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emily | levi

Welcome to help line, how may I help you?

You can help me by coming up with a more creative intro the next time I call, please.

Oh thank goodness, it's you this time  Emily.

In the flesh. I never thought I would hear you sound so grateful to talk to me.

Yeah, about that, I've got some bad news. Someone called at your time, and I totally thought the person was you. I'm scarred from the embarrassing situation.

That's unfortunate. If I was there, I would've had a good laugh.

I'm hurt. You basically kicked a puppy in the face by saying that to me.

I doubt you're that hurt.

Oh. Look. Another kick to the poor puppy's face.

Okay, okay, geez. I'm sorry. If I was there, I would've consoled you from that traumatic experience.

Aw, you're so sweet, love. I appreciate you being here to support me. It means a lot.

Psh, alright. Quit the act. You're so good at it I'm starting to feel sick.

I'm taking that as a compliment.

Of course you are. Anyways, what are you doing right now?

Well, I was doing some last minute studying for a test I have tomorrow.

Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were studying when I called you.

Nah, it's alright. I was starting to get sleepy when you called. I need a break anyways.

You know, taking a 5 hour energy might help you stay awake to study more.

Yeah, I've been taking one since freshman year. I think by this point I'm immune to it now or some shit because it's doing nothing for me right now.

Hm, then sorry buddy, I don't know how to help you. You're on your own. Unless you want to try Red Bull.

I'm too lazy to walk out my room.

Alright, well get on with studying. I don't want to keep you from your studies for too long.

Please do, I wouldn't mind.

Mm, but you will if you fail your test, so get on with it. I'll call you tomorrow, and you can tell me how your test went.

Alright, just leave me to my misery then. I see how it is.

Yep. That's the type of friend I am.


Wow. I think I'm going to tear up.


Did you just basically call us friends?

Ummm, I guess I kind of did?

This is such a big step in our relationship, Emily. I am so honored to be your friend.

Okay, you're being over dramatic again.

Well, that's the type of friend I am.

Ha ha, okay, seriously get back to your studying.

Alright, talk to you later, bestie.

I swear, that better not be my new nickname for you.

What do you mean, bestie?

Oh my gosh. I actually think I prefer 'love' to this...

[call ended]

Me too, bestie.

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