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The Seamstress


Name: Natalie Everlasting

Age: Ageless

Gender: Female

Weapon: Needle and Thread - The Seamstress wields a long, silver needle attached to an unbreakable thread, both imbued with mystical properties. She uses them to stitch her victims' shadows to their bodies, paralyzing them.

Method of Killing: The Seamstress uses her needle to meticulously sew her victims' mouths and eyes shut, trapping them in a suffocating silence. She leaves them unable to scream or see, causing psychological terror before their eventual demise.


Perfection in her stitches
Dimly lit, cluttered spaces where she can work undisturbed


Disruption during her work
Unruly threads or materials
Loud noises and chaotic environments

Voice Actress: Tilda Swinton

The Happy Amphibian

Age: Unknown. But he is the youngest in the group.

Gender: Male


Toxic Spit: The Happy Amphibian secretes a potent toxin from glands in his throat, capable of paralyzing or incapacitating his victims upon contact.

Acid Tongue: His tongue can extend to surprising lengths and excretes a corrosive acid, which he uses to dissolve obstacles or incapacitate foes.

Method of Killing: The Happy Amphibian uses his toxic spit to immobilize his prey before closing in for the kill. His acid tongue can dissolve flesh and bone upon contact, leaving behind nothing but a puddle of bubbling sludge.


Frogs and other amphibious creatures
Swamps and murky waters


Dry environments
Party poopers

Voice Actor: Michael Kovach

The Filmmaker

Name: The Filmmaker

Age: Eternal

Gender: Male

Film reels: Reels that capture and trap victims, replaying their worst memories and fears in a loop.

Director's Cutlass: A sharp sword used to 'edit' victims' limbs and organs.

Method of Killing: The Filmmaker wields a cursed Camera Obscura, a device that captures the essence of its subjects, sealing their souls in eternal torment. When the Filmmaker takes a photograph with the Camera Obscura, it not only captures the image but also traps the subject's soul within the photograph, condemning them to an existence of suffering and anguish.


Capturing the perfect shot
Creating twisted and macabre films
Making people suffer


Interruptions during filming
Imperfect lighting conditions
Competitors who try to outdo his cinematic prowess

Voice Actor: MrCreepypasta

The Cartoonist

Gender: Unknown

Weapon: Ink Brush. Tattoos

Method of Killing: The Cartoonist wields an enchanted ink brush that brings their grotesque creations to life. With a stroke of their brush, they can summon nightmarish creatures and deadly traps from the pages of their twisted imagination, using them to ensnare and destroy their victims in a surreal and cartoonish fashion.


Drawing twisted caricatures of their victims

Bringing their demented cartoons to life

Humiliating their foes with absurd and whimsical traps



Realism and seriousness

Running out of ink at a crucial moment

Voice Actor: Edward Bosco

Ace of Spades

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Weapon: Cards and Spade-bladed Boomerang

Method of Killing: Ace of Spades is a master of card manipulation, using razor-sharp playing cards as deadly projectiles. His precision and speed with the cards make him a formidable opponent in combat. Additionally, he wields a spade-bladed boomerang, which he can throw with deadly accuracy to slice through his enemies with ease.


High-stakes games of chance

Showing off his card-throwing skills

Perfecting his boomerang techniques


Cheaters who ruin the integrity of the game

Losing a game of cards

Being Stella's one night stand


Glitz and Glam

Voice Actor: Jack Hawkins

Frizzoroli played against him in poker, and owns him 25,000 dollars, and has yet to pay!

The Brute

Name: Brute

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Weapon: Massive strength and brute force

Method of Killing: Brute relies on his immense strength and raw power to overpower his enemies. He possesses superhuman strength, allowing him to tear through obstacles and opponents with ease. He often uses his fists and sheer force to crush his adversaries, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.


Testing his strength against formidable opponents

Smashing things.

Being feared and respected for his power


Weaklings who cower in fear

Being underestimated

Anything that stands in his way


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