standing up

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                       Chapter 5
When it was monday, ( I skipped Sunday because I did nothing that day.) I went to my bff's and told them the good news. " Wow, that's great, if that's not first place then nothing will." Said Silvia. " Yeah, it's awsome, you might actually beat Keith." Emily stated happily. " I'm so happy, the science fair is in three days and-" then I ran right into someone! " Oh, sorry, I-" then I realized, that's no ordinary person, it was Keith! " Hey, watch it! Oh, well, well, well, if it isn't Jane Sean, my enemy." Keith said, but didn't stop. " Hope you have a good project for the science fair, or at least, a science project at all." He laughed. Then I shot back at him with whatever I had. " Well keith, Just So You know, I have a science project that will beat yours, if only... You had one." I said. " Ooh, buuurrn!" Emily yelled at Keith. " Emily, stay out of it. Now Jane, I hope you know who your dealing with." He warned. " Oh really, where is he? Who am I dealing with?" I said sarcastically. " Alright, I warned you, now it's war. " he said, as I walked away. " Whatever." Silvia said, when I turned around a little, I saw a worried face on him, and I could tell he didn't even make a project. So, for the rest of the day, I felt good and focused all because I knew I won a fight with Keith. But as always, something hast to go wrong. My last period teacher, Mr. Teska is real mean, and he hates when your happy in his class. When I entered his class he emediently stopped me and said, " Why are you happy in SCHOOL!!" And I couldnt even come up with a answer in time. " So, I'm getting the silent treatment am I? Well, DETENTION!!!" Well, whoopee for me. I knew for this one that my mom would blame the teacher for this, not me. But it also wasted time for me fixing up my project, cause I could do it but instead I have to sit in detention for two hours!
When it was done. I told my mom why I was it detention, not including the talk with Keith. " Ugh, that teacher is just a prison guy." She said as we drove up our driveway. I walked inside, and since I did my homework in detention, I had all my free time for the shrink ray. I fixed every detail I missed when I first started. Then I thought, that maybe I should find away to unshrink things too, just in case, but when I searched it up, I didn't realize I fell asleep while writing what I found down on my sticky notes. And didn't wake.

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