favorite things about writing

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-comments that arent long, thoughtful, or very intelligent. gimme spur of the moment, live blogging comments. show me ur agony

-hours and hours of hard work being made worth it bc ppl enjoyed it

-"hey, do you mind if i make some fanart..."

-PPL SPAM READING U AND VOTING ON EVERY CHAPTER BLESS. if u do that pls know im excitedly following along as your spamming, waiting for you to get to the Good Parts and wondering abt ur reaction

-when u hit some good inspiration and all ur plot threads come together ,,,

-bouncing ideas back and forth with people is good bonding time y'know

-ppl randomly dropping into ur inbox like "hey i really enjoy ur works and ur a big inspiration to me" hi yes hello that never gets hold ur never bothering me pls tell me this stuff

-in general getting super excited to update or write bc FINALLY ur audience is going to see the story youve had in ur head for so long

i say a lot of negative stuff abt writing sometimes but this rly is my passion. comment ur own Good Author Moments

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