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emily | levi

Welcome to help line. How can I help you?

Levi? You're still up?

I mean, I'm talking to you right now. Is something the matter? It's 2 in the morning where I am.


Sorry. I shouldn't be calling you at such a late hour. I just...

Needed someone to listen? Go ahead, love. Speak what's on your mind. I'll be here to listen to you.

Even though it's 2 in the morning for you?

I'm a college student. I'm usually awake at this time anyways. Now, what's up?

I...I don't know, Levi. I'm freaking out now. Just randomly in the middle of the night. I just started thinking about who to tell, and...I'm scared. So fucking scared. I can't breathe now that I've thought about what consequences there'll be.

Take a deep breath, Emily. Think about something else while you do so. You'll be fine, okay? Trust me.

That's the thing, Levi. I don't know if I will be fine. And the uncertainty- it scares me s-so much.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start c-crying.

Love, it's alright. You're free to cry as much as you need to. Just know that I'll be here to keep you standing until you get help. You can always rely on me.

...I don't want to do this. I don't want to tell anyone. I'm t-too scared. I'm sorry, Levi.

You don't need to apologize to me. I know it's scary, Emily. But you'll regret not telling someone and getting help. It'll feel like a weight is being taken off of your shoulders once you do so.

What if everything goes horribly wrong? What if...what if I'm just overreacting? What if no one believes me?

I believe you. And I'll be by your side when you take the step towards recovery. I promise you.


Are you able to breathe better now?


Okay. I don't know what the time is where you live, but I'm guessing it's late where you are. I want you to stop thinking about this for tonight. I want you to sleep. And I want you to think about this again with a fresh mind tomorrow. Can you do that for me?

...Sure. I'll try.

That's all I needed to hear. Everything's going to work out in the end, Emily.


How do you do it, Levi? How do you not break down when everything gets to you? I think I need tips.

Who says I never break down? People may not think I do, but everybody has a breaking point. The important thing to do is to pick yourself up afterward.

That sounds incredibly hard to do at the moment.

I know it may seem like that, but it's possible still. It just takes a lot of willpower to do it.


I-I think I'm better now. Sorry again for calling you so late. I didn't mean to bother you.

You didn't bother me in the slightest. Get a good night's rest, okay?

Right. I'll try. You do the same, Levi. Don't stay up so late.

I'll try. Night, Emily.

Goodnight, Levi.

[call ended]


Like legit, thank you guys so much for reading this book! <3

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