he realizes he was tied up by a chair, sitting at the dining table...and sees the two kids starting at him, grinning at him

Moxie: H-Hehe, why hello little children, why-

Brother/Sister: We are just happy to have a new critter to play with!

Moxie: E-Excuse me??

Suddenly, Moxie looks around the dining room...and sees nothing but dead corpses hanging on the walls, heads, arms, legs, very corpse, and bodies being written as well...

Moxie: ...O-Oh....shit...I may have goof this one up real bad...

Sister: Hey brother, shall we play with our new critter??

Brother: Sure thing sister! I would LOVE to play with our new critter!

The kids pulled out their knives, and started approaching to Moxie closer and closer and try stabbing him...until suddenly...the sister was pulled to the the brother and Moxie notices...

Brother: S-Sister??!

Suddenly, the sister collapses on the her neck was shown...cut open and blood pouring out as well...

Brother: S-Sister!!!

Moxie: Wh-What the?!

Suddenly, the brother got his foot grabbed, collapsing to the floor and dragged to the darkness as well...and yet moxie hears his scream of pain, until he then collapses to the floor...and yet to seem he died of fear for some reason...until (YN) appear out from the darkness...

Moxie: (YN)!

(YN): Hey Mox!

Moxie: How did you know?!

(YN): Loona called me, here let me get you out of there.

(YN) rips the ropes with his bear hands and sets Moxie free...

Moxie: Phew! Thanks! I owe you one!

(YN): No probs! Where's Loona and the others?!?

Moxie: Shit! The other humans must have gotten them by now!

(YN): Shit, well we need to go find them-

Moxie: N-No, I'll go and save them, I was the one who screwed this up...and it's my responsibility to do so and save them!

(YN): Heh, alright then. But I think you might go save Blitz and Millie, I know Loona is hiding in the forest somewhere, so I'll go find her and you find the others.

Moxie: Right!

Moxie grabs the rifle as he jumps out from the window and goes after to rescue Blitz and for (YN), he goes out as well to find Loona....


Loona was still hiding behind some bushes as she was still in pain from her arm...until she then heard footsteps approaching to her...

Loona: C-Crap! I-I have to fight back and not let them kill me!

Suddenly...the footsteps got closer and (YN) soon to appear...

Loona: (YN)!!

Loona suddenly started wagging her tail as she was happy to see him...

Loona Mind: W-Woah...thats new.

(YN): Loona, you alright?!

Loona: Y-Yeah, kinda...juts a wound on my arm...

(YN) approaches to her and checks her wound...

(YN): Yikes, they got you good. No problem, I brought some items to fix that up, here let me just...

Loona gives her wounded arm to (YN) as he then started fixing her arm, pouring rubbing alcohol on her wounded arm, then some cotton balls and finally wrapping a bandage around her whole arm...and there...

(YN): There, that's should do.

Loona: I-It kinda...less painful...

(YN): Dorn worry, it'll heal up a couple of days and-

Loona quickly hugs (YN) without hesitation as she says with a smile...

Loona: Thank you, for coming.

(YN) smiles about it as he pats her on the head...

(YN): Your welcome, Loona.

After that, the two heard gunshots....

Loona: Oh crap! The others!

(YN): Come on! Let's go save them!

And so, Loona and (YN) make there run for to help Blitz Millie and Moxie...they follow the Josie and arrive to the scene were Moxie was pointing at the humans, as Blitz and Millie were tied up...

Millie: Loona!!

Blitz: (YN)?!! You too?! How the-

(YN): Loona called, seems like you need a little help after all.

Blitz: Yeah, and we need it now!!!

Moxie then pulls the trigger on the rifle...and yet, no bullets...

Moxie: What?!? Sir, did you only put one bullet?!?

Blitz: Well no shit! For the target until you had to fuck everything up!

Loona/(YN): for fuck sakes...

Martha and Raphael point their shotguns towards Moxie...

Martha: Well, looks like you ran out of luck little critter! Hahaha!!

Ralph: Say your goodbyes! And the rest of your friends as well!

Millie: MOXIE!!!!

Moxie closes his eyes...and heard the Shira being he expected him to get shot at....but wasn' he open his eyes...and sees (YN) taking the shots for him instead...

Moxie: O-Oh shit!

Loona: (YN)!!! O-Oh no no no!!

Blitz: Damn it no!

Ralph: Haha! Well look at that, guess the dumbass demon wanted to be a hero for once! Bad choice!

Martha: Haha! What a fucking idiot!

The rest were shock and about to feel sadden to see (YN) being shot, Loona as well as she was about to cry for him.....until suddenly....

(YN): think you can kill me??

Loona: Wh-What???!

Ralph: What the hell?!?

Martha: No way!

(YN) was still standing, as the bullets he got shot on started to heal up his body and regenerate his wounds...and were gone...

Loona: Th-Th-The wounds...their...gone...!

Ralph: Bullshit!

Martha and Ralph started shooting at (YN), while (YN) kept on approaching to them, and taking the shots and regenerating his wounds and not feeling anything....Ralph and Martha were getting a bit fear from (YN) knowing he can't (YN) got to them closer, Ralph try hitting him with the shotgun, but (YN) grabbed him by the neck and snatched the shotgun off from his hands, as he shoves the shotgun all the way into Ralph's mouth as blood started to pour out from his mouth as Ralph started choking on it...and collapses and dies...Martha screams in fear as (YN) got close to her....Martha with such fear and scared out of her life, she points the shotgun towards (YN)'s face....and pulls the (YN)'s half face was shot....and yet to regenerate his wounds back to normal and giving Martha a grin smile at her...after, (YN) grabs Martha by the throat, choking her and lifts her up...

Martha: P-Pleae! Please don't kill me!! P-Please don't kill me! H-Have mercy!

(YN): Hehe, Mercy?? Sorry, I'm all out of mercy...and you deserve to be punished for good.

Martha: N-No!!!!!!

(YN) grabs Martha's whole face, as he forcefully rips her head out as her body collapses to the floor...and (YN) holding her head, drops it and squashed it....

(YN): Tch. Dirty bitch.

Moxie soon runs up to Millie and Blitz as he unties them...

Moxie: Oh I'm glad you two are okay!

Millie: Thank you babe!

Blitz: Your not getting your god damn paycheck for this one Mox!

Moxie: I-I'm sorry sir, I should have never mess it up from the beginning, I take full responsibility on this on, it will never happen again.

Blitz: Hehe, oh what the hell, apology accepted...but the next time you do screw this up, I will fuck your mom!

Moxie: .....Oooookayyyy then.

Blitz: Right then...and (YN)....HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT DEAD YET?!? Those bullets should have killed you!!

Moxie: Yeah, I mean!?!

(YN): Oh, hehe right...funny story, you see I-

Blitz: Okay look, right now doesn't matter, what matters is we need to get out of here already, we already took care of our target, and it's settled, okay Loona, let's open that portal and get home and celebrate with our new client!

Loona: R-Right.

(YN): ...Never mind then.

And so, Loona opens summons the portal to their home as they all left and accomplish their work....


Minutes later, while having Mrs. Mayberry with them in the office, and telling her that she got what she wanted, they all celebrate for killing the woman that ruin Mrs. Mayberry's life...while celebrating, Loona sees (YN) siting down at the couch eating cake as she goes joining him to sit with him...

Loona: H-Hey (YN).

(YN): Oh, sup Loona.

Loona: M-Mind if I to you??

(YN): Hehe, sure, don't mind at all.

Loona blushes as she sat down next to him as the two were eating cake they do....Loona then says to (YN)...

Loona: H-Hey, (YN)?

(YN): Yea??

Loona smiles and blushes as she says...

Loona: Thanks again back know, for treating my wound...and saving our asses, especially me of course.

(YN): Hehe, don't mention it, just to let you know...if anything happens to them, or even to you, I'll be there, no matter what.

Loona blushes more as she replies...

Loona: S-Sure, of course.

After that...Loona suddenly tilts her head to (YN)'s shoulder while eating her cake, and smiling as well...(YN) notices about it, and he didn't mind at all as he smiles about it to as he and Loona both enjoy eating their cakes together....


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