Unhappy campers

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The episode begins with back at the hospital, Paimon kissing cash who tries to pull him off but tiger son were disgusted.


"What? It was part of our family's dark secret" paimon says.

"What secret?" Blitzo asked as he turns to stolas.

"Oh you don't know, our family has a history with IMPS, every king or queen before us would have a hidden affairs with a imp, oh it would spice up our marriage, I especially love this one"

Paimon bends down to cash crashing his horns, but he pushed away.

"Yeah great to see you too"

"I remember the time we had together, when it was....magical"

Flashbacks play when after the playdate of stolas and blitzo.

Paimon went to visit cash, the two sat together when suddenly things got intimate.

"I want to say thanks for years, my son is very happy" paimon says.

"Oh it's no trouble at all but if you ever want to schedule another date we're available" cash says then Paimon touched his hand.

"What, wow I uh-what's going on"

"I should reward personal and I think I know how" Paimon puts him on his lap.

"Whoa easy there you're highness, I might be small but I am big everywhere"

"Let's see where this goes shall we"

"Are you kidding me" blitzo growls.

"Is this why mother left" stolas asked.

"Everything was wonderful...till came the wedding day then everything changed"

"He left me, he only wanted me for my money but unfortunately for him, I did actually sign the prenup and he lost everything and that was the last time I ever saw my little imp bit here we are again"

"It was a long time ago" cash says.

"Hmm, still that spicy imp remember and you must be the imp fornicate with my son"


"What? I was just curious, anyway love to stay and visit but I must accompany my granddaughter will I file for a lawsuit"

"But father we don't have any prove"

"Don't you worry you're pretty little hair by son I have someone on the job for that, ta-ta" he left.

Then the scene changes Blitzo peeking out of a corner of a building to check if the coast was clear.

He then immediately runs across to a building in the Sloth Ring and starts climbing up the drain gutter downspout before he sneaks on the edge to a windowsill.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on"

Blitzo opens a window and tries to get inside But, his head has a hard time getting inside because his horns are blocking his entrance. He starts to make it through, but then he ends up falling in and rolls over.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!!!"

Blitzo crouches up and looks around for anyone who saw him.

However, unbeknownst to him, a hand holding a taser comes into the scene and painfully tases him right in the butthole below his tail, making Blitzo seize in shock with static electricity before falling head first to the ground with smoke coming out of him.

"Well, if it isn't the deadbeat"

Blitzo gets back up after his painful tase and brushes his sleeves.

"Well, if it isn't Nurse Pussy Face"

The camera pans over to the source of the voice, one of the nurses in charge of the rehab facility.

"You ain't gettin' in here" she crosses her arms and scowls at him.

"How many times do I have to sodomize you with a taser before you take a hint?"

Despite being tased, Blitzo doesn't seem all hurt and brushes his coat.

"As many as it takes to get me off" he turns back back to the nurse, "Now, enough with this foreplay. Where's Barb?"

"She checked out months ago, but that ain't none of your business"

Blitzo, surprised, comes over to the nurse, hands shrugging in confusion.

"Wait, what? How? This is- wh-where the fuck did she go?"

The nurse is skeptical of his intentions and brings up a taser to his face, making Blitzo so nervous and anxious that his tail straightened up and his arms down in fear.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you, ass clown"

Blitzo regains his composure and stares down at the nurse.

"You know, I kill people for a living, right, bitch?"

"Oh, I'm SO FUCKIN' scared..."

Blitzo realizes that the nurse isn't all afraid of him and sighs.

"Ugh... Fine"

Blitzo walks back to the window to climb out of the room. Halfway through, the nurse calls back to him.

"Blitzo, she's got a job now, a life"

The scene changes back to the point of view of Blitzo trying to exit out through the window.

"Don't fuck it up by finding her"

"Oh, that's nice. Why don't you take that advice and shove it right between your pussy" loses his grip and falls from the building, "Liiiips!"

Blitzo ends up crashing into the ground as a cat screech in fright offscreen.

The scene changes to the office inside of the I.M.P Headquarters where Moxxie and Millie in an argument about Chaz while loona and vortex are talking to a sinner client when Blitzo bursts open the door, now covered in bush leaves, bruises, and dirt all over his clothes and body, walks pass the three of them in a dejected manner. Vortex calls to him to get his attention.

"Excuse me dad! There's a client here who wants to us to kill someone"

"I'm sorry, you were saying?"

"Well, it's just that I'm sure one of the other camp counselors killed me, I'm just not sure which one..."

"Why can't you understand what me and Chaz have is real" moxie interrupts yelling at Millie.

"Why don't you see he's just a cockroach"

"Sorry about that please go on" blitzo smiles nervously.

"Anyway I was out on the lake when my boat" pointing down with both hands, "started to sink. Someone" twirls two fingers to gesture, "had drilled holes in it The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they're the only ones who knew I couldn't swim. It had to be them"

"Well we'll get to work right on it right guys" blitzo says but sees the fight getting worst.

"You don't get it Millie"

"No you don't get it moxxie"

"Uh guys?"

"Chaz has been a great guy to me, he's how I remember him"

"Are you kidding me mox, he's only trying to impress you so he can bon you"

"That's not true"

"Yes it is"

"Stop acting like you know him"

"I do know him, he act like e he cares about you then one minute he's gonna be ditching you for another imp"

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is"

"Why is it so hard for you to understand that my relationship with Chaz is fine"

"You think you know but you know what mox that's because you are too stupid to understand, you're weak to see what is isn't and sometimes I don't know why I support you all these years you never supported me so have fun with your little boy toy, but don't come crawling to me if he breaks your heart because that here's only one thing that two timer cock toothless shark wants and it's only thing only, your body"

Then she crossed a line and moxxie felt upset, "ok wow now let's try not to be too upset about this ok" blitzo puts his arms around them to stop the fight.

"He's right most let's just do the job"

But moxie pulls away, "no! You know what? Just handle it yourself"

"Moxxie" Millie tires to stop him.

That's when Chaz was by the door when moxxie  opened it.

"Hey babe wanna go somewhere with me, it's our 2 month anniversary after all"

When Chaz smiles at him he turns to Millie glaring.

"Sure let's go Chaz, I need a break from all this, I'll taking a break blitz and that's it ok!" He snapped grabs Chaz's hand and storms off.

Everyone was surprised by him including loona and vortex.

"Wow remind me not to cross him" she says to vortex.

"Anyway We'll find your killer and give him what's coming to him And/or her...Or they..." blitzo says pointing back at the client.

"Millie you're on your own I have to take care of something"

The scene comes back to Blitzo's office, and after so many fruitless searches, he is still searching for his sister.

He checks on Barbie's profile of her social media profile, where she has not made any effort to improve her profile.

"Why the fuck wouldn't she tell you where she was going? I mean, did you even ask-"

Blitzo's phone started to vibrate, indicating another call.

"Wait, hold on, I'm getting another call... Hellooooooo? Oh, good! Did you find-Really, where? Thanks, and I promise if we ever get a contract on your children, we'll make it quick and painless, byeee!" ends the call.

Blitzo puts his phone away and then starts running out of his office, unknowingly running pass Millie with a police investigation board on the wall that has red strings all over the place that it even extends out of the board.

The scene moves to the summer camp called Camp Ivannakummore, where children and pre-teens can be seen laughing and playing in the background.

Across the way, three preteen girls chat on a picnic bench.

Millie are then shown in the bushes wearing disguises. Millie is dressed as a "human" boy.

"Ok millie just like practice, I'm Millerd, I like sports and fuckin' bitches!"

Meanwhile Chaz and moxxie were taking a drive through some forest.

Moxxie was still pissed about Millie, "I just don't understand why she can't be happy for me, you changed and look what happened"

"Easy moxxie poxxie, she's just jealous about our love try not to let it ruin our romantic anniversary ok" Chaz smiles at him.

"Thanks Chaz, so where are you taking us? Where are we going?"

Then moxxie sees him pulling up close to a cabin, "what's with the cabin in the woods"

"I thought we could take a romantic getaway in woods by camping" Chaz gets out, "come on moxxie what could be more romantic then camping in the woods besides you did talk about it before remember"

"I'm just surprised you still remembered"

"I remembered our first date"

Moxxie gets out and they went inside, it had a bearskin hugged, petals on the floor, candles.

Then Chaz sits on a sofa where moxxie can see him and he claps his hands to turn on some music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chaz smiles and moxxie blushed when Chaz pats for moxxie to sit down with him.

Meanwhile back with Millie, she scans the camp horizon until she spots three pre-teen girls at a table talking to each other.

But Before Millie could, a volleyball rolls over to her. She notices and approaches the ball before one of the campers calls to her.

"Hey!" Millie looks over to see kids playing volleyball.

"Hey!" Millie walks off to join them.

Over at the picnic table with the three preteen girls, one girl is talking, one of them is chewing gum and watching something on her phone, and the other is listening to her friend's story.

"So, he snorted a whole line of ground-up mints, and tried to convince us he was high. Can you even believe him?"

Then they looked over to the volleyball court, they notice a new person playing in the field.

The scene cuts to Millie enjoying her time playing volleyball.

In the girl's visions, they see the disguised Millie as a new hot boy on the block with sweat dripping down from her face and her hair swaying behind a bright color background with stars sparkling around her.

"Oh, my god! WHO is THAT?!"

The scene cuts back to the mean girls, all admiring Millie.

"Look how beautifully tan he is"

Millie comes in close around as a camper passes the ball onto her.


In one spectacular movement, Millie leaps up in the air with the sun shining down on Millie.

With such joy in her eyes, Millie gives it all and smacks the ball so hard that a boom echoed in the air before it rockets right into one of the camper's face.

He was smacked in the face with a volleyball so hard that his skull was heard being crunched and broken, and his tooth was knocked out before he was slammed into the ground.

The impact was so strong that dirt and dust spreads to the volleyball field right when the mean girls comes down to see what has happened.

After the dust settles down, the camper who was hit seemed to be on the ground, dead or unconscious with a massive crater underneath him.

All the campers were totally shocked and even the Lifeguard Dude was completely taken back.

He removes his sunglasses to see that the camper was on the ground and rushes over to check on him.

The camper was unresponsive, and Millie looked nervous that she went too far.

"That was..."

He pauses before resuming with tears flowing from his eyes with pride.

"The best spike I've ever seen..."

The campers cheer on for Millie and lifted her up on their shoulders.

As the campers take Millie away, the camper whow as hit in the face by Millie is revealed to be alive and reaches out to the Lifeguard Dude for help while he simply ignores him and wipes the tear away as he stands back up.

"Please, I need medical attention" Lifeguard Dude turns down to the kid with a scowl.

"First Aid is for WINNERS!"

While the campers take Millie away, the mean girls were looking at Millie with admiration in their eyes by Millie's incredible athletic skills.

"Oh, my god! He is so fucking HOT!"

Unnamed Girl A, immediately infatuated, waves her hand to cool herself.

The scene switches back to Blitzo entering one of the pharmaceutical stores where Barbie is supposedly to be working at.

The pharmacist was looking at his phone, completely oblivious to Blitzo approaching to his desk.

The pharmacist notices Blitzo as he stops by the counter and brings up his phone to show the pharmacist the photo of his sister.

"Hi, I'm lookin for one of your employees, her name is Barbie. Does she work here?"

The pharmacist was confused of who Blitzo was or why he was doing here.

"Wait, what? Who are you?"

Blitzo, now pissed, grabs the pharmacist by his collar and pulls him over the desk before slamming him hard against the wall.

He growls out his frustration and slams him again to show he has no time for any more excuses.

"Someone who's gonna get reeeal creative if you don't tell him what he wants!"

Using his tail, he slaps the pharmacist repeatedly to leave bruises on his cheek.

"Where is she, fucknut?" He repeatedly slaps the pharmacist, "I know you know! It only gets worse from here, asshole!"

Blitzo slaps the pharmacist multiple times with each slap getting harder and more painful until the pharmacist gives up.

"Okay! Okay! She's out on a pickup!"

Blitzo brings the pharmacist close to his face as he narrows his eyes at the frightened pharmacist.


The scene changes back to the summer camps where Millie is running across the camp physical course.

She appears to be having fun as she leaps over a large wall, and after landing down, she starts to tic-tac herself across the course.

Once she reaches the end, Millie hops up and grabs the pull-up bar before she starts spinning.

She was spinning so fast that Millie's wheel spin started to go in flames before Millie rockets herself in the air like a ball.

Millie, now a flaming fireball, meteors down and impacts the unconscious camper she hit with a volleyball so hard that she buried him six feet under with a crater of his shape.

The campers and counselors applauded Millie for such a spectacular performance.

One of the campers had his phone out live streaming the whole thing.

Millie emerges head-first with eyes the same as her iris swelled in her pupils with stars gleaming bright shine. She was overjoy with her increasing popularity.

Meanwhile with moxxie, as he and Chaz relaxed on the sofa, Chaz pours them some champagne.

They clock their glasses together while smiling enjoying each other's company.

Millie then starts singing "Regular Joe", in which the lyrics appear at the bottom of the screen.

Millie: ♫ Every day! ♫

♫ As I walk around camp! ♫

♫ All of these girls! ♫

♫ Follow me around! ♫

♫ I don't know why ♫

♫ Or what could it be? ♫

A random camp counselor comes up to Millie and then offers her some selfie with a crazed look in her eyes that had veins being seen, which creeps Millie out.

"Hey, Millerd! HAH! Will you take a selfie with me?!"

Millie: ♫ Ah wa oh! I'm regular Joe. ♫

♫ Ah wa oh! I want the world to know. ♫

♫ Ah wa oh! I'm simple and plain. ♫

♫ Why do all these girls ♫

♫ Keep screaming my name? ♫

"Millerd! Millerd! Millerd! Millerd, I love you!!!"

Millie: ♫ I'm so ordinary. ♫

♫ Just a common dude. ♫

♫ But, they're all up in my DMs ♫

♫ They keep sending me nudes. ♫

♫ I'm nothing special. ♫

♫ I'll tell you it's true. ♫

The same creepy camp counselor stalker comes up on stage with a cake in her hand to Millie.

"But, Millerd! Over here! I baked a cake for you!"

Millie: ♫ Ah wa oh! I'm regular Joe. ♫

♫ Ah wa oh! I want the world to know. ♫

♫ Ah wa oh! I'm simple and plain. ♫

♫ I wish all these girls. ♫

♫ Would stop screaming my name. ♫

Just like before, the screaming fan girls of the camp were screaming out to Millie.

She takes the time to take in the joy and happiness of being recognized by her peers.

When the song ended, Millie comes behind the cabins with a bouquet.

The scene switches to a montage of Millie doing various things to investigate the killer of the client while impressing the campers.

On Tuesday, she is seen climbing up a tree to get a better view of the camp while playing volleyball with the other campers.

On Wednesday, while Millie and the campers are canoeing in the lake, she surfaces with goggles and snorkels and slowly swims on over to the boat house. However, a freshwater demon shark suddenly surfaces and chomps at her before she punches it.

On Thursday, Millie is doing archery with the campers. She has one camper pose with an apple on top of his head while wearing a blindfold. She shoots the arrow and makes a bullseye on the apple. The other campers cheered while Millie peeks over.

After a week with no results, on Friday, a flyer that had Millie's picture was handed over to her by the Lifeguard Dude and became excited.

Meanwhile with moxxie, he and Chaz were sitting by the fireplace getting cozy.

"So moxxie is this romantic or what"

"It is Chaz, this week has been the best thing anniversary ever"

"Yeah it has" he looked nervous about something as he puts his glass down.

"You know this reminds me of our second when you were so nervous you wanted everything to be perfect and near burn the place to the ground remember that...Chaz you alright?"

"Yeah moxxie there's just a reason why I wanted to bring you to this place"


"Do remember that old talk we used to have about us getting married"


"Well I been giving in some thought and-" he gets on one knee and pulls something out of his pocket.

"Chaz what are you-"

"Moxxie will you marry me" he shows him a ring...

"Oh, crumbs..." moxxie gasped.

The episode switches back to Blitzo still searching for his sister.

After a week of endless search, he has finally come to a demon imp who was told to be selling access to the human world and catches him by the throat.

He shoves the dealer against the wall with a very angry face.

"It's here man, I swear!"

Blitzo takes out his signature pistol from his back pocket and puts it under his chin to threaten the man into giving him what he wants.

"Open it..."

The dealer did what he was told and takes out an Asmodean Crystal, a crystal that has access to Earth.

Blitzo was surprised that a thing existed in the black-market before the dealer activates it.

He shoots a beam behind Blitzo and a crystal mirror portal opens up for Blitzo to gain access to the human world. He smiles at the sight of the portal.

"Thanks, chump"

Blitzo throws the dealer into a nearby dumpster before he enters the portal to Earth.

On the other side, Blitzo successfully lands into the human world, unaware that he had just landed in Camp Ivannakummore.

He checks around before disappearing into the bushes. A stage was setup by the camp counselors to get Millie to perform live.

Backstage, Millie was looking at the crowd with anxiety. She turns around to meet the Lifeguard Dude once again.

"You ready to go on, champ?"

"I guess...?"

"Good, now get out there and out Camp Ivannakummore on the Map!"

As the crowd cheers grew louder, Millie was now feeling the mood.

Her anxiety started to take a toll on her as she takes a deep breath before flipping the curtains to enter the stage.

She tries her best to give the crowd the best smile, but it was only a grimace.

As Millie comes over to the front of the stage, blitzo sees a cabin after following someone in That's when he finds Chaz and moxxie slowly about to kiss, they realize each other and looked at themselves before they come to realize how shocking turn of events played for them.

"What in the- SIR?!"

"Boss?" Chaz says.

"MOXXIE?! What the fuck are you and Tina muncher here doing here?!"

"Well we were Trying to have a nice romantic getaway with you bothering us!" Chaz says.

"Christ on a stick do guys now you're in the human world"

"What? Chaz?"

"Ok I might've found a place using an asmodeus crystal"


Blitzo was not having whatever was going on with Moxxie and Chaz.

then they enters the bush to get to the boat house. Blitzo sneaks up to stand right next to the door. Moxxie soon follows right behind him.

"And what exactly are you doing here, sir?"

"Apparently, helping finish Millie botched job...But, mostly I'm looking for my sister"

Blitzo then stands back and kicks the door open with a loud slam. He was completely appalled when he found out about the scene before him.

"Oh I didn't know he had a sister" Chaz says.


The camera pans over to switch to show no sexual encounter, but Blitzo's sister, in a human form with a human camp counselor dealer she was with.

She had one pause moment before she realized who barged right into the boat house.


Moxxie's head peeked over, completely confused of the ordeal and looked over at the door.

"You know her?!"

"Do I know her? That's my sister, fuckface!"

Upon hearing that the human form of Barbie Wire was Blitzo's sister, Moxxie's face grew into total shock.

Millie was standing there with a silent crowd waiting for her to make a move.

She took a moment to close her eyes before opening them with a very smoothed gaze, holding her chin, and a heart puffing out to show her glorious face. The crowd screams to give Millie an applause.

Back to the boat house, from a camera POV, Blitzo, Moxxie and Chaz were standing across one side of the house while Barbie and the camp counselor were on the left.

Apparently, excluding the human camp counselor, Barbie doesn't seem she is fond of seeing Blitzo or Moxxie in the boat house.

She stared at them with narrowed eyes while Blitzo Chaz and Moxxie were doing the same thing, but their arms crossed as if she's such a disappointment.

"What the fuck are you doing here, shithead?"

In return, Blitzo was also not fond of seeing his sister being in the human world and being with a human.

"I should be asking you the same thing! You check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note, and I have to track you down to this shithole with...Who the fuck is this?"

The human counselor was waving at Blitzo before Barbie comes into the scena and shoves her hand on his face.

"No one! He works for me. And who's the little twink and shark breath here?"

"Hey!" Chaz gets offended.

Before Moxxie could even retort to Barbie about being called a twink, obviously offended that she might have mentioned his penis size, Blitzo does the same thing and shoves his hand in front of his face.

No one... they works for me"

"Sir, that guy's the target!"

Blitzo realizes what a coincidence it must've been for the job since the human counselor is their client's target and was amused of it.

"Oh, shit, Barb! Looks like your little boy toy got himself into some trouble" Barbie is confused of what Moxxie meant.

"The fuck are you talking about?"

"He killed our client, and now our client wants to kill him back"

Now that it makes all sense for Barbie, she turns to her human counselor with anger.

"You fucking WHAT?!"

"He found out about your drugs"

Despite his honest answer, Barbie dismisses it and waves at him nonchalantly like she doesn't care.

"I don't want to fucking hear it, kid" points at Blitzo and Moxxie, "Look, you're not killing my supplier!"

While Moxxie looked incredibly annoyed of this whole family drama, Blitzo was more disappointed about this whole thing since her rehab. He was so frustrated that he pinched his eyes.

"Oh, fuck... supplier of what? You're not back on that H-8, are you?"

"Fuck, no! It's just heroin"

Blitzo was relieved that the drug was only a minor for her and holds his temple.

"Oh. Thank, Satan"

Back to Millie, she was giving the crowd one heck of a performance as she was juggling axes in her hands.

She then throws the axes at the bullseye target which she hit two of them to the target, but the third one misses and flies over to the volleyball area and over the camper she crippled.

The axe hits the tree which causes a beehive to shake before the hives snapped from the tree and lands on the camper. He screamed in pain and agony.

Meanwhile, back to the boat house, Blitzo was still arguing with Barbie while Moxxie was growing impatient with the drama between the two siblings.

"So, now you're peddling heroin?"

Moxxie pulls out his signature knife from the back, already had enough of this whole drama and walks around the water to get to the target with Blitzo following behind, still arguing with Barbie.

Barbie pushes the human counselor over to the heroin stash and walks around to get confrontational with Moxxie before Blitzo came to the front to stop them from getting closer to each other.

"What's the point? That shit barely gets rid of a headache"

"It's honest work, okay? And I thought it would be sure to keep me as far away from you as possible"

Moxxie twirling a knife, "And you teamed up with genius here because...?"

"Do you have any idea how easy teenage humans are to manipulate?" jabs her thumb to the counselor behind her. Counselor Jimmy heard this and was offended.

"Heeey! No, I'm not!"

Barbie turns her head with sad eyes and in a show of plea, she starts to make sexual gestures to persuade him.

"Oh, Jimmy-wimmy, can you pwease" lifts her butt to show the counselor her black sexy panties, "keep loading up deez" shakes her butt back and forth, "druggie-wuggies for me?"

Barbie places a finger on her chin to show the innocent look on her face so that the Counselor Jimmy could see that she was being polite and very beautifully sexy at the same time.

While she uses her feminine charms to seduce the counselor, Blitzo and Moxxie were completely deadpanned when they see how Jimmy was so stupidly gullible to fall for that kind of trick, and he did.

"Heh. Sure, Barb. Whatever you say"

[Counselor Jimmy heads back to load the heroin on the boat while Barbie smile evilly, obviously feeling proud that the human was a complete sucker with her charms. Moxxie was already losing patience with this because after everything he went through, he does not want anyone to interfere or deal with the whole family drama between Blitzo and Barbie.]

Already having enough, Moxxie brings out his signature knife to go for the kill.

"I'm finishing it, one way, or another...since Millie can't do it so will I"

Before Moxxie could move to kill Jimmy, Barbie comes up to his face with a snarling growl and ferocious glare bearing down at Moxxie.

Her human eyes glows in the dark with vicious killer intent.

She refuses to allow Moxxie to go with his way and has claws and teeth ready to pounce if he makes his move.

"Don't you dare!"

"Back off bitch that's my husband" Chaz gets in her face snarking at her.

"Husband? Wait did you two...finally tie the knot"

Back to Millie sitting on a stool, she adjusts the cord of her strings to her guitar. once she has finally adjusted the guitar, just as she was about to perform, the 80s' style anthem song, "You Got the Power", started playing on the scene. Millie gives a rock with her fists as fireworks sprout on stage, making the crowd cheer with excitement.

Back at the boat house, Jimmy, Blitzo, Barbie, Chaz and Moxxie were watching the fireworks go off on the stage from a distance.

With all of them distracted, Moxxie takes the initiative and glares down at Jimmy.

He charges at Jimmy and then brought up his knife to stab the guy.

But just before he could, merely inches from Jimmy, Barbie caught Moxxie with her tail before throwing Moxxie over and making him crash into the docks the boat, and then the water.

With her tail exposed, Barbie turns off her Asmodean Crystal to revert herself back to her demon imp form. She turns and glares at Blitzo.

"Come on, Blitzo, haven't you fucked my life up enough already?!"

"Does dad even know about this? I mean did you know he's alive? He's back"

"Of course he does, but s he says is that I'm a big disappointment to him, what I'm doing is shaking me, all he does is criticize me and he says how well you're doing"

"Do you even think it's because he cares"

"Whatever he disowns me now because I won't give him grandkids"

"I can't believe you knew dad was alive and didn't even tell me, you never call nor text not even a note"

Millie switches to the drums and beats it like there's no tomorrow.

Between Millie's performance, the boat house fight scene continues as Moxxie emerges from the waters to grab hold of the docks and climbs up to stab Jimmy.

However, Barbie's tail wraps around him again and pulls Moxxie back to Barbie.

Moxxie, now furious, twirls his body and Chaz tackles Barbie to the ground with her tail still wrapped.

He tries to stab Barbie, but Blitzo then joins the fight and moves in to break it up between Barbie and Moxxie and Chaz.

The panel switches to Jimmy, now afraid of his dealer and the imps attacking each other.

He crawls over the heroin and moves to remove the tarp from the opening.

Just before he can remove the rope, a knife was thrown by Moxxie and then hits the wall next to the tarp.

The scene switched to the demons fighting amongst themselves.

Blitzo pulls Barbie off Moxxie before the little imp charges at Jimmy with anger.

He jumps on him and starts pounding his face. While doing so, Barbie gets on the boat and start pulling the string from the motor to get the boat started.

After three more pulls, she was able to get the boat running, but Chaz jumps out of the waters and kicked her out of the way with his tail and turns down the motor to be facing upwards with the blade spinning. He brings Jimmy over to slice his head helping moxxie.

In a mirage scene of the boat fight of Millie playing the guitar, Chaz was about to kill Jimmy with the boat propellers with moxxie holding him before Barbie comes in and smacks him in the face to stop Moxxie and Chaz.

The fight scene switches to Blitzo pulling barbie off Moxxie before she gets berserk and frays her arms to break free.

The panel switched to Jimmy where Moxxie comes in and was about to dogpile on him before Barbie flies over and tackles Moxxie to the ground.

Blitzo appears in the next scene and then gets kicked in the face by Moxxie.

It then shows the frightened Jimmy cowering behind Barbie who was having a cat fight with him as she pulls his horns underneath his wig, making him scream.

The montage scene continues with Blitzo being bruised and dazed after dealing with Moxxie and Barbie. The scene then comes back to Barbie who was elbowing Moxxie's face as the latter tries to choke Jimmy to death and Chaz is thrown into the waters as he tries to eat jimmy.

Mille finishes playing her guitar and smashes it on the stage while giving a rock-on fist to the crowd, making them cheer for her wildly.

Then, fireworks explode to turn the scene white before showing back to Millie, now wielding nunchakus.

She twists and turns them with mad skills before an epic explosion booms behind her after doing her performance.

As the crowd rocks on with the music, a fire from the explosion lands on one of the female camper's hair, causing her to scream as she tries to dose the flame out.

Meanwhile, at the boat house, Moxxie was shoved against the wall where he landed next to the knife he thrown at Jimmy.

He takes it out and then runs back up to stab Jimmy. Once again, Barbie comes in front of him and stops Moxxie from stabbing Jimmy.

She grabs his knife-hand and then punches him in the face.

Moxxie retaliates back by kicking Barbie in the stomach before throwing her aside.

Chaz pops out grabbing a hold of her and she struggles to break free.

He stabs Jimmy, but misses before Barbie kicks Chaz back and gets back up and then grabs Moxxie by the arms.

Blitzo, already had it with the fight, moves in and throws Jimmy out of the way since he's the cause of the scuffle into the waters.

Switching back to Millie, she does a sword mouth trick with one hand holding a very long sword while the other holds a torch.

She slowly swallows the sword whole before throwing the torch away and runs off-stage to a mosh pit.

The campers all held Millie as a guitar was being passed over to her. She plays it and then rocks on.

The flames cuts back to the boat fight scene where Barbie is strangling Blitzo to death as the latter is having a hard time trying to lose her grip.

Moxxie gets up with a cut to his forehead and a very angry glare.

He's been through a lot and has had it with the whole thing before he stands back up and start making his way to Jimmy.

Jimmy looked no better than the rest of them as he had a nose bleed and blood dripping from his mouth.

Which gets Chaz into a frenzy and his shark's instinct kicks in and he tries biting him.

He warns him to stay back before Jimmy crawls up the docks while Moxxie brought out his knife once again, exhausted after dealing with Barbie.

After Barbie strangled Blitzo to death, she then comes back over and tackles Moxxie once again.

However, as she is being attacked by a frenzy Chaz, Blitzo is alive and then jumps in to stop Barbie from killing Moxxie.

It was like a cat fight when a noise of a cat came into the scene between the three imps.

The fight started coming to the docks where Jimmy was on.

Jimmy picks up one of the heroin package and throws it at the imps.

The heroin bag hits all the imps, and it doesn't seem to have any fatal side effects since they are demons, they were exposed to the contents with their eyes very wide and their pupils are full.

Covered in heroin, the imps were now high due to the drugs and then started to become more feral and ravenous than ever. The fight between the three imps and shark became more savage like cats as they start attacking themselves.

Back on the stage, Millie was being passed down to the stage and continues playing the guitar. The fireworks malfunctions and instead sprouts flames on the stage.

While the Lifeguard Dude was listening to the music, the flames brushes past him which not only killed him, but his skeleton remains standing with his sunglasses still on.

As the song ends, fireworks spore out once again in an epic ending.

one of the firework rockets, however, strayed away from the stage and into the boat house.

Inside, Blitzo was not restraining Moxxie while barbie was already standing.

As Jimmy stands on the boat, the stray rocket crashes through the window and then, in a slow motion, comes in front of his face before the frame resumes back to normal speed as the firework explodes, killing Jimmy, and splattering blood all over the imps including Chaz who snaps out of the frenzy.

They were speechless that Jimmy died without Moxxie doing the thing. Barbie Wire blinked a couple of times of what just happened.

Now covered in blood, Barbie was furious that, not only was her supplier killed, but she is now out of the work thanks to her brother and Moxxie and yells in frustration.


Barbie turns to Blitzo and Moxxie for ruining her work.

"Thanks a lot, Blitzo, I'm out of a job! FUCK!"

Now, that she's become jobless and her day is ruined, Barbie turns around to leave.

Blitzo, however, was guilty of ruining her second chance and stands up to apologize.

Moxxie, on the other hand, was exhausted he helps Chaz up.

"Barb, wait! I want to help you- Let me help you, please?"

While Blitzo talks to Barbie, Moxxie rests his head against Chaz who pats his back.

"You're clean now, right? Let's... grab dinner, we'll catch up, and we'll talk about-"

Barbie hears the last part of his sentence before she starts cracking up.

"Hehahaha! *turns around* You don't fucking GET IT!"

The camera comes close to show only Barbie and Blitzo. Barbie points at Blitzo while glaring at him.

"Just cause I'm outta rehab doesn't mean I wanna see you!" jabs a finger on their mother's choker that Blitzo wears, "I NEVER wanna see you, EVER!"

Barbie was done with Blitzo and walks in a clearing part of the boat house where she taps her wrist containing the Asmodean Crystal to open a portal to Hell.

"Next time you want to find me, Blitzo, DON'T!" enters the portal

And with that, Barbie leaves, closing the portal. Blitzo can only look on, depressed of Barbie being mad at him and telling him off while oblivious to Moxxie.

"Sir? Are you ok?"

Meanwhile, after a spectacular performance, Millie was being praised by the campers.

Millie makes a bow to the crowd then she sees blitz o Chaz and moxxie.

"Hey blitz you're never guess what-"

But then she sees Chaz sliding a ring on moxxie's finger who looks at him smiling.

But slowly Millie was horrified as Chaz says, "I....love...you"

Then the two of them kissed and Millie watched and she was hurting.

"Hey Millie did you hear, moxxie is getting engaged to the shark isn't that great" blitzo says.

"Yeah great, that's...amazing" she hides her disappointment.

"Alright let's go" blitzo opens a portal where Chaz carries moxxie out.

Later that night loona and vortex were at home on the sofa relaxing when all of a sudden.

Barb kicked the door down, which surprised them both as they see she held a knife and looked furious.

"You're gonna pay for what you did blitzo" but she stopped and stare when she saw loona and vortex looking at her.

"Can we help you?" Loona asked.

"I'm looking for blitzo?"

"He's not here" vortex says.

"What?...then where the fuck is he?"

"Don't know he's probably still at work" loona says.

"Isn't this his home or something!"

"Yes" loona answered.

"Then who are you two?"

"We're his kids" vortex answered.

"Yeah I'm loona and this is vortex"


"Oh...well then I'll just have to kill you two instead"

Alarmed loona and vortex gets up to fight but before barb could, the door slammed open and it was blitzo looking exhausted and depressed.

He slammed the door hard on barb her blood spattered on loona and vortex who looked shocked.

"Hey kids I'm back, I had a hard day at work so-"

Then he sees them with shocked faces blood on their faces.

"What?" He says calmly.

The the two point behind him, he turns and when he sees barb dead body collapse on the floor he was in as shocked as well.

"Barb no no no" he shuddered as he was horrified by what he done.

"No no no no, I'm sorry I'm sorry" he fell to his knees which loona and vortex were concerned.

"Who was that dad?" Loona asked.

"That was my sister Barb"

The two were shocked, "so does that make her our aunt?" Vortex asked.

"Yeah...kinda...it's all my fault" he cried.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then loona and vortex bend down to hug blitzo, "it's ok dad, it's not your fault"

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