The one person who understands

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I always end up there when something bad happens, or if I'm sad.

Today, however, was an exception. I didn't go here on my own accord. Someone invited me, and I (unwillingly) obliged, seeing that it was the least I could do for them.

He sat down as I took another sip of my drink. I didn't was a Strawberries & Cream Frap like I normally craved; not today, at least. I had a Caramel Macchiato in my hands, and I rested it on the table as the person who'd invited me took a seat.

Me: Hey! It's nice to see you again!
Geoff: Y... you too, Cath. I wanted to talk to you today...
Me: Mmhm?
Geoff: I wanted to talk to you about Amy... They said that it's your decision if you press charges, and so I was wondering if you were going to...
Me: No, I don't think so. It's not like we were close, and it's not like you've thrown me off my feet badly. It's okay, and I wasn't phased. It was mainly her fault, too, cuz of her drinking problem and stuff...

He gave me the warmest, most loving smile that I've ever seen. When you look at someone who's giving you love when you need it most, it really touches you.

I stood up abruptly, which Geoff responded to by leaping out of his chair. I took the three steps that it took to reach him, and I hugged him.

I hugged him to say thank you, and to tell him that it was okay. I hugged him to show him that I really meant what I said when I told him it was okay, and to prove to myself, to Leo, and to Alex, that I was someone with feelings, and I was human, and not someone who could be played with and manipulated.

He had tears in his eyes when he hug broke, and so did I. We were similar; broken, but trying to pull through.

Geoff: Hey, um, Cath? Can we maybe... uh... get outta
Me: Okay, sure! I don't mind... Where do you wanna go?
Geoff: Well I know this is kinda stereotypical and dumb and stuff, but could we go to the park?
Me: Sure. Lead the way, Geoff.
Geoff: Cath? Call G, 'kay?


The scene was beautiful. Cherry blossom filled the air, and covered the pathway like a carpet. It was more than romantic: it was ceremonious and harmonious.

Geoff took my hand, and we walked through the park together. Neither of us talked, but our feelings filled our surroundings more than words could ever try to.

The tension between us was so thick you could cut through it. Finally, when we were on the bridge, he turned to face me.

Geoff: Cath.. I know I can't speak for the both of us, but I know what I can speak for. I can speak for myself, and for my feelings. My feelings are telling me that you're special to me, Cath, and that I need to take this opportunity. Cath... Will you be my g...girlfriend?

I was ecstatic. Finally I had come across someone who liked me, and who I liked back. He may have made mistakes in the past, but I was excited for the future we would have together.

Me: O...Of course!

He pulled me into another powerful embrace, and when we pulled away, both of us were (again) crying, but not from sorrow.


This was the happiest day I could've ever discovered, and if you'd have told that to me when I was with either Alex or Leo, then I would never believed you, but now...

Now I'm different.

Now, so much has changed, and yet I'm still lost, but now I have people to guide me.

People like Geoff.

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