Fright Prompt - The Chest (2019)

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"What should we do?" I asked, looking at my friends David and Felix.

"We should open it." Felix said, "It might have something valuable in it."

"But maybe it's booby trapped!" David argued, "Have any of you ever seen Indiana Jones?"

"He is right," I replied, "There could be anything in there."

"Guys! Look at this!" David exclaimed. He pointed at marking around the center of the box. "It's in some language, but I don't know which one." I leaned down next to him and stared at the markings.

"Maybe it's nothing." Felix said as he leaned down next to David.

"No, it's not." I replied. "It's in Latin."

"What does it say?" Felix asked impatiently.

"Give me a minute," I snapped. After a while, I finally answered. "It says that anyone who opens this box will be granted all the knowledge this box has but at a cost."

"Well that's not mysterious." Felix commented. "What are we going to do?"

"I think one of us should open the box." David answered.

"Weren't you against this earlier?" I asked.

"Yes I was Sera but i'm still curious about what's inside. Aren't you?" He was correct. I was curious what's in the box, but at what cost? There's a price, the inscription said so. I looked down at my feet when I realized this.

"Who's going to do it?" I questioned. "One of us has to." I looked up at my companions.

There was silence for a while before someone spoke up. "I'll do it." It was Felix. "Someone has to."

"Okay," David answered. Felix stepped toward the box, and a feeling of dread filled my stomach. He grabbed the sides of the box, took a deep breath, and pushed it open.

Nothing came out. No traps, no jumpscares. Nothing. I released the breath I didn't even know I had.

"Hello adventurers." A loud squeaky voice said. Then a bunny with a bow tie jumped out of the box. What...? I turned to David who had the same look on his face. I'm sure Felix did to. "Don't give me that look, I'm just a friendly talking rabbit." The rabbit said after noticing the look on our faces. "It was you who opened the box?" he inquired. Felix nodded his head, still in shock. "Ah, okay. I'm going to tap your forehead and your going to possess all the knowledge that the box has." he explained. Climbing up to Felix's face, he tapped his forehead. "And there. You have 48 hours."

"Wait, what?" I asked, finally getting the courage to speak.

"48 hours for this young man to live my dear." The rabbit explained. "Ta-ta!" He then jumped back into the box with enough force to make it close and lock on it's own. And in unison, we looked at each other and had one thought: Oh shoot. 

Author's Note: 

I hope you enjoyed this story! Until next time! 

~ Luna

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