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The episode begins with a flashback, showing a giant stadium at the center of the Greed Ring where thousands of spectators are watching the stage at the front.

Spotlights shine everywhere before green flames sprout at the stands.

"Alright, folks! Give it up for the king of all things greeeen! Hell's number one clown! The money-maker himself!"

A giant sign pops up from the stands and makes a spinning slot motion like a slot machine before it stops to a jackpot, revealing the name of the sign: Mammon.

The scene switches to the spectators all cheering on for the one demon to appear on stage. One of the spectators is the younger teenage Blitzo and Fizzarolli before the fire accident.

The boys were all screaming and they were making applause for the most popular figure in Greed Ring.

"The sin you all looove most - Mammon, King of Greeeed!"

In a rockstar entrance scene, Mammon slides on stage with a guitar pops up on stage with green flames and confetti bursting from behind him, wearing sunglasses.

"Heya, implings! How're you little c**** doing tonight? I hope you're ready for the best fucking show you will ever see in your..."

An explosion occurs on scene before his face gets a close-up.

" ...shit lives!"

Like everyone else, Blitzo and Fizzarolli are having the time of their lives, screaming their lungs out.

"Mammon, Mammon, Mammon!"

"Right. I got tons of really fuckin' cool" spins his guitar, "shit for you 'ere tonight. But, first, how many of you worthless bitches wanna be big clowns like me someday?"

Although, Mammon couldn't hear Blitzo and Fizzarolli screaming their lungs out, then they excitedly raise their hands up, in hopes of getting noticed by him.

"I do, I do!"

"Me, me, me, me, me!"

"Well, I'm happy to announce that I will be starting up a new, yearly clown pageant!"

Just as he was making the announcement, the camera scene pans out to reveal a giant sign behind Mammon that saids, "Mammon's Super Fucking Rad as Shit Clown Pageant" before more smoke explosions happen on stage, accompanyed with fireworks and confetti.


Then the camera screenshot zooms in on Mammon up close.

"You know- Like one 'a them fucked up beauty contests, but for clowns, so it's better!"

The camera pans out again with the sign that says: "It's Better" before arrows point at the sign. Even more fireworks and confetti are set off then before. The scene switches back to Mammon again.

"Just for all you aspiring, clown kids out there!" Then he picks up an imp child with glasses.

"A new chance to work with me, Mammon!"

As he was explaining this, Blitzo finds it very uncomfortable just by thinking about it, making a look of uncertain disgust, while Fizzarolli was staring at Mammon with bright eyes of admiration.

"And be the new face of my clown-ish brand!"

Then he pulls the imp kid back like a rubber band before throwing him off-stage.

"I can't wait to see all the new talent I can exploi-- u-um, fuck. Wait, I mean enjoy uh, watching me grow my empire! Also, if you're a chick, maybe give up on your dreams now. Cause, I'm not gonna lie: women just ain't funny"

the writer's credits fade into view as Mammon pauses, sporting the name Vivienne Medrano. The credits abruptly dissapear when Mammon Starts speaking again.

"ANYWAY! My plan is to find the new face of my brand, YEAH! So, they gotta bring the good shit! The winner will get to be like the son I never had, and I'll be like the stepdad that will love you when it's convenient!"

Switching to teenage Blitzo and Fizzarolli, Fizzarolli continues to look at Mammon with exciting admiration, while Blitzo turns sour after realizing what a letdown Mammon was since he's trying to make a scam out of everyone in the crowd.


Blitzo just heard Fizzarolli and looks beside him with one eyebrow raised in surprise. Then the scene comes back to Mammon.

"You might be a lunchbox, an action figure, Saturday morning cartoon. Hell, I might even make a sex robot of ya! I don't know! I mean, if we'll make money, sure. But it's not weird"

Then he spots a random imp in the crowd and then he points at the one with glasses.

"You're weird, you sick fuck! And, if you say it's exploitation, fuck you!"

As Mammon was going on ranting, the scene switches to the stage. The crowd was dead silent after hearing his complains.

"It's not exploitation! If you think that then you're a dickhead" Then the camera makes a close up again.

"Anyway, CLOWNS!"

As he finishes, a horde shadowy figures of clowns and whatever kinds of demons appear behind Mammon.

The crowd continues cheering, even as the frontmost rows of the audience, including Fizzarolli and Blitzo are buried under the mass of clowns.


Then the scene changes to the aftermath of the rock-style concert showing from Mammon.

Teenage Blitzo and Fizzarolli are walking down the street after the whole clown swarming fiasco in the stadium.

"Alright, I'm gonna say it. That was too many clowns"

"I have to win that pageant someday. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to get to work with him?"

"What's the point? Isn't being the star of our imp circus enough? Plenty of people already know who you are, Fizz. You don't need to go work for Mammon like some creepy mascot"

"It's not about that! It's getting to work with my idol"
His eyes sparkling with admiration.

"I just love that he's giving someone new the chance to be in the spotlight! He's an inspiration"

While Fizzarolli was daydreaming, Blitzo was still having uncertainty of Fizzarolli's expectations.

"Well he's- definitely something alright. I mean, I dunno, was it worth all our savings just to have him put on an over-hyped commercial, and then bitch about taxes, and then assault us with clowns, vomit, and pass out on stage?"

"So worth it!"

Unbeknownst to them, a stranger appears behind the light post, looking at them from behind like a creepy stalker before he scurries away like a raccoon.

"Blitzo, do you think I could win if I worked really hard? - I think..."

"I think if anyone's gonna be the new clown face on everything"

Blitzo grabs Fizzarolli by the head, gives him a nuzzle and chuckles.

"-it'll be you, Fizz"

As the two are talking, the stalker appears in front of them, under a light post shining on him.

"Holy, shit! You're Fizzarolli! Oh, MAN! Your stuff is great!!"

Fizzarolli is creeped out by the sudden appearance of a crazed fan standing before him.

"Oh- hey, there. Thank you, I appreciate that"

Fizzarolli and Blitzo find the crazed fan hard to ignore, so they try to walk past him to get away from him.

But just as they were ahead, the crazed fan zips past them to be in their way, stopping them from leaving.

"Woah- oh- okay"

"After seeing your shows, I wanted to get into clown performing, too!"

While Fizzarolli was looking a bit nervous, but Blitzo looked like he didn't care.

"I'm really good!"

Fizzarolli gives a nervous chuckle and he heads toward him to give the crazed fan a handshake as a sign of appreciation.

On the other hand, Blitzo, was scowling at the crazed fan, and somehow, he recognizes him.

"Hey, aren't you that creep who's always trying to sniff around our dressing rooms?"

However, as Fizz was about to give him a handshake, he stops, suddenly, Burnie grabs hard on it and then he pulls Fizzarolli up close to his face, completely oblivious to Blitzo's presence.

"I have the best idea for a duo performance between us, that should spice up your act. Picture this: We start it like a romantic, ballroom dance or a-"

"Dude, weird fuckin' pitch. Fuck off!"

"I was talking to the clown, asshole!"

Then Burnie twists Fizzarolli around to face away from Blitzo so he can continue on with his crazy sexual obsession with him.

"I'm sorry, Fizzie. I'm not normally so aggressive, I promise. I've just waited my whole life for an opportunity like this!"

Up close of the Burnie's glasses reflecting the anxiously nervous Fizzarolli.

"With your fame, and my raw, undiscovered talent, I know we can-"

"Hey, shit-dick, beat it now or I'll make ya swallow your fangs!"

Blitzo has had enough of this creepy stalking moment and he comes up to break it up. Burnie keeps on ranting as if Blitzo was not there.

"Fizz! You don't want me to leave, right? Tell him you don't want me to go!"

Fizzarolli, now very uncomfortable about their encounter, decides to not deal with this anymore and pulls his hand back.

"I- uhm- We have to go now. Thanks, though!"

Fizzarolli leaves the crazed fan. Then Blitzo shoves past him with one hand out of the way with a deadpanned look.

Then Burnie realizes what has happened and holds his arm in a heartbroken pain and collapses to the ground in anguish.

"Eugh! Fiiizz! FIZZAROLLIIII!"

Fizzarolli throws one nervous glance behind to Burnie before leaving with Blitzo.

"Fine! Fuck you! You think you're better than me, you elitist prick? Your act's fucking trash anyways!"

The scene comes back to Blitzo and Fizzarolli with Blitzo looking back with disgust.

"Cheeeese and hot sauce Fizz, your fans are something else"

"What if my acts are trash? What if I'm never good enough?"

"Hey, hey. Don't let one asshole get to you, 'kay? You're- you are plenty good enough"

"But, I have to be perfect"

"Do you?"

"I'll just have to keep practicing, and someday, maybe, I'll be good enough for M-"

The sweet and tender moment between Blitzo and Fizzarolli is cut short by a TV static scene that blocks out the scene before it apparently fixes itself to a flashforward, where an explosion occurs as Mammon reappears on screen.

"It's me, Mammon! And I'm here to announce the amazing new brand -"

He showcases the new robotic android of the original Fizzarolli.

"Fizzie! We got a Fizzie for every occasion!"

The commercial shows various Robo Fizzes that are branded for every purposes and skills such as a small, plush one being stomped on, one posing as a fireman, a therapist, one waiting in a shopping line, as a doctor, one that was big and obese before deflating into being small and skinny, one where Hellhound kids were chewing on while fighting over it, one being used by a teen imp as a chair, three horny female imps licking and sucking on another one.

"We got fluffy, toy Fizzie, fireman Fizzie, therapist Fizzie, wait in line for you Fizzie, doctor Fizzie: beeps every time it senses cancer! Fat Fizzie, skinny Fizzie, so many Fizzies! And if you wanna fuck 'em, you can! We got Fizzies for the kids, Fizzies for the teens, and Fizzies for you sick, fucking degenerate adults! We got 'em all! All based on my new face, Fizzieee!"

Mammon then brings up the adult Fizzarolli on camera.

He appears to be nervously smiling with a bead of sweat on his forehead.

He jabs a thumb to himself to show he's the one and only real Fizzarolli.

"That's me!" Mammon uncomfortable laughs

"Buy yours now! Do it!"

The commercial scene zooms out with a giant "Buy" logo behind Mammon and Fizzarolli.

Fizzarolli makes one last nervous chuckle before the commercial explodes in the scene.

back to the present, with Fizzarolli looking into his mirror, focused on a grey patch with a scar over his right eyebrow with great concern. Then he begins searching around the vanity area for something as Asmodeus stands behind the couch nearby.

"Oh, fuck. Mammon is gonna notice that. Ozzie! Where did my foundation go?!"

"This is the tenth year in a row you've done this stupid pageant, Froggie. And you win everytime! How come you're always so dead set on this?"

"I wanna make Mammon proud, okay? He's- really passionate about the craft of clown. He expects perfection, so I- I gotta be perfect"

Fizzarolli slumps into the couch as Asmodeus approaches him.

"Fizz, you ain't perfect! Nobody is! How abooout, you sit this one out, and let someone else take the spotlight? You deserve a break. Or a vacation, where you don't have to fend off creeps the entire time"

"I had to fend of creeps before the robots, I just have thirstier ones, now. Besides, I just- have to do this!"

"Lemme rephrase: I don't like how many creeps you have now, thanks to Mammon. And I don't like designing sex toys with your likeness for him! Pretty sure you feel the same"

"I just don't think about it, a toy is a toy! Look, Ozz, I'm fine. Working for Mammon is a big deal to me. He's been my idol since I was five, I can't just- not compete! I'd be letting him down! Th-the fans down!"

"Mammon can eat my ass - in a bad way. Fizz, I've known that guy since the start of Hell, and He. Fucking. Sucks. Always has! He doesn't even do clown shit anymore"

Then Asmodeus sees the dejected look on Fizzarolli's face and lets out a heavy sigh before handing him a small jar of foundation.

(Apparently, he had it on him the entire time) Fizzarolli takes the jar and, while facing the mirror, applies some until the grey patch is gone.

"I just don't want you doing all this for someone's approval. Sometimes heroes let you down"

"I know, Ozz. But, this- i-is for me. I don't wanna lose"

While watching Fizzarolli prepare for the contest, Asmodeus begins to think of something.

cut to Blitzo, in his house. Vortex is sleeping by his side like a dog, blitzo is sitting on his couch in the dark, while disgustingly eating cereal when his phone rings.


intercut between Blitzo in his house, watching a movie about horses making out and devouring a large block of cheese whole, and Asmodeus standing behind a curtain in front of Fizzarolli's dressing room, initially keeping an eye on Fizzarolli before walking away to continue with his phone call.

"- Is this- Fizz's former bestie, then lifelong enemy, then recent hero, now newly rekindled sort of friend, Blitzo?"

"Ehn, that is a weird way to put it, but eeyup, that's me" he rubs vortex head.

"This is Asmodeus"

"Oh, shit. The big Ozz himself! Heh, is there a reason you're calling me on the weekend Your sin- sinness? Sinfulness? Sin-Royal, big man?"

"You've lived rent free in Fizz's head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things"

"Yeah, I was the one who usually had the stronger opinions. Yeah like, like one time, he tried convincing me that juggling was cool, but it's only a little cool at best"

"Look, he's deadset on re-entering Greed's yearly clown pageant"

"Wow, big fucking surprise there"

"I was hoping to have some...backup in convincing him that this thing is a waste of time"

"What? Why? Doesn't he always win?"

"'Cause Mammon is a selfish, manipulative, piece of SHIT! And Fizz... doesn't listen to me when I try to tell him that"

"Well, my special skills are killing things without giving fucks, and pointing out people's flaaaws...Alright, count me in! DAD! I'm heading out keep an eye on the kids for me"

jump to a circus tent in Greed as a crowd is gathered behind a blockage.

Then a limousine arrives in front of a red carpet. Then Fizzarolli leaps out of the limo and greets the fans as they cheer him on.

"Hup- hup- Hey!"

Asmodeus teleports out in his lowkey form while Blitzo, dressed as a bodyguard, falls out and faceplants onto the ground.


Fizzarolli and Asmodeus walk down the red carpet, while Blitzo brushes himself off, and catches up with them, pulling a gun out.

"We love you, Fizz! Yeah, baby, yeah!"

"Wow, I have not been to a crowded event in years"

"Can you remind me why you're here, again?"

"I uuuh- invited him. To help you, with extra security. You know your fans. Since I can't be with you, I felt he'd be the next best thing"

"He'd be the next best thing?"

"Well, he kept you safe when I wasn't able to, so I trust that"

An imp child in the crowd lets out a high-pitched laugh, only for Blitzo to aim a gun at him. Asmodeus chuckles nervously.

"Mmm-hmm. L'il sus, babe"

Fizzarolli walks ahead as Asmodeus and Blitzo share a knowingly glance at each other.

Blitzo nods and Asmodeus leaves the area. Blitzo catches up with Fizzarolli.

"You're doing an awesome job, Fizzarolli!"

"Come on, it's just like old times. I'll make sure no one gives you shit, today"

"You mean besides you?"

Suddenly, Mammon appears in a green, smokey explosion.

"Aaay, there he is!" holds Fizzarolli's face by the jaw, "Now, how's my bright, shiny, brand baby doing? Ready to reclaim your win another year? Yeah?"

"You know it, Mammon sir"

Mammon puts Fizzarolli back down, "Goooood. Cause, you know, I saw your competition, and it's pretty stiff, right? You are gonna have to try extra hard like- fixin' that posture." Then Fizzarolli straightens up.

"Not gonna lie, you're looking a bit chungo, yeah?"

Then Mammon pats Fizzarolli's skeleton-thin tummy in emphasize, causing Blitzo to remove his sunglasses in disbelief.

"Maybe lose a few so we don't gotta make any more adjustments to the Fizzies. People like 'em skinny as FUCK"

"Oh- right, sir. Of course! I'll work on that" ego deflates.


Then Blitzo approaches Mammon and Fizzarolli. Fizzarolli is nervous about introducing Mammon to Blitzo and he starts to shake a little bit from the interaction.

"Oh? And who's this dumpster-diver ya got here with ya?"

Blitzo in a matter-of-fact tone, "Hi, yes. Nice to meet you, I'm the one who saw through your fake-ass bullshit from the day I had to spend all my savings on the shit covered, dick show you called a performance. Thanks for that, by the way"

"Haha- ha- ignore him, sir. He's uh- he's like this all the time. He thinks he's funny"


"Riiight, yeah. You can shut your c***-ass mouth, boy. I'll see you on stage! And don't forget to fuckin' smile Fizzarolli"

Then Fizzarolli gives Mammon a big smile and a salute. Then Mammon steps closer to the tent.

"The smile is the face people like to seeee froooom you!" Mammon disappears in a puff of green smoke.

"Wow, that guy sucks so hard"

"Look, Blitzo, I don't know why Ozz brought you here, but can you at least not talk back to my boss?! I need this gig!"

"Why? Don't you have the world's best sugar daddy?"

"I just need it, okay?!" then talks to himself, "Smile inside and out"

Fizzarolli walks further down the red carpet with a smile on his face while waving to the crowd as they cheer for him.

"We love you, Fizz! We love you, Fill! We love you, Fizz! Ready for another win, Fizz?"

"Oh, pfft. Well, I don't wanna assume, but, as always, I have an act that's without a doubt gonna-"

"-fucking lose!"

Then Fizzarolli stops and turns to see a demon with aquatic features stopped in front of him.

The demon flips her fin hair and then moves to reveal her sister before they pose together.

Then the crowd goes wild for the new addition: The Glam Sisters.

"Oooh, fun. You gals gonna be competing as well? That's really nice."

But the girls continue posing as they speak.

"You can shut up now you fugly imp"

"Yeah, see we didn't come to chat, we came to win"

"Wow, what attractive attitudes you got"

"Like we care what your opinion is Fizza-" stops to think, "uh..."


"Shut up, I was thinking of one!"

"Should've been faster"


"Slow-ass, bitch"

"You know, it's pretty telling that you snatches can't even keep your stupid mirror schtick together. It ain't cute"

"We don't need to"

"We put our energy towards our performance"

"And winning Mammon's favor"

"Oh, well. I look forward to seeing what you do, and may the best clown w-"

"We plan to"

Glam laughs as Glitz flips Fizzarolli off. Then the Glam sisters walk pass Blitzo and Fizzarolli into the tent.


Music starts.

"Aw, man. I didn't a rat's ass about this competition. But, Christ on a stick Fizz, pile drive those sluts"

Fizzarolli begins to feel the pressure of the competition.

The scene changes to inside the tent where a shark-shaped arena is housing the competition.

The contestants appear on stage under spotlights as the crowd goes wild.

Mammon sits in a web-like seat at the very back, accompanied by two robo-fizzies, one of them fanning him.

Mammon sinks his teeth into a chicken drumstick as the contest begins.

"We've certainly got some quality up here tonight, folks. Will Mr. Ten years running come out on top? Or is it time for fresh meat?"

Fizzarolli preforms his juggling act on a unicycle, but he ends up with the balls bouncing off of his head.

♪ Juggling, it's objectively cool ♪

♪ Our returning champ is nobody's fool ♪

♪ But, what's this? ♪

The Glam sisters above him are on a tightwire. Glitz is sitting on a unicycle pedaling while holding up Glam, who is upside down and juggling the balls with her feet. Glam lets the balls fall, landing on Glitz's knee as she balances them perfectly.

♪ The twins bring it up to the wire ♪

Then the Glam sisters are lit on blue fire as they glare smugly.

♪ Also, they're on fire ♪

♪ Points for style (Points for style) ♪

♪ The crowd goes wild (Crowd goes wild) ♪

Then the scoreboard changes, putting Glitz and Glam in the lead with 123 points. Fizzarolli trailing behind with 115.

♪ It's the pie gag and the twins want a taste, ♪

Glitz and Glam smile to the audience as they pick up a pie with one hand and hold each other's free hand.

♪ But, what's this? ♪

The Glam sisters prepare to shove a pie in their face, when Fizzarolli appears in between them to take the hit.

Then Glitz and Glam glare angrily as Fizzarolli sits down in a chair nearby, then he poses as a pile of pies drop on top of him.

Then he kicks as a leg upward and smiles as the residue of pies land on the girls' heads.

♪ It's Fizz in the face ♪

♪ He takes the cake and he eats it, too ♪

♪ He's hungry to win, and he's covered in goo ♪

♪ That's point for cream the crowd screams ♪

Then the scoreboard changes again, putting Fizzarolli in the lead with 375. Glitz and Glam trail behind with 327 points.

♪ Ba-ba-balloons , he's pumping them out ♪

Then Fizzarolli blows seven balloons up and then he twists them together to make an image of Mammon's head.

♪ From where I'm sittin' you can hear the crowd ♪

Then the Glam Sisters appear, holding a crown made out of balloons.

♪ Not give a shit cause the twins are here ♪

Then the Glitz and Glam place their crown on top of Fizzarolli's Mammon face, stunning him. Mammon laughs impressed with the action.

♪ They're full of sin and they're here to win ♪

Then the scoreboard changes, once again, this time tying Fizzarolli and the Glam Sisters for first place with 666 points each.

Then Glitz and Glam grin maliciously as they glare at a nervous Fizzarolli.

♪ Holy, moly! Things are not looking good for Fizz-a-rolli ♪ The crowd cheers as Mammon appears on stage.

"And, now, you c****, we're down to our clowny finalists"

"Mammon! Mammon!"

Then the spotlight from behind Mammon blinds a topless fan, who is sitting on the shoulders of another imp holding a sign that says "Charge Me Mammon" and her credit card number.

Then she falls backward into the crowd. Then Mammon rushes over and holds Fizzarolli up.

"My very own pride and joy, the marketable son I never had: Fizzarolli! And the surprisingly funny women act that made me reflect on my earlier statements:"

Then Mammon drops Fizzarolli as he approaches the other finalists, Glitz and Glam.

"The Glam Sisters!"

Then Glitz and Glam pose with Mammon. Then Fizzarolli puts on a forced smile for the audience, before Mammon pulls him over.

"Now, we're gonna have a quick meet 'n greet with our finalists..."

"So, fork it over, kiddies! You know it's worth it!"Laughs maniacally.

Mammon continues laughing maniacally as he takes comically large bags of money from the guests before pushing and kicking them into the area.

He notices that someone put lint and a coin and a paperclip in his hand and frowns, unimpressed.

The poor imp child eagerly stands in front of him, until Mammon snaps his fingers and a minion places a "Poor Sap" bag over his head and takes him away.

Inside the "Meet 'N Greet" area, Glitz and Glam are posing for pictures while preforming some acrobatic tricks. Fizzarolli, hiding behind a cardboard cutout of himself, quietly approaches Mammon at the entrance.

"Hey, Mammon, uh- I may not be uh- i-in the right headspace to interact with the fans right now. Is it okay if I maybe skip the whole thing?"

Mammon still collecting money, "Psh, of course not"

"I just really don't think that I'm really--"

Mammon picks Fizzarolli up by the face, muffling any explanations.

"Aaaw, come on, Fizzie, my boy. Don't you wanna do this for your fans? Listen to them!"

Then a crowd of rabid fans are waiting to meet Fizzarolli, including a giant hairless dog demon.

"They're dying to meet you! Dying to see your little Fizzie face! You gotta make a good impression, mate. The better the impression, the more they'll want a piece of you they can take home and fuck! Don't you want that, Fizzie? To be fucked?!"

"Uhhh... I mean, no, not really, actually"

"Fizzie, I-I'm not gonna lie, I want that" holds Fizzarolli close to him, tightly, "So, come on, just do this one thing for me"

"Okay, sir"

"Aw, you're a bloody legend, Fizzie! They're gonna wanna fuck you" hugs Fizzarolli tightly again, "like you're fucking my heart with joooy right now! Now get out there and make me proud" puts Fizzarolli back down and pinches his cheek, "you stupid, little c***"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mammon disappears in a burst of smoke, causing Fizzarolli to cough, before Blitzo appears nearby, hanging from the ceiling by a cord attached to his belt. However, Blitzo is unable to get himself rightside up.

"Wow, Fizz, you let him talk to you like that? You got some kinda secret kink I should know about or something?"

"It's just how he is"

"I mean. Shit, if he talked to me that way--"

"Ugh, it's fine" Then Fizzarolli walks over to meet his fans.

"Heya, folks! Where ya from?" One of the fans flashes her breasts at Fizzarolli.

"Oh! Lust, love it there, obviously. Wet Dreamsville, hah!" signs books, toys, and even a hellhound's chest, "Best pharmacies in Hell! Ragesburg well, Nice to meet cha, partner. Ha ha, I don't do accents. Fun!" hugs two fans, "Ah, nice to meet you, too!" stands in front of crowd, "Thank you so much for coming to the show"

"We love you, Fizz! Fizz! Fizz! Fizz! Fizz!"

Fizzarolli frowns solemnly, until he notices a young imp holding a pen and piece of paper waving happily at him.

Then he puts the pen and paper under his arm as he speaks to Fizzarolli through sign language, with subtitles appearing in-video to accompany it.

(raw ASL translation is provided in brakcets)

"Fizzarolli! I'm a big fan! (F-CLOWN! I BIG ADMIRE-PERSON!)" Fizzarolli blinks twice before smiling.

"Come on over here. (COME)"

Then the kid rushes over and opens up his paper. Fizzarolli happily signs it and gives it to the kid, who smiles happily.

"I want to be a clown just like you. (CLOWN SAME)"

"You can do anything you want to do. (IF WANT CAN WORK)" Fizarolli motions his hand to adress the crowd.

"I hope you're excited for the biiig finale!"

"Boo! Boo! Sellout piece of shit!"

The crowd looks around confused, wondering where the booing was coming from. Fizzarolli gestures the kid to head back into the crowd.

"Uh- wh- c-come again?"

"Ughh, your act is such fucking trash; always has been"

The crazed "fan" climbs up behind the back of the crowd, revealing himself as Burnie Burnz, the imp stalker obsessed with Fizzarolli in the begining .

"Except! now, I have to see your smug face plastered on everything, everywhere! And, you can read all about it on my review blog:"

Burnie falls back into the crowd after having lost his balance. Then Fizzarolli shifts nervously at the reunion.

"Hah, well. Anyway, folks, heh--"

Burnie reappears, having to have crawled his way to the front of the crowd.

"You're not even a clown anymore. All you do is work at that" turns around as he stomps his foot, dramatically, "overpriced, sleaze joint, and then every year, you come back here to put us through the same tired, old routine"

Blitzo watches through his sniper scope as Burnie begins to approach Fizzarolli, forcing Fizzarolli back before recognizing him.

"Is there a single, original idea in that head?"

Then Fizzarolli finds himself literally backed into a wall with no way out.

Fizzarolli nervousness turning to panic, "I uh- uh- uuuh- " shaky laughs.

Burnie Burnz towering over Fizzarolli, "You fucking suck, and so do your products. Your sex-bots can't even get me off right, you know-"

Then Blitzo lands in front of Burnie and he aims his sniper rifle at him.

Burnie freezes with his hands up, but it does nothing to stop him from talking.

"What? Still think you're too good to even talk to me? Still gotta get this chump to stand in for you? You're fucking pathetic. (passionately) To think, what we could've been together..."

Then Burnie fantasizes himself and Fizzarolli holding hands happily skipping through a meadow, before shifting to a ramp where Burnie wears a crown and a cape as if he was a king, holding a chain attached to the neck of Fizzarolli, wearing a latex stripper suit happily kneeling down on all fours.

"...if you hadn't been too up your own ass to listen--"

Then Blitzo aims the gun forcefully at Burnie, happily willing to end Burnie's life in that instance.

"Yeah, one more word out of you, Twat-stain, Imma blow your head clean open in front of all these fucking kids"

Blitzo stops smiling and looks back when he hears Fizzarolli hyperventilating, to his concern.

Fizzarolli is clearly beginning to have a panic attack. Blitzo's concern turns to rage as Burnie starts laughing maniacally, before he slams the hilt of his rifle into his face, knocking him down.

Burnie's face is now bloodied and bruised, with one of the lenses of his glasses cracked from the impact.

"You're not done with me, Fizzarolli"

Burnie runs back into the crowd and disappears. As Fizzarolli continues to hyperventilate, Blitzo rushes over and catches him when he collapses.

"Hey, hey- Woah, woah, you good?"

Suddenly, Mammon appears in a green smoke, throws Blitzo aside, and holds Fizzarolli up.

"Yeah, mate? You alright, Fizzie?"

Fizzarolli looks up at Mammon, who glares at him, threateningly.

"Yeah- yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm- I'm fine, yeah, heh"
Mammon looks Fizzarolli over and smiles.

"Tell you what: I'll let the hotties go on before ya, give ya some time to get your shit together!"

The camera cuts to a close up of Mammon grabing Fizzarolli by the cheecks and pulling him closer.

As mammon tells Fizz to get his shit together, again, 6 smaller eyes appear on his head, and electricity crackles around him as his voice gets more threatening.

Mammon quietly, but menacingly, "Get your shit together, Fizzie. You're a bloody legend"

The camera returns to the previous shot, with Mammon dropping the angry tone from his voice and tugging playfully at Fizzarolli.

Mammon yelling enthusiastically, "You're a bloody legend, ya bitch!"

Mammon spins Fizzarolli, sending him tumbling toward the backstage entrance.

Fizzarolli catches his breath, still shaken from the ambush. Blitzo rushes back over, still concerned for Him.

"Oh, shit. That guy got to you, didn't he? You know you don't have to-"

"I do, Blitzo. I do"

Then Fizzarolli walks over to the stage as Blitzo rushes after him.

"Fucking hell, Fizz this is stupid. That clown shit is not this important"

"This job is! Without it I'll lose-"


The Glam Sisters laugh evilly as they step through the backstage door, with their eyes shining brightly through the dark before fading.

"Seriously, that guy is a fucking dick, and he's using you for everything, cause you're likable, and he's a fucking trash fire"

"No, he's not! He's just trying to make me good enough"

"Good enough for what?"

Then the crowd settle down in their seats as the lights in the arena dim.

Then pop music plays as Glitz appears inside a spiral whirlpool before cutting through it with her hand, beginning the song.

Glam: ♪ Get ready for the new look ♪

♪ New rhythm and a new hook ♪

♪ Not here to cuddle ♪

♪ more like leave you in a puddle ♪

Then Glam's arms move from two to four as Glitz appears from behind her in unison.

Glam: ♪ Little double trouble got ya boy shook ♪

Glitz: ♪ Ha, ha, here's the sitch' ♪ *rapping* ♪ Feed sin with ya taxes ♪

♪ Greedy greed wins where the cash is ♪

♪ Wanna sell my funny, slutty body to the masses ♪

Glam Sisters: ♪ Feelin' lonely on a Saturday night ♪

♪ Well, money can't buy happiness ♪

♪ But, it can rent you paradise ♪

Then the spotlight changes to neon lights. Then the girls begin to float above the stage, rotating in a circle formation.

♪ Give in to temptation ♪

♪ Take your time I'll be patient ♪

♪ Be my little piggy let me ♪

♪ scratch your dirty itch ♪

The music pauses, and the Glam Sisters sprout wings from their back, preforming aerobatic moves as they continue singing.

Fizzarolli watches from behind the curtains, afraid that they may actually win the pageant.

Glam Sisters: ♪ I'm a klown, bitch ♪

♪ Fix up your frown, bitch ♪

♪ Gimme the crown, bitch ♪

♪ You hear that sound ♪

♪ You're goin' down ♪

Fizzarolli tearfully runs away from the backstage, passing Blitzo.

Then the girls hold each other as they lean back. Then water pours on them and lean upright again, flipping their fin hair for the audience and smiling.

♪ Cause I'm a klown, bitch ♪

Glam Sisters: (offscreen) ♪ Get ready for a- ♪♪

The camera cuts to Fizzarolli as he enters his dressing room, hyperventilating as slams the door behind him.

He runs over to his makeup desk and looks at his reflection in the mirror, still panicky.

Fizzarolli breathing heavily, "O-Okay, Fizz. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. It's okay, it's fine. You have a show to do soon, it's fine"

Fizzarolli wipes sweat off his forehead before realising he took off some of his makeup.

He looks in horror at the mirror to see that the scar above his left eye is still visible.

"Oh- oh no, oh- no, no, no, no. No, no" he starts hyperventilating.

Fizzarolli gets a makeup brush and he tries to apply it to the scar, but his hands are shaking too rapidly.

He retrieves a heart-shaped make-up kit with Ozzie's name on it, and opens it up to reveal a heart shaped mirror.

It's okay, you're fine. You need to be fine"

Asmodeus appears in through Fizzarolli's dressing room door.

"Fizz! Are you okay?"

Fizzarolli turning to Asmodeus, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?? You shouldn't be here, Asmodeus. I'm fine, please!"

Asmodeus tries to enter the room, but due to his tremendous size, he cannot get through the door.

Snapping his fingers, he shrinks down to a much smaller size, allowing him to enter the room and walk over to Fizzarolli.

"Come on, Froggie..."

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Just needed a minute!"

"You aren't okay, you're shaking"

Feeling pressured, Fizzarolli gets up, walks away from the desk, and toward the poster next to the doorway.

"Ozz, I'm about to go on for the finale, I need some time to mentally prepare"

"Fizz, come on! I'm trying to talk to you, you can't force yourself to-"

"Ozz, I have to do this. This could be my last chance to prove that I'm still good at this. That it's not over! That I'm still good enough! It's not just Mammon" looks to poster, "I'm fine. I just...need to be better" returns to makeup desk.

"You think you need to be this perfect, model performer, but that's because Mammon is always forcing that image onto you!"

"But, everything I have is because of Mammon. I have this life. I have security. I have you. Without Mammon I wouldn't be... I wouldn't have... I just... I have to win this"


"I don't want to lose. Because I feel like if I lose this, I lose you"

"How would you lose me?" holds Fizzarolli's shoulders, "Come on, Froggie"

Fizzarolli pushes Asmodeus's hands off his shoulders.

"You're only with me because of who I am at my best! I'm barely worthy of working with a King of Sin 'cause"

He removes jester hat off to reveal his broken horns and blotches.

"THIS IS WHO I AM! Without all this," voice breaking, "I'm just nothing," turns away in tears, "and Mammon made me this. I owe it all to him"

"Fizz, Mammon didn't do shit. You already were this. You'd be this no matter what! You are the most inspiring demon I have ever known, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I adore your inventiveness, your attitude, your resilience. And..." nuzzles Fizzarolli's cheek, "you're just the cutest little thing alive. Also, you are a waaaay better performer than Mammon ever was, and thaaat's just facts"

"It's... It's hard, you know? To t-trust that. I... I just..."he hugs Asmodeus, "I love you so much, Ozzie"

"And, I love you, too, Fizzarolli. And I would whether you win this bullshit or not"

"Well, I kinda spent my whole warmup having a panic attack, haha"

Asmodeus: You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pullin' you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?

Fizzarolli walks away, with a small smirk on his face.

Asmodeus: What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours

Fizzoralli: You think it's easy
You think I don't wanna run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all

Then Fizzarolli puts his hat back on, and Asmodeus takes his hands as they ballet dance across the room.

Fizzoralli: No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours

Fizzarolli walks away for a moment, with an expression of doubt and sorrow on his face.

Both: All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible

Then Asmodeus holds his hand as the two of them stare each other straight in the eye.

Both: How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours

Then Asmodeus and Fizzarolli resume their dancing as they do a duet together.

Fizzoralli: You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied

Fizzarolli sighs happily, before he and Asmodeus lean in and share a loving kiss.

Suddenly, they are interrupted when the door is kicked open by Burnie, who is swinging a dagger around.

"You're gonna listen to me now, BITCH-"

Suddenly, Burnie's head explodes, leaving only the outer layer remaining before falling to the floor.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli stare at Burnie's corpse before looking over to the wall where the bullet responsible resides.

The vanity mirror splits into two even pieces, marking where the bullet flew between them.

"Oh, so you two are an item?"

Blitzo glares intensely at the two, before nonchalantly polishing his gun and puts his sunglasses back on.

"Well, congratulations, you fucking hypocrites"

As Bitzo says the last part, he looks grumpy at the two of them for their Hypocritical relationship.

Meanwhile, Mammon is dealing with a booing audience, who are eager for Fizzarolli to perform.

"Uuuh- D-Don't worry, folks. I-I'm sure Fizzarolli will be out soon with a grand fucking performance"

Suddenly, there is a huge blue-coloured explosion of smoke, and Fizzarolli appears on stage, before an audience who cheers and claps. Satisfied, Mammon disappears and reappears back in his web-like seat with his Robo Fizz harem.

The smoke clears to reveal a propped set with Fizzarolli at a deck.

He puffs a cigarette that glows blue, before blowing neon blue smoke in the air for a dramatic effect. He begins singing.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have wasted time. ♪

♪ I have seen my use. ♪

Fizzarolli stands up and walks across the set, passing by four photos showing Mammon's abuse toward him.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have packaged and sold every part of me! ♪

♪ Suffered a lifetime of abuse. ♪

Then Fizzarolli grabs a bottle of booze to drink, only to find that it's empty.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have lost myself. ♪

He throws the bottle away and falls to his knees toward Mammon's spot in the audience in mock worship.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have worshipped at your feet. ♪

Then he picks himself back up and gestures toward the Glam Sisters, who are watching from behind the curtain.

♪ And here I am standing on top of the world ♪

♪ with some bitches to defeat. ♪

A spotlight shines on the sisters, momentarily stunning them.

They flip Fizzarolli off as the curtain closes behind them.

The music picks up in tone as the initial set is wheeled from the stage.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I've played the game, I've won it all. ♪

As he walks forward, Fizzarolli gestures to the cheering crowd, and then to a hellhound who lowers his Robo-Fizzie to give him a blowjob.

Fizzarolli: ♪ They've screamed my name, ♪

♪ they bought the doll. ♪

♪ I've seized the day, ♪

Fizzarolli looks down at his shirt and rips his sleeves off.

Fizzarolli: ♪ now I've got one thing left to say-ay-ay, ♪

♪ Fuck you! ♪

The stage lights up as some pyrotechnic effects spell "Fuck You" overhead.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Here's my two minutes notice, fuck you! ♪

Fizzarolli hops onto a ball, rolling across the stage and bounces it into the air to flip off Mammon again, landing on a second ball.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Time to quit and smell the roses. ♪

Then he pulls a giant bouquet of flowers out of his shirt and tosses it to the audience.

Fizzarolli ♪ Say goodbye, ♪

A few fans run away in an attempt avoid being crushed by the giant bouquet of flowers.

Fizz he leaps off the balls and lands back on the stage with a middle finger raised at Mammon.

Fizzarolli: ♪ While I look you the in eye and say, fuck you! ♪

Then Mammon sits back in his web-like chair munching on popcorn as a small portal begins to open up beside him.

"Interesting song. Wonder what 'fuckin' ' this is about"

Fizzarolli: ♪ (Fuckity, fuckity, fuckity fuckity you!) ♪

Asmodeus' head pops out of the portal momentarily

"It's about you"

"Wait, what?"

Asmodeus vanishes back inside the portal just as Mammon looks around, wondering who was talking to him.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Fuck you! ♪

Fizzarolli continues his performance with a light show, displaying more on how Mammon had been treating him.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have taken shit, ♪

A giant silhouette of Mammon crushes Fizzarolli under its foot.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Been crushed under your heel. ♪

Then Mammon spits out his popcorn and laughs, as if he doesn't know what the message was all about.

His laughter in-song is replaced by a much deeper laugh from him.

Fizzarolli is then pulled up by wires on his cufflinks, spinning him around until he is disoriented.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I have suffered for profit ♪

♪ and suckered for fame, ♪

An illustration shows a glowing green point, representing the fortune Fizzarolli has made, before a black, almost draconian silhouette of Mammon appears to circle around it, smothering the glowing light.

♪ made a fortune you could steal. ♪

Then Fizzarolli rips the cufflinks off of his wrists and lands back on stage.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I've had enough, I've hit the wall, ♪

Suddenly, he gets a phone call from Mammon (nicknamed as "Master"), with both call options being 'pick up', but he ignores the call and tosses the phone behind him.

♪ I'm tired of taking your calls. ♪

Then Fizzarolli lights a match on his one of his artificial arms and writes "Fuck You" in the air with the flames above him.

♪ It ends today, ♪

♪ Now, there's just one last thing to say-ay-ay, ♪

♪ Fuck you! ♪

Asmodeus sets a baton on fire using his breath and tosses it to Fizzarolli.

Then Fizzarolli twirls the baton and flips off Mammon again.

Fizzarolli: ♪ I wish I'd said it sooner, fuck you! ♪

Then Fizzarolli tosses the baton into the air and spins around, ripping off the bottom of his shirt to show off his midriff and poses seductively as he catches the baton with his mouth, catching Asmodeus off guard.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Cut you off, just like a tumor! ♪

Then he spins the baton and flips off Mammon once more, emphasizing his wish for Mammon's death.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Hope you die, ♪

He turns his rear to the camera and pats it as the camera zooms in.

♪ Kiss my ass goodbye, you cuck, fuck you! ♪

Asmodeus smiles fondly at Fizzarolli. Suddenly, he looks down and covers his lower half with the curtain, while smiling sheepishly.

Then Fizzarolli jumps into the audience to amp up the crowd.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Hey- Have you ever felt sick and tired ♪

♪ of doing the same shit everyday with your anger brewin'? ♪

♪ Eatin' shit for a boss that you're sick of obeyin' ♪

♪ If you ever felt the same let me hear ya say it! ♪

Then Fizzarolli jumps back on stage and guides the audience to sing along with him.

Fizzarolli: ♪ (with ensemble) ♪ Did you really think I was gonna stay? ♪

♪ Spending life bent over with your fist in my "a". ♪

Some of the crowd stops singing and look on confused. Fizzarolli then runs up a lit set of steps onto a coffin prop at the top, standing at the edge of the coffin before falling inside, in a stereotypical 'dead' pose.

Fizzarolli: (with ensemble) ♪ Slander me, say I'll never work in this town, ♪

♪ If I stick around I'll be six more feet under the ground! ♪

The music pauses for a moment, before Fizzarolli springs out of the coffin prop and swings around on trapeze ropes above the stage after he tears off his Victorian-style collar.

Ensemble: ♪ (Fuck you!) ♪

Fizzarolli: ♪ Wo-oh-oh! ♪

Ensemble: ♪ (Here's my two minute's notice, fuck you!) ♪

Fizzarolli: ♪ Suck it, greedy bastard! ♪

♪ You're a fucking, ass clown! ♪

Fizzarolli: (with ensemble) ♪ Time to quit and smell the roses! ♪

♪ Say goodbye, ♪

♪ too late to apologize! ♪

While swinging around, Fizzarolli notices the hellhound from before humping his leg.

The hellhound is shot by Blitzo, from the roof of the stage.

Fizzarolli: ♪ So, this is it ♪

Then Fizzarolli lands back on the steps. After a small moment of hesitation, he pushes the coffin prop over and calls Mammon out.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Mammon, you sad sack of shit, ♪

Then the audience stops singing along and looks up at Mammon. Mammon, finally getting the message, surges with electricity in anger as Fizzarolli finishes out the song.

Fizzarolli: ♪ Fuck yooouuuu! ♪

Then Signs rise behind Fizzarolli with different ways to say, sign, and spell out "Fuck You" along with the audience chanting the words.

Fizzarolli: ♪ You bitch! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

Then the crowd erupts with applause as Mammon angrily pushes over the Robo Fizz applauding and grabs a bag of popcorn from the second Robo Fizz to eat while brooding.

Then Fizzarolli looks over at Asmodeus, who gives him an encouraging thumbs up, and then walks toward the audience.

"Thank you all so much. You know, it's always been one of the greatest thrills of my life performing. And I'm so glad to bring you all one, last show"

As he speaks, he looks to see the young imp from earlier waving to him.

Then Fizzarolli says "Thank you" to him in sign language, which makes him smile.

"Cuz' now... I quit!"

The swelling music cuts out at the line "I quit", before Fizzarolli drops the microphone and walks away, leaving the audience gasping in shock and confusion.

Mammon stares wide eyed before spitting chewed up popcorn at the remaining drag Robo Fizz.


Then Mammon disappears in electric green smoke, and then he appears right in front of Fizzarolli as he walks away, holding his scepter up close to his throat.

"QUIT?! You miserable piece of shit! What do you mean quit?!"

Fizzarolli pushes scepter away from his throat, unfazed.

"I mean, I quit" Walks around him, "I'm done; (Australian accent) G'day, mate!"

As he mocks Mammon, Fizzarolli flips two middle fingers at him while he stretches away, with his arms following after a second of staying in Mammon's face.

Mammon growls in fury before six eyes appear above his standard ones, while electricity coalesces around him.

Then he snarls before shouting, and then explodes in a massive cloud of crackling green smoke.

Fizzarolli looks behind him, to see an enormous metallic spider leg with a dark tip slam just inches away from him, while Asmodeus watches behind the curtains in rising anger.

"Oh, that motherfucker"

Then the giant spider leg pulls back, tearing at the stage as it does so.

The dissapating smoke reveals a giant green cocoon that begins splits apart.


From the giant green cocoon, Mammon bursts out in his full demon form, dwarfing Fizzarolli and dispelling the remaining smke.

Then he roars loudly and furiously as he looks down at Fizz, who stands his ground scowling confidently as Mammon leans forward into his face.


Mammon points his much larger finger at Fizzarolli, but he slaps his hand away and stares him down without fear, crossing his arms confidently.

Mammon stares back in rage, but he notices a giant seal behind Fizzarolli, and suddenly, there's a burst of flame, followed by Asmodeus roaring in his full demon form.


"Ho-ly shit! I say, I say"

"Ha-ha, hooo. Look who's acting like a big fuckin' hero" gets up close to Asmodeus, "Careful what you say, Ozzie. Wouldn't want your little secret getting out, would we?"

Asmodeus gets in Mammon's face, "I don't care anymore!"


"Because if you let him quit, I could tell everyone here that you-"

"What? That I love him? Well, I do!"

Audience began Fangirling, "I knew it, I knew it!"

Mammon stares at surprise as, instead of laughing at Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, everyone immediately went down to their phones, all overlapping each other as they texted and memed, all while saying "I knew it".

Mammon just looks down blankly scratching his head in confusion and embarrassment.

"Oh...uh, shit, ah, you dirty bitch." He slithers around Asmodeus and Fizzarolli.

"You are gonna regret revealing that, Ozz"

Mammon chuckles confidently as he crawls up to Fizzarolli's face to snort green smoke at him.

As his laughing continues, Mammon provokes an enormous implosion around him, causing a huge cloud of crackling green smoke to engulf the circus tent; everyone besides Fizz and Asmodeus screams as the theatre collapses around them.

When the cloud dissipates, Asmodeus is sheltering Fizzarolli under himself to protect him, and once he sees that he's safe, the two of them start hugging each other.

From behind the curtain, Glitz and Glam are seen collapsed, Glitz on top of Glam, before Glitz gets up.

"So, does that mean we win?"

Glam gets up as well, and they both look confidently at each other, before a big wooden plank falls on top of them.


Cut to the limousine driving away, running over a photo with Mamon and Fizzarolli.

Inside it, Asmodeus and Fizzarolli still act all lovey-dovey, Blitzo being squished between Asmodeus and the left wall of the limo.

"So, uhm, who tops?"

Fizzarolli groans as Asmodeus grins at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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