Good Cop, Bad Cop, Part 2, Hieru

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After discussing it with Chaos, the duo decided to do one Dark Balancer per day. Chaos had agreed to cover for them, so they just had to deal with the talking.

"All right, so who's the bad cop-" "Me."

Not even a second after asking, Konju had already volunteered to be the bad cop.

"Eh? Why?" Aruke tilted his head.

"Think about it, Ruke. They know you're WAY too nice to pull off the bad cop trick. Plus, they've been fighting me for a longer time span," Konju explained. "With that in mind, I think it's safe to say that I'm the best we have so far."

"I guess so..." Aruke nodded. "You sure you can pull it off?"

Konju mock-gasped, "You doubt my acting abilities?! Kin Aruke, you wound me!"

Aruke rolled his eyes a bit, "You're being overdramatic, Konju." 

Konju pouted, "I guess so. But anyway, you ready to go in there?" 

Aruke nodded, his face growing soft, "Ah." 

Upon hearing the door open, Hieru looked up, half expecting to see a police officer. 

His face morphed into a scowl when he saw Aruke instead, "You." 

"Hi there?" Aruke waved awkwardly as he sat on a chair across from Hieru, who glowered at him. The atmosphere grew colder, but Aruke pretended not to notice, choosing to smile warmly at him instead.

"What do you want?" Hieru hissed.

"Woah, easy there," Aruke put his hands up in surrender. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"Don't you mean gloat at me for your victory?" Hieru spat out.

"Eh?! Why would I?!" Aruke looked horrified. "I don't find pleasure in seeing people get sent to the hospital!"

Hieru blinked, "But that attack..."

"I had to stop you from destroying the world," Aruke replied, looking away. "I-I'm not proud of it, though.... T-That's why I want to be friends with you..."

"R-Really?" Hieru looked confused.

Aruke nodded.

Honestly, Aruke really DID want to be friends with all the Dark Balancers. He believed that they had all been Tomako's puppets, made to believe that Tomako was their master. That's why he was willing to believe that they had a chance of redemption; half of the reason he agreed to the Good cop, Bad cop thing.

"I-" he was cut off by Konju slamming the door open. His eyes scanned the small room before they landed on Hieru.

"YOU!" Konju immediately rushed over to Hieru and began shaking him front and back. "YOU TRIED TO KILL RUKE! UNFORGIVABLE.... UNFORGIVABLE!!!"

"Konju!" Aruke rushed over and restrained the older male while Hieru trembled in fright. "What's gotten into you?!"

"HE DESERVES TO DIE!" Konju screamed.

"Calm down, Konju!" Aruke struggled to push him out. Luckily, after a few tries, he managed, so Aruke barricaded the door before he turned back to Hieru, "Sorry about that..."

"I-It's fine..." Hieru accepted it.

"But anyway, may I ask you a few questions?"

"I-I guess so...."

"What do you know of a book on how to destroy protagonists?"

"T-That was Tomako's book..."

"Do you know if anyone has a copy of that book?"

"N-Not really..."

"How about the original? Does Tomako still have it?"

Hieru shook his head, "H-He said that he gave it away..."

Aruke went on guard, "To who?"

"H-He never said... J-Just mentioned it was a friend of his..."

"Do you know any friends who Tomako might have given it to?"

"N-Not really...."

Aruke smiled, feeling a bit disappointed but glad that he managed to get Hieru to open up to him, "I see. Thanks for the information, Hieru. I hope when you come out of jail, you'll be a better person."

"T-Thanks..." was the last thing Aruke heard from him before he left.

"You were WAY too overboard, Konju!" Aruke pouted at the Borrowed Actor as the 2 sat in a cafe in the evening after interrogating Hieru. The police would never know because Chaos had erased their memories of the duo's interrogation. Konju chuckled a bit hearing his whining.

"Sorry, but you have to admit that Hieru's face was priceless."

"We don't go scaring people like that, Konju! I don't want them to be scared of you! I want everyone to be friends!" 

This time, it was Konju's turn to pout, "Well, excuse me for scaring him."

"You can tell him that tomorrow. For now, let's go sleep. Night."


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