Memories and Bonds, Part 8

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Keisuke had only been kidnapped twice. The day Shuka was revealed, and the time with Mister Movien. Both times, he had been awake.

That's why when he woke up in a warehouse, dangling a few centimetres above the ground, with his hands above his head and his legs tied tightly below him, he could only look around, groggily wondering where he was. He was honestly confused. Where am I?

"Urgh..." Keisuke groaned out a bit as he tested the ropes. He couldn't wriggle out of it; whoever had done this knew he could escape simple ropes. 

Just then, memories of what had happened came back to him like a boomerang. He gasped in shock as he looked around, forcing his eyes to re-focus. Once he got that covered, he scanned the room, his brain finally functioning correctly.

The warehouse wasn't that big, but he could see Touma and Akinori tied in the same condition as him with a distance of around 10 centimeters, give or take.

Deciding that they had to wake up NOW, Keisuke held on tight to the rope then kicked them one by one.

"H-Huh?..." The other two immediately woke up.

"K-Keisuke?" Akinori mumbled as he opened his eyes, blinking a bit. 

"W-What happened?" Touma muttered. 

"We were knocked out by a masked figure of some sorts," Keisuke replied, recalling the best he could. "We were about to get the GPS tracker, but then suddenly, lights out."

"Urgh, why are we tied up like this though?" Touma tugged at the ropes.

"Were we kidnapped again?" Akinori growled.

"Are you asking me or telling me, because I'm as clueless as you two," Keisuke sweatdropped.

"But wait, how are we supposed to save Natsume now?" Akinori inquired.

"I don't need saving," Natsume's voice echoed out, and they all turned to see her walking to them with Haruya by her side. "After all..." A cruel grin so unlike her appeared on her face. "It's you guys who are in trouble." 

"What are you talking about?!" Keisuke demanded.

Natsume looked at him, and an even worse smile that he hated oh-so-much because it was not supposed to be on her face popped up.

"It's kind of no fun if you guys find out a few seconds before it, so since you three seem so eager..." she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the building shook. The 3 boys felt some tremors coming from below, so they looked down.

Their eyes widened.

A huge bucket with ice was underneath them. 

Haruya then appeared above them and stood with a victorious smile, "You lost." before he cut the ropes.

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