Loo Loo (5)

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Lan: dad please!

Lan dad: *sigh* fine I need call my office to let them know

Megaman EXE: nice

Lan: I'm getting my stuff!

*pause the image*

Dark megaman: hmm yuichiro hikari, you work a lot, barely have enough time for lan yet your a
great dad..... pathetic

*unpause the image*

Yuichiro: I better call scilab to let them know

Lan: ready!

Megaman EXE: he's to excited for it

Yuichiro: I'm calling scilab to let them know son

Lan: let me guess during our zoo time together our bonding time will be cut short

Yuichiro: sadly yes

Lan: ....

Megaman EXE: easy there lan, you can make the most of it

Lan: dad, can bring me battle chips or programs as pardon gift?

Yuichiro: heh?

*destroyed the image*

Dark megaman: ew then again yuichiro is the best scientist

*receive a phonecall*

Dark megaman: what do you want blitzo?

Blitzo: *phone* hey, wanna join as the security guard?

Dark megaman: why?

Blitzo: *phonecall* well we're going to loo loo land to protect 2 royal birds

Dark megaman: *sigh* fine I be there quickly since I have the banner to your office

*hang up*

Dark megaman: loo loo land? The fuck is that

*walk to his banner to the IMP office*

Dark megaman: ok I'm here

Blitzo: great leg a go

Loona: shut the fuck up!

Dark megaman; why you guy's wearing suits?

Moxxie: because protecting royals

Dark megaman: I'm not wearing it, also since I'm feeling little bit nice * give them dark chips*
remember don't used it often if you want become a dark navi for good

Blitzo: *stare the dark chips* so how do we used it?

Moxxie: do we crush it or summon it?

Dark megaman: heh I won't tell, you must find it yourself

Millie: does it work with any weapons?

Dark megaman: that's attack plus 50

Millie: nice

Blitzo: alright let's not wasting time

Moxxie: wait, your a sinner and you can't leave pride ring

Dark megaman: are you dumb moxxie, I'm a net navi more like dark navi, literally just made of

Blitzo: seriously?

Dark megaman: just leave now before your client is impatient

*1 ride later, loo loo land*

Dark megaman: damn * jump off the roof top*

*moxxie open the van door*

Stolas: come on via

*octavia come out and cover her face from her beanie*

Octavia: ugh

Dark megaman: sup Octavia

Octavia : *smile* hey dark megaman

Dark megaman: seems like your not enjoying it all ready

Octavia: ....

*dark megaman and Octavia walking to catch up stolas and blitzo*

Blitzo: now remember this is work and work only me and my crew are not here to satisfy your
perverted bird needs all right

Octavia: hey dad do we have to

Blitzo: okay hold on right there sweetie *turn to talk to stolas* if you tried fucking my little ass in
that park I swear to

Stolas: you are so cute when you are serious

Octavia: I'm literally gonna be sick

Dark megaman: well *holding a dark recovery chip*

Moxxie: oh crumbs, I knew today would be a lot what do you need? Antioxidants, ibuprofen,

Dark megaman: just wow moxxie, you can't tell sarcasm?

Moxxie: but she said literal

Dark megaman: one day if you have kids of your own and going through teenage phase

Moxxie: what?

Dark megaman: .... Just ignore what I said

Millie: wow! I haven't been this place since I was tot, it hasn't changed a bit,

*millie holding moxxie to point out*

Millie: look it's big woobly


Dark megaman: *laughing* that's fucking hilarious!

*moxxie is concerned dark megaman behavior*

Moxxie: that is deeply upsetting

Millie: oh come on it's fun you've never been here

Moxxie: no theme parks always disturbed me, especially the mascots

Dark megaman: I mean there five night at Freddy and technically net navi is kinda like mascot in
a way

* a mascot appears out of nowhere behind moxxie*

Loo Loo: well hey there!

Moxxie: *get spooked* AAAAHHH!!!

Dark megaman: * holding his buster* you wanna die?

Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!

Dark megaman: does murder you count? Because I'm definitely will and maybe expiriment you
with dark chips

*Loo Loo is scared*

Stolas: *gasp* look! Via its Loo Loo!

Octavia: I have a question

Loo Loo: well, ask away little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!

Octavia: is it true this park is just a really shameless spin off of Lucifer far more popular world?

Loo Loo: no?

Dark megaman: Lu Lu world? Sound interesting

Octavia: if you have the money and time

Dark megaman: I have it, it's just I don't know

Octavia: wanna tag along together next time?

Dark megaman: sure *still holding his buster on loo loo head*

Octavia: this place reeks of insecure corporate shame

*stolas chuckles nervously while leading away with Octavia*

Stolas: why don't we go check out the rides?

Loo Loo: that chick creepy, huh?

Dark megaman: don't you dare call my friend creepy, asshole and one more dick move I'm
literally gonna kill you

Blitzo: eh, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes

Dark megaman: what the fuck blitzo?!?!

Loo Loo: what's that mean?

* look at moxxie and millie*

Moxxie: don't talk to me! I know your a pervert under there!

Dark megaman; you what! *angry stare*

Loo Loo: yeah....

*moxxie left and millie following him while Loo Loo heard a charge noise*

Dark megaman: you want a quick death or painful death

Loo Loo: *sweating* quick ple... please!

Dark megaman: *smirk* no. Dark attack 50 plus and dark tornado!

* wide area of tornadoes attack Loo Loo*

Loo Loo: please end me!

Dark megaman; nope * walk closer and grab him* your gonna be expirement *evil smile* a nice


Loo Loo:  No please!

*dark megaman forcing a dark chip to Loo Loo body*

Dark megaman: hope you survive it

Loo Loo: ..... I feel nothing *crawling away*

Dark megaman: interesting, you somehow survived it

Loo Loo: *ran away* fuck you!

Dark megaman: 3, 2, 1


*Loo Loo costume been splatted with blood*

Dark megaman: the experiment need more research


Moxxie: you really like this place, huh?

Millie: I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing
it. Money wise

*moxxie look over to see a worker wheeling a wheelbarrow piled to the brim with money into a
nearby gift shop*

Moxxie: yeaaaaaaah... *saw the cups cost at least 29 souls per cup* the price do seem rather
criminal, I mean that for a novelty cup that you use one time?

Millie: cause it's Loo Loo Land!

*blitzo walk up with merchandise*

Blitzo: listen to to your how, mox

*blitzo take sip to his novelty cup*

Blitzo: how bout I and dark megaman watch while you two have a little *wink* fun?

Millie: OOOOH! We gotta do my favorite ride!

Moxxie: oh yeah? Wh- which one?

* a roller coaster named "the lawsuit* have a suddenly 90 degree drop at the incredible speed
while also on fire and with its rider hanging on for dear life*

Moxxie: *terrified* oh crumbs!

*later after one ride, moxxie vomiting into a trash can while a family by in disguise at moxxie and
a dragon like creature glared at him*

*the other side of the park*

Stolas: *strokes blitzo horn* you know, it's quite thrilling to see you on the job blitzy

Blitzo: saw it bitch. I'm working

Octavia: you both need to get a room

Dark megaman: I know a good place for it

Blitzo: hey I am not a day hooker!

*a woman walking nearby with her glare at blitzo*

Blitzo: what? I just said I'm not one, prude! *giver her a middle finger*

Stolas: *gasp* oh, look via

*stolas pointed excitedly at the circus tent. A demon mother is struggling to pull her crying son
into the tent*

Stolas: you used to cry such tears of joy at this show!

Octavia: *panicked* oh no.....

Dark megaman: *sense her panic* Octavia please calmed down, I'm sensing your other side

Octavia: huh?

Dark megaman: your dark soul, seems like have a potential to used dark chips

Octavia: *slowly smile and calmed down* thank you for calming me down and your saying I have
potential about dark chips

Dark megaman: yeah *give her a dark recovery chip* this will heal you, just in case

Octavia: now I'm less scared

*octavia and blitzo glare at robo fizz*

Blitzo and Octavia: I hate that fucking clown

*back to stolas, who has been captured and hoisted a lot by the crew of imps. Stolas arms are
bound and his head is covered by a cloth sack and the imps are pointing various weapons at
him. One has stolen stolas wallet but dark megaman charge shot the imp that stealing stolas

Stolas: *unconcerned* oh blitzy~ I need my bodyguard, please!

Dark megaman: seriously stolas?

*4 imps jump and attempt to attack stolas. Blitzo quickly being his rifle to bear shooting the imp in the torso, splattering head with blood*

Dark megaman: dark lance!

* many dark bamboo piers through 2 imps bodies and the other imp quickly scattered*

Dark megaman: *see some blood* at least I don't have the mess

*octavia entered the big top and find a seat.  Blitzo carries stolas in, head still covered in the blood soaked sack, set him down and walk off to take position while dark megaman trying to comfort Octavia but she annoyedly rips it off her father head*

Robo fizz:


Dark megaman: boo! Your song suck!

*Robo fizz glare at him*

Dark megaman: (maybe I can used him or a copy version of him, then again I don't know much about this place)

*meanwhile at the booths with venders*

Carnie imp: *saw 2 potential customers to scam* hello! Step right up and win a thing!
Millie: *gasp excitedly* oh look moxxie! A thing!

Moxxie: oh, you like that thing?

Millie: YESSSS! I don't really know what that thing is but I want that thing!

Moxxie: *smugly* ahh.... Finally something I can handle

* moxxie take out some money and hand it to the carnie*

Moxxie: okay! One game, puh-lease!

* the carnie imp rolls his eyes and uses his tail to hand moxxie a pistol with a cork projectile in
the muzzle*

Moxxie: *casually shoot it* big shot! *smirk*

Carnie demon: ohhh! Strike one little man!

Moxxie: but I hit it!

Carnie imp: hmmm I don't know what I tell ya buddy. The target see? It didn't go down. So yeah..... no go bro

Moxxie: the heavens wrong with this thing?!?!

Carnie imp: oh man. A real shame I tell yah *mockingly cries*

Moxxie: *angry pissed and slam another bill on the counter* another!

*moxxie dark chip suddenly glows a little bit*

* back to robo fizz show*

Stolas: ah hohohoho how delightful!

*behind stolas an imp with a kris dagger rises from beneath the seats ready to stab stolas but the
top oh his head and body been shot by blitzo sniper and dark megaman dark Vulcan while imps
scream in absolute fear and run away*

Stolas: * flirtatious* oh my! What aim you have blitzy

Dark megaman: .... You know I'm here to assist and helping right?

Octavia: *furious* ugh! I can't do this anymore!

Stolas: *concerned* wait-uh... Octavia!

*octavia storms off with stolas following behind as blitzo cycled his rifle and dark megaman
ready to dash*

Robo fizz: Nya hahahah hoho! Is that blitzo? My sensors spot up the e-e-e-e ere? I bet the kiddies
are still running away from you and especially that emo kid *laughing*

Dark megaman: are you fucking kidding me you stupid clown! I'm not a emo kid!

Robo fizz: *ignore dark megaman* a -awwwwwww, just like your audience always was when you
to-told your lazy jokes here! *laugh*

Dark megaman: Numberman DS make more money and battle chips jokes than you

*blitzo remove his visor and throws them on the ground as he make a comeback insult thanks to
dark megaman*ripoff of an overrated sellout jester!

Dark megaman: CHAOS CHAOS!

Robo fizz: *glitching* did you said chaos! Ah, someone is getting salty! Real or not though, people loo-00ve me! Does anyone love you.... Bli-

Dark megaman: shut the fuck up!

Blitzo: thank you

Dark megaman: im just helping you blitzo

Blitzo: now *slam a new magazine to his rifle and switch to full auto* dance bitch!

*robo fizz cartwheel out the way of the incoming rounds and spin dash to blitzo*

Blitzo: *get launch by the attack* oh fuck me!!!!

*outside, a imp with a hat rolls his cart of lit torches by the tent*

Wally: torches I say! Get your inconvenient torches here!

*blitzo lands on the cart, scattering the torches everywhere which light the big top on fire*

Wally: owww! I say owww!

*the green fire very rapidly spread all over the corner of the park. Burning and melting the
animatronics as robo fizz cackles and spin his head with a demonic glee at the destruction*

Dark megaman: the fire reminded of about a game something about burning animatronics and
freeing the lost souls from purple guy or something *used C-slider to catch up Octavia and stolas*

*back to the carnie game*

Carnie imp: wow! Man your really starting to make this sad. You know if you suck! Guess you
won't win your honey a prize *smirk*

Millie: *pissed* let me try!

*she grab the pistol and fire a cork at a target, which misses wildly. The carnie imp grins
mischievously and presses a foot petal in the booth which causes a target to fall down*

Carnie imp: ohhh, look at that! Lucky shot baby

Moxxie: are you kidding me?!?! You- you charlatan

Carnie imp: hey, uh get lost pipsqueak. I'm talking to the lady~

* the carnie imp lean toward Millie and make seductive purring sound at her. Millie immediately
recoils in disgust while moxxie felt something more powerful from his pocket*

Moxxie: *getting to his pocket and saw his dark chip glowing* huh?

???: used it moxxie and embraced your dark self as one

*moxxie stare his dark chip that dark megaman give him a while ago and used it*

Moxxie: *his gun suddenly felt powerful* dark wide! *aim the imp carnie to the face*

* the carnie imp body been pierced thru by dark wide *

Millie: *surprise* moxxie?!?!

Moxxie: what?

Millie: did you used a dark chip?

Moxxie: I think so.... But it's telling me to embrace my dark self to used it

Millie: who yelled you?

Moxxie: I don't know Millie but best assured that I got your thing

*moxxie walking to get the thing to give to millie*

Mille: thank you moxxie! *hugging the thing*

Blitzo: *dazed* ohhh..... hey guys! You should go uh, make sure stolas is okay. I've.... Got some
unfinished business to take care of

*blitzo draw his flintlock pistol, cocks it and fires at the now burning robo fizz. The impact of the
bullet spins robo fizz around but when he spins his head back he is revealed to be unharmed by
the shot, having caught the bullet in his teeth. He then spits the hip out*

Blitzo: oh, what a mouth!

*blitzo immediately grimaces when he realizes what he just said. Robo fizz coils himself up into his roiling form again, charging straight at blitzo. He leaps out of the way as his enemy hit the booth, destroying it in a large explosion. Several pieces of shrapnel and burning prizes shoot in all directions, the piece of stuffed animal strike a young imp boy in the head knocking him unconscious the second a photographer takes a picture of the imp family*

Father: goddammit Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!?!

*elsewhere. Stolas is still running after his daughter*

Stolas : Octavia!

*dark megaman riding his C-slider*

Dark megaman: Octavia Your dad calling you!

*octavia ran to a building called "fun house" inside, dark megaman hop off his C-slider and enter
the building while stolas is confronted with a surreal room of eyes, tubes, spikes, mirrors and
disembodied hands. Looking his daughter suddenly a shadow appear behind stolas as a random
imp jump upon his back*

Stolas: *annoyed* umm, I think I'm supposed to be bodyguard right now!

*the imp covers stolas mouth with his shirt sleeve but suddenly shot by a dark wave to the head
and falls down the ground. Moxxie and Millie appear in the entryway, Millie shoot her pistol to
the now dead headless imp in case it's a real or fake one*

Stolas: *wipe imp blood off of sleeve and annoyed* ugh, that's better. Where is blitzy? He's my
knight in shining armor, not your little ones

Millie: he uhhhh busy

Moxxie: being a fool

Stolas: what kind of fool?

Moxxie: the "everything is now on fire" kind

*back to the "fun house"*

Octavia: *crying* hate it!

Dark megaman: Octavia!

Octavia: dark mega?!

Dark megaman: mega?

Octavia: oh, you didn't like your nickname

Dark megaman: no it's just I'm surprised but the important why you ran from your dad, I know
you didn't like it but why?

Octavia: because I didn't wanted it and he treats me like a owlet

Dark megaman: *sigh* look he probably wanted have time with you

Octavia: how? He just wanted with that imp

Dark megaman: blitzo?

Octavia: yeah! *angry*

Dark megaman: I understand your frustration but isn't this any good memory with your dad?

Octavia: yeah when I was little

Dark megaman: you must appreciate your time with your dad, do you think he will die early and
all the loving that he giving be thrown away because your actions

Octavia: .........

Dark megaman: as long you two have each other to support and despite the drama and conflict,
he always be happy with you with loved

Octavia: why are you telling to this?

Dark megaman: ..... because I was born from the darkness thanks to lan using a dark chip to
defeat shademan but that's a seed for me inside of megaman EXE

Octavia: wh-what?

Dark megaman: I was brought back completely with a form from megaman EXE and took over
the vessel but there's a rescue attempt to save Megaman EXE while I laughed at them to fail.....
which they succeeded but lan kept telling to megaman EXE whom I'm already in control able to
resist to return his original body after that I was gone for a while

Octavia: for a while?

Dark megaman: Octavia, do you trust me this information

Octavia: I know you for a while and you seems to be trust worthy

Octavia: I will keep your secret to me

Dark megaman: ok here it go. I was summon by nebula gray to defeat Megaman EXE as a last
attempt and he gave me all his darkness to me, so after I was about to defeat him but he and lan
somehow managed with the power of friendship

Octavia: *snicker* power of friendship

Dark megaman; I know *sigh* ..... he did a good fight until I was defeated before I disappeared he
told me something "it's never too late to change" which I refused

Octavia: so......

Dark megaman: it's was a long time ago and but still have my revenge

Octavia: that's a lot to say

Dark megaman: yeah...... thanks you

Octavia: thank you?

Dark megaman: for listening all of it..... now I felt lighter

Octavia: no problem *thinking* you can call me via

Dark megaman: you sure about it?

Octavia: as a token as a friendship

Dark megaman: heh maybe I can give this to you instead *give a battle chip*

Dark megaman: it's a giga chip called black barrier absorb 200 damage but can regenerate faster once the barrier is gone

Octavia: giga chip?

Dark megaman: right you don't know, there's 4 types of chips there's the standard battle chips,
mega chips, giga chips and finally dark chips

Octavia: cool, can I try those?

Dark megaman: when the times comes and I will show you

Octavia: awesome and I feel better right now with you

Dark megaman: heh no problem *see stolas at the background worried* I should leave and have
a talk with your dad

*dark megaman left "the fun house*

Stolas: Octavia.....

*stolas discards the loo loo land hat, which in response to his emotional state has gone from
goofy grin to a sad frown*

Stolas: I take it you are..... not having fun

Octavia *cleaning her tear off* I didn't even want to come here!

Stolas: I'm sorry sweetie.... I thought you loved it here

Octavia: *sniffing* when I was a kid and my parents didn't hate each other.... And my dad didn't
flirt with some.... Weird red dickhead the entire time

Stolas: I'm sorry via, I'm sorry for everything.... Happening right now. I know it's a lot I, uh—- I
should have listened

Octavia: I just want to go home but home doesn't even feel like home anymore... you ruined it

Stolas: you need to understand... your mother and I.... I just... I felt... she always been... I haven't
been.. ha.... We weren't in... I'm sorry, I I I don't have the words

Octavia: *starting to cry* are you gonna run off with him? And leave me behind? Go away
where... I can't find you? *a darkness form a little bit around her and hear something*

???: one day we will meet again but be careful with your closeness one

*the darnesss disappear*

Octavia: ? (Careful with my closeness one?)

Stolas: *emphatically* what? No! No, no. I'd never do that, never. I think it's time to leave this place. Your were right, you are too old for it anyway

*stolas carries Octavia out of the fun house, as an imp grins maniacally in the space above the drop ceiling looking down on stolas. The imp drops down and flicks open a switchblade. Stolas is about to eliminate the attacker, octavia felt something*

Octavia and ???: dark lance!

*the imp with the switchblade got been piers through from dark lance*

Stolas: via?!

Octavia: ..... woah

*outside the park has been reduced to pandemonium as dusk falls*

Millie: *see her dark chip and used it* dark tornado!

*robo fizz direct attack from using rolls but the dark tornado wind wildly move his rolling up to
the air*

Dark megaman: hey blitzo, wanna do the honor?

Blitzo: fuck yes!

Dark megaman: get ready!

Blitzo: *aim with his flintlock and used his dark chip* dark spread!

*directly hit robo fizz mouth and his head been exploded from dark spread*

Dark megaman: *see the headless robo* I'm gonna experiment it (maybe robots might be better)

*stolas and Octavia leave the park gates*

Stolas: so what would you like to do now?

Octavia: oh can we go to stylish occult? They sell weird taxidermy there

Stolas: *reluctanly* hmmmm

Octavia: also can I bring dark megaman join us?

Stolas: depends if he want to

Dark megaman: sure why not

Stolas: okay.......

Octavia: *chuckles* thanks dad. Your okay sometimes

Dark megaman: from the first experience she's right but at least your trying

Stolas: thank you via and, dark megaman.... Is that your real name or a nickname?

Dark megaman: real name

Stolas: *sense a unknown power* good to know (what this power that he have, I should be
careful from him)

*a massive explosion rocks the park, sending the employees of IMP hurting through the air
smoking and screaming.*

Dark megaman: hang in there! *summon windman DS*

Windman DS: on it *used 3 small whirlwind catches the 3 imps*

Dark megaman: good job

Windman DS: anything else?

Dark megaman: that's all

*windman DS return to undernet*

Moxxie: *dizzy* way to ruin another good thing sir!

Blitzo: *dizzy* worth it! That slutty toy clown had it coming!

Millie: *dizzy and holding her thing* at least I have my thing

* moxxie, Millie and blitzo fall in unconscious*

Dark megaman: ugh, I need to drop those three to their home

Octavia: hey dark mega are you not coming? Since you need to help them

Dark megaman: don't worry, I will have my heel navi take them to their place *summon heel

Heel navi: what's your command sir?

Dark megaman: take them to their place and get the headless robo

Heel navi: why need the headless robo?

Dark megaman: because since I tried used a living thing with dark chip it's doesn't work but that
headless robo it's a machine which means I can experiment easily

Heel navi: I don't let you down sir

*the heel navi get the unconscious imps to their place while getting the headless robo to

Dark megaman: ready via?

Stolas: how did you know her nickname?

Octavia: dad! He's my first ever friend

Stolas: sorry it's just I'm very protective to my daughter

Dark megaman: are you thinking that me and Octavia are dating? *disgust*

Stolas: what? No!

Octavia: dad?!?!

Dark megaman: yeesh

Octavia: ok change of subject, let's go to the stylish occults

Dark megaman: come on stolas -_- (he better not ruined it)

*at the undernet*

Roll DS: *see the headless robo* prepare the experiment

Meddy DS: *holding a dark chip* this is gonna be interesting

*couple of hours later*

Heel navi: how's the experiment doing?

Roll DS: doing good and it's a successful in way

Heel navi: in a way?

Meddy DS: when we add her head with the dark chip inside it

Heel navi: her? I thought robo fizz is male

Meddy DS: we know, at first we're confused by it but need to inspect her

Roll DS: we fixed her circuit board and improved metal

Heel navi: so what's her name be? Since it's not robo or fizz

Roll DS: we need to ask her for it

Meddy DS: follow us

*heel navi follow roll DS and Meddy DS to a room*

???: hello there!

Heel navi: what's your name?

???: nah nah you need to earn it

Meddy DS: what's your last moment before?

???: *shrug* I have no idea

Roll DS: so you have no memory

???: I think so

Heel navi: *sigh* based on your clothes, maybe it's something relate to jester or music related

???: yup *default dance*

Roll DS: I go pick jester

Meddy DS: music too

Heel navi: I will do both

???: hahaha this will be interesting

*4 hours later*

???: give up?

*papers filled with cross references and drawing wall*

Roll DS: I give up *threw her paper on the ground*

Meddy DS: *drinking her 134 coffee* where the fuck is it?!?!

Heel navi: *snap his finger* melody

???: oh so close

Heel navi: damn it!

??: man I'm bored

Heel navi: only left is harpy

Harpy: ding ding ding, you got it right *blep* I'm harpy

Roll DS: finally! We can leave and focus our task

Meddy DS: hope dark megaman doing ok

Heel navi: yeah saw he join with Octavia and stolas to stylist occult

*the three of them left*

Harpy: ...... * smile insane* I will serve to my master dark megaman~

*dancing around*

Harpy: i felt much more alive and powerful thanks to dark chips that dark megaman serve...... I will be closer to him and be together forever~ *laughing maniac*


A/N: fucking finally, took me a while to finish this chapter and see yah the next chapter

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