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                         Chapter 9
I then knew it was worth it and switched the black and red wires. After that I turned the shrink ray on and ran on the machine onto my desk since it was pointing at my desk anyway. And I stood still waiting for it to work, right when I saw that I was growing, my mom walked in my room and saw me unshrink. I was back to my normal size, and my mom watched as it happened. She had that surprised look on here face. So I knew I had to make the first move. " Sorry mom, I had shrunk because Bruno, he he stepped on the button to shrink and I, I..." I just couldn't talk. I thought she would be mad, instead, she hugged me and said. " No, I'm sorry I wasn't a good mother. Grounding you for no good reason." She said almost in a whisper. Right then the police came knocking at the door. " It's the police." They said. My mom opened the door and told them, " Never mind I found her, she is home now." " OK ma'am." One police said and headed back to their car. " I understand if I'm not allowed to go to the science fair mom." I said with kinda a sad face. " No, you should go, it's something you love to do, and I'm not stopping you anymore." She said. " Really? Yaaaay!" I screamed with exitedness. " Isn't it tomorrow? You better go get a good night sleep for it." My mom suggested. " Yeah, it's been a big day, literally." We both laughed and headed for bed. I slept with great thought about me and my mom reuniting once again.
" Wake up, wake up, it the science fair today Jane!" My mom said, reminding me as I woke up. " Oh, right. Better get ready." And so I did. I got ready, and when to school with my friends, and project covered with a small blanket. " I can't wait to see you win Jane." Said Emily. " Me too." Silvia agreed. When I entered the cafeteria, ( Where the science fair is being held) I placed my covered project on my display table with a poster board I did for it. " Well, well. Little miss Jane actually showed up." Keith said with a grin. " What did you bring? Let me guess, a blanket?" " Shut it Keith, he bully me all the time and I never do anything about it, the only reason you bully other people is because you feel bad about yourself." I said pretty harshley. He looked shocked. Like what I said was true. He faced forward and waited for the judges to come to him. The judge was Mr. Yemen and some random other teacher named Mrs. Kelly. They walked around to each person while the contestants told them about their invention. When they got to Keith, he told them his invention was a homework machine. As he explained, the judges wrote stuff down on their papers. I was the last person the went to. I took the cover off the machine and showed them my invention. " This is a shrink ray. It can shrink and unshrink things, like this eraser, let me demonstrate." I continue showing the and telling them about it until they walked away and on the stage. The principal announced something that we all wanted to here, which was who won. " I'd like to thank everyone who came this evening to our science fair, and now to announce who won.... Our third place winner is, Kayla Brown! Please come get your trophy and a picture with us." Then he announced second place. " Our second place winner us... Keith Johns! Come get your trophy Mr. Johns." He looked kinda sad, but put a smile on his face. " Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... Our first place winner is..... Jane Sean!" I was happy and surprised I beat Keith. I dashed up their and got my trophy and took some pictures. " You deserve first place." To my surprise, it was Keith who said that. " Thanks." I said. " Hey but, can we be friends?" He asked shyly. " Sure." I said. And from then on, we were best friends to the end. And my mom found out something shocking, that Keith's dad, was also actually my dad too. I was so happy to see my long lost dad! Soon they moved in and I had my family back together again.

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