Tales from the circus: 2

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When Asmodeus meet Fizzoralli

The episode opens with an exterior shot of another mansion.

But it belongs to the first embodiment of lust, the first demon of lust.

But Cut to Young asmodeus asleep in his bed, surrounded by stuffed animals while hugging one then A cuckoo clock featuring a rooster with an erected penis goes off, which wakes up asmodeus he yawns, and smacks his lips.

He rubs his eyes, the feathers of his head were a mess, then he turns his head to see the calendar and he sees a picture of a cake drawn on it.

He immediately smiles and his two demons bull and ram smiled with him as his feathers puff up into place.

Then he gets up, runs and he gets dressed, he puts on a wears a navy-blue shirt with red shorts and he wears a top-hat on his primary head. On his legs are jagged, high-heeled shoes that have red-colored tips with white gloves and a chicken with a heart on it.

He runs downstairs jumping in joy where he would be greeted by his parents.

"It's my birthday" he went screaming down the halls.

Then he tipped and almost landed hitting on the kitchen table till he was caught by a big feathery hand.

"Whoa son, be careful" he looks up and chuckling was a vibrantly-colored, and burly demon of intimidating stature. He has long arms and digitigrade legs, a broad upper chest and narrow waist, and a tuft of cyan rooster-like tail feathers that have three sickle tail feathers colored red, black, and ivory-white, with red and white head feathers sticking out from a tuft on his head, and he has large feathers running to his chest.

It was His father, Cockatrice Infernus  he was a demon rooster he looked similar to his son but he breaths fire and he wears a navy blue dress suit.

"Sorry dad" asmodeus ran around the table or sit down, "I'm just so excited"

"I know your excited son but you got to calm down" lucif laughs.

And sitting on the other side was his mother: desire,
She had something similar to her son, her head is colored dark blue, she has glowing neon green eyes and a mouth, she also has a thick mane of cyan hair, in which there are two additional faces of a ram and a bull on the right and left sides.

She wear hot pink high heels, fish net stockings, a pink bodysuit with a matching choker like him, an oversized pink feather boa and she wears heavy pink makeup. She was one of the seven overlords.

she was the embodiment of lust, the overlord of lust.

She was reading the newspaper when she sees asmodeus sitting down, her husband pours him some cereal then he takes a seat besides her.

"There's my little birthday boy, how's my baby little boy doing" she smothers him, grabbing his face and smushing him against her face.

"Aw, mom" asmodeus was embarrassed as he pulls away.

"Quiet babying our boy, he just turned 10" Cockatrice says.

"I just love our baby so much, today is the day ozzy, the day you learn about our family's legacy, one day you are going be the new overlord of lust"

"I know mom, I'm so excited we get to do something special for my birthday today as a family with no work"

"And which is why we love you" desire says then she and Cockatrice both kissed his cheeks making him laugh more.


"Speaking of which, we got a surprise for you son" Cockatrice says as he turns to his wife who looks excited then he pulls something from his pocket.

"Ok what is it" young asmodeus was curious as he looks to see.

Then his dad pulls out two tickets for the circus, "we're going to the circus" Cockatrice says.

"Really? That's so cool I love the circus"

But then desire and Cockatrice placed their hands on top of each other and had a sad looks on their faces.

Asmodeus saw and he started to worry, "wait? What's going on?" Then he sees some bags were packed.

"Oh I see, you guys are leaving again aren't you" he frowned.

"I'm sorry ozzy I know you hate it when we leave especially on your birthday at on all days but it won't be long ok, it'll only be just for a few days, I have to go to a meeting with the other overlords and your daddy has to go to the greed ring for an....business meeting" his mom placed her hand on his shoulder.

"So the circus is the only way for us to spend time together before you leave" asmodeus says sadly.

"I'm afraid so" his mom nodded sadly, "but it'll only be for a few a week we'll be back before the weekend as soon as you know it ok ozzy"

"Ok mama"

"Good now why don't we go get ready for the circus, you love those" desire tries to cheer him up.

Cuts to asmodeus with his parents holding his hands as they are standing at the top of the stairs into a circus tent.

"Oh look darling it king Paimon" desire points to see sad Stolas and Mister Butler but Paimon shown on the glass of a mirror the butler is holding up.

"Well look at that" cockatrice says.

"Let's go say hi, oh Paimon yoo hoo" desire and his son and husband follow her.

"Ah lady desire and lord Cockatrice is that you" paimon says.

"So good to see you and is that young prince stolas" desire sees him hiding behind the butler terrified by the demon of lust.

"Yes yes quite so"

"Asmodeus why don't you say hello" desire says as asmodeus is sen hiding behind her,

He waves at stolas who waves back nervously, "are you here to see the show too" Cockatrice asked.

"Yes I told my son he was going to get married in the future so he got upset and do I brought him what about you" Paimon says.

But the two were horrified, "oh your majesty that's horrible you shouldn't force him into a marriage that's not the way" desire says.

"It is not my decision just business"

Then after the two parents argue they take their seats and the show began.

Asmodeus claps with his parents chuckling and clapping enjoying the show, he tries to enjoy it with his parents as he can.

to an Imp breathing fire. The camera pans out and down to reveal the fire-breathing Imp atop an inverted Imp pyramid supported by a wooden stand.

Two more Imps in the background leap through hoops held by two Imps in the inverted pyramid, land on their hands, then jump to their feet as the crowd cheers.

A throwing knife flies in from the left and forcefully pans the camera to the right.

The knife sticks itself into a wooden board, right next to the hip of a female Imp shown to be tied to said board.

The camera pans out to show the knife throwing Imp as the crowd cheers. the ring leader of the circus begins speaking.

"Now, everyone's favorite thing about circus shit: the motherfuckin' clowns!"

A multitude of frightening Imp clowns with glowing eyes leap out at the audience from behind curtains in the background.

Cash Buckzo laughs as they fly outward. The Imps in the audience scream and pull away in terror.

Cuts to a small foot stepping on a pedestal board accompanied by the sound of a bell jingling.

"You ready, Blitzo?" Cuts to a child Blitzo giving a rope a quick tug.

"Born ready!"

Fizzarolli and Blitzo leap off of their boards and begin a flying trapeze act.

They pass by the bleachers where asmodeus and his family were and time appears to slow down as asmodeus looks up in awe and then blushes. The camera zooms in on Fizzoralli.

Cuts to Blitzo landing on a ball as Fizzarolli swings away.

"Haaaaa! Tada~! Heya, folks! Wanna see me make a horse?"

Blitzo takes out a green balloon, blows it up, and attempts to tie it into a horse shape. It appears as an incomprehensible knot, then immediately pops.

Blitzo eyes widen in surprise, "Crap"

Blitzo continues pulling out balloons and attempting to make a horse but keeps getting the same result.

His expression grows more worried with each popped balloon.

At one point, the balloon somehow appears as a normal oval-shaped balloon. Blitzo is surprised, but the balloon pops nonetheless.

Cuts to the audience, dead silent and unimpressed as Blitzo keeps trying--and failing--to make a balloon horse off-screen.

"De-de-de-de-do-do-do-do- Ah, heheh, Horse!" He's finally made a horse except it has no legs.

"Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working, so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse. Stolas begins to laugh softly, clearly charmed?

Blitzo points at young Stolas, "See? He gets it. Because, horses - they make no sense"

The camera zooms over to show that Young Fizzarolli has joined Young Blitzo with a balloon of his own in his hand. His balloon is red.

"Okay, Blitzo, that's enough horsing around!" He makes a balloon horse perfectly on his first try.

"Hey, everybody! Look at this" presents the horse to the crowd, "it's Banana Pudding the clown horsey!"

Asmodeus claps in amusement, it caught his parents attention when they both looks down at asmodeus curiously as the little rooster demon laughs at the clown boy.

"You seem to take an interest in that clown ozzy" his mom asked curiously.

"He makes me laugh" asmodeus says.

This gives them an idea, The scene changes to them going backstage and they see half the tent in destroyed and cash grumbles.

"Dam bird" he groans,

"You there! Are you the ringleader" desire asked.

"Yes who's asking"

"That was quite a show you put on, we were quite impressed but that little clown you have, our son really enjoyed that one. We was wondering if I could buy him"

"Buy him?"

"Yes you see our son doesn't have any friends, he liked the little clown boy. It's his birthday, he's so sad and we don't want to leave him upset so would we leave him here at your circus so he can hang out with the little boy?"

"Well-" rubs chin, smirking, "Fizzarolli is a big draw. He has a few more shows to be in today, so it would be pretty expensive" rubs his thumb and finger together in gesture.

"Very well" desire snaps her fingers.

Cockatrice pulls out a suitcase and he opens it to reveal a load of cash which surprised cash buckzo.

"Will this be enough"

"Ah, that's plenty. Done"

He tries to take the cash but Cockatrice pulls it away.

"Ah-ah-ah first we got to be sure this circus is even safe for our little asmodeus" desire says.

"How can we be sure your circus is even safe for our son" Cockatrice squawks at him.

"Hey this circus is safe" but he stand corrected when a beam fell.

Then he gets deadly glares from both of them, "if anything happens to our Ozzy it'll be your head" desire growls.

"Yes ma'am, I promise you're son is in safe hands"

"Good" she hands him half the money and he sighs annoyingly.

"You get the other half when we get back"

The next day after the pay date with stolas and blitzo, desire and Cockatrice were dropping off asmodeus.

He had his bags as they kiss him goodbye, "mwah mwah you be careful ok baby and we'll back as soon as you know it" desire smothered him in hugs and kisses.

"Ok mom"

"And remember if you get into any trouble or if anything happens don't be afraid to call either one of us ok son" Cockatrice preened his head.

"Ok dad" then they both kissed his forehead.

"Bye baby we love you"

"Bye son have fun and be safe"

After they left, asmodeus turns to the circus, he takes a deep breath and walks inside.

Meanwhile cash was talking to the boys: blitzo and Fizzoralli.

"Oh now remember boys the overlords of lust left their only son here make him feel welcome and special don't hurt him especially you blitzo"

"Hey" blitzo was offended as Fizzoralli laughed.

"And Fizzoralli you are being bought to be his playmate so be nice to him ok and don't let anything happen to him, the circus depends on it" busk grabs his shoulders.

Fizzoralli was surprised and when he sees asmodeus for the first time he blushed then smiled.

"I won't let you down sir"

After asmodeus settled in, fizzoralli was watching him, he liked the demon of lust, so he followed him around.

He finds him eating a candy apple, "Wow kid! u r weird! u look like a big, fluffy and blue cotton candy!" Fizzoralli says.

"What?" Asmodeus was scared at first...but then.

"I like cotton Candies!!

"0-oh hehe..." asmodeus blushed for a bit.

"C'mon Ozzie!! You can do it!! You will be the demon of the lust in the future (whatever that means) and this is your first Step! Just do it!"

Asmodeus attempts to hold Fizzoralli hand.

"Hm!" He did fit a short minute, it was his first time holding hands.

"mhh" he started to panic but Fizzoralli didn't mind.

He lets go and end up blushing, "Haha! Your funny
I like you!" Fizzoralli says.


But then blitzo starts to get jealous with the bond fizz had with asmodeus.

Fizzoralli carried him over his shoulders, "Ehh... bro, Why is that cotton candy on your Shoulders?" Blitzo asked.

"He likes To be Tall" says fizz.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Like all roosters, asmodeus gets up and climbs a tree for the morning shout like his dad.


"Shut up!! I wanna Keep sleeping!!" Fizzoralli didn't know and accidentally threw something at him.


"I'm so so sorryyy! I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't realize it was you! pwease, forgive me!" Fizzoralli hugs asmodeus.

Asmodeus was always afraid of blitzo, "Hey u! Stupid blue bird!"

"T-That is no my name-"

"WHATEVER! Have u seen fizzarolli?! He broke my favorite horse so I will break his face?"

"N-no I dun Think So"



When he left Fizzoralli came out of asmodeus hair.

"He noticed?" Fizzoralli asked.

"He has nooo idea" asmodeus says.

Some times Fizzoralli would flirt with asmodeus "Hey Ozzie Did it hurt?"


"When u fell from Heaven?"

His question has asmodeus feeling scared, uh..
are you ок?"

"m-mhh..." then asmodeus burst into tears.

"Oh my satan! Did I say something wrong?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Im really sorry! Please forgive me!" Fizzoralli hugs him.

Then blitzo decided he has had enough and he went to confront asmodeus.

"Hey!" Blitzo shouts.

"Who me?" Asmodeus asked.

"Yeah you-" then blitzo started choking him, "Stay away from my bro! u facking blue gremlin u!"

"Fizz! He is hurting my clothes! Help meee!" Asmodeus cried.

"BLITZO! Stop! We're not supposed to hurt him remember" Fizzoralli tries to pull him off.

So Fizzoralli tries to get blitzo to play nice with asmodeus.

Then during a show...

"And for my new turn magic trick I will turn a blue cotton candy into a pink cotton candy!" Fizzoralli says.

"I wonder what he means by that" asmodeus asked.

Then out of nowhere....

"Ehhh, fizzy, I think ur bro doesn't like me very much..." asmodeus asked.

"Why do you think That Ozz?"

Then he sees blitzo eating chicken legs while glaring at asmodeus, he hides behind Fizzoralli despite from fear.

"Oh...I see"

"I'm scared"

"Fizz! Do u have green eyes? I had no idea!"

"Yeah... I lost my yellow contact lenses, I don't need them thought"

"Then Why do you wear them"

"Well... yanno Im the only imp of the circus with green eyes and... I dont wanna be the "weird. one"

"On my satan! fizzy! u are not weird! u are the best clown ever! and u are perfect and beautiful exactly as u are! I meant! I say! I-I-I m-mean! ur eyes! ur eyes are beautiful and special! yanno, because they are green and my eyes are green! And green is da color of the grass, and I like grass! That's what I meant the grass
is ..."

"Awww Thank u Ozzie! and u are a kind blue cotton candy" Fizzoralli hugs him and asmodeus blushed.

But soon the week came to an end, it was Friday, asmodeus last day at the circus and the last time he'll ever see Fizzoralli.

He looks at a picture of him and Fizzoralli, he sighs sadly as much as he kissed his parents he was gonna miss Fizzoralli the most.

Fizz was the only one try friend he had, he packed his things as he gets ready to leave.

Fizzoralli was there as he watches asmodeus pack, "so I guess this means your leaving now" Fizzoralli was sad.

"Yeah, I did have fun here, but I'm glad my parents are back"

"You really love your parents don't you?" Fizzoralli asked.

"Yeah they're always out on a business trip and once I'm old enough they say I'm gonna take over the family business and I'll be the next overlord of lust"

"Really? What's that?"

"I don't don't know but mom says it's important that one day I find my soulmate"

"Well I'm sure gonna miss you"

"Yeah I did have fun here, with you, you're the first true friend I have"

"Same here, but you know we're gonna have a new show next week maybe you wanna come back again" Fizzoralli asked.

"Sure I love too"

"Ok we'll see ya"

"Bye" asmodeus waved when Fizzoralli leaves, he blushes...

The suddenly blitzo was behind him, "so my bro kissed you"

"What?" He caught asmodeus by surprise.

Meanwhile desire and Cockatrice arrived with the rest of the cash.

They approached cash, "ok we're back" desire says.

"Yes and as promised your son is ok"

Desire looks at her husband who shrugged, "ok I suppose a deal is a deal"

Cockatrice hands him the case, cash was about to grab it when a line was crossed.

Then suddenly desire and Cockatrice pulled the case back when they heard him crying.

"Did you hear that?" Desire asked.

Then suddenly they both realized in horror as they face each other.

"ASMODEUS!" They both panicked.

So they ran taking the case and cash grunts in frustration.

"Asmodeus what happened" desire asked as she picks him up.

He cries in her chest then as his dad looked worried with his mom, he holds on tight to asmodeus.

"Mom dad, I think I might be pregnant" asmodeus cried.

The parents were shocked but they knew it was impossible.

"Asmodeus I don't think that's possible" desire says.

"No, but I am pregnant" asmodeus cried even more.

"Whoever told you that?" Desire asked as she and her husband were concerned.

"He did?" He points at blitzo laugh and Fizzoralli was annoyed then cash came in and heard.

Asmodeus parents were furious as desire holds on to asmodeus and they both glared at cash who smiled nervously.

"You dare try to get our son pregnant!" Desire asked.

"No of course not it was just a little joke you know kids will be kids" cash chuckle nervously.

"Hpmh, apparently it was a mistake leaving our son here so we'll be taking our son and our money since you couldn't keep your end of the deal, come along Cockatrice we're leaving" desire says.

"No!" Cash panicked when he sees Cockatrice shutting the case and they leave.

"We are never setting foot on this circus ever again" desire says as she carried asmodeus.

Asmodeus looks back with his dad pressing his hand on his back and he looks at Fizzoralli who looks at him back.

After they left, cash was furious he turned to his son who was now afraid.

"It's thanks to you kid I lost the money, I was about to seal the deal" then he grabs blitzo's arm and he started to worry.

Fizzoralli started to worry when cash drags blitzo.

"PAPA? WHERE ARE WE GOING?" Blitzo asked.

"SHUT UP. I'll teach you for coating me the money, you're going in the closet"

PAPA!" Blitzo was terrified he tries to pull away.


After awhile, blitzo was in his room crying when Fizzoralli came in.

"Hey you ok.....I know you were just playing around"

"Dad always hates me, he rather have you then me"

"That's not true, you are great blitzo I know it" Fizzoralli wraps his arms around him comforting blitzo.

the camera pans out. A thudding sound effect and a title card that says "20 YEARS LATER" drops on the screen.

Asmodeus is now a teenager and it has become his time to take over as the new embodiment of lust and run his family business.

Teenage asmodeus wakes up looking dejected. He groans and gets dressed in his suit.

He wore a lined black coat with pointed shoulder pads and collar that had a green inner lining, a black undershirt with green cuffs and a black shorts.

He wears a top-hat on his primary head. On his legs are jagged, green high-heeled shoes.

He remembers the day he meet Fizzoralli ever since then he developed feelings for him, although he was going to be the new embodiment of lust and it was wrong.

He heads downstairs where he was greeted by his mom who see him.

She smiled, "there's my special little baby chick, how's mama's big man doing" she smothered him in kisses while smushing his face.

"Mom! Please you're embarrassing me" asmodeus pulls her hands off.

"It's my job baby" she hugs his neck.

"Dad! Can you tell mom I'm not a baby anymore" he pulls her hands off and his dad came in.

"Woman, will you quit babying our son, he's a man now" Cockatrice slaps his back playful.

"I can't help it, it's a big important day in our ozzy's life, the day" she starts getting emotional, "he becomes the next embodiment of lust and he takes over the family business"

"Mom please your not helping"

"I'm just so proud of you, you were just my little egg I held you in my arms" she cradles her arms, "and now...you're becoming a man now" she burst into tears.

Then she was comforted by her husband, "now he's a man now hon, who will make us both proud" he touched her shoulders.

"It's not a big deal you guys"

"My son, remember: Hell isn't just about fire and brimstone; it's about style." Cockatrice says.

"I know dad"

"And remember as the embodiment of lust you must poses a very boastful and arrogant attitude, especially whenever something contrasts with our family's reputation, of being the embodiment of lust. Otherwise, your values consensual lust it's about pleasure for everyone involved" his mom says.

"I know mom"

"And I just hope one day you will find your soulmate" desire says.

"Mom these things take time I shouldn't be rushed into it"

"Oh nonsense I wasn't like this when I meet your father"

"Then again honey back in our days we were...passionate" Cockatrice takes her hand then they end up make out on the kitchen table.

"Ew, mom! Dad! Not on the table" asmodeus was disgusted by this.

But his parents smirked at him, "now then we must get ready we have a business arrangement to make with the overlord of greed in the greed ring" desire say.

"What? You mean we're going to do business with mamon" asmodeus says.

A minute later they were taking the limousine to the greed ring.

"You can't be serious" asmodeus says.

"Now i know you don't like him son" desire tries to explain.

"You said it yourself mom, he's a egotistical  greedy self centered clown who feeds on money for his own selfish desires"

"Yes but we had made an arrangement with his father for years now"

"I don't know mom I just don't trust him"

"Now asmodeus the thing about being an overlord is that you must prepare to do anything for your city...even if you won't like it and it's what it'll be best for our community and business, besides as the overlord of greed you must be learn to befriend him"

The arrived at Mammon Theatre which is a large circus tents, like big tops, and several large boats sticking out behind them.

The main tent has a long red carpet leading to the entrance, and a massive ship sticking out of the water behind it, with the front of the ship's hull having the appearance of being ripped apart with jagged spikes at the top and bottom.

Inside the massive ship is a gigantic concert stadium with a large stage at the center decorated with large curtains and the sigils of Mammon.

There are multiple multicolored stage lights above the stage as well as several large boats messily jutting out behind the stage.

Asmodeus felt nervous when he looks around and see Many green and pink spiderwebs can be seen in throughout the theater.

Then in a puff of green smoke, out came a jester with four arms.

It was the king of greed: mamon.

"Ah your majesty, desire do good to see you again" mamon says as they approach each other.

"Mamon, what a pleasure"

"Please, The pleasure is all mines" he takes her hand and licks it.

"Oh" it weirded desire out.

Asmodeus and his dad get offended and angry.

"Hey, that's my mom" he turns into his demon form.

His demon form is similar to his normal form, but he is much larger and all his plumage is replaced by large plumes of neon blue and pink flames.

These flames also appear on his hands and tail feathers. Also, his main head, as well as his ram and bull heads, turn a reddish pink.

Desire panicked and she holds asmodeus back calming him down.

"No, it's ok ozzy"

So he tunes back to normal then Cockatrice grabs his wife and squawks angrily at mamon.

"Oh this must be ozzy, so great to meet you" mamon wraps his arms around him and pinches asmodeus cheeks.

He was annoyed by it, "yeah so why don't we get down to business" desire says and asmodeus pulls away.

They meet in mamon's office where they talk about expanding the company to the greed ring.

"So everything is in order" mamon went on.

But asmodeus paid no attention he noticed mamon was holding a huge event.

"Hey mamon what's going on here?"

"Huh? Oh it's nothing much I'm just holding this little clown pageant of mines"

"Oh...a pageant you say?"

"Yep, I'm trying find the best clown to become the face of my brand and exploit their image of to make money"

"Oh" desires gasped.

"That sounds horrible" Cockatrice says.

"Nah it's fucking great everyone loves it"

Later that day, asmodeus was saving good bye to us parents as they get ready to retire, they were by a limousine about to take them to the retirement luxurious home.

"Ok Izzy you be good now you hear"

"Yes mother"

"You make our family proud"

"Ok mother"

"I just-" but desires was having trouble letting go.

She wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him, he hugs her back.

But it seems like too long when she holds on tight to him.

"Ok mom, it's time for you to go now" he tries to gently pull her off.

"Dad? A little help"

Cockatrice pull her off then holds her in  his arms as she tires.

"Come on love we got to go now"

"I know I just-I'm going to miss you ozzy very much"

"I know mom, I'm gonna miss you guys too, you guys enjoy your retirement" he waves to them as they get into the limousine and wave goodbye to him.

But after they left asmodeus felt empty inside, it was just him, alone, by him

Asmodeus is sitting alone at his desk, missing his parents thinking he can't do this, how can he be the overlord of lust when he looks at a painting of them together with him as a kid, Lightning strikes, as his mom's eyes strangely glow blue. Asmodeus is startled, both by the lightning, and his watch, signaling an alarm.

He was board out of his mind but then something caught his attention.

Out his window he sees some spotlight shining in the sky.

"Huh?" He sees it was coming from the greed ring.

He gets up and out of his office he passes one of his Succubus Employee.

"I'm going out I'll be back"


He goes to the greed ring where he sees the lights were coming from

The scene changes to asmodeus looking around curiously, inside the tent where a shark-shaped arena is housing the competition.

The contestants appear on stage under spotlights as the crowd goes wild.

Then he takes a seat as mamon enters the stage, "evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our first ever clown pageant We've certainly got some quality up here tonight, folks. Now fire our first contestant he comes form the wrath ring give it up for...FIZZORALLI!"

Jumping out of the crowd was teenage Fizzarolli, he jumps on a circus ball, while balancing spinning plates on sticks.

And when asmodeus saw him, his face blushed...after seeing his friend after so many years.

When Fizzoralli looked at him, asmodeus blushed smiling nervously.

"Now let the competition begin and let the best clown win!" Mamon vanished.

During the show Fizzoralli wowed the crowd with his performance.

He swings from bar to bar then he lets go jumping on a ball and when he jumps he takes a pie to the face which everyone laughs.

Then walking on a tightrope wire he loses his balance everyone gasped and asmodeus panicked but was relieved when Fizzoralli used his tail to hang on to the rope swing himself up and land on safety while juggling it made asmodeus laugh.

Then at the end of the show the clown contestants line up.

"Alright this was a tough one but I think I know who the winner is for my new spokes clown, and the winner is: FIZZZZZZORALLLLLI!!!!!!"

The lights shines on Fizzoralli and the expression on his face looked happy.

Everyone clapped for him while throwing flowers, Fizzoralli grabs a  bouquets then he takes a rose kisses it and throws it to the crowd when asmodeus caught it.

After the show, asmodeus went to go see Fizzoralli at the circus in the weather ring but as soon as he got there.

A fire exploded, "ah!" It cussed him to fall back and he sees the circus was burning.

"Oh no...FIZZ!!!"

He ran in the building and he sees everyone panicking fire was everywhere but he did see an imp in trouble, his limps were burning and his horns were cracked.

But he recognized the imp, "Fizzoralli!" He ran to him.

He took him to his home where he contracted the hospital.

Blacking out to Jamin's office, he gets a phone call....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He gives asmodeus a call, "hello? Oh hey mammon what's up" he was also in his office thinking about that horrible night.

"Ozzy! Hey! How are you mate? Listen I have favor to ask?"

"I'll do it"

Later that day he arrived at the hospital where Fizzoralli was in bed.

"Excuse me Fizzoralli" he asked for himself

Fizzoralli turns to see asmodeus holding bouquet, he smiled but Fizzoralli felt embarrassed and hides underneath the sheets.

"Hello Fizzoralli how are you feeling...I know you don't want to see anyone so I thought to come by"

But when Fizzoralli didn't say anything, it hurt asmodeus when he was given the task to build Fizzoralli Prosthetic limps he realized he can do more for fizz.

So he heads to his lab began to make blueprints for Fizzoralli he worked all night.

And when it was time, he perfected them he had Fizzoralli prepared for his new limps.

"Asmodeus sir??? What is that supposed to do?"

"You're new limps I thought it might help you, your boss mammon thought it would be a good idea, go on give it a try"

"Ok" Fizzoralli gets up but he slipped and mammon caught him.


"It's ok I got ya"

"Thanks, have I met you before? You seem familiar?"

"You really don't remember me don't ya"


"But I remember you Fizzoralli"

Then Fizzoralli gasped as he remembered his first ever friend.


2 weeks later....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

3 years later, asmodeus was stepping out of the limousine he was attending some of mammon's parties.

"Hello ozzy glad you could make it" mammon greats him.

But by now asmodeus has changed he grew bigger and older.

As mammon wraps himself around his neck pulling him closer.

"Yeah great to be here mammon" he pulls his hands off.

"So I have a proposition for you as you know my star Fizzoralli is a big hit I was wondering if you could build something for me, stay here I'll be back"

But then something caught asmodeus eye, he saw Fizzoralli in his new costume and when Fizzoralli saw him, he smiled.

Mammon came back with some blueprints, "ok ozzy I'm back huh?" But he catches him talking with fizzoralli.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

2 weeks later fizzy was sent to asmodeus to be measured for the fizbots, he was a bit nervous at first.

Which brings to now, after the event after Ozzie's episode 7.

Fizzoralli and asmodeus were sleeping in bed.

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