Old wounds

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The scene opens up on blitzo apartment, in Loona's room.

She was sleeping when she heard a noise, "huh?" She gets out of bed.

She pokes her head out form her door to look around and next to her bedroom was vortex's room.

"Psst, Tex?" She whispered.

He opens his door slowly, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"What's up?"

"Did you hear that?" She asked.

"Hear what?"

Then they heard glass breaking, which made vortex startled.

"That?" She says, "it sounds like someone broke in"

They both step out looking around the rooms, back to back ready to attack.

It was quiet and dark, they looked around and they jump when something scattered behind them, then they turned when they hear something moved again.

"Alright you better come out and show yourself or else" loona threatened whatever they were dealing.

She and vortex backed up when a shadow appeared behind them, the two look at each other.

"You think we scared them off" vortex asked.

"I don't know"

"Nice place you got here" then they were spoked.

They turned to see an imp that looked oddly familiar like blitzo.

red skin, yellow eyes, his horn pattern is more triangular with black that stretches down the sides of his head to resemble sideburns. he has a heart-shaped skull marking on his forehead.

his eyes have bags under them, his tail is mostly black, and he has a small white goatee that rests under his chin, but a huge scar over his left eye.

He wears a white Juliet sleeve high collar dress shirt with large rose taupe and faded pink vertical stripes below the collar, a charcoal gray top hat with a rose taupe band and square patch, charcoal gray pants with a lighter gray stain near the bottom of the left leg and a rose taupe square patch, and tall black boots which his pants are tucked into.

He looks around the place, loona and vortex watch him as he checks out everything.

"Real nice, very...roomy"

Then the two growled at him, "alright buddy what do you want?" Loona says.

"Oh easy there, I'm not looking for trouble" he smiled holding his hands up.

"Well it looks you got it" vortex says.

"Easy easy, I'm just looking for blitzo?" He asked.

"What do you want with our dad?" Loona asked.

And the imp's face looked surprised, "he's a dad? He never told me, oh this is a surprise?" He scratched his chin.

And while he was distracted, loona and vortex pounced towards him with snarling snouts.

But as they jumped towards him, he ducks and tranquillizes them both through the neck, they both fell down unconscious.

The imp drags them off the floor and onto the sofa, then he places a handmade sweater on them.

For loona a pink sweater and for vortex a teal sweater with a white collar.

They wake up regaining consciousness to see the impact looking at them.

"Well look who's finally awake" he said.

But loona and vortex growls at him, "what do you want psycho" loona says.

"Easy now, is that anyway to talk to your grandpa like that"

"Grandpa?" They both said as they were shocked.

Then opening the door was blitzo, he looked tired, "why kids in back what did I-" but when he saw the imp his face dropped.

"Oh no, you" blitzo eyes him suspiciously, "what do you want?" He crossed his arms.

Now loona and vortex were curious, "you two know each other?" Vortex asked.

"Of course I don't know this imp who lols exactly like me"

"Now blitzo is that anyway to speak about your dad like that?" The imp says surprising the hellhounds.

"Dad?" They both said.

Then blitzo had an annoyed look on his face, "loony, Tex, this is or rather was my dad: Cash Buckzo"

The two were surprised, "so those that make him our grandfather" loona asked.

"Absolutely not" blitzo says.

"Yes" Cash nodded.

"This s our grandfather" vortex says, but blitzo just looks upset.

"I rather not talk about it"

"Why did you tell I had grandkids or that I was a grandfather" cash says as he holds his grandkids.

"I thought you were dead apparently not"

"Nope after the incident I survived, the circus was gone and I lost my best clowns.. well one of them at least" he talks about Fizzoralli making blitzo frustrated.

"I been living off, hoping circus form circus performing, by the way I heard you changed your name"

"What are you even doing here dad?"

"You mean besides seeing my son and my grandkids"

Blitzo pulls them away holding them close while glaring at his dad.

"They aren't your grandkids, they're mine kids, now get out"

"But I need your help"

"I don't care dad, just leave"

"Maybe you should listen to him it sounds important dad" loona says.

She and vortex were concerned about their dad and granddad.

He sees them giving him puppy eyes then he groans, "alright dad what is it?"

Cash smiles, "so there's a new circus in town and I promised them a show they never forget so I told them that my son and I would perform"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Come on son, it'll be like for old times sake, you used to do it all the time when you were a kid and you used to be a clown"

"Uh news flash dad, I'm not a fucking clown anymore, I'm an assassin I kill people"

"Did I mention there will be a big payday involved" he rubs his two nails together.

"No way, forget if you want to do the show, do it by yourself because I'm not joining you" he turns his back and his kids watched.

"We love to see you in action" loona says.

"Huh?" He turned to see his kids encouraging him.

"Yeah it'll be fun, we'll get to see what you used to do before us" vortex added.

"Yeah and besides it'll give us the chance to get to know our grandfather better" loona says making blitzo frown again.

"Oh that's great well what are we waiting for" he wraps his arms around blitzo and his grandkids.

They take a train through the wrath ring, heading to the circus blitzo sees his kids bonding with his dad as he tells them stories about the days in the circus.

As they laughed, blitzo was pissed off about then he looks out the mirror as flashbacks of his past starts to haunt him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then the flashbacks ends with vortex sitting next to him, he had a concerned look on his face, he was worried about him.

"Hey you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, the sooner we get this over the better"

"You know me and loona can't help but sense some tension between you two, what's going on between you and your dad"

"That man is not what he appears to be, don't believe everything he says, he's not what he says he is, he's nothing more but an abusive alcoholic money grabbing excuse for a father"

"Wow blitz I didn't know you had issues with your old man"

"He was a terrible father he didn't care about me, and he never did, when I was a kid every time I did something wrong he would throw me in the closet to punish me, mom would find out and she would scold dad, at least she was the only person who matter and cared enough for me, unlike dad, I was a teenager this one time he was drunk then he grabbed me and I attacked him he threw his bottle at me but luckily it missed he threatened to throw me in the closet so I hit him with his own bottle"

"Wow I didn't know you went through so much blitz"

"We did t have much at the circus we were a poor family but then all that started to change, dad rented me to other rich sinners, I was so scared it was my first time, I was a teenager when he sold me, I was so scared and hurt he didn't care"

(Flashbacks play)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Didn't know you felt that way dad, if that why you took me and loona in?"

"I took you both in so I wouldn't have end up like my dad, I didn't wanted to be a terrible father like my dad was, why do you think I care about the both of you so much"

"Maybe if you two talk and settle your differences, you could-"

"No, no way, I am not talking to that man ever again I don't care if he's your grandfather"

Then the train stopped and cash gets up, "we're here" he says.

They get out of the train and they looked up in surprise to see a huge big top neon colored tent, it Seemed to have a techno works to it.

Blitzo looks around the lights were raving and the performers were imps, succubus and demon techno hybrids.

"Welcome to cirque du wrath"

Looking at the ring was a huge neon pool and the performers jump in.

Nets rises up when some performers climb down the starts snarling at each other and on each other.

They grab onto the nets while some stay in the water, then one lets go flipping in the air and the other twirls in the air, then two succubus jumps in the air when one strong imp throws knife's missing her.

The two imps flip in the air and it the water, then two hybrid fights while they were tied by ropes in the air.

Blitzo watches as one imp swings on a bar and swings to another it gave him a flashback of him and Fizzoralli doing the same act.

Then he snapped out of hit when he heard loona.

"Wow" she says and she and vortex looked enlightened.

One imp twirls around in a rope then two sets of imps and two sets of succubus perform flying acrobatic, one hybrid breaks out fire.

And when an imp threw a succubus in the air, she twirled and lands in the water with the others joining in, they preformed a dance ritual then climbed on each other to form a pyramid.

After the show, blitzo's mouth drop then his dad walks up to him smiling.

"Alright blitzo you ready for the acrobatic act?"

"What are you crazy, no way I can't do this I haven't performed in a while now" blitzo was having a panic attack.

"You should do it dad, show us what you used to do" loona says then his kids started encouraging him.

"Yeah I would definitely see it" vortex says.

"Ugh fine but I'm only doing this for them" he shoves his dad who smirked.

When he gets to the top of the pile, his knees shake, palms sweaty, fingers trembling and he was terrified.

He looks down to see how high he was, he was extremely high from the water.

Then the ringer master steps on a stool in the middle of the pool.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..."

The ringmaster was an overload, a tall hybrid techno imp, brown boots, a fluffy white fur around his neck that plumes up from his red coat's break-line.

"Welcome to....cirque du wrath, now presenting an old act please welcome back, buckno and his son blitzo"

The lights shined on cash and blitzo who was extremely nervous, he smiled and waved nervously.

"And to make things interesting we are gonna add the pool: piranhas, sharks and electric eels"

"What?" Blitzo was shocked.

He looks down to see the pool in now filled with sharks piranhas and electric eels, he started to panic.

"Oh no no no no no no no" he muttered.

"You can do it dad, woo hoo" then he heard loona cheering for him.


He looks down to see his kids cheering for him, vortex was watching with loona both smiling.

"Alright, you can do this, you can do this" he throws his jacket off as he muttered to himself, "just do this for the kids"

I've done my time I've waited long Enough to fly

He looks down to see the piranhas snapping at him, it made him clutched his tail.

These faded stars This broken heart Will come to life

He was hyperventilating when he looks down in the crowd remembering who he was doing this for.

I don't need you to save me Yeah no one can make me rewrite my life

He was once in this situation with Fizzoralli, a flashback plays in his head.

His dad turns to young Fizzoralli, "ready blitzo" his dad called.

"Ready blitzo?" Fizzoralli says.

"No" blitzo says.

"Don't worry I'll catch ya" young Fizzoralli says.

If I go on believing I can do anything that I like then tonight

Blitzo takes a deep breath as he jumps off, his dad jumps next and he swings himself his legs holding onto the bar, he reaches out for blitzo.

I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world

The two grab each other, blitzo opens his eyes and when he saw his dad caught him he heard the crowd cheering and it brought him to when he loved being in the circus.

He smiled and laughed then he sees his kids were amazed, he decided to go on a solo act.

"I did it, I did it!" Blitzo screams when his dad throws him to another bar where blitzo grabs it with his tail.

"Just like old times huh son"

"Hahaha, are kidding that was great" he swings around the bar then he jumps without his dad catching who looked shocked.

I won't back down I'll take my crown And show them all

Blitzo grabs the bar swinging to the next one, then he grabs on to a rope.

That I'm the one To overcome My fear to fall

He swings himself around the crowd and around the ringmaster making his hat fall off.

I don't need you to save me Yeah no one can make me rewrite my life If I go on believing I can do anything
that I like Then tonight

In slow motioned, he swings by loona and vortex who sees him looking at them.

I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world

He grabs on a bar then he summersaults in the air grabbing on another bar, he holds on with his legs then as he jumps to another he uses his tail.

"Light the hoop on fire"

I am more than my broken parts I won't hide behind battle scars I am more than my broken parts I won't hide behind battle scars

For the final part he swings loops around the bar then he throws himself through a flaming hoop.

I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world I'm king of the world

He lands grabbing a bar and he jumps landing safely on the pole where the crowd goes wild for him.

He takes in the cheering but as he does cash was with his kids who were at backstage watching behind the curtains.

"He did it" loona says.

"Yeah he actually did" vortex says, "you know maybe this will be a start with him and grandpa"

But suddenly the ringmaster came he electrocuted them both with tasers against their necks.

"AH!" They both collapsed unconscious

As they fell cash was leaning against the wall when the ringmaster looked at the two.

"Yes they are wonderful, they will do just fine, you really outdone yourself cash" says the ringmaster.

He snapped his fingers and two strong imps drag loona and vortex to the train.

"Yeah yeah, now where is my pay you promise" he rubs his fingers.

Ringmaster rolled his eyes in annoyance then he snapped his fingers and an imp hands him a case of cash.

His face gleamed as he takes the money but little did he know was blitzo was watching.

"Dad? What's going on? Where are loony and Tex?" He looks for his kids.

But as his dad collects the money, he could see the look on his face that cash did something bad.

"Dad? What did you do?" Blitzo was worried.

"I sold your kids to the ringmaster"

"What? Why would you do that?"

"Well you see son I'm kinda in trouble with the circus"

"What kind of trouble dad?"

"Loan trouble"

"What? You borrowed money from the circus! Why would you do that?"

"Times were tough, so I told the ringmaster I would provide him with a brand new act and some hellhounds which you did provide me"

"Dad are you crazy and what does he want with hellhounds?"

"Used them as slaves and ripe off their fur"

"What?" Blitzo was horrified.

The ringmaster came out wearing a coat made of hellhoud furs he made.

"Hellhounds are so stylish wouldn't you say, anyway the deal is done I'll be taking my new pets now I'm sure they will make lovely new coats" the ringmaster

Blitzo feels so betrayed and angry, "dad how could you do this to my own kids"

"Well one thing for the money, come on blitzo did you really think I would stay for the grandkids I have my own life you know"

Then blitzo snapped, "alright dad that's it, you know why I became a father so I wouldn't be a bad alcoholic deadbeat cheap lousy sad excuse for a dad like you you were a awful father, I didn't know how I'm even related to you, I shouldn't have listen to you and you know what my kids loved you and sticked up to you and you just sold them out like that, you always sold your family out, it's no wonder mom's gone, she died because of you"

And that right there hit him in the chest, cash was hurt he looks back at see blitzo and walking away.

"I'm gonna go get my kids back and when I do, you're staying out of my life forever" he ran out of the tent leaving cash feeling so much guilt.

Backs looked at the cash not sure if he wants it anymore.

Blitzo ran outside looking for the ringmaster and he sees the train of the cirque leaving.

"LOONA! VORTEX!" He watches the train leaving but he ran and he jumps on top running.

The ringmaster was throwing the money around as loona and vortex were prepped to have their furs removed by the doctor.

But then he heard a noise coming from the top of the train.

"What was that?!" He asked as he goes to check the computer.

"We have an intruder" they see blitzo on top of the train running.

"What are you all standing around for...GO AND GET HIM!" The ringmaster shouts.

All the performers ran to the top, blitzo glares at them but when a strong man swings a hammer at him but blitzo grabs it swings him off the train.

One hybrid swings knifes at him but he back flicks and kicks him off.

The two succubus charged at him but he bashed their heads together and kicks them off.

They all went running at him but blitzo keeps punching them off the train.

The ringmaster was watching them unpleased, "ugh come on, what is with you clowns, you can't take down a simple imp...what do I pay you for!"

An imp holds up his fist but gets pulled by blitzo's tail pulling him down so blitzo can punch him off.

Then one by one he knocks them all down and blitzo marches to the front of the train kicking down the window and jumping in.

"Get away from my kids!" Blitzo says.

"Ugh, why couldn't you just die already"

The ringmaster and blitzo fight each other when the ringmaster gets the upper hand and kicks the door open to throw blitzo out.

"AH!" But as blitzo fell he was caught, he look up to see his dad.

He pulls him in, "dad? what are you doing ?"

"Getting my grandkids back" they looked to see they face a room full of clowns.

As the clowns went changing the two of them started slaughtering the clowns.

"Why do you care dad"

"Because you were right, I was a horrible father mainly to you, heck I remember when I wanted to sell you"

"Wait What" he slices a clown in half.

"Yeah and sure I sold Fizzoralli to mamon"

"But the minute you were born I saw what you can become, I saw what you can be, I knew when I saw your eyes"

"Alright I admit I wasn't exactly a threat father to you"

"Are you fucking kidding" blitzo snapped.


"What kind of half ass apologize was that anyway, you never care about me, you always loved Fizzoralli more then your own son, you always did said you wish he was your son"

"Look out" cage pulls his blitzo


"Alright yes that is true, but that doesn't mean I meant it"


"I know I can be hard on you but that's because I'm just trying to prepare you for the world, it's rough out that and sometimes a imp has to be tough by surviving, I guess you can say I too didn't wanted to be like my own father, he always hated me, but now I was wrong"

"Blitzo I know I was horrible back then but I want to make right, starting with my grandkids, I know you won't forgive but there were times when I loved you"

"Oh dad"

The two hugged but then blitzo opened his eyes and panicked.

"LOOK OUT DAD!" They turned to see a clown was about to attack then blitzo shoots it.

"Come on, let's go save my grandkids" cash helps him
Up and blitzo smiles.

With the ringmaster, he grins when the doctor is about to tear loona and vortex fur off.

But as they close, they hear the door open, "huh?" The ringmaster turns but gets shot along with the doctor.

Blitzo shot the doctor as cash shot the ringmaster, "stay away from my grandkids" cash says.

The two hellhounds regained consciousness when blitzo approached them helping them up and hugging them.

"Oh my babies, are you two ok"

"Yeah" vortex says.

"We're ok dad" loona says as they hug together.

Cash watches then he frowns feeling guilty for selling his own grandkids out, he walks away from them.

Loona watched couldn't help but feel bad, "hey dad does that mean grandpa is going to be staying with us" she asked this made cash stopped.

"Well he is your grandfather after, it would be wrong to keep him away, what do you say dad, become part of our family"

"Really, you would let me after what I did"

"Hey, I think it's about time the kids got to know more about their grandpa"

Excited cash runs up to them as they all walked to the train to home.

"Well let me tell you something about your dad" he wraps his arms around loona.

Then vortex whispered to blitzo, "I'm proud of you"

"What can I say, I raised great kids" blitzo says when he and vortex smile and put an arm around each other to walk home.

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