Chapter 2: Court Out of Order

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Hours later, Peter and Celena made it back home. While Peter was in the shower, Celena went to town to get some groceries. Mainly, to make a cake in Andreas and Destiny's honor. Celena sings with the radio, her freshly colored raven black hair flapping around with the heater. She decided to go back to black around the time Nadia disappeared. Besides, she was just not into being blonde. She just left the bakery when she started to feel funny. She shudders softly and holds on to the trunk of her car.

"Help me." A weak voice calls out to her. "Help me."

Celena frowns and looks around. No one seemed like they were hurt. Who was calling? Celena's body trembles as it begin to feel even more cold than before. She walks unsteadily to the driver's seat. She tries to calm her breathing and looks into the rear mirror. The Darkling takes control of her reflection, hissing softly.

"Help me."

Celena grunts as she jumps at the voice, "What's going on?" She whispers to herself.

"He needs your help." Darkling Celena calls out, hissing and growling in the mirror.

"Who?" Celena asks.

"Call the light. Let it guide you."

Celena sighs deeply and closes her eyes, calling for the power of the light for guidance. She snaps her eyes open as the voice gets louder and clearer. Blue orbs begins to light her way. She starts her car up and begins to follow the bright path. It led her to Olivia's cottage. It didn't look like she was home.

Celena slowly gets out of the car and frowns, "Why here?"

" inside..." Darkling hisses in concern. "I can smell their blood."

"Help me." The voice calls out again.

Celena paces towards the door and waves her hand over the knob, forcing the lock to click and the door slowly opens. She slowly walks inside, cautiously and carefully. She shuts the door behind her and walks around. Searching for the voice that was calling out to her. She sniffs the air, smelling old blood and new, fresh blood. It was getting stronger as she approaches the master bedroom.

"Help me." A voice wheezes out.

Celena walks towards the bathroom and slowly opens the door. She gasps and covers her mouth in shock. There was Michael Chasseur, chained to the shower with his arms over his head. He hanged like a rag doll and the metal was cutting into the flesh of his wrist.

"Oh, good God." She rushes to him and holds a hand up and forces the chains to break. Her powers hold his body in the air and slowly brings him out of the bloody tub. She places him gently on the floor and touches his thigh. Rumbling builds around her as she watches his wounds begin to heal. He was still weak from the blood loss.

It didn't take her long to get him to a hospital. She didn't stay long to explain the doctors why he had less blood in his body than normal. But she managed to leave Michael a message. She did catch the doctors saying that he was in a coma and wasn't sure when he'll wake up. She just hopes and prays he'll make it.

*Ok, I was arguing with myself if I should let Michael live or not. Technically, he's a good guy and I feel that he needs to stay alive. What do you think?*

When she got home, her stomach begins to turn. She rushes towards the garbage cans and hurls everything she ate. Gagging, she vomits more into the can. Fucking morning sickness. Panting, she grabs a tissue from inside the car and wipes her mouth. Stuffing gum into her mouth to get rid of the horrible taste in her mouth. After she felt better, she spits out the gum and heads inside with her groceries. When she walks inside, she greets Peter and told him what happened.

"Is he ok?" He asks in shock.

"I don't know. He lost a lot of blood. They're gonna do all they can to help him." Celena sighs out.

Peter sighs softly, "He'll be ok." He pulls her into his arms and hold her tight. "I'm glad you're ok. That was incredibly dangerous of you to go into her house like that."

"She's got me, lover boy." The darkling says from the reflections.

"Still, when it comes to Olivia, we all must be cautious." Peter says as he glares at the mirror.

"Party pooper." Darkling snorts as she rolls her eyes.

After hiding the cake supplies, Celena and Peter rush to Roman's to meet with him and Destiny to look for Nadia and Miranda again with her sight.

When the door opens, Celena couldn't help herself when she saw Roman. She jumps into his arms and hugs him tight. Wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I missed you." She pouts against his shoulder.

"I missed you, too, baby." Roman says softly as he holds on to her tightly. He did miss her. So very much.

Celena looks up over his shoulder and sees a guy sitting with Destiny, "Who's he?" She asks as she slides out of his arms to stand.

Destiny and the guy stands up and walks over to them.

"This is Isaac Ochoa. I hired him to find Nadia and Miranda for us. He's one of the best P.I.'s in the North America." Roman says.

"Nice to meet you." Isaac holds a hand out.

"Likewise." Celena accepts his handshake. "Any developments?"

"That's what we're gonna find out." Destiny says as she moves to stand in the middle of the living room. She holds her hands out for all.

Together, they formed a circle and quietly let Destiny do her thing. She searched deep in her mind for Miranda and Nadia's whereabouts.

After a long moment, Destiny inhales deeply and slowly exhales, "I'm getting..." She scoffs, "...absolutely nothing."

Everyone lets go of each other in disappointment, especially Roman.

"All we can do is keep trying." Peter sighs.

"Cell, can you get anything?" Roman asks.

Celena sighs and spreads her arms out slowly, closing her eyes and concentrates. Isaac frowns as he watches with them. He jumps as he hears rumbling build around her. Celena expanded her mind as far as it could go. Far and wide. Searching and reaching out for Miranda's mind.

She frowns and grunts, sighing in disappointment, "Sorry. Wherever they are, he's got them beyond my reach." She shakes her head.

Roman moves away and rubs his face, he wasn't mad at Celena. He could never be mad at her. He was pissed at Dr. Spivak.

"I had a case out in L.A. once, wife went missing, suspected homicide, and the family brought in a clairvoyant. Never did find the woman, but, man, I tell you that psychic...mad skills locating the client's wallet."

That wasn't new for Destiny to hear, "Mm-hmm." She laughs it off.

Roman rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"I have a special gift for divining assholes." Destiny smirks.

Isaac chuckles, he liked women with fire, "Far be it from me to cast aspersions, but when you're trafficking in the realm of the unseen, there are those who might want to take advantage...grifters and so forth...present company excepted, of course."

Peter and Destiny share looks, Celena could hear them laughing in their minds.

"Doesn't really take a psychic to see you have a long life of loneliness ahead of you." Celena mutters as she places her fingers on the side of her head as if she had a reading.

Isaac smirks at her, eyeing her and Destiny up and down.

"For a bunch of con artists, they're sure sexy as hell. Wonder how much it will take to get them have a threesome." Isaac's voice echoes in her head.

"Price on a threesome?" Celena scoffs and watches Isaac flinch. "Dude, you couldn't afford me." She smirks and snuggles against Roman, who sends Isaac a glare and pulls her into his arms.

Destiny snickers, "I gotta go."

"All right. Thanks, Dee." Peter says as he gets to his feet and stands close to Celena as she moves out of Roman's arms. Standing in between her loves before the P.I.

"Mm-hmm." Destiny says as she grabs her coat and scarf and leaves.

"Okay, smart guy. How about getting your head out of your pants and start focusing on finding our friend and the child." Roman glares at him. "What do you got?"

Isaac sighs and moves to grabs a pile of folders, "Transcripts of my interviews with every patient in Spivak's practice." He places the files on the dining table. " Unremarkable for anything out of the ordinary. Traveled the world a little bit doing some pro bono medical stuff. Was not banging his nurse. A better man than I am, real dime piece."

Celena rolls her eyes while the boys listened closely, "What else?" Roman asks.

"Spivak got his medical degree at Leipzig University in Germany, studied immunology at the University of Maine..."

Roman shakes his head in confusion, cutting Isaac off, "He's German?"

Isaac shrugs, "Beats me. I traced him as far back as med school, dead ends there."

"What about Miranda's family?" Peter asks.

"Father is deceased. Tracked down the mother in Provo, Utah. Hadn't spoken to her daughter in ten years. Contacted every morgue and hospital up and down the East Coast. No Jane Does matching the description. Same with the baby." Isaac says.

Roman scoffs, "So basically, you show up here empty-handed expecting to get paid."

"I put in the hours, I get paid. That's how it works." Isaac says.

"Sounds like a grift to me." Peter says, using Isaac's past words.

"Hmm." Roman agrees.

"For a con artist, you're sure dumb as hell." Celena remarks.

Isaac scoffs, "You care so much about these folks. Gotta ask, why me? Why not go to the police?" He asks.

Roman sighs, "Police get involved, things get public."

"And you're looking to be discreet." Isaac nods, "I understand. But this baby you got me searching for, there's no birth certificate. Technically speaking, it hasn't been born."

Roman scratches his neck and averts his eyes to Peter and Celena, all three giving knowing looks about that reason.

"People hire me to find shit out, mostly where's the money, who's fucking who, so forth. What is it that you're not telling me about this kid? This girl?" Isaac adds, giving the three of them suspicious look. "I gotta know, otherwise, I can't do my job."

The three of them remained quiet. They knew they couldn't tell more about Nadia or it will raise alarms with the White Tower and Olivia. And god knows who else.

"This is all the information you need." Roman pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to Isaac. "Keep digging on Spivak. I expect results."

Isaac takes the money and packs it in his coat, affirming that he'll do what he's told and leaves.

Roman sighs and sits at the edge of the table, rubbing his eyes. Celena walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck. Resting her head against his. Roman holds her close till she's sitting on his leg.

"We'll get them back. I know it." She says softly and looks up at Peter, who nods in agreement.

"We need to get to the Tower. Work. and I need to talk to Pryce." Roman mutters.

"I need to check on Vik and Shelley. She's still not doing great." Celena says and gets off Roman's leg to turn to face him. "Want me to be there for the trial?"

Roman rubs his nose and nods, "Yeah. Need someone to stop me from doing something stupid if this takes a turn for the worse."

"She was found innocent, right?" Peter asks.

Roman nods, "We'll see what the judge says. But to the public, she's guilty in their eyes." He looks down, worried for his sister.

"Letha and Matt will be there. Norman is still out of town. Away from harm. He's asking for results daily. He's ready for Olivia to hurry up and drop dead." Celena scoffs.

"Him and me, both." Roman frowns.

Celena presses a soft kiss on his cheek and moves away, "I better change into those horrid clothes workers call fashion." She shudders in dramatic disgust and walks upstairs to change.

Peter and Roman both snort in amusement as they watch her make her way up to her room.

Since Nadia went missing, Celena switches back and forth to Destiny's to Roman's. But lately, she spends more time at Roman's. Only because it's getting crowded at Destiny's. Even though she has her own loft space, ever since Andreas moved in, he needed extra space for his stuff.

Celena and Peter were actually discussing the topic of moving in with Roman since Andreas and Destiny were going to get married...that is...if Destiny says yes. If she does, they will need to give them their own space. And the three of them needs to be together anyway due to the connection.


(Celena's work outfit)

At the white tower, Dr. Pryce is a mess. His usually short hair is longer, and messy. He looks sleep deprived as he types away at his computer. He opens a mint tin and takes a pill, what looks like mint, but was obliviously drugs to help him focus on his work. He barely remembers what he had instructed the other scientist do. Trevor, an employee, gets Pryce because he's late for a meeting.

"My meeting? What meeting?"

"The one I reminded you about an hour ago." Trevor stutters.

Pryce's mind was fried, he tries to remember and waves it off, "Right." He turns back to the scientist he was arguing before, "Fix it." He get sup and rushes to his meeting.

Roman and Celena barely paid attention to the woman giving her presentation. Celena looks over to watch him flip through his tablet. Mostly information about winged creatures. They were both wondering what Dr. Spivak is. What Roman could find mostly talked about winged demons or deformed monsters. But nothing like Spivak.

Pryce finally arrives, interrupting the presentation, "Apologies. Urgent matter. Continue." He sits at his chair.

The woman frowns but continues. Celena and Roman both study Pryce's appearance. He looked terrible.

"You look like shit." Roman mutters softly.

"You inherited your mother's charm." Pryce remarks sarcastically.

Celena's brows shoot up in surprise, but Roman remained unaffected, "Fuck you. What have you found out?"

"We're in process." Pryce says.

Roman scoffs softly, "I assume that's code for nothing. You promised me you'd have answers."

Pryce turns to give Roman a blank, tired look, "And I will. It just takes a little patience."

"Gentlemen...if there's anything that you don't understand, perhaps you've missed, I can help you through..." Pryce cuts the woman off with a scoff.

"Spare me the hand job, Ghanz. This poor people's march will save the company 100 mil well and good...But I...I..." Pryce freezes, forgetting his words. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. A deer who just had a brain fart.

Roman and Celena both frown at Pryce. "Roman, I think Pryce finally cracked."

Roman looks over to her, watching her concerned look, then back to Pryce.

"That is to say, I..."

"Get out." Roman says as he looks at everyone.

The presenter scoffs in disbelief.

"Lady, I would advise to listen to his request." Celena mutters.

"Wasn't a request. I said get out. Go." Roman states and sticks his thumb out at the door.

Soon, it was just the three of them in the conference room.

"You really need to dial back on the caffeine there, buddy boy." Roman chuckles.

"I'm nearly done mapping the genome from the skin sample we found in Spivak's office." Pryce says.

"How long does it take? It's been six weeks. I thought you were a fucking genius." Roman scoffs.

"I am a fucking genius. It took 13 years to map the human genome, and I'm getting close..."

"I want my kid back." Roman states.

Pryce sighs softly, "Roman, I'm trying to help you."

"I know." Roman nods. "I'm almost out of nutrient. Celena and I..."

Pryce nods, understanding, "There'll be a new batch ready this afternoon." He checks his watch and begins to pack up his notes. "I have to get your sister ready."

"I swear if this fucking hearing goes sideways, I'm going to..." Roman mutters and grits his teeth in anger, till Celena reaches out and grips his hand in support.

Pryce places a comforting hand on Roman's shoulder, "We have to let this play out."

Roman sighs, but nods. He grips Celena's hand, rubbing his thumb over her fingers.

"How's Vik doing?" Celena asks.

Pryce sighs, "Not good. He's worried to death about her."

"So are we." Roman says strongly.

"I know. We all are. But, we're going to help her."

Celena nods and frowns at Pryce's tired face. She stands up and turns to face him.

"Ok, don't hate me for this. But I can see how tired you are and you need a quick 'wake me up'. Again, don't hate me." Celena says.

Pryce frowns in confusion, then grunts when he feels her hand contract against his face with a loud slap. He stumbles back and grips his face. Groaning in pain, he shakes out of his daze.

"Feel better?" She asks.

Blinking several times, Pryce nods, "I needed that. Thank you." He grunts again and moves to leave.

Roman couldn't help but snicker, "Been waiting a long time to see that." He pulls her and makes her fall into his lap, causing her shriek and giggle.


While Pryce was tending to Shelley, keeping her medicated for the trial and stocking her up on prescriptions, Celena walks towards Viktor's room. He lies back on the hospital bed as his feet dangled off the edges. He was all dressed and ready to go to court.

"Hey. You ok?" Celena asks as she leans on the footboard.

Viktor scoffs and rolls his eyes, "How do you think I am?"

"Pretty shitty. We're gonna get through this, Vik."

"She's gonna be put in that bitch's care. I know it." Viktor mutters bitterly.

"Roman is doing all he can to make sure he gets custody for her. We're not gonna let anything happen to her." Celena states.

"I want to take Shelley out of here." Viktor says as he sits up.

Celena gives him a wary look, "Vik, the court will have her thrown in jail if she leaves town."

"Not if I keep her hidden." Viktor protests.

"Vik, for once in our miserable life, we need to see what the courts say before doing anything drastic. I love Shelley like she's my sister and I know you love her more than anything. Neither of us, nor Roman and Letha, want anything to happen to her. And we won't. Last thing I ever want to see you in jail, too. Or worse, if they find out about you. You'll never see Shelley again if that happens." Celena states.

Viktor sighs and grunts in annoyance. He didn't want that to happen. But, he didn't want Shelley in Olivia's hands. He knew that's worse than being in jail.

"I know what you're thinking. Can't hide from the mind reader." Celena sighs and moves to place his large face in her small hands, "She's gonna be ok, Vik. We'll make sure of it." She says and moves to hug him tight. Vik gives her a small hug back, but worry filled his heart and soul.

In a white room, Shelley is sitting in a medical gown, getting a dosage of lorazepam from Pryce. His handshakes as he attempts to administer the drug. Shelley doesn't want to leave the White Tower, and while Pryce would love nothing more than for her to stay, he knows that the courts would never allow it. She asked where did he bury Prycilla. At first, he was hesitant, but finally, he told her she was laid to rest under the oak tree by the river. Where Shelley would go to read. Her reading tree, she called it. She was very grateful for Pryce to do that for her.

Soon, it was time for the trial. It was taken place in a small courtroom. Roman sat with his lawyer at one table, while Olivia sat with hers and Shelley. Matt, Letha, Celena, and Viktor sat in a booth behind Roman.

"It's my understanding that due to the lack of credible evidence, the people wish to drop all charges against Miss Godfrey." The Judge says, making sure if that is what the People's true statement.

Letha sighs softly in relief and gives Matt and Viktor a supporting smile. Viktor was still nervous for Shelley. Celena reaches and touches Roman's shoulder, massaging it for support. Roman reaches up and grips her hand. Everyone was happy that Shelley was found innocent to the court, but the town...that's another thing to worry about. Pryce sat with the group as well. Sharing his worry with theirs, but he was carrying worry for everyone and everything. His work. Shelley. Roman. Celena.

"We do, Your Honor." The People's lawyer states.

"So ordered." The Judge says.

Olivia sighs happily, gripping Shelley's hand in relief as Shelley sits stiffly and staring into space. Barely functioning reality around her because of all the drugs she's been given. Viktor watches her with such worry. It was making him sick. Especially, watching Olivia play Mommy Dearest with her.

"And as to the challenge of guardianship filed by Roman Godfrey..."

Celena sits up and grips on to Roman's hand with hope. Letha grabs Matt's hand, squeezing it as she prepares herself for the news. Viktor was silently praying for the courts to grant Roman custody, but he wasn't surprise with what the judge just said.

"...the court has found it without merit."

Olivia smiles big in triumph as Roman glares at his lawyer. Celena lets her head fall in disappointment as she scoffs. Letha frowns at Matt as he pulls her into his arms, comforting her gently.

"Young lady, would you approach the bench, please?" The judge says to Shelley.

Shelley gets to her feet and walks to stand before the judge.

"Miss Godfrey, I'm releasing you into your mother's care." The judge says.

Shelley eyes fall to the floor, fear and disappointment was all she could feel. Her eyes begin to tear up a little as the judge watches her with caution.

"Do you understand what I'm telling you?" The judge asks.

"Yes, ma'am." Shelley's voice cracks a little.

"I should warn you that even a legal finding of fact won't make your troubles disappear, and due to the notoriety of this case, there may be individuals who harbor anger towards you. However misguided, it is real and potentially dangerous. I wish you the best of luck." The judge says.

Roman sends Olivia a death glare while she simply roles her eyes at him, brushing off his anger.

The judge closes her books. "You're free to go."

"Thank you." Olivia smiles at the judge and gets up to get read to leave, "Come on, sweetie."

But before she could leave, Roman stops her, gritting his teeth at her, "We need to talk. Now." He demands as he walks out of the courtroom with Olivia following him. Celena and Letha move to hug Shelley in support. Celena rubs her back gently and moves to let Viktor hold her. Shelley felt numb. She couldn't even hug anyone back. She just wanted to disappear.

Celena walks out to catch Roman's conversation with Olivia.

"Don't think I don't know what your act is all about." He scoffs at her. "You can't wait to get your hands on her trust fund."

"Oh, Roman, this negativity, it's not good for your health..."

Roman cuts her off, "How long do you think she's going to stay with you when she finds out you murdered Norman, huh?"

Viktor told everyone what he witnessed with Norman and Pryce shortly after Celena was healed and well enough. They agreed to let Olivia still believe she killed Norman that night...until it was time to strike.

Olivia frowns at Roman in confusion, "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Roman scoffs at her and moves away, "Fuck you!" He believes Shelley deserves to know the truth. But, Celena and Pryce stands in his way.

"Roman, calm down." Pryce says as he rushes out of the courtroom and holds him back.

"Roman, we can't tell her. Look at her." Celena says as she gestures him to look at his sister closely. Seeing the blank, numb look on Shelley's face as Viktor holds her in his arms.

"Celena's right. Your sister's mental state is extremely fragile. Any trauma could induce a severe conversion reaction." Pryce warns Roman.

Soon, Letha, Matt, Viktor and Shelley walk out of the courtroom to catch most of the conversation.

"What does that even mean?" Roman scoffs.

"If she goes over the edge again, we may never get her back." Pryce states.

Roman sighs and looks over to his sister with a heavy heart. He hated this. He just wants to protect his sister and give her the life she deserves. He walks over to Shelley and grips her arms in a gentle grip.

"I missed you so much." He says and cups her face to give her a soft kiss on her cheek.

Shelley gives him a small smile, happy to hear her brother miss her and care about her. But her smile drops as he pulls away, but still cups her cheek.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks.

Shelley nods.

"She's not your jailer." Roman says as he gives Olivia a brief look and turns back to Shelley, "This isn't forever. I'm only a phone call away. I'll make this right, I promise." He says as he grips her shoulders.

"And me. We're all here for you, Shell." Celena says as she takes Shelley's hand in support.

"And us. You got the whole family behind you." Letha says as she gives Shelley a smile.

"Family?" Shelley stutters.

"Us. All of us." Letha says as she holds on to Matt and Viktor stands close with Celena and Roman. "We're your family. Not her. Despite she may be your mother. But she'll never be family." She states.

Shelley sighs and nods, agreeing with her.

Olivia moves to stand before them, "Let's go home." She says.

Roman slowly lets go of Shelley as he glares at his mother and watches Shelley walk away with her.

Celena wraps her arms around his waist, "We'll get her back. You'll see." She whispers.

Outside an angry mob of protestors surrounded the courthouse. Olivia opens the door for herself and Shelley. Shelley freezes as she sees the mob yelling obscene words and holding up signs that called her horrible words. 'Monster', 'Killer', 'Shame'.

Olivia simply ignored everyone since they were only focused on her daughter. She walks down the steps and Shelley slowly follows. A man jumps out from the corner, carrying a bucket full of pig's blood and tosses it at Shelley.

But before the blood could hit her. Viktor rushes out and covers his body over hers. Protecting her from being covered in blood. Many jeered at him for that. The man yells at him in anger and throws the bucket at him. But Viktor ignored it all. He only cared for Shelley's safety.

Olivia was more angry that a single blood drop hit her expensive gloves. She gasps in horror and glares at the man, "Animal!"

Viktor slowly lets her go, watching her turn to look at him with a soft look. She gives him a tiny smile. Grateful for him. He guides her down the stairs, protecting her from all.

"Pay no attention." Olivia simply says and takes Shelley's hand and gives Viktor a soft, yet cold look, "Thank you, Viktor."

Viktor glares at her, "Fuck you." He growls and leans closer, "Hurt her in any way, and I'll kill you. You can count on it." He snarls, then turns back to Shelley to make her look at him. "I love you. Call me when you need me. Ok?"

Shelley nods, still holding her smile for him with shaking lips.

Many jeered and shouted in disgust at him as he presses a kiss on her head. He simply smiles at his love and moves to leave, ignoring everyone around. He even ignores the cold blood dripping off his clothes, sticking to his skin.

Olivia scoffs at Viktor's threat and guides her daughter to the car.

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