Apology Tour

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Episode opens with water filling a large pool. Stolas lays down in a lounge chair beside a tea table under a royal tent in his garden, reading a botany book with a cup of wine on a table next to him.

Octavia sits beside him.

Stolas: I'm happy you finally told Y/N that you're pregnant, Octavia.

Octavia: Thanks, Dad. It wasn't easy, but he took it well.

Stolas: (thoughtfully) Do you know what the baby might be like?

Octavia: Do you?

Stolas: Well, I know the baby will be born in an egg, like you were.

Octavia smiles, placing a hand on her stomach.

Stolas: (sipping his wine) Have you and Y/N planned anything yet? Are you two thinking about getting married?

Octavia: We haven't talked about marriage yet. We're still trying to wrap our heads around the whole baby thing.

Stolas: Take your time, my dear. But remember, if you need anything, I'm always here for you.

Octavia: (smiling) Thanks, Dad. That means a lot.

Blitzo appears a little ways away, climbing over the brick wall.

Blitzo: Hello, hello, hello, Stolas! You have- Ah!

Stolas takes notice, but scowls at Blitzo for the harsh and heartbreaking words he said the night before. He covers his face in his book as Blitzo falls into the bushes, climbing out, yanking a carnivorous plant off of biting his elbow as he walks up to talk.

Blitzo: You haven't been answering my texts, and I sent you a bunch of funny shit. So, what gives?

Stolas: I was hoping my lack of "ha ha's" in response to the photos you sent would be an indicator I didn't want to talk right now.

Blitzo: Oh, come on, Stolas, we just had a rough night. 'Sides, you always want to hear from me.

Trying to get his attention, Blitzo uses his finger to press down the middle of the book so he and Stolas would be eye to eye. Stolas sighs as he closes the book in his hand.

Stolas: Blitzo. What is it you want?

Blitzo: I wanna feel like I'm earning my way to Earth! 'Kay? So get your tight, feathered ass out of that lawn chair and into the bedroom so I can fuck it!

Blitzo climbs on top of Stolas as he speaks, but the latter does not reciprocate the intentions. Stolas frowns as he gets out of the chair and moves to the tea table. Octavia looked uncomfortable and pulled her hat over her face.

Stolas: Wow. Poetry. I'm sure such a statement would have had me swooning by now.

Blitzo: Uhhh, I- Sh- Yeah, sure that wa- Okay, that was a shitty way for me to say it- But you usually like it when I talk all dirty, and fucky, and shit.

Stolas stops in his tracks, and turns his head to scowl at Blitzo, the sound effect of a crow cawing being heard.

Blitzo: Come on, we don't do words, we do sex!

Stolas: As shocking as this might seem, Blitzo-I don't think I'm in the mood to "do sex" with you. In fact, I don't think I'm even in the mood to do words with you! So, how about you respect that?

Octavia was getting uncomfortable and walked off, and flipped off Blitzo

Blitzo: Oh, come on, Stolas. you can't mean that. You always love seeing this.

Stolas: Seeing you right now is hard! I don't want to feel worse than I already do.

As Stolas puts down his book, he picks up a folded envelope with the words "You're invited" on it.

Stolas: It's bad enough I got an invite to this anti-Blitzo party- An honorary invite for being your freshest ex.

Blitzo: "Anti-Blitzo party"? Who the fuck's behind this?!

Stolas: Oh, it's entirely immature. I'd never indulge this nonsense, it's silly.

Blitzo: Real silly.

He rips invitation out of Stolas's hand.

Blitzo: Real fucking classy.

Stolas: Kind of them to invite me, though. It might be rude not to make an appearance. I asked Octavia if she'd wanna go since Y/N will be there, but understandably, she doesn't want to go, as she's afraid what she might eat might mess with the baby. And when she and the other girl start dating him, they made a rule stating and I quote "When one of them is dating Y/N the other doesn't interfere."

Wanting to get to the bottom of this, Blitzo opens the invitation and is shocked to find who it's signed by

Blitzo: Verosika?! Of course, that fucking bitch.

Stolas: I will say, it's rather concerning you have an entire party devoted to hating you though, Blitzo.

Blitzo: Oh, please, everyone hates me for shitty reasons. In the end, everyone's just bitter they couldn't tie this ass down. I'm too much imp to simp!

Stolas: You really think that's the reason?

Blitzo: Yessir, they couldn't handle that I moved on.

Stolas: Oh! So you're used to being the one who crushes others' feelings, hm?

Blitzo: If by "crushes other's feelings" you mean- end shit before it gets serious, then bingo. I'm doing everyone a favor because relationships are boring.

Stolas: Oh, yes, very boring. So what are you doing here, then?

Blitzo: Uh, I- Waiting for you to realize how good an angry fuck would be right now!

Stolas: Get out! Right now!

Blitzo: What?

Stolas: I'm tired of this. I'm uncomfortable how you're speaking to me now.

Stolas: Why can't you be more like Y/N? He has four girlfriends, and he loves them all, making sure they feel loved. He's patient, caring, and respectful. He takes responsibility and puts effort into making his relationships work.

Blitzo: (scoffing) Y/N?

Stolas: Yes, Y/N. He's done so many good things in his relationships, and he's genuinely committed to making them work. He'll be a wonderful son-in-law one day. Why can't you learn from him?

Blitzo is left speechless, looking a bit hurt but thoughtful as Stolas turns away, clearly upset.

Blitzo: Oh, come on, Stolas. You can't tell me this isn't a fantasy of yours. You want me to show your rich, prince-y ass what a real fuckin' is.

Stolas: Stop it!

He walks away.

Blitzo: Ha! I'm right, aren't I? You get off to getting plowed by people you look down on.

Stolas: I don't look down on you! How many times do I ha- When have I ever?! You speak just like that vile Striker friend of yours. The one who tried to kill me and you couldn't be bothered to come help me. Remember him?

Blitzo: Hey, look- I do not sound like- I- And I didn't know he was capable- I- I stopped him the first time, didn't I?

Stolas: The first time?

Blitzo: Yeah, the- Oh. Oops. I- Uh- No, who said tha- I-

Stolas: You knew someone was trying to assassinate me?

Octavia, looking increasingly uncomfortable, close the door, and turned up the TVs volume and watched a movie called In the Light of Night.

Blitzo: I, I- I stopped him! And I- I really didn't think you could actually get hurt, you're immortal and shit! You're a fucking prince!

Stolas picks up his book and begins walking away, with Blitzo following

Blitzo: If me and my team could kick that guy's ass that easily, then I'm sure you'd have no problem.

Stolas: I suppose you are right, silly me. It's not an imp's place to protect a Goetia, is it?

Blitzo: And there it is. Took ya long enough!

Stolas: That's all you were waiting for, wasn't it? For me to play into this idea you have of me that I'm this prince who thinks he's so much better than you. Well, I don't! Why would I allow everyone to see how much I like you? How I've tried so fucking hard to spend time with you, to support you? You don't owe me those things, but you can't just ignore all that!

Blitzo: You know, Stolas... I've spent the entirety of this morning listening to love ballads, and that was still the gayest thing I've heard all day!

Stolas: Do you feel any kind of remorse for what you do? Have you ever even apologized once in your life?

Blitzo: Oh, you think I can't apologize?! For what?! You want me to be like- Oh, sorry, this entire time I assumed the worst because I was convinced a prince could never love someone like me and I've let my self hatred stop me from apologizing to anyone I could ever care about!

Blitzo breaks down slightly as he describes what he thinks Stolas wants of him

Stolas: Well, yes. That.

Blitzo: Well, fuck you! I can sorry the fuck out of people, just you watch! I sorried Fizz so hard he cried!

Stolas walks up the stairs

Blitzo: And I can sorry more people, everyone but you! 'Cause I don't owe you dick!

Stolas slams the door on Blitzo

Blitzo: Everyone but you.


Cuts to Blitzo in his apartment laying on his couch, then getting up and getting a cup of coffee.

Blitzo: I can totally apologize to the people I've fucked with.

He gets into his car

Blitzo: I mean how many people could there possibly be?

Blitzo writes up a list of names in order, with the fiirst 3: "Moxxie?", "Annoying Kid", "Southern Bitch". Blitzo is then seen knocking on the door of who is revealed to be Martha.

Martha: Yes? Oh. It's you. Not the cuter one.

Blitzo: Heeey, Martha, look, I know we killed you in the past, but I just wanted to say no hard feelings and offer this.

Blitzo hands Martha an apology basket, consisting of wads of cheese, bottles of hot sauce, and a note saying "sorry", putting it in her hands. Behind her, The Filmmaker and Mrs. Mayberry, emerge from a bedroom, wrapped in a towel and sopping wet, while Filmmaker was naked, just coming out of a shower. Mrs. Mayberry flips her hair back before she and Filmmaker stopped in their tracks, noticing Blitzo. He looks at them, and smiles seductively at Martha, who turns to see a flustered Mayberry and Filmmaker looking at them.

Martha: Yeah, that's fuckin' right.

Martha closes the door, and Blitzo pulls up the list again to cross off her name, along with two other new names: "Guy I Ran Over" and "Hot Bouncer".


Agent One and Agent Two were both looking bored, before Blitzo appears from a portal with a card that reads "Sowy :c" with a horse on it. Blitzo then winks at them and leaves, as they scramble to try and catch him. Blitzo crosses their names off the list and opens a portal to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring, where he gives Jesse flowers with the same sorry card, stomping on one of the people in the queue as he does. Afterwards, Blitzo is about to text an apology to Stolas, but second guesses himself, deleting his message. In the Greed Ring, the mascot of Loo Loo Land is seen next to a campfire. Blitzo then appears in a stroller and stuffs the apology gift into his eyeball. Another portal opens on Earth as Blitzo tosses a gift into the pile of dead bodies he the site of all the people killed at the original D.H.O.R.K.S Facility.

Blitzo was on stage at an acting awards ceremony in a dress and wig about to apologize to the audience. Blitzo then tries to text Stolas an apology again, but holds back.

Back to the current D.H.O.R.K.S. Facility, where alarms are going off and Agent One, Agent Two, a 3rd Agent, a priest and two of the three Cherubs (who are still recovering from their injuries) are poised around where Blitzo dropped off his apology card, weapons raised. Blitzo then opens a portal right behind Cletus to give him an 'apology' card, which instead just has a few insults directed at the Cherubs.


Blitzo closes the party invitation.

Blitzo: All right, and now onto the exes, who are all in one place... Yay.

Blitzo gives a worried expression as he rubs his crystal, which makes it generate a portal to Earth. Cuts to Earth where a portal is opened and Blitzo's car runs over a jack o'lantern.

Blitzo: Hey, buddy, you know where 666 South Maple Avenue might be?

Halloween Guy: Down that way, demon dude! Sick costume, bruh.

Grandpa: Hey, Happy Halloween! Oh, looks like you missed some makeup there.

Blitzo: Thaaanks! It's my face.

He drives off down the road


The venue is decorated with cobwebs, pumpkins, and eerie lighting. Guests are milling about in various costumes, laughter and music filling the air. Y/N and his Cenobites arrive at the entrance, catching everyone's attention.

Y/N is dressed as Nocturnal, a supervillain from the human world.

The Seamstress is dressed as a gothic queen, The Filmmaker as a haunted director, and Brute as a monstrous executioner.

The Cartooniest is dressed as a classic animated character with exaggerated features and a vibrant, colorful outfit reminiscent of old-school cartoon characters.

Ace of Spades is clad in a sleek, black-and-white ensemble, embodying a suave, mysterious gambler with a deck of cards tucked into his pocket.

The Happy Amphibian stands out in a suit that is an explosion of colors.

Ace of Spades was looking around the party, then at The Happy Amphibian.

Ace of Spades: Nice party, but I gotta say, Happy, your suit looks like all the pride flags threw up on you.

The Happy Amphibian: That's the point, Ace! It's Halloween—time to stand out.

The Filmmaker: I think you look fabulous, Happy! You're definitely the life of the party.

Verosika, spots them from across the room and waves, making her way over.

Verosika: Y/N! You made it! And look at you, rocking the Nocturnal outfit!

Y/N: (smiling back, a bit shy) Thanks, Verosika. You look amazing.

Verosika: (playfully) I know. (turning to the Cenobites) And you all look fantastic too. Come on in, let's get you some drinks and introduce you around. Also, you sure you'll be ok?

Y/N nodded.

Y/N: Yes. This mask has filters so I don't get too overwhelmed by all the bright lights in the sounds.

As they move further into the party, Y/N and his Cenobites receive curious and admiring glances from the other guests.

The Seamstress: (smiling) It's nice to be at a party for a change.

The Filmmaker: (adjusting his haunted camera prop) Agreed. It's quite the atmosphere.

Brute was grinning

Happy Amphibian: Let's hope there are some good snacks.

Verosika looked at Y/N, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Verosika: So, Nocturnal. Having fun?

Y/N: Yeah, it's a great party. You look amazing, by the way.

Verosika: (playfully) Flattery will get you everywhere, Y/N.

Before he can respond, Verosika grabs Y/N's hand and starts pulling him away from the group.

Y/N: W-Where are we going?

Verosika: Somewhere a little more private~.

She leads him through the crowded room, weaving between costumed guests, until they reach a secluded corner. She pushes him gently against the wall and presses her body close to his, her hands resting on his chest. She lifted his mask.

Verosika: I've been wanting to do this all night.

Without waiting for a reply, she leans in and kisses him deeply. Y/N, initially surprised, quickly melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her. The sounds of the party fade away as they get lost in the moment.

The Filmmaker: (from a distance, noticing) Looks like the boss is having a good time.

The Happy Amphibian: (laughing) Can't blame him. Verosika knows how to make an impression.

Ace of Spades: (smirking) Just hope he doesn't forget about us completely.

Y/N and Verosika's kiss intensifies, the sounds of the party becoming a distant hum. Verosika pulls back slightly, her breath hot against his ear.

Verosika: (husky whisper) Come with me.

She grabs his hand again, this time more urgently, and leads him through the throng of partygoers. They dodge dancers and weave through groups of chatting demons until they reach a door marked "Storage."

Verosika opens the door and pulls Y/N inside, shutting it behind them. The closet is dark and cluttered, filled with party supplies and costumes. Verosika pushes Y/N against the wall and resumes their kiss, even more fervent than before.

The small, dark space feels cramped, and Y/N's senses are overwhelmed by the sudden change.

Y/N: (nervously) Uh, Verosika, it's a little tight in here...

Verosika: (softly) I know, but it's also private. Don't worry, we'll make it quick.

She leans in and starts kissing him again, more passionately this time. Y/N's mind races with the new sensations and the confined space. He feels a mix of excitement and anxiety, but he focuses on Verosika's touch and the warmth of her body against his.

Verosika: Do you want to have a quickie?

Y/N's heart pounds in his chest. He takes a moment to process her question, then nods, his face flushed.

Y/N: (shyly) Yes.

Verosika's smile widens, and she kisses him again, her hands exploring his body.

Verosika, her eyes glinting with playful mischief, slowly reaches for Y/N's mask and carefully removes it, revealing his full face. She lets out a soft chuckle, then messes with her top. Y/N watches, his heart pounding, feeling both excitement and a bit of nervousness.

Verosika: (playfully) There we go, much better.

She tosses her top aside and moves closer, pressing her body against his. Her boobs on full display. Her hands trail down his chest, and she playfully yanks his shirt off, leaving him feeling both exposed and thrilled.

Y/N: (blushing) Verosika...

Verosika: (whispering) Just relax, okay?

She leans in, her lips brushing against his as she starts to kiss him again, her hands exploring his bare skin.

She took off her pants and panties. Then she did the same with Y/N's pants and underwear and proceeded to pump him a few times. Y/N shivered and moaned.

Y/N: D-do you want me in?

Verosika: Let me see~

She began positioning herself and inviting him in. Y/N, still a little nervous but excited, follows her lead. Their bodies come together, and Verosika gasps softly, a smile of satisfaction spreading across her face.

Verosika: Just like that, Y/N.

Y/N begins to move, his initial hesitance giving way to a natural rhythm. Verosika wraps her legs around him, pulling him deeper. The sensations are overwhelming for Y/N, every touch and movement heightened by his sensitivity.

Y/N: (moaning) Verosika... you feel... incredible.

Verosika: (softly) Keep going, baby. You're doing so well.

Verosika's movements quicken, her body pressing closer to Y/N's. She wraps her arms around his head, pulling him to her breasts

Verosika: (breathless) Just like that, Y/N. Keep going.

Y/N's breathing becomes ragged as he focuses on maintaining their rhythm, his hands gripping her hips firmly. Verosika's moans grow louder, the pleasure evident in her voice. She buries her face in his neck, her breath hot against his skin.

Y/N: Verosika... I...

Verosika: You're amazing, Y/N. Don't stop.

Verosika's movements become even faster, her body trembling as she nears her peak. She grips Y/N tighter, the intensity of the moment overwhelming them both.

Y/N: (breathless) Verosika, I'm...

Verosika: (whispering) Yes, Y/N, together...

As Y/N reaches his climax, Verosika throws her head back, a scream of pure pleasure escaping her lips.

Verosika: (screaming) Y/N!

Their bodies shudder in unison, the shared ecstasy leaving them both breathless and spent. Verosika collapses against Y/N, their foreheads touching as they catch their breath.


Stolas was just arriving. He started pouring himself a drink

Stolas: The one day a year the spirits can rise amongst the living and it's spent celebrating mutual pettiness.

Sailor Demon: Uh, what?

Stolas: Oh! Nothing! I was talking to myself.

Sailor Demon: [sarcastically] Cool, man, I wish I was you...

The Sailor Demon walks off, before getting sucker punched by Brute

Stolas starts drinking, as Verosika Mayday dances out of the closet with Y/N, both now fully dressed. She dances over with Y/N, noticing Stolas

Verosika: Hello, freshest ex! Stolas! How're you doing baby, you holding up okay?

Y/N: Wait? They broke up?

Verosika: Yep.

Y/N: Oh...

Stolas: Oh, I'm fine, I felt it rude not to stop by. I don't get invited out much, but, I really shouldn't stay long.

Verosika: Well, I'm glad you could make it, honey.

Stolas: Well, this certainly beats the last Earth party I attended on Hallows' Eve.

Cuts to worshippers torturing a blindfolded man, knife held over his chest. Stolas is standing to the side, looking bored while holding a drink in his hand

Masked Worshipper: All hail the demon prince, Stolas.

Stolas: I was told there would be cake?

Then blood splatters onto him which freaks him out


Verosika: Speaking of cake, you wanna slice it?

Verosika pulls Stolas and Y/N over to the Blitzo cake, with multiple arrows in its chest and a machete down its forehead.

Stolas: Oh... Eugh.

Verosika: I like to start with the neck.

She pulls out a knife.

Verosika: Or the dick.

Y/N: Eugh...

Verosika: You're right. Nobody wants his dick, anyway.

She violently stabs the crotch of the cake.

Stolas: I- I think I'm content without slicing any of it.

Verosika: Well, live it up, baby, you are with friends here. Fuck Blitzo in the fucking ass!

A crowd of Succubi and other assorted demons are seen cheering. Ace of Spades started slicing the head off the cake while laughing. Stolas is shocked as more demons are seen torturing miniature toys of Blitzo, and walks away.

Y/N looked around.

Y/N: I'm starting to think this isn't a costume party.

Ace of Spades: You're just figuring that out now?

Y/N: Verosika told me it's a costume Halloween party.

Verosika: Ya. I left the "F U Blitzo" part out. Now, my little Nocturnal, let's dance!

Verosika dragged Y/N to the dance floor.

Happy Amphibian was being flirted with by a pizza delivery woman succubus and a cheerleader succubus.

The Cartooniest is at the snack table, entertaining a small crowd with his animated antics. He's conjuring cartoonish props and making exaggerated expressions, keeping everyone around him laughing and engaged.

Ace of Spades is standing near the punch bowl, his keen eyes scanning the room. He makes a sarcastic comment to a passerby about the over-the-top decorations.

The Seamstress is mingling with the guests, offering fashion tips and admiring the various costumes. She's in her element, talking fabric and design with anyone who'll listen.

Filmmaker is capturing moments on a vintage film camera, documenting the night with a keen artistic eye. He occasionally directs people to pose for shots, creating little scenes within the party.

Brute is keeping a watchful eye on everything, standing by the entrance. He's imposing and silent, ensuring that no troublemakers ruin the night for anyone.

Blitzo soon enters the party.

Blitzo: W-o-ow. Have I fucked this many people? Christ on a stick, I should start keeping count.

Blitzo started half-heartedly apologizing to random demons.

Blitzo: Sorry for the comment I made at your sister's wedding, though she did deserve it, she's a whore. Sorry for fucking your mom, though I thought it was your dad.

Blitzo sees a piñata made of him hanging by a noose and quickly rushes to hide, grabbing a tablecloth to cover under.

Unicorn Costumed Demon: Hey!

Everyone looks at Blitzo now hiding under the tablecloth.

Blitzo: He did it.

He points at Dennis. Blitzo quickly runs away.

Unicorn Costumed Demon: Way to go, Dennis. You fucking suck.

Unnamed succubus: Yeah, you suck, Dennis!

Ace of Spades quickly ran over and kicked Dennis in the pants.

Ace of Spades: Ha! Fuck you Dennis!

Several demons cheered for him.


Blitzo started taking a peek outside, before hiding in a crowd looking for Stolas

Verosika: Now-

Blitzo: Oh, shit-

Verosika: —It's time to hear from the special, new guest of honor of the night- Stolas! Get up here, and say a few words!

Stolas: [spits out drink] Oh, no. No, no, no. No. I'm not really, um, hehe.

He is pushed onto the stage.

Stolas: Uh, I really shouldn't, I-

Verosika: Tell us all about your experience with Blitzo. That cock sucking motherfucker! C'mon baby, speak from your heart. We all here know how you feel.

Stolas: Um. Oh, ahahaha, um.

Stolas looks into the crowd before singing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Stolas: Thank you for your time.

He walks off the stage as the crowd cheers

Blitzo saw Stolas walk back into the party

Verosika: Alrighty bitches, let's get wild!

Blitzo sighs

Blitzo started walking inside the building and up to drunk Stolas

Blitzo: Hey.

Stolas: Blitzo?! What are you doing here? You're lucky everyone is drunk or you would be murdered right now.

Blitzo: Ah, no, it's good I'm in a disguise.

Stolas pulls down the tablecloth on Blitzo to hide him, and walks him around while grabbing drinks.

Blitzo: Wow. I've never seen you throw 'em back like this.

Stolas: Came just to judge me, is that it?

Blitzo: No, I just- This was the final stop on the apology tour I've been on today.

Stolas: Oh, yes, I recall. Everyone but me is getting your cheap apologies tonight, hm? Well, you certainly have your work cut out for you.

Blitzo: Look, how I acted this morning... It was fucked, okay?

Stolas: This morning? Ugh, why did you show up there?

He falls backwards into Blitzo's arms.

Stolas: Why'd you show up here?

Blitzo: You already asked that, but look, I-I just really need to... To talk to you, to- to explain.

Stolas: Oh?

Blitzo: I've always been real shit at sorries, 'kay? They're for pussies and no one fuckin' deserves them anyway, but I felt maybe you actually needed one.

Stolas: Ooh, lucky me!

Blitzo: Oh, shit. Okay, what I mean is, I said sorry a lot today and, honestly, didn't really mean any of it. Because the only one I wanted to say it to... Was you, Stolas. I just... This whole thing we had going... I'm- I mean you're a fucking prince. How could you ever actually care for an imp... Me? How could anybody?

Stolas: Blitzo. There is a crowd full of people here, who cared so much, they'd throw an entire fucking party about hating you, every year! Do you know how much you have to care to do something as stupid as that?

Blitzo: Stolas, you are better off without me. 'Kay? You deserve so much... I don't even know why you would want to be with me.

Stolas: You wanna know what I want? I want to know what it's like, to not be alone. I want to be someone's someone. I want to feel wanted.

He looked over and gestured towards Ace of Spades, who was laughing and making out with a succubus.

Stolas: But like, in a romantic way, like I'm standing out in the rain at a train station and someone is shouting: "Harriet! Don't get on that train, it's going to London and I cannot be without you!"

Blitzo: Oh, Stolas, that's... a rom-com.

Stolas: Oh, fuck you. The point is, I just... want someone to care if I stay or go. I want someone to want me! To want to see me. To hold me. To look at me and think "You're the only one I want!" "I desire to hold you and talk to you, and never let you feel so..."

Stolas trails off, his eyes wandering to where Y/N and Verosika are holding hands, kissing, and laughing at an inside joke. They look happy and content, completely absorbed in each other.

Stolas: Look at them. Y/N has this... way of making his partners feel loved and cherished. Even with his Cenobites, he makes sure they know they're valued. It's not just about physical attraction; he genuinely cares for them, makes them feel seen and appreciated. That's what I want. I want to feel that... connection.

As Stolas spoke, Blitzo feels more and more guilty with how horrible he treated him. and when Stolas crouches down, he leans his hand to stroke him, but stops when Stolas sits up.

Stolas: You! Why are you here? I don't want you here, go home, please! Let me not feel so sad!

Blitzo is about to say something when an succubus suddenly appears

"Better than Blitzo" Guy: Hey.

Stolas: Oh! Hello.

"Better than Blitzo" Guy: Great song earlier. You have great pipes.

Stolas: Thank you.

Blitzo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He sings fantastic, we're talking here!

"Better than Blitzo" Guy: Well, I just wanted to see if... Maybe... I dunno... You'd wanna... Dance?

Stolas: You want... to... dance... with me?

"Better than Blitzo" Guy: Yeah.

Stolas looks between both demons. Blitzo sighs and gestures for him to go.

Stolas: Okay!

Blitzo watches as Stolas takes the guy's hand and leaves the room to dance. Blitzo walks to the door and watches as Stolas cheerfully dances before seeing Verosika walk up the stairs with Y/N. He walks up the stairs and stands next to her, removing the sheet from his head.

Blitzo: Hey, Ver.

Verosika: [annoyed] So, an "apology tour", huh? You got a lotta balls coming here, Blitzo.

She smokes cigarette

Blitzo: Yeah, I know. Everyone here hates me.

Verosika: Yep. That's the point, dumbass.

Blitzo: So, what, you're waiting for your sorry?

Verosika: Oh, fuck you, you little prick!

Blitzo: Well, I'm sorry for always telling it like it is, sister.

Verosika doesn't reply. Instead, she just scowls at him and turns her gaze away, which annoys Blitzo.

Then Ace of Spades and Seamstress come up. Ace lifts Blitzo by the collar and offers to throw him out.

Ace of Spades: Want me to toss this trash out, Verosika?

Verosika: No. I don't want Y/N getting in trouble.

She held Y/N's hand. Y/N smiled.

Blitzo: What? I'm just being honest! I'm sorry for dumping ya! Sorry for not falling head over heels for you! Or that guy or, fucking Dennis or- or anyone at this stupid fucking party!

Verosika: Oh, you are so fucking SHITTY! Do you hear yourself?! Throw him out!

Ace of Spades grabs Blitzo by the collar and throws him out the door. Blitzo lands roughly but quickly gets up and marches back inside. Y/N stays close to Verosika, visibly nervous as the situation escalates. Verosika rubbed his head.

Blitzo: EVERYONE'S SHITTY! Hello, we live in Hell! Why am I suddenly the bad guy for sucking at relationships?!

Verosika: Are you expecting sympathy? [mockingly] Ooh, poor Bwitz, finally having to own that his actions effect other people's fee-fees! [scowls] Bitch, please.

Verosika then leans on the rails, and Blitzo does the same. after a second or two, Verosika continues.

Verosika: How do you think I felt? When the fun guy I was dating decided to just bail on me because I made the shitty mistake of saying I love... Ugh! It was the most embarrassing feeling. To be vulnerable for once and... you really just know how to send a message in the shittiest, fucking way.

Verosika: (sighing) You know, Y/N would never do something like that.

Blitzo looks up at her, a mix of confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

Blitzo: (softly) Y/N?

Verosika: Yeah, Y/N. He's... different. He's kind and thoughtful, and he actually cares about people. About me. He makes sure I feel loved and appreciated every single day. He's not afraid to show his feelings, and he never makes me feel like a burden for having mine.

Verosika held Y/N's hand and kissed his cheek. Blitzo listens, feeling a pang of jealousy and regret.

Verosika: He's got his quirks, sure. But he's genuine. He doesn't hide behind some tough exterior. And you know what? It's refreshing. It's what I need.

As she speaks, Blitzo sits down, his legs poking through the rail bars, as he lets her words sink in, feeling, likely for one of the first times in his life, remorse.

Verosika: The worst part is you still make me feel like a bad person for being angry at you now.

Verosika kicks a bar off the rails. As she then sits down, and pulls Y/N with her, she looks over at an imp throwing knives at a Blitzo shaped target, who then cries, another imp comforting him.

Verosika: But, hosting this party, for everyone else you've dicked over? At least I can help others cope with the shit you did.

She notices Blitzo's defeated expression.

What? No snarky comeback?

Blitzo: No. You're right. I actually am, ya' know... sorry. I-I don't want to be this way. Not forever.

Verosika then gives a small smile, satisfied that Blitzo wants to change, before she looks to the dance floor, smirking.

Ace of Spades: honestly, if there's anyone who deserves to be at a I hate Blitzo party, it's you.

Y/N: Sad...but true. I think.

Verosika: You think correctly.

Seamstress: Looks like Stolas is having a good time.

Blitzo: Yeah, well. He needs it.

On the dance floor, Stolas dances with the succubus. the latter flies up a bit to be at eye level, before he holds the Goetia prince, and catches him by surprise with a kiss. Stolas returns in kind as they then depart, their tongues semi-wrapped with each other. Blitzo stares on in shock at what he was witnessing, and Verosika's smirk grows.

Verosika: Oh, a really good time.

Blitzo: Oh, that bird-stealing cock bag! [growls]

Verosika: Hold it, Blitzo. Y'know, if you wanna change, it just starts with saying: "Good for him, hope he gets laid."

Y/N: Good for him, hope he gets laid.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Y/N: What? I'm saying it because I really hope that. A-And I can't always be the shy guy.

Verosika smiled and kissed his cheek.

Blitzo continues to growl with jealousy as he watches the scene. Down below, Stolas and the succubus depart from their kiss, and Verosika's words sink into his head, getting Blitzo to calm down. Verosika then hands a plate of Blitzo cake to Blitzo.

Verosika: Here, have some cake, fuckwad.

Verosika stands up and leaves silently with Y/N. Ace of Spades and Seamstress follow behind. Over You starts playing in the background as Blitzo stares at his plate of cake. Sighing, he puts the plate down, puts on his disguise and walks down the stairs. he looks to an succubus drinking on the stairs, visible tears in his eyes. Blitzo then sees two female demons in the background pulling a Blitzo shaped piñata apart, and hugging eachother. Blitzo then passes the dance floor, seeing Stolas dancing, seeing him happy. Blitzo leaves, closing the door behind him. As he walks, he passes other demons, including Wally Wackford who is handing out refreshments. Blitzo takes off his disguise and gets in his van. He turns on the radio, only for Over You to resume playing. Blitzo drops his head on the steering wheel, the horn blaring as the episode ends.

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