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emily | levi

Welcome to help line. How may-

Please stop with the intro. I've heard it so many times already.

Ah, it's you love. Don't you just sound so cheerful tonight?

Don't even start with me. My friend forced me to go out last night. It was horrible. I had to interact with so many people at once.

Truly sounds terrible.

Oh, it was. But anyways, I need to distract myself from that horrible night. Talk to me.

What do you want to talk about?

I don't know. Anything. Pick a topic.

...Have you considered what I said? About getting help?

Do we really have to talk about this?

It's the reason you called in the first place, Emily.

I don't need to get help. I can help myself. I can stop this all.

Sorry to be the pessimist here, but the chances of you being able to do that are very low. What you're doing isn't healthy, Emily, and it's going to be near impossible to stop doing what you're doing without some help.

Well, I am getting help. That's why I called this help line in the first place.

Talking to me won't be enough. I can only do so much. A professional, on the other hand, will be able to help you way more than I ever could. Trust me, getting help will be the best decision you will ever make.

That's bullshit. Everything is going to get messed up once my parents know about what I've been doing.

Why do you care so much about what your parents think?

Why wouldn't I? They...they're going to be so disappointed in me. They'll never look at me the same.

They won't be disappointed. And if they are, oh well. You need to feel better, Emily. That should be your number one priority.

Levi, stop. Please. I don't want to.

It's my job to make sure you get the proper help you need. I just want to see you get better.

I'm fine. I don't need help.

You were the one to call this help line. That was your cry for help. Now I just want to make sure that it's heard.

Just stop, Levi! I've told you, I don't need to get help. Why can't you understand?

I do understand.

I don't think you do.

[call ended]

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